Kick Ass

Chapter 8

From Administrator Ada DeVeaux, who"s been with the health department since 1956: "I"ve never worked in a facility like this in all the years I"ve been here. It"s a fire hazard, the whole place."

From nurse Maureen Orr, who"s worked at rustic hospitals in Vietnam and Colombia: "I truly never have worked in such deplorable conditions...We keep wondering why, what"s happening?"

The county says fixing the South Miami clinic is a job for the state. The state says money is tight. While memos shoot back and forth, the kids keep coming.

Last week the clinic shut down for four days when water gushed through the ceiling into one of the examining rooms. The overhead pipes had rusted out, leaking dangerously all over the electrical connections. After TV stations showed footage of the damage, the pipes got repaired, the ceiling got plastered, and the clinic reopened.

The patients who come here-up to 200 a day-are mostly poor. Many are Mariel and Nicaraguan refugees who travel from as far south as 12oth Street, and as far west as the Collier County line. Almost everyone pays a nominal fee for a doctor"s exam.

The children wait for teta.n.u.s shots, TB vaccines, throat cultures-the sort of things all kids need. Pregnant women and new mothers wait, too-many of them high-risk patients who need special attention.

Hundreds and hundreds of families depend on the South Miami clinic for basic health care that most of us take for granted. If we could help it, we wouldn"t take our kids to a place that even the nurses say is hazardous. Some parents have no choice; that they care enough to bring their babies is reason enough for the state to do better.

"A disgrace," agrees state Rep. Betty Metcalf.

Upset by conditions at the clinic, she and Sen. Roberta Fox are trying to pry some money out of the Legislature. Unfortunately, an election year isn"t the optimum time to ask for a brand-new clinic.

The staff at South Miami would happily settle for a different location-any empty old building with at least 10,000 square feet, and some funds to fix it up. Metcalf and Fox are shooting for at least $500,000 for repairs and renovations.

The folks in Tallaha.s.see are unfailingly generous when it comes to subsidizing operas and auto races and beauty pageants and tourist promotions. Here"s a chance to help out a special interest group that"s really special-sick children who"ve got to wait in the sun, just to see a doctor.

Despair, rage fester in housing projects July 27, 1987 Seven long summers ago, Northwest 22nd Avenue was afire in July.

People who lived in the James E. Scott housing project lined the sidewalks to throw rocks and bottles and epithets at pa.s.sing cars. The mood was furious and grieving, an afterburst of the McDuffie riots.

Today, if you visit Scott or just about any project in Liberty City, ask the people what has changed in their lives. The answer is sometimes bitter and sometimes resigned, but always the same: Nothing has changed, they say; not a d.a.m.n thing.

The New York Times could run a 7-year-old photograph of the Scott project and n.o.body would notice the difference, because there is no difference. Many have tried to do good things, but the lives of most people haven"t improved.

It"s hard to explain how there is so little money for job training or decent housing or black business loans at the same time $2 million in public funds is being spent on a one-day visit by the pope.

Last week, while some folks were hyperventilating about Miami"s image in the newspaper, folks in Liberty City were trying to sweat out the deep heat. While civic leaders flew to Manhattan and got rooms at the Waldorf, activist Georgia Ayers stayed here and tried to keep a few youngsters out of jail. She lost no sleep over the Times magazine article.

"I"m not angry about anything they said about Miami," she said. "I hope it shames the h.e.l.l out of them."

The ugly, malignant truth is that things are worse in Liberty City and Overtown than they were in 1980 or 1983, when riots broke out. Add to the unemployment, lousy housing, high crime and lost promises a new ingredient for despair: crack cocaine.

A block off 62nd Street, lanky dealers hang in pairs on the street corners, with toddlers playing underfoot. Driving through is chilling enough; having to live here is harrowing.

The Rev. Barry Young is a former juvenile court bailiff who is now a counselor with Ayers" Alternative Program, which works with first-time criminal offenders. Rev. Young thinks the peace on the streets is brittle and tense.

"The spark is there," he said as we pulled into Scott.

