Kaze no Stigma – Ignition

Chapter 1 - Just my Madonna

Chapter 1 - Just my Madonna

"Pl- please go out with me! "

"I"m sorry"

An immediate reply.

With perfect timing, even before the e sound was p.r.o.nounced, without any mercy, Kannagi Ayano already unleashed the useless I"m

sorry line.

The face of the boy, bowing his head, hardened in a smile not comprehending.



"Hou, they"re coming without delay. It"s spring, huh? "

".......Don"t treat this like a seasonal poem"

Pouting. Ayano protested to the words said half in jest by Kudou Nanase.

"But it"s a fact this is an established custom. Because Ayano-chan is very popular---"

But not listening to her protest, her other friend, Shinomiya Yukari kept at it while smiling.


"But it"s true"

Ayano, who was on day duty and carrying an enormous map, pointed it like a spear to her cold-hearted friend.

What the trio was talking about was what happened yesterday - the start of a new school term - when new students professed their love

to her.

And just as Yukari said, it was already an established practice at the beginning of the school year.

When spring came, the men proposing their company increased.

To put it simply, the young pupils entering high-school that accidentally came across Ayano were beside themselves faced with her


But the effect was equal defeat.

In front of the firmness of her guard even the number of challengers forming a line were decreasing their number daily and by the

second month pretty much all of them gave up on capturing her.

The tranquil school life Ayano desired came after that.

"Geez, year after year, year after year, it"s getting annoying! "

"Well, don"t be so grumpy. This is is nothing compared with the previous one"

The reason being that the second-year and third-year students had been honorably defeated last year.

The ones that remained were this year"s freshmen but thinking to confess to such a flawless and without openings (or so it seemed)

Ayano was restricted only to those who were really confident and those who didn"t know their place.

Inevitably, compared to when Ayano was a freshman, there was a considerable decline.

But even so, every year twenty, thirty people were thoughtlessly attempting suicide.

"So, what kind of guy was this time? "

"Let me see, his name is Hiiragi Taiichirou-kun. This is his face. "

At Nanase"s question, as if it was a well known fact Yukari recited his name and produced a snapshot that seemed to have been taken



Ayano raised her eyebrows and although she opened her mouth nothing came out.

She didn"t say a word about what happened yesterday. She didn"t but for Yukari the most well informed person on the entire academy it

was impossible to overlook something like this. She probably investigated him thoroughly just for the fun of it.

"Geez, these girls"

With a sidelong glance at their sullen friend, those two got excited, making someone else"s unhappiness the b.u.t.t of jokes.

"Hmm, he looks very lively"

"Right, the type you kind of want to bully-- "

At the center of the picture, the boy was staring somewhere with a really earnest expression.

The feelings in his eyes, his tense features, if he would mature several years he would perhaps give a 「fearless」 impression.

But because at this time he was very childish, the courage that could be seen inside him unintentionally appeared to be something

like 「cheekiness」.

Just like Yukari said, he was a young boy who gave an excessively 「tormentable」 feeling.

Having fun from the bottom of their hearts, those two continued their conversation. While ignoring Ayano.

"Even for an undercla.s.sman confessing to Ayano, isn"t he an unusual type? "

"That"s right, the tendency is tall, handsome young men"

It was impossible to realize just by seeing the picture but Taiichirou"s height was almost at the same level with Ayano"s.

"I"ll give due to his courage for cutting through the vanguard but this is too forced. He"s the exact opposite of what Ayano prefers. "

"Ayano-chan likes the broad-minded adult that looks like you can rely on type---"

"Wait! "

As one would expect, unable to stay quiet any longer Ayano forced her way through the conversation.

"It"s not like I"m relying on Kazuma or anything----"

At that moment, those two chuckled as if putting on a performance.

Looking innocent, Yukari asked:

"Huh? Why are you mentioning Kazuma-san in this context? "

"We intended to talk about your father though"


Realizing that she was tricked, Ayano blushed up to the ears.

Letting herself get angry, she raised the map overhead like a stick.

"y....you girls!!!"

