Kidou Senshi Gundam UC

Chapter 3Part 1

Chapter 3Part 1

(The bow will be directed in a new direction. Opening the hatches for the 1st to 4th catapult. Mobile suit squadron, get into launching position.)

The voice of Operator Bellard could be heard as the catapult hatches opened. Riddhe moved the “ReZEL” unit 008 forward, let the machine step on the catapult, and could not help but let out a call of amazement as he looked at the scene outside.

“This is…!?”

The 3rd catapult deck was extend out into the vacuum—if the Nahel Argama’s shape could be described as a wooden horse, the right foreleg would be the exposed catapult. A large amount of debris was surrounding them in the midst of the current, as blocks of all sizes floated towards the stern of the ship. Occasionally, debris the size of a mobile suit would graze past the catapult. It felt like swimming in the midst of remains. However, the Nahel Argama itself was moving forward, and the reason why this misa.s.sumption would be thought of was because they were leaving the collapsed colony remains, and the scattered rubble flow looked like they were moving from the back to the front.

If we moved in the same direction as the debris, the relative velocity on both sides will be negated, and the surface area of the ship being hit could be reduced to the smallest possible area. This would be a welcomed arrangement for the mobile suit that would be shot out from the bow, but can we leave the ship safely? If we slam into a debris that comes from behind when we fly out, we’ll be squashed immediately…no, before I even worry about that, let’s think; how am I going to catch sight of the enemy in this messy s.p.a.ce? Riddhe swallowed his saliva as he looked around the debris that kept floating around. (We chose a very bad time to launch), the voice from the wireless communicator caused him to close his mouth. It was Lieutenant Commader Homare of Romeo 004.

“It’s rare that you can remain on standby inside the ship. Is this really alright, young lord?”

“I’m not convinced about letting you guys handle this, Lieutenant Commander.”

He answered this dig with a dig back. It was something small, but this small action alone gave him a peace of mind. (Oh, you sure dare to answer back). Riddhe heard the Lieutenant Commander as he felt that he could finally be alone. (That’s all for chit-chat). Squad leader Norm’s voice interrupted.

(All units are to form elements after leaving the ship. Juliet 2 with Romeo 004. Romeo 008, follow me.)

The element, as its name would imply, was about using the smallest number of members when forming teams, active teams of 2s. Norm was the attack unit, and Riddhe was the defense unit. Thus, Riddhe’s unit had a long-distance support beam launcher equipped. Everyone was launched out, but it was unexpected that they would only have 2 elements. “Understood.” Riddhe suppressed the timidity that crept up in him as he answered.

(There are 4 enemy units closing in. We have similar numbers, so calm down before going.)

Squad Leader Norm seemed to read his thoughts, and behind him (Path clear. Please launch). Operator Bellard’s voice rang. Riddhe stared at the torrent of debris that showed no signs of stopping, and grumbled “What path clear…?”. (I can hear you, Romeo 008!) The Operator’s voice could be heard, causing Riddhe to cringe. “Got it!” Riddhe grumbled in his heart after answering, thinking that it would be great if Mihiro was the operator.

Looks like she’s still not released from her task to take care of the civilians. Speaking of which, I asked her out to see a movie. What was the type of movie she said she doesn’t really like? Riddhe thought in an absent-minded manner. He intended to think of that mini-tank’s round eyes in his mind, but suddenly ended up thinking about another pair of eyes, and was shocked by it.

Those emerald-colored eyes that looked like they were about to suck him in; those eyes that did not look like they could relax and look at him, the side of that awe-inspiring face overpowered the rest as it appeared in Riddhe’s mind, causing him to be shaken by the lack of understanding of his mindset. Why, why am I thinking of her face when I may end up dying—

“What the heck am I doing? Is it love at first sight?”

He unwittingly said it out. Are you serious? Riddhe asked himself. (…Don’t say it.) Operator Bellard’s seemingly disgusted musing could be heard, “Ah, no, I don’t intend that…” Riddhe was frantically trying to explain, but was shut up by a booming voice (Norm Basilic.o.c.k, Romeo 001, launching!)

One could see Squad Leader Norm’s “ReZEL” unit 1 glide up from the 1st open-air catapult deck that formed the bow of the “Nahel Argama”. The “Jegan” unit 2 then shot out from the 4th catapult at the bottom of the ship. Riddhe grabbed onto the control stick. Let me survive this before thinking about the rest later. I won’t die, and I definitely can’t die. I must come back and meet Audrey. If I’m really in love, I’ll naturally find out where I should go.