On a scrubby vacant lot, middle-aged men sat in the shade and watched the cars go by. Counselor Marcia Wallace: "When you get up at 7:30 in the morning and your father"s sitting out there, and when you come home after school at 3 o"clock and he"s still there..."

William Smith: "There"s a lot of people out of a job. Like me, I"m out of a job." But he was radiantly proud of his niece, Jarenae, who last year won two trophies and two certificates for scholastic excellence at Drew Junior High.

By contrast, a magenta Cadillac cruised 6ist Street-brand-new car, the paper tag still taped to the rear window. The driver wasn"t more than 17; his pa.s.sengers even younger. "Did you see that? Can you believe that?" Rev. Young said.

On a corner across from Gwen Cherry Park, where knee-high kids were running circles in the gra.s.s, a young man in a black Jaguar sedan pulled up to do some business with the local retailers. Everyone on the block knew who and what he was; the little ones will, too, someday.

Julia Sullivan, 73, has lived two decades in the same Liberty City apartment. From her front door she sees a world that is not much different for her four great-grandchildren than it was for her 20 grandchildren, or her 11 children before that.

"The children need to get off the streets, they need a job," Mrs. Sullivan said. "Sometimes needing and wanting are two different things."

In the projects, the heat bakes so hard and the air rises so thick that it would seem to leave no strength for picking up a rock or a bottle or a gun. That"s what we thought seven years ago, too.

Of a shy young ninth-grader, Rev. Young asked: "What do you want to see change?"

"Everything," the young man said.

For poorest, life only gets worse January 18, 1989 The word is riot.

Not melee, or disturbance, or incident. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and say it that way.

But the word is riot.

Whether it lasts five minutes, five hours or five days, the ingredients are the same-the fierce combustion of honest pa.s.sion, confused fury, frustration and idle thuggery.

A young man is dead in the street with a police bullet in his head, and all you know is what you hear on the corner, and what you hear on the corner is bad.

So there is your spark.

What you saw on television the other night you"ve seen before. And if you were there, in Overtown, there was only one word for what was happening. And it was happening on Martin Luther King Day, of all days.

Gunshots. Looting. Cars on fire. Cops under siege. What would you call it-a heated dispute?

For, oh, how we yearn to minimize this thing, to calibrate it in some way to rea.s.sure the tourists and the national media that it isn"t as terrible as it was in 1982 or 1980.

No, it"s not nearly as terrible. Not if you merely add up the dead and wounded, count all the rocks and bottles. Take a quick survey of gutted buildings and charred cars.

No, by that measure it"s not as terrible as before. Not unless you happen to live there. Then it"s worse.

On Monday night, troopers blocked the interstate and sealed off the core of the city. On Tuesday morning, civic types downplayed what this will do to Miami"s future as a vacation destination. They hoped that the visiting press wouldn"t dwell on this isolated "disturbance" on the eve of the Super Bowl.

Well, screw the football game. This community"s problem is slightly more pressing than PR. What good is a shimmering new skyline when the streets below it are bleaker than ever?

We"ve got neighborhoods that in eight years have edged no closer to becoming humane places to raise a family. Neighborhoods with not enough decent housing and not enough decent jobs. And now we"ve got a new influx of refugees to add to the tension.

We also have something we didn"t have in 1982 or 1980, something to deepen the cycle of despair and futility. Now we have crack cocaine.

In these neighborhoods, some of the first sounds that a child learns to recognize are the flat crack of gunfire and the whine of a police siren.

Nearing midnight: We are on the corner of Northwest Second Avenue and 2oth Street. A building has been set aflame and a crowd is gathered outside to watch it go down, and talk about what happened to the young man on the motorcycle, the young man who died.

The intersection is clogged with cops and journalists. The fire gives an orange glow to the smoke roiling skyward, a sight that brings back memories. This time around, the cops know the drill of neighborhood containment. This time around, most of the photographers are wearing bulletproof vests.

Every time a squad car goes by-pump guns bristling from the windows-there is the crackle of broken gla.s.s on pavement; gla.s.s everywhere, just like the last time. Two dumpsters are on fire. Overhead a police helicopter circles the blaze and aims a piercing white eye on the dismal neighborhood.