But the tragedy was avoided in the nick of time.

The bright and colorful greeting from behind them made Ayano turn her head.

The one who was there was the boy she just met yesterday, looking at Ayano smiling with his entire face.


Hiiragi Taiichirou. The boy they were just talking about -- but considering he had just been rejected he looked curiously energetic.

"Aah, I"ll hold that for you, please give it to me"

"Eeh? yeah"

Unable to grasp the situation, Ayano handed the map over to Taiichirou. Just like that, the boy started walking next to them at the

same pace.

While for some reason Ayano was unable to find her words, she was glancing at Taiichirou walking in high spirits.

Nanase whispered close to her ear.

"Hey, did you turn him down properly? "

"Yes, very straightforward. "

He was supposed to have been rejected with no place for misunderstanding but maybe he distorted her words in a way convenient for


It happened from time to time.

Unable to accept they have been dumped, some distorted her words to 「I"m not honest with my feelings, I"m just hiding my


When she met those kind of people Ayano made a distinction so clear by giving them a physical shock to the brain.

"Hey hey, Hiiragi-kun"

Antic.i.p.ating Ayano"s dangerous decision, Yukari asked Taiichirou.

Her words were meant to satisfy her curiosity, her eyes were glittering, she already entered curious mode.

"You, are you still not giving up?"

"Of course!", answered the boy already br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy.

"Even though you were rejected?"

"I"m still fine!"

He didn"t lose heart.

"If you think about it, I came to realize it"s not going to work if one suddenly says 『Please become my girlfriend』 when you just met

that person. That"s why---"

Saying so, Taiichirou turn his attention towards Ayano.

A pair of straightforward pupils without shadow.

"Please get to know me first! Senpai, look at what kind of person I am and answer me then! I"m begging you! "

He bowed his head very deeply.

It was like the replay of yesterday"s scene but this time she couldn"t give him an immediate reply.

Because Taiichirou was saying he wouldn"t consent to it.

Even if he were to be rejected again he didn"t want that rejection to be mechanical but after getting to know him it should be at

least based on something like 『You"re lacking as a boyfriend』.

While his head was still lowered, with upturned eyes Taiichirou was peeking on Ayano"s reaction. His eyes were swaying uneasily.

When she saw that expression, Ayano instantly understood.

This boy"s cheerful act was definitely not coming from the bottom of his heart.

He was hurt, he had been deeply injured emotionally but even so, unable to give up he was mustering his courage and appeared in front

of Ayano once again -- she understood it all.

"Is it.....annoying....?", asked Taiichirou in such a frail voice it seemed to belong to a different person.

"If I"m an eyesore.....if you say I"m bothering you, I"ll never approach you again. But....."

But I still have a bit of hope---

Facing her whole-heartedly, the pathetic him gave off a sense of an abandoned puppy.

Ayano didn"t have the necessary ruthlessness to shake him off.

"Well......I"ll be troubled if you have weird expectations"

Turning her gaze away, Ayano informed the boy.

"I don"t think you"re an eyesore"

Even though indirect, those words allowed Taiichirou to get acquainted. The boy"s eyes were shining with happiness.

"Thank you very much, Kannagi Senpai!"


Taiichirou bowed his head very deeply. Watching that with a sidelong glance, looking vaguely puzzled, Ayano released a small sigh.




On the way to the cla.s.sroom, with a really curious expression Yukari frequently addressed Taiichirou.

"But even so Hiiragi-kun, you have guts, huh? There are pretty much no guys who came back after getting rejected by Ayano-chan"

When Ayano looked at her with a sour expression, Yukari showed an impish smile.

"Look, it"s because when boys try to keep her company she looks frightfully icy"

"........I"m soooo sorry"

"Isn"t it because they understood even trying was useless? "

Yukari ignored Ayano"s retort and worked hard gathering intelligence. Taiichirou too, obediently answered all her questions thinking

Ayano must get to know him.

"Well, I also considered that but this is not something I can easily give up on --- besides Senpai too said 『I don"t have someone I

like』 so even I allowed myself to hope a bit....."


