Kaze no Stigma – Ignition

Chapter 3 - From the pa.s.sing days

Chapter 3 - From the pa.s.sing days

"Huh, Kannagi-kun?"

Suddenly called out from behind, Ayano reflexively turned her head around.

Seizing the cuff of Kazuma"s jacket who was about to continue walking without change, she stopped him and searched for the owner of the voice.

From approximately ten meters behind, two women were looking their way. Both were in the first half of their twenties. She didn"t know them.

"Kannagi-kun? "

Whereas Ayano was concerned, that way of calling was somewhat weird.

Leaving aside elderly men, it was weird for two young women to use kun with an even younger one.

But at the same time it didnd"t look like a mistake. Those two were looking straight here, no, Kazuma"s way.


Suddenly understanding. She completely forgot about it but Kazuma was Ayano"s relative.

For someone who only knew the Kazuma for years ago, he was Kannagi Kazuma.


Tugging at the jacket she didn"t let go off yet, she said to Kazuma.

"Aren"t those two your acquaintances? "

"Don"t know them"

But Kazuma"s answer was short.

"I am Yagami Kazuma. I don"t plan to answer to such a rotten way of calling like 『Kannagi-kun』"

"Rotten, huh...."

"Hey, you"re Kannagi-kun right? "

Seeming to overhear their conversation, that voice increased it"s volume, gaining confidence.


"Let"s go"

But even so, Kazuma obstinately ignored the call. But---


The subdued voice of the other woman stopped Kazuma in his tracks.

On his always slovenly face, an atypical expression of shock showed.

"Kazuma? "

Not minding Ayano"s quizzical stare, Kazuma slowly turned around.



Accompanied by Kazuma, Ayano was walking around the campus of a metropolitan national university.

Obviously, it wasn"t a date.

They had work. A simple one.

The extermination of an evil spirit (Akuryou) that haunted the inst.i.tution and attacked students.

That type of Akuryou wasn"t powerful enough to be death inducing but was sucking the vitality from students and making them faint.

After they found it, it would be settled in three seconds.

With that intention while they were searching for the Akuryou"s presence, they were aimlessly walking around campus.

"Hmmm, so that"s what an University feels like. "

Giving up from the start such an unsuitable job like searching for Kehai, Ayano was inspecting the surroundings curiously.

She was a high school second year student so she was at the point were she had to start to seriously think about University any time now.

She didn"t know yet if she would choose this university but wanting to see what an university was all about with her own eyes, she forgot about the job and was

exclusively inspecting the campus.

While observing it, Ayano innocently asked.

"Kazuma, you didn"t want to go to college? "

"And use the time spent investigating elsewhere? "

"No, not like that. Did you think about attending college while you were a high school student? "

"Not really", replied Kazuma indifferent from the bottom of his heart.

"Academic background is useless in our field of work"

"That"s true. Besides, you left school during your senior year. It"s unlikely they would let you take the university exam after all this time. "

"What are you saying? I properly graduated from high school. "

"Huh? "

Opening her eyes wide in amazement, Ayano searched her memory in a panic.

"Wait a minute, you left home while you were eighteen, if I"m not mistaken, the winter of your third high school year. Are you trying to say that in your travels,

while planning your revenge, you took your high school graduation exam? "

"What incomprehensible things are you saying? 『Yagami Kazuma』 led a proper high school life and graduated. Being a person without relatives, I am sure he paid for

his high school expenses by working. "

Kazuma recited his own personal history as if talking about a different person.

Confused by the discrepancy between that content and her own recollection, Ayano suddenly realized something.

She asked in a strangely monotonous, flat voice.

"Hey, Kazuma, what does your family register say? "

"Name Yagami Kazuma. No dependents "

"Don"t go about, forging official doc.u.ments, you criminal! "

Grabbing Kazuma, who spoke so shamelessly, by the collar, Ayano shouted.

"Isn"t it fine? Even for me there times when I want to put on airs ans say 『I graduated from high school at least』"

While wanting to shout liar! you simply wanted to cut off all connection with the Kannagi, Ayano awkwardly shut her mouth.