On the corners with the women are children, so many of them, and so small. Many of these kids were not yet born when Arthur McDuffie was beaten to death near the expressway. Some were still in diapers when Nevell Johnson Jr. was shot in the head at a video arcade.

Now, barefoot, these children of the new Miami tiptoe around the gla.s.s on the street. Gingerly they pick up the small gray cardboard canisters-toys for the little ones, souvenirs for teenagers. The labels on the canister say: No. 2 Riot Agent CS Grenade, Continuous Discharge. Manufactured by the Smith & Wesson Chemical Co.

Riot agent. Gas. A pungent damp cloud of the stuff rolls down 2oth Street. This time around, the cops and photographers have brought masks.

The little children rub their eyes and scurry to get upwind. It is their first whiff of tear gas, but they are learning fast. On these streets, they will have no choice.

HRS research project is a study in folly January 29, 1990 What will those clever minds at HRS think of next?

The newest scheme is to deny job training to thousands of eligible poor people-then pay for a research study to see how they"re doing.

Amazing but true.

This spring, about 5,500 indigent Floridians will be purposely shut out of a program that offers job skills and child-care benefits instead of straight welfare. The theory behind the $25 million Project Independence was to train people for jobs so that eventually they can get off public a.s.sistance.

Similar welfare-to-work plans have been advocated as a first step toward fixing the nation"s paralyzed anti-poverty programs. Many experts now believe that welfare is hopeless unless it"s tied positively to employment.

To test the effectiveness of Project Independence, a private research company will create what is known in science as a control group-in this case, 5,500 people who will be denied the job and child care, and studied like human guinea pigs.

Their "progress" over a three-year period will be compared to that of the 11,000 luckier souls enrolled in Project Independence.

Gee, I wonder what the findings might be. Do you suppose a person who gets job training stands a slightly better chance of finding work than someone with no skills?

To answer this and other stumpers, The Manpower Demonstration Research Corp. of New York is being paid $2.4 million. The firm has conducted similar studies elsewhere, and claims that the results enable "workfare" programs to become more efficient.

That sounds like promotional hype, but let"s a.s.sume it isn"t. Let"s a.s.sume the methodology is sound. If hope is s.n.a.t.c.hed from a single dest.i.tute family, then the human cost of this experiment is too high.

Several legislators have joined sociologists in condemning the program as cruel and exploitative. HRS says the study is perfectly ethical.

Maybe a white rat wouldn"t put up a fuss, but these are human beings chosen without their consent to be Group A-the have-nots. The selection process is supposedly random, a bleak lottery that will affect the lives of needy people from Dade, Broward and seven other counties. Between 15 and 25 percent of all who apply for the jobs program will be shunted to the control group.

Remember that the outcasts are fully eligible under the law to partic.i.p.ate in Project Independence. They are being rejected purely because the state wants to see how they fare without this special help.

Wait until the have-nots discover that somebody is being paid $2.4 million to watch them scurry through the urban maze. It works out to about $436 for every man, woman and child in the control group. The Ford Foundation gave $400,000 to bankroll the study, while we taxpayers are providing the remaining $2 million.

There"s nothing wrong with reviewing public a.s.sistance projects to see if they really work. Given the miserable history of welfare, it makes sense to take a hard look at each program-but not like this.

The HRS plan is misguided, wasteful, coldhearted and just plain dumb. What possible social insight can be gained by randomly denying opportunity to some indigents while rewarding others? And what do you tell the unlucky ones-sorry, folks, maybe next time?

As long as the Legislature is funding deprivation experiments on humans, here"s an interesting one: Make a random selection of state employees (say, the Secretary of HRS and his top staff) and take away their jobs for three years. No salaries, no state cars, no expense accounts, no health insurance, no pensions.

Then hire several thousand poor people (for, say, $2.4 million) to go around studying the dreary new lifestyle of Mr. Gregory Coler and his bureaucrats. Follow them to the grocery and the bank and the doctor"s office. See how they"re getting along with no money.

Certainly such innovative public servants wouldn"t mind taking a turn being poor, in the name of science.