Upon hearing Taiichirou"s confession, Yukari expressed a smile guaranteed to be an ill omen.

Ayano tried to silence her but in this kind of situations Yukari was faster.

Skilfully dodging the hands that tried to bind her, smiling, Yukari dropped the bomb.

"Ayano-chan is at fault too. If you would have frankly said 『I am devoted only to Kazuma-san so give up』 you wouldn"t make such a

pure-hearted boy lose his way"



Ayano blushing with anger, Taiichirou getting pale from the shock.

Looking at that contrastive scene, Yukari sneakily raised her lips.

"Kannagi Senpai.....that, Kazuma....."

"J-just someone I know. Don"t have a strange misunderstanding. No, actually, it doesn"t mean you should get your hopes up. "

Those two people whose feelings were shaken didn"t notice.

Only Nanase saw the devilish smile of that adorable troublemaker as she looked at her amazed.






After school, Yukari was called out by Taiichirou alone, as to keeping it a secret from Ayano.

In the deserted back yard, Taiichirou looked at Yukari with a tremendously serious expression.

"Shinomiya Senpai, ummm....there"s something I want to ask you....."

"What would that be, Hiiragi-kun?"

Contrastive to the tense Taiichirou, Yukari stared back with a face filled with composure.

After another several seconds of silence have pa.s.sed, Taiichirou gathered his courage and fired the question.

"That, that Kazuma person Senpai mentioned this morning, what is his relation with Kannagi Senpai? "

"He"s the man Ayano-chan loves. But it seems like they"re not yet lovers. "


Faced with that harsh reality told without mercy, Taiichirou forgot to breathe. Even so, clinging to a ray of hope, the boy tried to

object to it.

"But, but Ayano Senpai said he was just an acquittance....."

"That"s because she"s not honest about her feelings. But as soon as you look at them together it"s very clear. Besides Kazuma-san

doesn"t seem to dislike her either"

".........I- is........that, so......", moaned Taiichirou stricken with grief.

Looking at Yukari with wet pupils as if he was about to cry any moment now, he asked in a pained tone.

"......What kind of person is he? If Kannagi Senpai came to love him, he must be a amazingly cool man right? "

"Hmmmm, I don"t know details either but--"

Yukari started speaking putting on an air of importance.

"His name is Yagami Kazuma. He is twenty two years old"

"Twenty-two? He"s surprisingly older, huh? He"s in college-- no, he must have already graduated and is now working, right? "

"About that, he is a working adult but he didn"t go to college. He"s a high-school drop-out I think"

"H- high-school drop-out---?", repeated Taiichirou raising his eyebrows.

He understood that in today"s society academic education had no value but he couldn"t help but be prejudiced against him at the

phrase high-school drop-out.

"That"s......he found something he wanted to do that had no connection with school?

"No. I heard he fought with his father and ran away from home"

"....ran away from home......fought with his father......"

Taiichirou"s features became grim. It was apparent that inside his heart, his a.s.sessment for the man called Yagami Kazuma was rapidly


"And....that man, what kind of job does he have now? "

"I heard he"s helping out Ayano-chan"s family business"


"You see, Kazuma-san is Ayano-chan"s distant relative. Their relation between their families is very strong and I heard both their

families are in the same kind of business. Ayano-chan father who is the most capable among them and Kazuma-san works directly for him

as a subcontractor"

"Wha......what is this!?"

Involuntarily forgetting to be polite, Taiichirou shouted.

"In spite of the fact that he fought with his father and left home he came back and begged for work from the same family, isn"t he

just a b.a.s.t.a.r.d !?"

"Well, you could put it that way I suppose"

Producing a mournful expression, Yukari took a small sigh. Although lowering her head, her surrept.i.tious gaze didn"t leave the boy.

"Why does Ayano Senpai likes that kind of guy? "

"Well, I"m not really sure"

Despite swinging her head, Yukari stirred up the boy even more.

"Isn"t it because Ayano-chan, who can do anything, is being charmed by someone entirely useless, her opposite? You see, he makes her

want to protect him, he"s appealing to her maternal instinct or something? "

"Is that possible!? ", shouted Taiichirou burning with righteous indignation.

