Kaze no Stigma – Ignition

Chapter 5 - Let"s go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park!

Chapter 5 - Let"s go to the amus.e.m.e.nt park!

Yagami Kazuma looked at the two tickets held out in front of him with an indifferent gaze.

"--- This is?"

"As you see, tickets to the amus.e.m.e.nt park"

Kannagi Juugo responded at that lazy question in a vaguely good mood.

"With this ticket you have a free pa.s.s for everything for one day. "

He started speaking even about what was not asked.

Giving off the feeling that even asking questions was too bothersome, Kazuma waited in silence for the continuation.

Noticing that att.i.tude, Juugo continued the conversation in a somewhat more serious tone.

"This time I want you to purify a spirit incident at that amus.e.m.e.nt park"

Without giving Kazuma time to cut in, he finished saying it until the end.

"Both of you"

Kazuma and Juugo"s daughter, Ayano, looked at each other, each with a complicated facial expression.

"Any questions? "

Juugo asked and Kazuma raised his hand immediately.

"While it"s open? "


Hearing that answer, as expected, Kazuma immediately declared.

"Them, I don"t need her. "

Ayano made a sullen face but didn"t said anything. She was self-aware her own technique was not suited for that field.

Ayano is an Enjutsushi who can manipulate fire. And to call that technique showy was an understatement.

In an amus.e.m.e.nt park crowded with humans it"s impossible for her to use it.

But, Juugo obstinately recommended her involvement.

"That"s why I"m asking you. It"s time for Ayano to become skilled at finely manipulating her ability. I want you to teach her various

things. "

But even so Kazuma didn"t agree. He had the professional att.i.tude of removing everything that had even the smallest probability of

lowering his chance of success.

Faced with Kazuma"s determined att.i.tude, Juugo solemnly announced.

"Of course, for an additional fee. "

"If you put it that way, there"s nothing to do about it"

Kazuma was easily lured in by the remuneration.

Toward that shameful appearance -

".........you"re the worst"

A murmur filled with disdain, from the bottom of her heart.

Ayano stared at him with a subdued expression.

".....well then, we have a deal"

Refusing even to comment on his beloved daughter"s cold-hardheartedness, Juugo brought the conversation to a finish.

But in no time, Kazuma retorted.

"Hey, don"t sum it up without any explanation of the situation. What did the spirit interfere with? The damage? "

"I don"t know the details"

"----The client? "

"I cannot say"

"Then don"t accept such dodgy work"

"It"s an obligation I cannot refuse"

Juugo replied to Kazuma"s fed up with it tone with a nonchalant air.

"Even the existence of the spirit is not for sure. If you don"t find the abnormality it doesn"t matter, you too can enjoy yourselves

that day. "

"What"s up with that......aaah"

Kazuma replied in an even more tedious voice but suddenly something came to his mind and his facial expression cheered up.

"What? "

"Then let Ren come too"


This time Juugo frowned.

"If it"s half in fun, it would be more enjoyable if he were there. "

Those thick-skinned words riffled Ayano"s feathers.

"Me too, I don"t want just the two of us going to the Amus.e.m.e.nt Park together! "


Gazing at those two who started their usual, Juugo let out a deep, deep sigh.


The next day

"Well.....it feels good being outside", declared Ren with a cramp on his face, walking on the metropolitan area, on a very popular

spot where the amus.e.m.e.nt park was situated

There was no reply.

Ayano was still sullen from yesterday and Kazuma, somewhat unusual, was looking around the surroundings like a country b.u.mpkin, not

really hearing Ren"s words.

Noticing that suspicions att.i.tude, Ayano put aside her anger for a moment and looked at Kazuma.

"Why are you so restless? It"s not like you came to the Amus.e.m.e.nt Park for the first time, right? "

"In j.a.pan, it"s the first time. "

Ren and Ayano were amazed by Kazuma"s readily answer and were staring at him with round eyes.

"Were you lacking friends to that extent, you? "

"She means, shouldn"t you generally have come here on a trip from school? "

Looking down on the amazed pair, Kazuma shrugged his shoulders with a careless gesture.