Prost.i.tutes talk of risk-and addiction May 14, 1990 Nine prost.i.tutes gathered in the library of the Dade Women"s Detention Center.

They talked about selling s.e.x in the harrowing age of AIDS and crack cocaine. What they said was: Not much has changed. They carry protection. They get tested for the disease whenever they"re in jail. Beyond that, it"s business as usual. The Johns don"t seem too worried. Most of the time, they don"t even want to put on a condom.

Victoria Brown, 26, arrested near Biscayne Boulevard: "If you"re a heavy crack user, it doesn"t matter if you"ve got AIDS or not. If you get in a car and the guy asks if you"ve got AIDS, are you gonna tell him the truth? No way. Not if you want to get paid."

By her own count, Victoria has been arrested 95 times on prost.i.tution-related charges. She is 26 years old, a veteran of county jails.

Sun Kelly, a slender South Korean woman, makes $600 to $700 on nights-a sum envied by the others. Where does all the money go? "Smoke," Sun said. She"s been a prost.i.tute for 25 years.

Ask the group who else smokes rock, and they all raise their hands. "Crack cocaine," said one, "is the biggest pimp there ever was."

To explain their dangerous lifestyle, the women tell of enslaving drug habits and, often, a wretchedly brutal family past. Their customers usually have no such excuse. You see these idiots getting nabbed in police sweeps on the nightly news-blue-collar guys, professionals, Yuppies, college kids. Talk about mindless desperation. Talk about stupid.

A sample of what"s out there: Of the nine prost.i.tutes interviewed, most had used intravenous drugs. At least two women (one of them three months pregnant) had syphilis, while another had herpes. Most said they had been tested before for the AIDS virus-all negative, they said. But keep in mind: By the time the results of their latest tests are known, they"ll be out turning tricks again.

From Victoria Brown: "I"ve had over 15 tests, and I never once found out the results." She says she"d quit if she were notified that she"d tested positive. That"s what they all said. "I would commit suicide," added Linda McArthur. "I would take an OD of heroin and die." Said another: "I"d lock myself in a room and smoke myself to death."

But, tragically, prost.i.tutes with AIDS often continue working. They have no place else to go-even if they"re dying, even if they risk infecting others. The justice system keeps them for 30 days, maybe 60 days, that"s about it.

Proposed laws that would keep infected prost.i.tutes in custody have failed in the Legislature; it"s doubtful such measures would survive a const.i.tutional challenge. While it"s a crime to give another person a s.e.xual disease, prosecution is nearly impossible.

It is not a crime to be sick and alone on a street corner.

Roxcy Bolton, an activist who has been counseling abused women for years, says a halfway house is needed, a facility where AIDS-stricken prost.i.tutes can go. It would be, in one sense, a hospice-a quiet place to die.

There"s no a.s.surance that all would choose to stay there, but the opportunity should exist. To continue putting these women back on the streets is madness.

"If something is wrong with me, I want to know," said Tina Green. A prost.i.tute since age 13, she still has no plans to quit out of fear. "This is a career for me," she said.

Although statistics indicate the prost.i.tute is more often the recipient than the transmitter of AIDS, the s.e.xual act puts every customer at risk. And there are other victims of the trade, some of them truly innocent.

A year and a half ago, Victoria Brown went into labor while lying in a Miami crack house. She got to the hospital just in time, but didn"t stay long.

"I left my baby in Jackson, and I never went back." She said she doesn"t know what happened to the child, or where it is today.

Then she began to cry, and all the women-every one-cried with her.

Con artists. .h.i.t the road to prey on old May 23, 1990 The criminals we worry most about are crack dealers, armed robbers, rapists and murderers. This fear comes from living in urban America.

There"s another kind of crook who is seldom caught, rarely prosecuted and almost never jailed. Yet his brand of crime is particularly cruel and predatory because it targets the elderly who live alone.

Every year gypsy criminals come scouting for victims in the Sun Belt. They knock on doors and offer bargain home repairs, roof sealing and driveway paving-work that"s invariably shoddy and overpriced.