"Why does someone like Senpai must befriend that kind of worthless sc.u.m? That"s very weird! She"s mistaken! "

"As I thought, you think so?"

"Obviously! If you are Senpai"s friend then....."

Because of too much excitement he even turn against Yukari who (seemed to) gave a tacit permission to her close friend"s misfortune

but he suddenly calmed down.

Blushing while feeling ashamed, he murmured.

"I"m..I"m sorry....that was impertinent of me"

"No, it"s fine"

Yukari shook her head smiling like an affectionate mother.

"You"re just worried about Ayano-chan to that extent. Isn"t that right?"

If Ayano were here at this moment she would have used any means possible to make her shut up.

Even Nanase would have stopped her.

But only Yukari and Taiichirou were here right now.

Unrestrained, Yukari"s prank was on a rampage.

"Even I noticed it when I met Kazuma-san. I thought Isn"t Ayano-chan played with? "

"Pl- played with ??"

Having thought of something, the boy"s voice was turned inside-out. Inside that mournful disguise, smiling like Satan, Yukari

encouraged the boy"s delusions.

"No matter what she says, Ayano-chan is deeply in love with Kazuma-san. If 『that』 was demanded of her, I don"t think she would


"Th.......that cannot be alloooooowed!!", shrieked Taiichirou while clenching his fists. It was like the scream of his soul.

"I can"t allow it! I won"t forgive it! Senpai is not someone who can be defiled by that trash!! "

"That"s right, Hiiragi-kun! "

Covering Taiichirou"s fists with both her palms, Yukari asked with imploring eyes.

"Please make Ayano-chan come to her senses! There"s no one else but you! Please! "

"Yes! Please leave it to me! "

Nodding strongly, Taiichirou let out a roar for some reason and started running.

Waving her hand to his retreating appearance, Yukari murmured:

"Because those two are not honest with each other -- if I don"t shake them even just a little like this, no matter how much time

pa.s.ses there will be no progress---"

They"re troublesome-- obviously having really good intentions behind the plan, she let out a long breath.

But no one knew the purpose without any ill will hidden behind that smiling face.



"This time do your job seriously, Kazuma!"

"Hmm? yeah---"

In response to Ayano drawing near with a grim face, Kazuma replied in a voice exhausted much more than usual.

That unmotivated att.i.tude rubbed Ayano"s nerves the wrong way.

"It"s not 『yeah....』 right!? Aren"t you getting money for this? "

"Isn"t it fine? You can do it by yourself without me lifting a finger."

"It"s obviously not fine!"

That was already turning to the regular act.

The person who applied herself no matter the job, Ayano---

The person who was watching vigilantly for any opportunity to chill out, Kazuma---

Between these two contrastive people who seemed unlikely to find any common ground, in the middle of going towards their working

place they continued to quarrel without seeming to get tired of it.

But still, it wasn"t the perfect usual routine.

Today another character entered the stage.





"As I thought, that man is completely worthless......", murmured Taiichirou while secretly following those two.

Their conversation was audible. He didn"t catch everything but from the bits and pieces he did hear he understood Yukari"s words were


"Kannagi Senpai is being used by that piece of trash! I need to do something----"

『Please make Ayano-chan come to her senses!』

Yukari"s words were resurrected in his ears. Thinking about it, meeting those two coincidentally was obviously the disposition of


Burning with a sense of purpose, Taiichirou strongly stepped forward.




"Wait! "

Hearing the restrain full of hostility from behind, Kazuma and Ayano turned their heads around at the same time.

Recognizing Hiiragi"s figure glaring in their direction, Ayano opened her eyes blankly in amazement.

"Hiiragi, kun...."

"Do you know him?"

"Aah, yeah"

Puzzled about how to explain the situation, eventually Ayano evaded it with an inoffensive expression.

"A freshman from school..."


"Hiiragi-kun, what"s the matter?"

Although thinking it was suspicious seeing how he was getting closer in a belligerent manner, Ayano questioned his intentions.