"If you have time to play, train was Oyaji"s favorite phrase. I didn"t have the time to come to the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

Anyhow, until I was take care by the Kannagi and until I was eighteen I never had a one day long holiday once"

"---That may be worthy of compa.s.sion ", Ayano calmly murmured.

"To say nothing of the fact that it was all in vain"


At that excessively frank comment, Ren"s face became stiff.

Certainly, Kazuma was born into the Kannagi but didn"t have even a fragment of an Enjutsushi"s talent.

"Well, that"s the past"

In one sentence Kazuma discarded the memories of a harsh youth.

Ayano and Ren turned looks of admiration at the surprisingly manly display. But, Kazuma continued.

"Besides, if you have hardship in the first part of your life, it"s decided the rest of it should be spent living in comfort.

That"s why, you kids should work hard for the sake of my lazy lifestyle. "

"Aren"t your remaining years too long, you hereditary sloth! ", retorted Ayano in a flash.

"Really, remember the responsibility that came up with your power, even a little. Hey, get to work already! "

"----Right. Then Ren, what do you want to ride first? "

"Get to wooork!! "

At that time when Ayano was screaming like usual.

"Huh, isn"t that Ren? "

From the side, suddenly a voice called out.

Being addressed, Ren turned his attention to the voice. And then he smiled broadly, looking glad.

"Serisawa-kun. And Suzuhara-san too"

Serisawa Tatsuya and Suzuhara Kanon were standing there. They were Ren"s close friends who graduated from elementary school just a few days ago.

"Eeh? ---Huh? "

Ayano too recognized those two"s presence and lightly opened her eyes wide.

Before her eyes, Kanon made a well mannered bow.

"Good day to you, Ayano-Onee-sama, Kazuma-san"

On the other side, Serisawa, not taking his eyes off Ren, laughed somewhat clumsily.

"Did you come to have fun too? What an unexpected meeting, huh?"

It was a strangely flat tone. His facial expression was stiff.

Like a reprimand, Kanon poked with her elbow to the side but that unnatural tone didn"t change.

"If it"s like that, won"t you come play with us? "


At Serisawa"s request, with a confused face, Ren looked up at Kazuma.

"Hmm? Aah. it"s fine, you can go"

Kazuma generously agreed. Ren was about to rush to their side in high spirits.


"Wait a minute"

Ayano called Ren to a halt. All eyes concentrated on her.

"Aah, no, I"m not really against it but are those two fine with it? Won"t you get in the way? "

"Why? ", asked Kanon.

"Because you two came to have fun together, right? Which means--- "


Shortly, dispa.s.sionately, Kanon restrained Ayano.

Just like her name, her sweet, beautiful voice was rolling like a bell. But, the chill dwelling in that voice was enough to freeze

Ayano"s words.

"I believe that in this world there are jokes you can and cannot make. Me and this gorilla--- what? I"ll say this frankly but I don"t

have any sodomy hobbies."

".......sodomy, huh........"

Faced with that frank expression that didn"t seem to belong to a twelve years old girl, Ayano involuntarily blushed.

As Serisawa didn"t seem to understand the meaning of the word, he was standing there dumbfounded.

"It"s not like we came together just the two of us, we simply strayed from the others. This thing"s body is pointlessly big so he"s

standing in for the landmark. Please don"t misunderstand. "

"Haa.......I see"

Overwhelmed by that intensity Ayano meekly nodded and Kanon continued unable to suppress herself.

"That"s why that sort of consideration is unnecessary. If not for the sake of playing with Ren I wouldn"t even walk on the same

sidewalk as this gorilla "

"Who is a gorilla!? "

"Don"t raise your voice in such a strange way"

"Both of you, stop fighting"

In a composed tone of voice Ren rebuked those two who were about to have a fit.

"Today we"ll have fun all the three of us so get along with each other, OK? It"s silly quarreling in such a place. "



Like an angel that sealed all their objections, both mumbled. Without missing that gap, Ren settled the argument.