Being ostracized to that extent was definitely the result of her own family"s action.

"..........................................Kyan!? "

As if trying to point upward Ayano"s face, casting her eyes down, Kazuma poked her forehead with his finger.

Facing the girl who was now glaring at him while pouting, he bluntly said:

"That"s not something you should worry about"


"No buts. Aah, there"s no helping it, the wall is this way"

"Wall, what wall? "

"Hmm? Putting your hands on the wall and hanging your head in shame and doing some 『meditation』, don"t you know about it? "

"Am I some sort of monkey?", shouted Ayano forgetting the unpleasantness she felt a few seconds ago.

Being called out from behind, it happened just when they were having that trivial conversation.


Matching Kazuma who clumsily turned around, Ayano too changed the orientation of her body.

After exactly half a rotation, two women were standing in the middle of her field of vision.

First was the one who apparently called out Kazuma. While watching him and saying "Aah, so it really was Kannagi-kun---" she waved her hand while smiling.

And, the other one. An atmosphere of tension flowing around her, with folded arms she gazed at Kazuma with half opened eyes.

Seeming to harbor some ill feelings towards him, her glance was grim.

Kazuma too, seemed to focus on her.

At the very least, she didn"t seem in the mood to laugh or wave her hand.

The atmosphere was full of unrest and finally, Kazuma called out her name.


Hirai Yuzuha forcefully opened her eyes wide and pretended to be surprised.

"Waah, how surprising. Did you remember my name? Or maybe you remained silent until now because you were trying to remember? "

As if stabbed by those malicious words, Kazuma faintly caught his breath.

On his part it wasn"t acting but he looked truly astonished.

".........you"re surprisingly direct, huh?"

"People change in four years. I understood that if I were to remain silent, I would have been carelessly tossed aside again, just like you did after you finished

using me"


Facing that tone full of thorns, this time Kazuma remained silent.

Not in a position to disturb the conversation, Ayano compared those two in blank amazement. It was the first time she saw Kazuma cornered so one-sided.

That sort of scene which was supposed to give her intense pleasure was not amusing for some reason.

While observing those two staring at each other in silence or rather glaring at each other, she was trying to conjecture their relationship.

The answer was immediately obvious.

Because there were three keywords: 『Kannagi-kun』, 『four years』, 『tossed aside』.

Tugging at the cuff of Kazuma"s jacket to attract his attention, Ayano asked in a small voice.

"Is that person Kazuma"s former girlfriend perhaps? From when you were still in j.a.pan? "


"She seems considerably angry, did you treat her that badly? "

"................no, prior to that"

Not 『that"s not true』 but 『prior to that』. Thinking about that meaning, Ayano suddenly noticed the possibility of the worst kind of treatment she could have received.

All the same wishing he could deny it, she murmured.

"No way, when you left j.a.pan, you couldn"t possibly have left without telling her anything, right? "


Not replying, Kazuma casually looked away. That answer was eloquent above all else.

"You"re the worst"

Leaving the girl he dated without previous notice and not contacting her for four and a half years.

Different from a circ.u.mstance like having an accident, it obviously happened because he simply forgot about it.

If she were to forgive him while smiling, rather than an angel or a saint, she would be just stupid.

Just by looking at her expression, the woman named Yuzuha didn"t look like the later.

Of course, Ayano had no intention of interfering with such a righteous justice.

She wouldn"t go as far as killing but she seriously thought he deserved at least one stabbing wound.


In this kind of situation Ayano"s att.i.tude could be called nothing if not careless.

Even though it was for the purpose of not letting Yuzuha overhear their conversation, for the purpose of whispering in the ear of a taller person, there"s no way to

do it but by getting really close and cling to te said tall person.

Leaning her body towards his as if trying to embrace him and bringing her lips close to his ear while tiptoeing, that sort of appearance was obviously not the way

『just a friend』 would act.

Becoming aware of a cold gaze, Ayano turned around.