Taiichirou answered in a tormented voice.

"Senpai, you"re being deceived by that man!"


Ayano was taken aback. Hiiragi pressed her for an answer.

"Please open your eyes, Senpai. Senpai is very gentle so I understand why you don"t want to give up on that trash. But if you

a.s.sociate with that kind of guy, you"ll go bad too!"


"Even him, because he"s only being spoiled, he"ll never become independent no matter how much time pa.s.ses, right!? I think that at

times thrusting someone away is actually being gentle. "

"Wh- wait a minute! What kind of talk is this? "

"What kind, about him obviously!"

Taiichirou pointed his finger at Kazuma.

"In spite of running away he couldn"t live by himself, he came back and begged for a job from his parents, about this unsightly,

miserable man! And from the conversation just now, doesn"t he skip even that job pushing it onto Senpai!? That sort of nasty man is

not suitable for Senpai! "


Scowling Ayano stared at the boy who fervently talking on and on.

Obviously different from truth and yet not a total fabrication but information that was being distorted.

There was only one person who could have fed this boy all this.

"Hiiragi-kun, you...did you hear something from Yukari?"

"I heard it! That Senpai is being taken advantage of by some b.a.s.t.a.r.d with no redeeming features living like a parasite off other

people! She told me to make you come to your senses, she requested it while crying!"

"....that...that woman...."

Seeming to resist a headache she pressed her temples with her fingers. The face of her friend smiling like an angel came to her mind.

That smiling face of hers frequently brought trouble.

"Hiiragi-kun, calm down. You"re being tricked by Yukari --or rather, played with. If we talk this through you"ll understand."

Ayano tried to persuade him. But the boy believed strongly in the prejudice Yukari planted and asked again not changing his

distrustful countenance.

"I"m being tricked? That means, he"s not the worst kind of human being? "

"Aah---, I cannot deny that, but---"

"Although he left home, he comfortably accept jobs from that same home, is that wrong?"

"No. it"s true, but---"

"What"s more, he"s not even earnest about his job, he"s forcing it on someone else, did I hear it wrong? "

"No, that"s not mistaken--- but listen Hiiragi-kun, Kazuma is---"

"....I"ve heard enough....."

Cutting off Ayano"s words, Hiiragi shook his head seeming sad.

And then, with eyes full of anger, he glared at Kazuma.

"Yagami Kazuma! "

"What is it, brat? "

Both of them, skipping any pretense at manners from the get-go, exchanged a glance without courtesy.

The one that got the ball rolling was Hiiragi. With bare contempt he shouted.

"A guy like you is not suitable for Senpai--- I won"t hand her over to you! "

"---Well, handing her over to me would be troublesome. I don"t have a way to use her anyway"

While frivolously laughing Kazuma cracked jokes.

Taiichirou"s gaze became even more grim.

Kazuma"s frivolous att.i.tude greatly deviated from the too serious boy"s permissible range.

No matter what reason the b.a.s.t.a.r.d had for playing around with 『Kannagi Senpai』 he so much yearned for, he couldn"t forgive it.

"If that"s the case....never get close to her again!"

"That"s also impossible. She"s my precious source of income"

"Y, you.....!"

Having the Senpai he admired called a financial supporter, Taiichirou trembled with anger.

The violent emotion that was already past the critical point spurred him on.

"You.....I won"t forgive you! "

Tightly grasping his fists, Taiichirou tried to hit Kazuma.

But Ayano, who quickly realized that, promptly blocked that.

Looking on from the side it appeared like she bravely offered her body to protect Kazuma.

But in truth, it was the other way around.

Because she was trying to protect Taiichirou, Ayano had no choice but to stop him.

Because she had no way of stopping Kazuma, that is.

"Calm down! Violence is forbidden! "

"But! He insulted Senpai---"

"Enough already! "

"No it"s not!"

The boy raised his voice even more.