The countdown timer display reached zero. That’s right, I’ll definitely survive. Riddhe muttered in his own heart as he got ready to launch. At this moment, he suddenly remembered. Is that letter to my father sent out yet?

Part 2

(Riddhe Marcenas. Romeo 008, launching!)

The vague voice through the wireless speaker rang. “Ah, it’s Ensign reading.” Banagher heard Takuya say this as he stared at the monitor panel on the wall showing the blue mobile suit with a transformable booster unit on the back glide on the catapult and fly into vacuum.

“Someone you know?”

“It’s the Ensign who had the model plane. I never saw him again after this.”

The biplane model that was fastened on the table with tape could be seen in the direction Takuya was pointing. That was something Takuya did after managing to hold onto the model tightly in the middle of the tremors, and prevent the same thing from happening. “Oh, that one…” Banagher answered he turned his eyes back to the monitor panel that as 10 inches. That’s the young pilot who was chasing the model on the mobile suit deck. He sure feels like he will doubt easily. As he thought, Riddhe’s machine could be seen flying off, leaving behind the blueish-white thruster jets on the monitor.

That machine dodged the debris surrounding the ship like flowing water, and gradually disappeared from the screen. His movements compared to the previous ones were not lackl.u.s.ter…or rather, it felt like that course he chose was the one that would use less effort. Banagher brought his face closer to the visual presented by the camera that was fastened on the catapult. “You guys can watch this later!” Mihiro growled, causing Banagher to cringe.

“Hurry here and put on the normal suits.”

Mihiro carried in 4 normal suits from the locker room and said to them with a sharp voice. She herself was covered in the white military normal suit, and was giving a look of a soldier who would not have time to pretend to be calm in a real battle. “Alright.” Banagher answered Mihiro as he looked back at Audrey and Micott.

Both of them had been in 2 corners of the wide room ever since they returned back to the recreational room, and they never intended to look at each other as they silently put on the normal suits even in this situation. The way they deliberately changed into the normal suits while turning their backs on each other gave an ominous vibe. While it was okay on Audrey’s side, it would not be weird for Micott to explode anytime soon—

“Try and hold yourself down and don’t leave this place. I’m going outside to check on the situation.”

Mihiro probably was not in the mood to notice the atmosphere as she hurriedly left the room while being tripped by the trays on the floor. Banagher looked at the normal suits that were left on the table, stared at the backs of the girls who were hesitantly changing, and was really not motivated to go to them as he decided to stay in front of the monitor panel. “Oh, this launched from the 2nd catapult.” Takuya switched the channel of the monitor as he mused with fast breathing. Banagher and he watched the back of the transformable mobile suit that got ready to launch.

It was not a misjudgment this time. The ship was attacked by the enemy, and the monitor was showing a real battle. It’s the enemy Neo Zeon. Will that four-winged mobile suit come back again? “Leave this place with me""Banagher recalled that cold tone as he glanced at Audrey. Her expression was stiff, but there was no sign of anxiety or fear on her face as she inspected the normal suit. It was like the time when they were facing each other in the dim storage room, the stare that refused from thousands of miles away was looking at something other than this place. Those emerald eyes were showing pa.s.sive thoughts of taking it one thing at a time, her emotions suppressed by a sense of duty. The ones attacking may be her allies—

The reports announcing that they were leaving the ship were buzzing. “Please, you guys…” Banagher was prompted by Takuya’s earnest voice as he stared at the transformable mobile suit. The giant figure on the catapult deck looked to be smaller, and just when it was about to reach the end of the catapult deck, a pink beam appeared like static, sweeping through the image in a diagonal direction. At that moment, a white light was emitted from the mobile suit that was about to leave the ship, and the monitor suddenly turned black.

The room lost its light at the same time, and the noise of an explosion that rocked the air within the ship surrounded him. The floor was b.u.mped by several meters, and Banagher was knocked into the ceiling for some reason. Amidst the darkness, the cracking sound of something being crushed echoed through the ship; the noises of breaking gla.s.s and compressed metal could be heard. Screams and moans echoed through the room. Banagher reached out his outstretched arm, and kept hitting the walls and the floor without grabbing anyone. At this moment, Banagher’s nerves were all numb with pain as he moved his arm, trying to grab something. Suddenly, the emergency red alert flashing in the room dyed the dark room red.