Yuzuha"s gaze full of hostility was even--- no, was exclusively turned her way.

She separated from Kazuma on the spot but naturally at this point it was meaningless, so a verbal attack sharp as a spear was turned towards her.

"Humph, is that girl your current girlfriend? You caught a really adorable one this time, didn"t you? "

"That"s not true! I am just a work partner! ", Ayano promptly exclaimed.

After doing so, she realized cutting into the conversation at this point would really get her involved but it was already too late.

"Really? "

Yuzuha looked scrutinizing at Ayano"s appearance, of course her school uniform, and snorted, making fun of her.

"What job does a female high school student have? Prost.i.tuting yourself for that gigolo? "


Becoming speechless at the excessive contempt, the next instant she became enraged.

While she was about jump her while burning with anger but after she took just one step, she was grabbed and held by Kazuma.

"Calm down. The other party is an ordinary person. "

"That"s got nothing to do with it! After being insulted so, as a woman, do you think I can back down!? "

"Just calm down already. Let"s go eat candy afterwards"

"Don"t need it! "

Ayano shouted but she couldn"t escape from Kazuma"s constraint.

The glint in Ayano"s eyes, glaring from inside Kazuma"s arms and Yuzuha"s gaze, accepting it, collided and the s.p.a.ce in between gave off sparks.


Letting out a sight while amazed, Kazuma gently caressed Ayano"s hair as if trying to soothe her and told her.

"You, return home before me. I have something to settle. "

"What about the job? "

"I"ll pa.s.s today. Leave it for tomorrow. "

".......well, that"s fine with me"

Agreeing to it with a somewhat negligent att.i.tude, Ayano relaxed her body and removed the constraint, turned her back to them and walked away.

She looked over her shoulder once. She met Yuzuha"s gaze.

Those pupils shining so coldly were, without a doubt, full with animosity towards Ayano.



Leaving through the main entrance, with a very natural movement Kazuma turned towards his left.

Placing Ayano leaning against the gave post at the center of his field of vision, he said a few brief words.

"Did you wait long? "

"I- I didn"t wait for you or anything. I was investigating alone so it already became this hour........wait! "

Not listening to that poor excuse until th end, Kazuma started walking.

With a half run Ayano caught up with him and trying to look as unconcerned as possible, that was her own personal opinion, she started talking about the pending


"So, what are you going to do about Yuzuha-san? "

"What do you mean? "

"I mean, are you getting back together or something? You know, that person still seemed to have lingering feelings for you"

"---That so? "

"Yes! Otherwise, she wouldn"t have glared even at me! It"s because she is absolutely mistaken our relationship! "

While talking on and on and faintly blushing, Ayano pressed the question once more.

"...........what are you going to do? "

"Nothing much"

"Nothing much, you say........"

"At the very least, this is not the kind of situation one would think of getting back together, right? If you were in Yuzuha"s place, what would you do? "

"What...hmmmm...to sum it up--- if the man I previously dated suddenly absconded and nonchalantly appeared before my eyes after more than four years, what would I

do, huh? Moreover, he is accompanied by a woman. "

"...........something like that"

Faced with Ayano"s point blank representation, Kazuma momentarily faltered, as if his delicate sensitivity could be hurt at this late hour.

Even more mercilessly, Ayano replied.

"I would stab you. Isn"t it obvious? "

".......it was obvious, huh........?", murmured Kazuma, his face having a cramp.

But he suddenly pulled himself together and shrugged his shoulders.

"If I think about it, it"s pointless to ask you about the reaction of an ordinary woman. "

"What do you mean? "

"Just what I said"

Glaring at Kazuma who answered calmly, Ayano moaned.

"Well, even if there aren"t a lot of people who would seriously try to kill you, the number of people who could forgive you while smiling is even lower, you know? Is

Yuzuha-san such a generous, overflowing with generosity kind of person? "

Of course, that wasn"t possible.

In stead of answering, Kazuma nonchalantly adverted his eyes.