"Senpai is being deceived! She"s being used! You still don"t understand even after having been told that much? "

"No, you see, if I were to take each and everyone of his impudent talks seriously, I would only get tired"

"You"re only deceiving yourself! No matter how you try to cover up for him, human trash is still human trash! There"s no gain from

being together with a guy without any redeeming features who only use is to waste oxygen! Your value will only go down! Please wake up! "


"----huh? "

Before she knew it, Ayano clenched her fist and swung it downward on top of Taiichirou"s head.

She always used to say pretty much what the boy just did but for some reason when someone else said it was excessively upsetting.

Although she was naively asking herself why that was, she informed the boy in tears.

"Hey, it"s true that as a human Kazuma is the worst, if he were to become a boyfriend he"d be the worst but he"s very capable when it

comes to his job. Isn"t that a redeeming feature? "

"I don"t believe that", replied Taiichirou instantly.

That reaction was within her expectations so Ayano too replied in no time.

"Then, come along. You"ll see it at the actual work place. "

Getting the better of Kazuma who tried to say something, Ayano started moving first.

While giving Kazuma a look full of antipathy, Taiichirou followed her.

And lastly, with an extremely annoyed manner of walking, Kazuma followed those two.




The trio walked into a decaying old building. It looked like it had been a big hospital ten years ago. It burned down during a fire

and was abandoned just like that and now it became an abandoned building suitable for spirit dwelling.

"What kind of work are you doing at a place like this? "

Ayano replied at Taiichirou"s sort of justified question matter-of-fact.

"Something like an exorcism"

"An exorcism....?"

Taiichirou"s tone became even more suspicious.

For a boy like him that had a healthy mind and body, something like occult stories were fiction meant to be enjoyed.

Therefore he kept in mind not to become involved with those 『weirdos』 who claimed spirits really existed -- and of all things, the

Senpai he was yearning for was one of those people.

It"s possible to say that he was more than surprised.

While looking at Taiichirou"s countenance, she could pretty much guess what he was thinking.

But faster than that reality set in, the detailed explanation was cut short.

"You"ll understand soon enough"

"Haah-- "

The boy vaguely nodded. Ignoring that, Ayano was about to step further inside when Kazuma suddenly stopped.

"---Kazuma? "

"By the way, our situation right now can be summarized thus"

"Why are you talking in such a round-about--- ? " started Ayano to ask but stopped mid-sentence.

And partly closing her eyes, she slightly changed her posture.

"We"re being surrounded"

With few words Kazuma described the current situation.

Immediately following a thirst to kill so violent that even a civilian like Taiichirou couldn"t misunderstand filled the s.p.a.ce.

"Wha- wha-- what is------?"

"Ha! "

The scream of panic raised by the boy was erased by a cool and clear voice full of fighting spirit.

And then, shining in the middle of darkness, a dazzling sparkling golden light---

"Aaargh! Waa, Waaaah--------!"

The moment he became aware that Ayano"s body was the source of that light, Taiichirou"s surprise reached the top level.

"Wha, wha, what the heck is thaaaat !?"

".........calm down Hiiragi-kun"

Ayano rebuked the visibly shocked, shrieking boy.

In a calm tone as if nothing unusual was happening --- but the dazzlingly beautiful light covering her body made it perfectly clear

she was separated from common sense.

"It"s different.....it"s not light. Is that.......flame?"

A golden flame impossible to exist in reality. That flickering sacred brilliance was wrapping up the girl"s body.

"Did you, calm down a little, hmmmm? "

Together with a soft warning, the flame body dressed in flame gently began to dance.

From her spinning body the golden flame scattered like sparks and cleansed that something lurking in the darkness.

"Is, is there....? is something.......there........?"

Taiichirou looked around the place----

"....Hiii!? "

He raised a sound as if his neck was strangled.

Countless red lights were surrounding them.

When he realized those glaring, glittering somethings were eyes, Taiichirou got gooseb.u.mps.

"Wa, wah, waaaaaaah!! "

Unable to bear it, shrieks were gushing out. Attracting their attention, the countless red pupils simultaneously focused on



"Hiiragi-kun! "

Soundlessly those cursed eyes rushed towards him.

The majority were burned by Ayano"s flame but one escaped and drew directly towards him.