The monitor image was regained, and the visual from the same angle as before was shown on a corner. The image of the catapult deck, stretched into s.p.a.ce, was captured by the camera—but the runway that should appear there disappeared. What appeared there was a dark void with debris that were moving in the opposite direction, shining. The pink beam that flashed again left some burns, and the darkness devoid of stars had two, three lights of explosions.

We got sniped…? Banagher stared at this pink beam that was obviously from a mega-particle cannon, took what he deduced and tried to let his aching body stand up. He looked around the room that was surrounded in red light, and checked the locations of the other 3 that were collapsed in the different corners of the room. Audrey was holding onto the holding, kneeling; Takuya had his head stuffed into the flower bed, and Micott, who had her lower body inside the normal suit. Banagher saw that the trio seemed to have escaped fatal injuries, and he was about to move to Audrey who was unable to stand up as a chilling premonition came down his spine without warning.

Something floated past the screen behind him. The red vestige was etched in Banagher’s eyes. That was not the vestige of a beam, but something that was with physical ma.s.s. This certain thing had enough killing intent to cause gooseb.u.mps was closing in on this ship. That thing was giving off a heavy presence, arriving here with killing intent that went through several layers of armor.

Banagher tried to look for the red vestige on the monitor. The meteor-like shadow did not appear again as a new explosion appeared, creating a dazzling white light in the vacuum.

Part 3

Even though the light filter took effect, the flashes that immediately appeared still dyed the window white, robbing the bridge members’ sighs. Otto collided into the normal suit locker at the back, barely managed to climb onto the captain’s seat rest, and shouted with all his strength, “WHAT’S THE SITUATION!?”

“it seems that a “ReZEL” that was launched got sniped. The left catapult deck took severe damage.

Operator Bellard growled back as he gave a brief damage report from the damage control room. The peripheral view of the ship was shown on the monitor panel above his head, and the damaged parts were blinking red. The portside catapult deck of the Nahel Argama was blown to bits as it was caught in the explosion of the sniped ReZEL. It lost the left foreleg of a sphinx. Otto saw that his ship looked like it was half blown off, and felt that what he saw was a moment of darkness. He put on the helmet of his normal suit tightly, and raised his volume, saying, “EVERYONE, CHECK FOR DAMAGES!”


The 2,600 close-ranged defense artillery, and the main cannon that had a further range than the enemy unit had not been fired. “But adjustments aren’t…!”Otto angrily told off the cannon operator, who answered with a bone-chilling reply. They were trying to estimate where the enemy unit was, even though at this moment, trying to hold off the enemy with bullets without actually worrying about hitting was common sense in actual battle.


Otto let out a roar through the wireless network to all the units in the ship. He may have ended up embarra.s.sing the cannon operator, but that was all. Anyone would lose functionality after being trained in precision and competing for it. Otto reflected on the time when he viewed ship efficiency as the most important thing and felt regret over it. at this moment, countless inception fire let out flashes outside the window.

The 60mm machine cannon that was meant to counter mobile suits let out a trail of fire of light bullets. Also, there were 2 main cannons equipped on the ship, one about and one below—the 2 twin-barrel mega-particle beam cannons let out sublight beam bullets. The secondary cannons hidden within the two domes on the flanks shot out beams, and the Nahel Argama shot out a screen of fire all over the place, but this was already a slow reaction. The debris that got hit exploded, and as countless bits of light were flickering around the ship, new direct hits rocked the inside of the ship. Otto got back to the captain’s seat, and several seconds later, he was b.u.mped up and knocked into Daguza, who entered the bridge. As Daguza used his injured left arm with the cast on to grab the big man, Otto roared back in a voice loud enough to match the impact noises, “THERE’S ONLY ONE UNIT! KEEP FIRING!”

There was only one enemy that entered the ship’s range as the other 3 units were outside the attack range, intending to watch the battle from the sidelines. What enemies? Otto lifted his head to look at the monitor image, seeing this before returning back to the captain seat and fastened himself with the attachment at the back. Our machines that are fighting it can’t even match its movements. The remnant exploded after the direct hit from the beam, spewing hot debris, and the enemy unit got over to other heat sources to easily get through the fire. Such excellent reflexes—no, this was not a skill a human could pull off. It was like the mobile suit knows all the blind spots of the ship without any data help, dealing damage to the Nahel Argama which lost its foreleg.