"-----Geez, Yuzuha-san too, just what did she like so much about you? "

Those uttered words didn"t have a very profound meaning but for a moment Kazuma"s face stiffened as if he was. .h.i.t in a very painful spot and he showed a bitter


"........well, maybe because we were really similar? "

"Eeh? "

"The Yuzuha from that time---- was introverted and had such a weak nature to the point you couldn"t even imagine it now, she always looking down, the kind of girl who couldn"t look you in the eyes when talking. "

"......you serious? "

Hearing that personal sketch that was totally different from her present appearance, Ayano was amazed.

"Her grades were good but because of that she was pressured by the expectations from her peers so she developed an examination neurosis. So, me being who I am, at that time, because I was openly bullied, my stomach was hurting every day so she was taking me to the nurse"

"Open bullying? You!? "

Just then, she noticed it.

Four and a half years ago was the time when Kazuma was preparing for 『Inheritance Ceremony』 that would decide Enraiha"s Master and who would bring the next era for Kannagi.

Certainly, from the difference in their ability at that time, it was completely obvious it was impossible for him to win even before the match.

"How exactly did you see the family"s sacred ritual? "

"Just like I said, open bullying"

"Aah, geez"

About to fly into a rage, Ayano managed to control herself one way or another.

At such times it"s pointless to complain to Kazuma.

Mentally counting inside her head, she calmed her heart and resumed the conversation.

"So? If you are trying to say she supported you, doesn"t it mean she has the right to resent you even more? How do you plan to compensate for it? "


Hearing Ayano"s censure, Kazuma looked at the sky as if trying to find the answer there. And then, with a frivolous smile he said.

"Well, anyway. Let"s settle the incident and not come around here anymore. I don"t like bloodsheds"

Ayano could no nothing but coldly glare at the lowlife that blabbered such words without any sense of responsibility.



The next day.

Ayano who once more came to the campus accompanied by Kazuma, was stepping forward full of vigilance toward her surroundings as if there was something shady about them.

"...........what are you doing? ", asked Kazuma amazed by her very suspicious person-like appearance.

"Against the opponent this time, there"s no need to take so many precautions, you know? "

"That"s Akuryo doesn"t matter", murmured Ayano that for some reason lost her sense of purpose.

"Is some bill collector chasing you? "

"Of course not! It"s about Yuzuha-san! For the sake of explanation, your ex-girlfriend! "

".......No, it only happened yesterday so I didn"t forget about her but why are you worrying about that? "

"Because that person was more hostile towards me than she was towards you"

"Is that so? "

Was he serious or was he playing innocent, Kazuma murmured so as if it was another person"s business.

"It is so. Besides---"

"Besides? "

".......nothing", mumbled Ayano, casting her eyes down, spiritless.

Kazuma looked at Ayano somewhat suspicious but dodged the issue by evading investigation and said.

"If if you worry about it, we won"t meet her. This place is wide and she"s a fourth year student. She"s not coming to school every day"

"Fourth year? She"s one year younger than you? "

"No, we"re the same age. It seems she failed her college entrance exams the first time"

"How pitiful"

Including the implicit 『It"s your fault』, Ayano murmured words of compa.s.sion.

Thinking along the same lines, Kazuma shrugged his shoulders in silence.

"Well, that"s the way it is"

While he was about to say 『Don"t worry about it』 or something to that effect, Kazuma suddenly stopped in mid-sentence.

Following his gaze, Ayano petrified.

Yuzuha was standing there. She was accompanied by the same friend as yesterday.

Even for Yuzuha, the development was unexpected. When she saw Kazuma her eyes opened wide but becoming filled with a sinister feeling, they gradually narrowed.

But as if he didn"t notice that restless presence, Kazuma lightly raised his hand and greeted then cheerfully.

"Hi Yuzuha and---"

"Fujino Saki! You heard it yesterday, don"t forget it! ", shouted Saki at the cold hearted ex-cla.s.smate.

But Kazuma continued not minding her.

"Aah, yeah. How unexpected to meet you here. Ha ha ha"

Kazuma showed a very flimsy smile. Seeing that, Yuzuha"s gaze became cold beyond limit.