"Then, that"s how it is. Nii-sama, I"m sorry since you took the trouble of inviting me. Let"s come back some other time, OK? "

"Huh, aah---"

Kazuma nodded vaguely.

Waving his hand to his brother, Ren started walking taking those two along.

"What do you want to ride? "

""First of all is the roller-coaster, obviously"

"I want to ride the Ferris wheel. Just the two of us. "

"Aaah? "

"What? "

"It"s best taking turns and riding what you both want. We have time. Aah, the Ferris wheel with all three of us, OK? "

Are they really friends? Perhaps --- Kazuma and Ayano saw the trio off.

Kazuma sighed.

"......hey, what"s up with him, is he domesticating them or what? "

"Aaah, yeah....", nodded Ayano somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hey, at the graduation ceremony day, I don"t know what happened but he suddenly recovered right? Ever since then, how to put this,

doesn"t it look like he became unbound by the past? "

"---unbound by the past?"

"Yeah. When he invited those kids home, when they were fighting, he was cleverly mediating it.

He experienced a sad love and matured greatly---"

Fleetingly looking at Kazuma in a meaningful way, Ayano continued.

"I was worried. If he would have turned out like you, I wouldn"t have been able to face Ayumi-chan. "

"It"s all right. "

Seeing Ayano concerned, Kazuma declared with confidence.

"He"s earnestly facing ahead. He won"t be caught up in the past. "

"----Eeh? "

Ayano unexpectedly opened her eyes wide. The words just now weren"t charged with an especially deep meaning, she only meant to say

It"s good he didn"t turn into a womanizer like Kazuma but---

"----Come, let"s start working"

Noticing his verbal slip Kazuma wanted to change the subject by demonstrating an unbecoming will to work.

Of course, Ayano didn"t want to give up on the elusive clue she barely managed to grasp.

"Wait a minute! What did you mean just now? Tell me everything there is so know to the finest detail! "

"We"re in the middle of work. Don"t mix private stuff in it and do it seriously! "

"With whose mouth are you saying that!? "

Kazuma trying to escape, Ayano drawing closer.

---The people left behind had fun their own way.


At the same time----

"I"m sorry. For calling you so suddenly ", said Ren to those two he was supposed to meet by chance.

It"s about what happened yesterday.

Ren, ordered to to go together with Kazuma and Ayano, was informed about the real situation about the incident directly from Juugo.

"It"s about Kazuma and Ayano----"

Juugo started to speak in a grave tone.

"Those two, can"t they get along a little better? "

"Haaa......", agreed Ren vaguely.

"I thought so too in the beginning but--- honestly, I think Nii-sama and Nee-sama get along very well actually"

"Perhaps but, for example, they should more...as a man and a woman..."

The other party was a child so he restrained from saying it directly but even Ren understood what Juugo was trying to say.

But even so, Juugo didn"t receive a proper reply.

As if trying to instigate a conspiracy, Juugo whispered to the silent Ren.

"Even you would be happy if Kazuma were to return to the Kannagi, right? "

"That"s true, but........"

Having a somewhat pleasant presentiment, Ren warily looked up at Juugo.

The man who was the Suzerain of the Kannagi Clan, unrelated to his usual solemnly, was clearly scheming something with a roguish


"As a matter of fact, the job this time is a complete hoax"


Involuntarily Ren was greatly perplexed. Leaving Kazuma aside, what would happen if Ayano were to find about this---

"That"s why"

Pretending not to recognize Ren"s distress, like a corrupt merchant, Juugo held out several sheets of bright, golden yellow tickets.

"Tomorrow, at the amus.e.m.e.nt park where the job I want you to, by chance run into your friends. Can you do that? "


It was impossible to refuse. No matter how absurd or lacking common sense, this was an order. But---

"Was the Suzerain this kind of person? "

Maybe, Ayano and Kazuma inherited the right Kannagi pedigree.

At the guess that made him feel more than a little shock, Ren was unable to control his dizziness.