“Who in the world is that guy…” As he unwittingly mused, the umpteenth tremor rocked the ship again. The body of the ship was rocked by several meters, and the G-force hit the body that was on the Captain’s body. (The rear main cannon took severe damage). Before the voice of the report rang, Daguza muttered, “The enemy doesn’t intend to shoot the engine room.” Otto opened his closed eyes. Daguza grabbed onto the captain seat’s armrest, his helmet reflecting the explosions of light outside.

“That guy wants to neutralize us before taking the Box.”

Daguza did not look away from the window. The enemy’s trying to wear down our ship’s fighting strength to make us surrender while avoiding damage on the engine room that may sink the ship. That’s the kind o enemy we’re facing. Otto felt his face turn pale, and argued back, “Idiot, how can such a stupid thing happen! We’re talking about a single mobile suit trying to do this…!” He then caught sight of Alberto, who rushed into the bridge, from the corner of his eye. “Mr Alberto, this place is dangerous!” He ignored Liam’s warning that was earlier than Otto’s, and pulled the chair of the sensor. He handed a record card to the sensor operator and turned to Otto, saying, “Use the data inside to check.” Otto was overwhelmed by Alberto’s ma.s.sive killing intent…or rather, thoroughly fearful face as he gave an expression allowing them to do so. The sensor operator then took the record card he received and put it into the console’s slot. Soon, the data that was read was shown on the sensor visual, and it started matching with the unidentified machine they were fighting.

In less than two seconds, a match was indicated, and the photo of the unidentified mobile suit was displayed through CG hologram. The 3-dimensional picture and the data was shown. Otto silently watched the sensor image. It was a mobile suit that had the smart body line of a Federation unit and also the curves of a Zeon-type mobile suit. It had a one-eyed head, a thruster unit on the back that looked like wings, and the machine was a dazzling red—

“So it’s the “Sinanju”. The enemy’s the “Red Comet” here…”

Alberto backed away from the console and muttered with a trembling voice. Otto felt the wavering air of uneasiness inside the bridge, and parroted back, “The Red Comet…?”

“It was two year ago. Our company developed a prototype mobile suit that was robbed by those guys during transport.” Alberto’s eyes could not remain focused as they moved, and he continued, “The Federation units that were sent to track it down came back in defeat, and the one viewed as the mastermind behind it was Full Frontal, that person called the second coming of the Red Comet—Char Aznable.”

Liam seemed to be enlightened as she lifted her heavy-looking eyelids and looked over. “I heard of it before. That red mobile suit single-handedly took down two Clop ships, called the pioneer of the “Sleeves.”

“That one called “The Lingering Soul of Char” who created a commotion that time, huh? But…”

Impossible. No, Otto himself wished that this situation did not happen. The red mobile suit was like a hallucination amidst the flickering explosions of light in s.p.a.ce, and Otto clamped his glove that was drenched in sweat. The fallen king of the old Zeon Empire, Char Aznable, took the reins during the second Neo Zeon War as the heir of Zeon Deikun. He was the man at the center of the conflict called “Char’s Counterattack”. Even if it were a joke, that Red Comet who vanished without a trace during that final battle could not have survived till now. Some idiot must have been using Char’s name after seeing that he might not have been shot down.

But if that’s the case, what’s with the overwhelming prowess of this enemy in front of us— “The color is different, but this machine is one of the two that were stolen.” Alberto’s next words caused Otto to swallow his stone-like heavy saliva.

“The RX-0 is designed from this thing’s data! This isn’t a mobile suit that can be taken down with some half-baked mobile suits! Hurry up and run away!”

Alberto’s pale face was dyed with the explosion of light outside the window at the next moment. The blunt and heavy impact pierced through the bridge, and the bodies that were held down by the chair attachments could only shake. Otto grabbed onto Alberto’s normal suit just when Alberto was floating around, dragged him to the Captain’s seat with all he got, and yelled, “SEND THE RELEVANT DATA TO ALL UNITS!” The echo and the voices of damage reports rang, and the alarm indicating that the enemy was closing in sounded even more rushed.


Even If we want to run away, we’ll just be hit from the back in this situation. Otto fought back the feelings in his heart that were overwhelmed by the term “The Second Coming of Char”, and stared at the beams that were all over the place outside. Daguza seemed to have some thought as he pa.s.sed by Otto, while the explosions showed him leaving the bridge silently.