"I thought I told you never to show your face me?.......to make matters worse, you"re still accompanied by that woman"


That gaze full of hostility pointed towards her, Ayano quietly moaned. While simultaneously venting her anger, she aimed an elbow strike at his side.

As if she would have hit a wall, Kazuma didn"t give even an inch.

"Why didn"t you realize it sooner? "

"No, it"s because I didn"t care about it at all"

Hearing those words showing indifference from the bottom of his heart, Yuzuha looked even more grim.

Of course, her focus was Ayano.

"Y- you idiot! "

While abusing Kazuma in her heart, Ayano showed a forced smile towards Kazuma.

"H-h.e.l.lo, Yuzuha-san"


"Kazuma and I, it"s true we"re only together for the job, there"s nothing you need to worry about"


Facing Ayano who was smiling stiffly, Yuzuha showed a bewitching, extraordinarily dangerous smile.

"You mean, no matter how I treat this man, you won"t complain, is that what you mean? "

"Y-yeah, please do. Whether it"s boiling, burning, kicking him in a pool of sulfuric acid, please do as you wish!"


Kazuma made a small retort but it fell on deaf ears.

"Then, taking up your offer, I"ll do as I please"

Saying so, Yuzuha came up to Kazuma. Speedily, without any hesitation Ayano took a few steps back from Kazuma.

Yuzuha stood in front of Kazuma. Looking at her former lover with an unreadable expression, Kazuma looked down to her with a wry smile.

"Be gentle"

Without replying, Yuzuha"s hand reached out Kazuma"s neck. Her fingers gently traced his trachea and then the carotid artery.


Without hesitating in front of other people, they exchanged a pa.s.sionate embrace.

"I wanted to see you----"

Pressing her face into Kazuma"s chest, Yuzuha whispered those words overflowing with emotion.

"I always, always waited for your return"

With a sidelong glance at the dumbfounded Ayano, standing on tiptoes, eyes closed , she invited the kiss. Kazuma didn"t resist her either.

Both their lips, slowly but steadily drew near----

"Wait a minute! "

When the distance was no more than one centimeter, Ayano involuntarily shouted.

In that instant, from Yuzuha"s face all trace of sweetness disappeared.


Looking at Ayano who shut her mouth realizing she had been played, Yuzuha showed a triumphant smile.

"Did you think you could deceive me? When you"re making such an easy to understand expression"


Having completely been seen through, Ayano couldn"t even talk back.

In contrast, behaving like he didn"t understand their exchange, he pushed out his lips so exaggeratedly it became comical.

"Huh? Yuzuha, the continuation? "

"Let go of me already! "

Heartlessly, Yuzuha hit Kazuma"s face with her elbow, swinging the entire force of her body. The blown off Kazuma fell on his backside on the ground, grasping his

cheek--- although his chin was. .h.i.t, and let out a voice of grief.

"How cruel, Yuzuha, did you toy with me? "

Overlooking Kazuma spouting such spoiled words, her eyes reached zero temperature. After she let out a small breath, she looked at Ayano.

"It"s not something I should say but you really don"t have a discerning eye when it comes to men. "

"No, that"s not--- "

"You"ll never become satisfied dating this king of man who only has his looks about him"

"Ha? "

Hearing those unexpected words, Ayano blinked.

"Who are you talking about? "

"I"m talking about Kazuma, isn"t it obvious? About this guy, when it comes to his face, the art of conversation or sports, only things of surface, he"s reasonably a

turn-on but it"s almost like he has no human depth about him! "

"----Eeh? "

Hearing that discrepancy in the otherwise contrastive to her her opinion evaluation to the point it was praiseworthy, Ayano was perplexed.

For her, it was pretty much the reverse.

In spite of the everyday laziness of the nastiest kind of guy, when it"s important, he was more reliable than anyone else----


Realising the reason, Ayano slapped her palms together.

It"s obvious it would be different.

She was acknowledging Yagami Kazuma whereas Yuzuha was evaluating Yagami Kazuma.