"So, how is it? Do you feel something? "

"No, absolutely nothing"

Hearing that answer that had absolutely no will to work, Ayano glared at Kazuma sitting next to her.

But, she suddenly adverted her eyes as if saying I saw something unsightly.

Kazuma, who made her advert her eyes as if she saw something dirty, was stretching out his limbs, leaning on the bench dead tired,

while looking at the sky in a dull manner.

How to say it, it was that.

The image of an exhausted father, spending his very rare day off with the family.

Moreover, in this man"s situation, it wasn"t fatigue nor weakness, but he was simply lazying around because it was too bothersome, so

he looked even more slovenly.

"Then, what are we going to do? ", asked Ayano, her eyes averted, while sitting on the bench as far as possible.

"Nothing much."

The return was even more lazy.

"If it"s only this amus.e.m.e.nt park, I can cover the entire area from here. If something happens I"ll know right away. "

Meaning, he will continue waiting here until something happens.

Things like youth, vitality, desire, faced with that speech unrelated to it all, Ayano exposed her disappointment.

"Why do you have to sit around stupefied, when we especially came to the amus.e.m.e.nt park? "

As if reading Ayano"s thoughts, Kazuma said.

"If you want to play, you can go, I don"t mind. You don"t have any purpose coming here anyway. "

"By myself? "

Kazuma replied to Ayano"s crushed to death tone in a cool manner.

"If you want a companion, hang around there. The only thing I cannot do something about is your face. If you were to stay there in silence one or two men will definitely approach you."

Having the urge to kick the bench Kazuma was entirely leaning on, Ayano controlled herself with great effort.

But even so thirst for blood leaked out and, like drawn by a tide, all the people in their surroundings disappeared.

"Don"t scare the customers. If you scatter killing intent in that manner it"s you who will become ghost story material. "

"Who"s----!? "

She was about to shout who"s fault it is but Ayano held her tongue vexed.

Atrociously glaring at Kazuma, his limbs untidily stretched out, she sat forcefully on the bench.

"Humph, baka"

She didn"t understand herself why she was so peevish.

"Aa? "

After a few minutes, Kazuma raised his voice in doubt.


"No, I don"t think it has anything to do with the job", murmured Kazuma looking on the opposite side from Ayano"s glance.

Ayano too followed his line of sight. In her center of vision were the toilets.

She was hungry for conversation so she didn"t scream "Then shut up!" like usual.

She asked the silent Kazuma once again.

"What is it? "

"Right now, a male garbage collector entered the women"s toilet"


Ayano was silent.

Obviously, that had nothing to do with them. It didn"t but----

"That"s kind of unpleasant"

"Rather that unpleasant, that doesn"t normally happen, right?"

In a casual tone, Kazuma compensated for her psychological disgust.

In an office building it"s normal for a female to clean the toilets intended for women. To say nothing of amus.e.m.e.nt facilities like

this where the customer gets maximum preference.

That sort of insensible behavior was impossible for the management.

"But, it"s not like it"s illegal, right? "

"Perhaps. But, don"t approach him. If you act violently it can become a serious matter. "

It was an expression of confidence that if Ayano were to become involved, she would cause a disturbance.

Raising her eyebrows, Ayano drew near Kazuma.

"You still have something you haven"t told me. "

A conclusion, not a question.

Kazuma confessed surprisingly obediently.

"Employees of the amus.e.m.e.nt park have their identification and photo on their chest"

"And? "

"The guy just now was different from his picture."

"That"s an impostor! ", shouted Ayano.

But without mirroring her att.i.tude, Kazuma declared with calm expression.

"Well, I don"t know about that. Maybe he was subst.i.tuted for someone else in a hurry"

"And that kind is cleaning the women"s toilets!? ", shouted Ayano in indignation.

She stared at the women"s toilet and the suspicious person inside with a sharp looks that could shoot out fire.

"It"s a peeping tom of maybe he"s taking photos, it"s obviously the worst kind of human being! Humph, he should be caught and thrown

into jail and beaten down by the guards! "

"It"s not good deciding something like that arbitrarily and one-sided. Maybe it"s just a harmless guy satisfied only with sniffing

the toilet bowls. "

"How is that harmless? ", retorted Ayano instantly.