"---tch! "

Horrified, opening his eyes wide with fear, Taiichirou stared at it.

Those red eyes dwelling in a black shadow --- they already approached Taiichirou at a speed he could not escape from----


As if cut by an invisible sword, it fell down bisected right in half.

".....Eeh? wha....."

Unable to comprehend the following situation, Taiichirou aimlessly looked around.

At that time, for some reason he had the feeling that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s back, the one he looked down upon with scorn, was standing in front

of him as if to protect him.

".....right now......no way, was he....?"

Without even taking notice of the boy"s gaze filled with that silent question, Kazuma coldly informed Ayano.

"You let your guard down at the last moment"

"......my bad"

Replying in a sulky tone, Ayano turned away.

Mercilessly, Kazuma continued to talk to her back.

"If you have time to pout, quickly finish this thing off"

"I know! "

Together with a violent response, the golden flame scattered in an outburst of anger.

Merely ten seconds afterwards, all the red lights had been obliterated.

"Did you calm down, Hiiragi-kun? "


Taiichirou replied in a depressed voice at Ayano"s sympathetic questioning.

The shock he received in this last ten minutes was the biggest in all his fifteen years of life.

After that out of this world battle, he received supplementary explanations from Ayano -- Enjutsushi, Fujutsushi --- those who

continued to fight everyday for the sake of defeating the Youma harming humanity.

But for Taiichirou that wasn"t the most devastating fact.

Staring at Ayano with a bitter gaze, he thought.

"......she lives, in a different world......."

He could not stand in the same place as Ayano.

He had been thought that he"ll be united with the woman he first loved and the rustic boy suffered from heartache.

".......was the shock too much, maybe? "

Misunderstanding the origin of Taiichirou"s sadness, Ayano gently brushed his back.

"Do you want to go home? Come on, I"ll take you outside"

She already settled it, the devilish presence that invaded already became only warped like that of a stray animal.

The source was still lurking somewhere but--- it seemed cruel to make this boy see so much.

Taiichirou too had no inclination of accompanying them any further and nodded in silence --- Kazuma looked at those two with

unfeeling eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don"t think I need to say this but---"


"It"s coming from above"

Together with those words, the ceiling gave in with a thunderous roar and a huge something descended from the second floor.

"--!! "

Ayano unsheathed Enraiha on the spur of the moment and stroked at what was approaching from right overhead.

The reaction was terrifyingly strong.

"But not strong enough not to cut it off"

Ayano put even more power into it.

But understanding it failed it"s surprise attack, it forcefully retreated.

Without missing a beat, Ayano followed it. The enemy"s ident.i.ty became clear as the dazzling flame was lit up.

".......gorilla?", murmured Taiichirou in a daze.

That"s right, it looked exactly like a gorilla.

A body covered in thick hair. An unusual human form. The expression of its eyes was cunning, unmistakably a gorilla.

If one could ignore it"s bizarre dimensions.

"The Orangutan type, huh----it"s pretty big", murmured Kazuma, naming the monkey metamorphosis, while looking up at the body reaching

almost three meters.

Taiichirou who couldn"t think of a reply after his own question was answered, turned around in astonishment.

"Y-you......, what are you doing!? "

In front of them Ayano was swinging Enraiha, fiercely engaged against the orangutan.

Even though not as strong as the real Songoku (Sun Wukong) the strong points the monkey-metamorphosis Youma posess are many.

Even this orangutan had a large build, it could endure Enraiha"s blows and it could be inferred it had a considerable amount of power.

And yet for some reason this man showed no intention in partic.i.p.ating in the battle and was carefully smoking tobacco---!

Ignoring that gaze full of criticism, while breathing out smoke, Kazuma answered calmly.

"What, you ask, if I must say...something like a back-up set-up?"

"Something like? Why don"t you fight at the front? "

"Division of the a.s.signment. She"s before and I"m behind (She"s the vanguard, I"m the rear guard.) "

Ebiichi Somenosuke --- At Kazuma who replyed with a century-old gag, Taiichirou seriously felt like killing him.