Even if he had exceedingly more ability than an average person, because he didn"t expect anything from his own life, he wasn"t confident in himself, the one who

couldn"t build a firm self, Kannagi Kazuma.

"But even so----"

She looked fixedly at Kazuma.

"What? "

"No, I just don"t think I would call you handsome even if you were to stand quietly"

".........As expected, I am reluctant to hear that from you"

"What did you say!? "

The exploding girl who, if she had the inclination to stay quiet would be a really beautiful girl, turned into a heroic shout.




"Well, let"s put a stop to the comedy for now"

"You"re the only one laughing"

After Ayano"s smooth comeback, Kazuma informed her.

"It"s time to work, Ayano"

Just then, Ayano"s face completely changed. She asked as a Jutsushi.


"That way. Someone will become a victim any time now"

"Can I stop it?"

"Just let it be. From the previous cases someone has yet to die"

"Aah, you"re such an idiot! "

Telling him so, Ayano started running i the direction Kazuma pointed.

In the blink of an eye, she vanished from his field of vision.

"Huh, what sort of work are you doing? ", asked Saki looking at the back of the girl fading away.

Without answering immediately, Kazuma turned to Yuzuha and shrugged his shoulders.

"This is good news for both of us. We won"t be meeting any more, it"s done"


Yuzuha was silent, only her eyes became colder. Speaking in her stead, utterly amazed, Saki said:

"Hey Kazuma-kun, haven"t you been called an idiot or insensitive or the enemy of women before? "

"I"m not the enemy of woman. With this, bye"

With that vague answer, Kazuma started walking towards Ayano. But as if natural, Yuzuha and Saki followed after him.

".......both of you, where are you going? "

Smiling at his question, Saki said:

"Because it seems interesting"

"I can go wherever I want", said Yuzuha

".......You are quite right"

Not risking the foolishness to object, Kazuma readily agreed. And without minding them anymore, he started walking again.


Arriving at the actual scene, Saki let out a senile voice.

It was a small pedestrian path close to the campus beside the school buildings and the groove of trees. Two men collapsed there.

There was a girl wrapped in dancing flames. A black mist-like substance was surrounding the girl---

"What, is that? "

"Something that"s useless for you to know about, one more reality"

"Useless for us to know about, you said? "

"Even if you did, there is nothing you can do about it so don"t mind it"

As he said so without any reservation, the flame that clad Ayano violently flared up.

The brilliant red sword gripped in her hand emitted a dazzling brilliance and the black shadow was thoroughly burned after she flashed it once.


Feeling a faint discomfort, Kazuma sharpened his senses. But he didn"t feel any abnormality.

"Was I imagining things? "

Without investigating too deeply, he greeted the approaching Ayano.

The first thing she said was an irritated declaration.

"Since everything was quickly solved wasn"t graceful of you to come sightsee? -----Moreover, you"re yet again accompanied by women."

"It"s not like I brought them along. Besides, what does yet again mean, huh? "

Warding off Ayano"s sarcasm, Kazuma announced the completion of the job.

"Then, shall we head home? "

"What about Yuzuha-san? "

"If I would ask you 『What the----』 I"ll be embarra.s.sed, what am I supposed to do? "

".........that"s alright. I have some unfinished business so go back before me"

"Business? "

"Just beat it already! "

Waving her hand unkindly, Ayano drove away the nuisance.

After Kazuma was out of sight, Ayano suddenly turned around to Yuzuha and bowed her head very deeply.

"I must apologize, the one responsible for the cause that drove Kazuma away from home is me"

She thought she must say this no matter what. She could not turn a blind eye to it. It can"t be helped if she"s being cursed at.

Because she was certainly responsible in part for the the way those two"s relationship ended.

"What do you mean? "

In reply to Yuzuha"s quizzical inquire, Ayano introduced herself.

"My name is Kannagi Ayano"


That was Kazuma"s surname, the one Yuzuha knew.

Instantly her expression became grim but suddenly thinking back upon it, she shook her head.