"That"s clearly harmful! Rather, his guilt can only be compensated by the death penalty! "

".........Well, if you say so", approved Kazuma in an indifferent tone.

He had no desire to protect the pervert b.a.s.t.a.r.d and to be hit by Ayano.

"But---- we"re not the police or the security guard. Leave it to the specialists. "

"Now it"s not the time to be so relaxed!! What will happen if he runs while I"m calling someone? "

"Who knows...."

Kazuma shrugged his shoulders, irresponsible from the bottom of his heart.

Instantly Ayano frowned deeply and turned towards Kazuma a look loaded with as much contempt she could muster and turned away.

Without another glance she walked towards the women"s toilets with rough footsteps.

Stopping Ayano as a public service, it was clear Kazuma already lost the chance to do so.

The fake cleaning man in question appeared from the women"s toilets.


Antic.i.p.ating the almost occurring disaster, Kazuma quietly looked at the sky.



"Good grief! "

While on an anger high, Ayano glared at Kazuma walking next to her.

"If you wouldn"t have stopped me, I would definitely have killed him! "

"......Why kill him? "

"Why let him live!? "

Ayano immediately retorted to Kazuma"s weak reply.

"It"s common knowledge in human society peeking sons of b.i.t.c.hed are punished by death! "

".......Having you explain common sense, the world turned unpleasant. "

While looking at the sky he took a deep breath. And then Kazuma remembered the tragic event from a few minutes ago.

It was extreme. Perhaps, she really had the intention of killing him.

It was maybe natural that the security that rushed over judged Ayano to be the a.s.sailant.

What they saw was the man, already suffering of dull spasms but even so, the girl wearing the expression of a horned demoness was

relentlessly inflicting severe damage.

"But you saw the contents of his bag, right? How many cameras full with peeking pictures of girls he had! "

"It"s good there was so much evidence. If there weren"t you would have been accused of a.s.sault-- no, attempted murder."

"It"s fine, s.e.x offenders have no rights anyway.", declared Ayano with a serious look.

"There"s no need for evidence or confessions. As soon as they"re discovered, a prompt execution! The death penalty! This planet

doesn"t have enough oxygen to waste on such things! "

".......I have no objection to that opinion.", nodded Kazuma removing tings like common sense or morals.

"But, I have the feeling you should restrain yourself more when it comes to dealing with humans. "

"What? You mean to only half-kill and then forgive them? "

"No, to pick your place better."

Kazuma calmly declared such heartless words that far surpa.s.sed Ayano"s even in her angry state.

"If you don"t pick the place you"re like a beast. When killing someone do it where no one else could watch without leaving any

evidence --- it"s common sense in a civilized society, right? "

".......Having you explain common sense, the world turned unpleasant. "

That moment when she replied so with a blank stare, Ayano"s gaze was fixed in the front.

Following that gaze, Kazuma unintentionally grimaced.

"Listen to me, Ayano. Don"t cause any more disturbance---- "

She didn"t hear.

Ayano ran like the wind. Forward, to the two women cornered by four men.

With an att.i.tude that was closer to a molester or abductor rather than a skirt-chaser, they were rubbing the bodies of those two

women ready to cry.

With a few meters remaining between her and the actual spot, Ayano"s body flew in the air.

It was a splendid jump.


Wordless, Ayano kicked them in the middle of her jump. The outer edge of her foot sank in the man"s face embracing one girl and he

was blow off with a nose bleed the size of a water fountain.

"........it backfired, huh? ", murmured Kazuma gazing at the blown off man.

It was his imagination maybe but Ayano"s behavior was even more violent that usual.

It seems she didn"t hear his sincere advice.

The atrocious feast continued.

"eeh, ah, wha, wha"

In front of those men that had yet to understand the situation, Ayano landed soundlessly. And then--

"Bukeh!? "

A front kick the closest man. Thrusting her tiptoe to the pit of his stomach, the man bent forward in anguish.