"Don"t joke around! Senpai is a girl, you know! Why aren"t you protecting her? You have power and yet...why------------------?"

He couldn"t tolerate it.

This man"s jesting att.i.tude, his lazy way of thinking.

In spite of having the power he will never have, in spite of standing where he never could, this guy-----!

"If I would have power I would never let Senpai be in danger! I would unconditionally protect her-----!?"

He couldn"t say till the end those words full of determination.

While in the heat of discussion Kazuma grabbed him by the collar and lifted him so high his feet were floating in the air.

"『protect her』, huh? Don"t lose your head, brat. Who wants that,exactly? "


"Does it seems to you like she wants to be protected? Does she seems the kind of woman who cannot live without being protected? "

In the vicinity of his field of vision growing hazy with pain, Ayano was fighting the orangutan.

Although facing a huge adversary, she didn"t took even one step back and boldly wielded her sword.

That figure so full of life it was almost shining appeared vividly beautiful even in his blurred field of vision.

"She"s the woman I chose to stand next to me. The woman I recognize as my partner. To quietly receive someone"s protection, she"s not

that kind of cheap woman! "

Together with that reply, he casually flung Taiichirou aside. What was reflected in his field of vision when he looked up was the

back of a body full of composure.

Looking at that back, the boy understood.

Kazuma believes in Ayano.

That"s why he can watch over her fight calmly.

Ayano trusts Kazuma too.

That"s why, without minding her back, she can concentrate all her power on the fight ahead.

Even though they don"t stand in the same place, both of them are fighting.

Their methods were different but it was the best way to perform together--- and for that reason it was the bond of trust that linked

them together.

That"s right, just because he didn"t do the same thing as Ayano, it doesn"t mean there was an imbalance. Because they were staying at

different places, he could support her by different means.


With a somewhat dull expression, Taiichirou was looking at the girl"s gallant figure whose fire sword penetrated through the

orangutan"s head.




Leaving the hospital grounds, Taiichirou faced Ayano directly.

"Compared to all the times before when I admired you from distance, I came to love Senpai even more after today. But"

He also clearly understood these feelings will never come to fruition.

Compared with that bond, his own feelings were insignificant, he had been taught that.

That"s why he can give up---it happened when he was about to say it.

"Aah, Kazuma. Are you done? "

That woman appeared.

She was in the second half of her twenties. There is no exaggeration in saying she was a peerless beauty who met them half way in the

sound of clicking high-heels.

And just like that, the woman brushed Ayano aside as a matter of course and coquettishly leaned against Kazuma"s arm.

Without showing any surprise, Kazuma addressed the woman.

"Kirika, why are you here? "

"I had business in the neighborhood. I wanted to ask about today"s job so I thought I should ask you out to dinner. What do you

say? "

"Yeah, let"s go. "

Agreeing without the least bit of hesitation, Kazuma started walking along with the woman-- Kirika.

The left behind duo petrified for five seconds and rebooted almost simultaneously.


"Wait a minute!! "

Ayano screamed but Taiichirou"s shout was double the volume.

He continued to shout at Kazuma who looked over his shoulder.

"What is this!? You. aren"t you going out with Senpai!? "

"No? "


At the unexpected negation, the force of his criticism became anticlimactic.

"I don"t know who and what exactly did they tell you but Ayano is my work partner. Nothing more that that. Therefore, you have no

right to blame me, no matter who I go out and eat with"

After that declaration without the least bit of guilt, with Kazuma and Kirika"s arms linked they started walking away.

Unable to speak and unable to comprehend, Taiichirou continued to watch after their retreating figures in blank amazement.

"Why is this......"

He thought he can give up. If it"s Kazuma, if it"s Kazuma and Ayano, he thought he could give them his blessing while smiling.

And yet----

Taiichirou squeezed out a voice from the bottom of his stomach.

"I won"t approve of you! I won"t approve of you! A b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you is not appropriate for Senpai! I"ll definitely open Senpai"s

eyeeeeees!! "

Hiiragi Taiichirou ---- his first love is not yet over.