"You too don"t look like you"re married. Are you too brother and sister? "

"No, second cousins "

And so, Ayano started explaining. About the occupation of the Kannagi Clan, their way of life and the reason that resulted in Kazuma running away from home.


In stead of Yuzuha who remained silent, feeling amazed or admiration, Saki let out a voice mingling both.

"What a stern household"


Strictly speaking Genma was responsible for Kazuma"s disinheritance, Juugo had already thought about the course of Kazuma"s future but that was no excuse.

The one that drove the Kazuma of those days into a corner to that extent was beyond doubt her own family, the source of that warped predisposition and tradition.

If Kazuma wouldn"t have been born in the Kannagi main family, he would have gotten to grow up more ordinarily but much more sound.

He could have chose his own happiness and he would have had much less sad experiences.

Even the way he dealt with Yuzuha, Ayano cannot blame him even for that. She has no right to.

The boy who was only eighteen years old was driven out by the family who negated his very being.

It is unthinkable he had enough composure to think of other people.

"So? "

Breaking the silence, Yuzuha asked in a dry voice.

"After all, what is it that you"re trying to say to me? "

"Well, I want you to understand him. About you, Kazuma definitely didn"t want to-----!?"

Those words defending him were unexpectedly interrupted. Because from the back an arm strangled her.

"You, just what in the world are you blurting out? "

"K-Kazuma!? You"re supposed to have gone--- "

Hearing the voice she least expected, Ayano raised a cry of surprise--- and in the next second her face flushed and she got angry.

"Aah, did you eavesdrop? How disgusting! "

"I don"t want to hear that from someone like you, indiscreetly talking about other people"s private business. "


Touching Kazuma"s arm circling her neck, Ayano pouted her lips as if sulking.

But not moved by that, he spoke close to her ear as if scolding her harshly.

"No buts. I don"t remember living such a miserable life that I need to be pitied by you"

"n.o.body is pitying you! I just didn"t want you to continue being misunderstood"

"And didn"t I tell you not to concern yourself with that? "

"........Just stop it already"


"What, huh? Eeh? "

After a few seconds of time lag pa.s.sed and they realized the voice of a third party disturbed their conversation, they both turned around at the same time.

And their gaze fixed all alike ao that speaker, Yuzuha, her shoulders trembling.

Like in a whisper but carrying a terrific anger, she murmured.

"I thought I can be quiet about this but can you two stop showing such intimacy and flirting so shamelessly in public? "

"Flirting? "

"Intimacy? Who is she talking about? "

Those two who weren"t conscious they quarrel made others want to avoid them, sincere in their curiosity, spoke like that with exquisite timing.

In the end, that was the last straw before Yuzuha snapped.

"How good for you! You have such a lovely girlfriend! You look really happy! Even though you didn"t remember about me!?

Even though I always waited for you!! "

Yuzuha"s anger turned into a devastating tempest. This is not a metaphor, her anger was accompanied by an inhuman 〈Ki〉, violently disturbing the atmosphere.

"Wh- wait, eeh? "

"Aah, as I thought"

Contrasting with Ayano"s confused att.i.tude, with an expression of understanding, Kazuma feebly grumbled.

"We failed to kill it, it was only injured, the one from before"

"Eeh, no way! "

"I felt something strange. I wanted to investigate a bit more but-- so it went to Yuzuha, huh"

It used his psychological blind spot. No way, it didn"t aimed for this since the beginning----

Unable to understand the situation, Saki screamed,, looking upset.

"Eeh, hey, what is happening? Is Yuzuha being possessed by that monster earlier? "

"Well, being possessed may be wrong in this situation"

Kazuma fleetingly looked at Yuzuha.

The ghostly, underlining rage emited from her entire body slapped onto him like bare killing intent.

The glint in her eye was changed to that of a vengeful demon, the antipode of serenity, but at the same time it was released involuntarily.

"Isn"t more that thing was the one taken in? "

The will of that thing possessing Yuzuha was overwhelmed by Yuzuha"s own will. That"s how Kazuma saw it.