She kicked his jaw that presented itself so defenseless with her knee and then knocked down the head that was jumped up with her


The man fell like slapped to the ground. Other that his hands and legs twitching, he was unable to move.

After confirming that, Ayano turned to the other two.

"Wha...y-you b.i.t.c.h"

"What the f.u.c.k are you doing? "

The remaining two finally understood and glared at Ayano, their shoulders trembling in anger.

But Ayano rushed to them with a monstrous glint in her eyes, their death penalty long before decided.

They put up a frantic resistance but,

"B-b.i.t.c.h, hey, stop it........hii, kuh......."

"Yu- Yuuto! s.h.i.t, f-forgive me.......keeeh........."

The angry voices turned to shrieks and then went up to the level of battle death agony --- and then only the sound of heavy blown


That tragic event, the heavy and dull sound of wet blows reverberated and continued.



"Men! Men! f.u.c.king men! "

Giving of such wrath that would make even the Yakuza avoid her, Ayano was randomly swaggering around the park.

It"s obvious she was in the worst kind of temper.

From the start she was more than ignorant when it comes down to s.e.xual matters, an excessively pure girl.

The anger towards the other five baseless men she met after those two incidents expanded in disgust towards the entire gender and in

a certain way, that was the logical.

Of course, there was another reason she was mad but she wasn"t self aware of it.

"This, is the worst! "

"Well, calm down. How to put this, walking next to you makes me embarra.s.sed."

"You"re noisy--- "

Unable to be indifferent, Kazuma gave her an honest advice but being perceived as a hostile man or rather the top of the list, his

words didn"t register with her.

"Something like men, they should all disappear from this world! "

"----What the heck, just because some unpleasant things happened today, you feel like turning half of the human race into your enemy?


"Shut up! How about you be the first to disappear? "

Evaluating the situation as not treatable Kazuma exaggeratedly shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the sky.

Overhead, a huge Feeris Wheel was towering over the surroundings facing the heavens.


Kazuma looked up at the Ferris Wheel slowly revolving and next, he changed his gaze to the girl coercing the surroundings and an

irritable presence.


With a nod, Kazuma started walking towards the Ferris Wheel.




Inside the Ferris Wheel, Ayano kept silent without even trying to hide her ill-humor.

She was standing diagonally from Kazuma looking the other way. Taking as much distance as possible in that narrow s.p.a.ce, that was the

position that allowed for the most alertness.

From that place Ayano was sending th.o.r.n.y glances towards Kazuma.

But, he showed no reaction.

From the time he boarded the Ferris Wheel until now, Kazuma didn"t say a word.

Comfortably crossing his legs, he looks outside without even acknowledging Ayano"s presence.


Very uncomfortable, Ayano kept stirring in her place.

She completely couldn"t understand Kazuma"s aim. Why did he want to ride the Ferris Wheel after all this time.

If he wanted to put her in a good mood, it would be better for him to say something---

"Besides, what"s up with this? He kept ignoring me until now. I won"t feel better with just this much"

She glared at Kazuma while pouting but as expected, Kazuma in his relaxed att.i.tude warded off Ayano"s anger. It was as if there was

no reaction.

To be able to maintain anger at someone who doesn"t react requires extraordinary willpower and perseverance.

Ayano who was only sulking, was unable to do so.

Kazuma was silent.

Thoroughly natural, he was just being there.

There wasn"t a single ripple. Like the smooth surface of the water, a serene presence.

Ayano"s anger, her dissatisfaction, he accepted them quietly and took them in.

".......that"s sly"

She didn"t quite understand what was sly about it but for some reason it made her displeased.

She was supposed to take offense but she couldn"t continue being angry.

Meaning that the mood stared to become pleasant.

".......you swindler."

That small murmur was all Ayano could do right now to resist him.


For the first time in a while Kazuma opened his mouth.


"I see Ren."

"Huh? Where? "

Forgetting the awkwardness until now, getting her face close to Kazuma"s, Ayano looked at the ground.