"Human can be from time to time amazing, huh? "

"Hey, it"s fine that you"re admiring it but what is going to happen to Yuzuha? No way, you"re not going to use that flame sword on her? "

As if trying to a.s.sure Saki who timidly asked so, Ayano waved her hand.

"No, if I would use it Yuzuha-san would die too"

And then she winked at Kazuma.

"Can I leave this to you, Kazuma? "

"Well, there"s no helping it. By the way--- "

Agreeing to it but giving a throughly reluctant impression, Kazuma suddenly shifted his attention towards Saki.

"Back then if Yuzuha would have snapped like this instead of being docile, it would have been great "

"She"s even better now"

"...........Good grief"

Hearing that immediate retaliation, shrugging his shoulders as if saying 『What a troublesome thing』, Kazuma slowly faced Yuzuha.

And then, warding off that violent ghostly storm like it were wind, he aimlessly stepped forward.

"With this, it seems we"ll finally be frank with each other"

Taken by the evil spirit, because the cage holding her heart was broken, because the mask that obstinately shut Yuzuha"s feelings crumbled, Kazuma became aware of


Because she cracked, in comparison to the unapproachable girl until now, maybe they will be able to talk somewhat sincerely.

But, flushing with anger, Yuzuha turned down his proposal.

"Wh- what are you saying? There"s nothing to talk about anymore! "

"Is that so? There"s a lot, though"

"There isn"t! Because-- because for you my existence didn"t matter at all from the beginning! Because you didn"t go out with me because you loved me! "

"That"s was the same for you, right? ", replied Kazuma in a somewhat bitter tone.

That wasn"t love, the present Kazuma understands that. They were just two people who got together because they had no other place to go.

Because he couldn"t stand by himself, he searched someone to cling on.

While simultaneously the other party would search for the same thing, giving him the illusion he"s needed by someone, he"s not a worthless person.

While reciprocally depending on the other, coming together to lick their wounds, an ugly relationship that seemed very miserable.

That is the reality. But even so---

"I was fine with anyone. By chance it became you. That"s how it was. But--- "

Interrupting his words for a second, he looked at Yuzuha.

Her bristled hair, her raised eyes, a ghastly expression as if waking up from a hundred years old love.

But he was sure the trace of her own self from four years ago remained.

The trace of that girl who really stood next to him by her own will, setting aside process and reason.

"But still I am glad that it was you"


Yuzuha gasped at the unexpected confession and next, she trembled with anger.

"Do you think I can believe that after all this time! "

As if in agreement with her anger, the asphalt covering the ground tore off and aimed at Kazuma with a murderous intent. Knocking it off with wind, Kazuma continued

with a serious look.

"It is true. The time we were together was truly enjoyable. Even though futile"

Because after all it was only a 『love make believe game』

"It was the same for you, right? "

Yuzuha was silent. But her silence was clearly an affirmation.

Before they knew, the ghostly storm stopped. She stopped it.

She asked her former lover standing in front of her in an uneasy tone:

"Did Kazuma really like me? "


"I liked Kazuma too"


For the first time,from the bottom of his heart, Kazuma tenderly embraced Yuzuha who finally shook free from the feeling it was over.

The blue shining wind softly enveloped her and purified the devilishness dwelling in her.

After she lost consciousness, Kazuma supported the exhausted Yuzuha.

And then he deliberately looked over his shoulder.

"It"s done"

"This womanizer"

"............is that the first thing you say? "

"What else could I call you? Yuzuha-san, she"ll definitely never forget about you! "

"But I thought this was the best way to finish purification, no questions asked"

"Well that may be true---- what are you doing? "

Kazuma"s hands at delicately but suspiciously inspected the shape of the fainted Yuzuha"s body.

Without stopping even when asked, Kazuma answered.

"Well, in the four years that pa.s.sed it seemed she grew in various ways"

Without hesitating Ayano grabbed a piece of asphalt that rolled next to her and grabbing it tightly, she threw it with all her power.

"You s.e.xual hara.s.sing son of a b.i.t.c.h!!!!"