Just right underneath the Ferris Wheel, there was Ren and his friends. They were playing some kind of game of tag and were restlessly

changing direction but they didn"t look like they were fighting.

"Ha ha, they seem to get along, right?"

Searching for consent, she turned to Kazuma--- and at that time she finally realized she was dangerously close to him.


She vigorously got away. But, not wanting to return to her former seat, for some reason she stood next to him.

"Th-there"s no deep meaning for siting here, it"s simply the closest---"

She desperately explained herself. Simultaneously she peeped at Kazuma"s reaction but the man next to her continued to look outside

the same as always, without seeing the face of the girl blushing bright red.

But that doesn"t mean he was ignoring her either.

Right now she clearly understood it.

She was being accepted.

Even without looking at each other, even without talking to each other, Kazuma was recognizing her existence.

The gentle atmosphere was saying You can be here.

As part of the same body, she was allowed next to him.

Expressing a smile, Ayano softly closed her eyes.

"I"m glad I came"--- truthfully, from the bottom of her heart, she thought so.




Suddenly called out, Ren turned around.

Ayano was getting closer while waving her hand.

Compared with the time they separated, she seemed in an especially good mood.

It seems that the Suzerain"s plan had results.

"We met at a good time. Do you want to eat together? "

"I don"t mind."

While responding to Ayano"s smile with a smile of his own, Ren thought.

"But, what are we supposed to do about the job? "

It was a hoax request from the beginning so it was impossible to settle it.

Thinking exactly the same thing, Ayano uncomfortably looked at Kazuma.

"By the way, forgot about the job. What are we going to do? "

Kazuma declared smoothly.

"Aah, about that, it"s already over."

A brief period of silence. At those too surprising words, there was a time lag of ten seconds before she could comprehend.

"----Huh? When did you? "

"While you half-killed that group of four men. ", declared Kazuma with a deadly serious face.

I found a distortion at a distance of a hundred meters and I exorcised it. Because I didn"t feel any other spirit sign, the job ended


"Is-is that so? ", murmured Ayano in admiration, taking seriously the big lie.

Kazuma nodded dignified,

"That"s right. Me and Ren did the job so you shouldn"t care about it"

"Ren too?"

"Aah, in the job this time Ren played a biiig role"

While gently brushing Ren"s head, Kazuma whispered close to his ear.

"Is Suzerain the culprit ? "


Taken by surprise, the pure boy made the answer apparent with his reaction.

Looking up timidly noticing the fatal error, his brother"s lips were raised, showing a very bad smile indeed.

"You did very well."

Those words had almost an opposite effect for Ayano and Ren.

"I"ve...been found out........"

His body trembling, Ren frantically tried to speak.

"E, eeh, yeah.....ha ha ha......"

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

Kazuma responded with a dry smile to Ren"s frozen. And then, he pointed something that resembled a smiling face towards Kanon and


"Both of you, that you very much for playing with Ren today. As his brother, I thank you very much- fu fu fu"

That face a thousand time more eloquent than words conveyed Kazuma"s true feeling to those two. Understanding that everything had been seen through, the children changed their color.

"No, no need....."

"Don"t, don"t worry about it........"

With pallid faces, but even so the the boys and girls bravely continued the play.

Looking at them, as if not understanding, Ayano grumbled dissatisfied.

"Hey, aren"t you kind of ignoring me somehow? "

"Don"t worry about it. Thinking too deeply doesn"t suit you"

"......Hey, do you want to anger me that badly? "

A dark something started welling in Ayano"s voice. But,

"I don"t want that at all. I simply stated my honest opinion"

"That"s even worse!"

Not changing for the better, Kazuma and Ayano started their usual antics.

After thinking they finally made some progress, they ended right back where they started.

Ren watched attentively those two in silence. He would have stopped them by now usually but today, today only he didn"t feel like

getting in the way.

Rather he wanted them to be even louder.

"If I were to do so, they will pay it back little by little---"

Looking at Ayano having fun while bantering with Kazuma, Ren strongly wished for it.

Of course, that sort of good fortune was unlikely to come.