Part 4

The combat data was immediately sent out, and the mobile suit squad received this data through the radar. The unknown CG image model was corrected by the data, allowing the pilots to grasp the shape of the enemy mobile suit. However, the situation did not improve in this situation.

Even after knowing the shape, it was meaningless if they could not catch sight of the enemy. The “Sinanju” continued to fly behind the messy debris, not leaving any opening for the Nahel Argama pilots to fight it head on. The red mobile suit grazed past the dead angle—it was too late when everyone realized this, and broke through the defense lines, and shot a new beam at the ship.

The Nahel Argama took a direct hit, giving off a white-hot fireball. The pure white ship that lost its left catapult was tilted largely to the side. The anti-air fire continued on, ripping through the torrent of debris to bits. The red mobile suit, which was not even equipped with a shield, moved in in arcs amidst the numerous explosive lights. The arm that had the logo of Zeon on the sleeve, the legs that looked like some crustacean sh.e.l.l, the two propeller tanks on the back all help guide the Active Ma.s.s Balance Auto-Control rotor, allowing the red giant to move amidst the vacuum on its own.

No matter how different the frame or the power generator was, mobile suits of the same size should not have a difference in output. The “Sinanju” continued to toy with ship with hit and run tactics, while the Nahel Argama pilots did not break formation as it insisted on basic tactics and continuous suppression of the enemy. The Lieutenant Commander’s Romeo 004 got shot down with the catapult jet, and the remaining forces that were left were 2 “ReZELs” and one “Jegan”. These three machines all started to search out the enemy, attack and support, tracking the red machine that was appearing and disappearing in the midst of the torrent of debris. The movement courses of the enemy suit would naturally be limited with the involvement of the Nahel Argama’s fire. The pilots believed that they had a chance since there was no attacks from any Psycommu weapons.

The one in charge of tracking down the enemy was the Juliet 2 “Jegan”, while the attacker Romeo 001 started to double team it. The defender, Romeo 008, was equipped with a beam rifle as it remained in a position where it could see the three machines. The 3 machines continued to dodge the debris that was moving in from irregular directions as they waited at the opening where the enemy would appear. The enemy’s mobile suit had outstanding AMBAC capabilities, but there had to be a limit. They had went through multiple moments when the enemy would dodge attacks that would have normally hit. The Nahel Argama pilots had been waiting for this moment, for several minutes after the Nahel Argama took a direct hit. The “Sinanju” was slowed down a little, perhaps because the debris floated in its path. The pursuing “Jegan” used this chance to rain fire, and the “ReZEL” 011 got right in front of the “Sinanju” before shooting a mega-particle from the beam rifle. The ”Sinanju” was restrained by the front as it stopped. Riddhe, who was piloting the “ReZEL” 008, squeezed the trigger.

“Got you!”

The power generator hidden inside the beam rifle roared and shot out a large beam. The mega-particle beam that could match a battleship main cannon blew aside the debris in a straight line, vaporizing through s.p.a.ce dust as it rushed at the enemy. However, the “Sinanju” managed to dodge that attack at the critical moment. It was fighting the other two machines, but it could still dodge a sublight beam that came from somewhere else.

The burning debris was scattered all over the lace, having taken the direct hit. The “Sinanju” kicked at one of them and flew through the perimeter at an abnormal speed. The “Sinanju” rained fire on Riddhe’s suppressing fire, and then hid its own heat source amongst the hot debris.

The beam rifle lacked a consecutive fire function. It would need ten seconds to recharge for the next shot. Riddhe’s “ReZEL” had to back away, and the “Sinanju” snuck below the “Jegan” that was closing in on it. The “Jegan” could not use the heat sensor and rely on the visuals, but the enemy was right below it—the only blind spot of the 360 degrees all view monitor, right below the linear seat.

“Is this guy a Newtype too!?”

This is an enemy more ferocious than the psycommu equipped 4-winged, and without openings. The voice of the “Jegan” pilot was drowned out by Squad Leader Norm’s voice “Right below!”. The “Jegan” pilot wanted to step on the pedal, but the beam rifle in the “Sinanju”s hand let out a flash, and the pilot’s consciousness faded.

The beams came out from the rifle barrel, obliterating the “Jegan” from the bottom in rapid-fire mode beams. One hit the leg, another crushed the hand, and the “Jegan” limbs that were hit seemed to dance in s.p.a.ce like a spoilt puppet. The head was crushed by the internal pressure, and the core reactor was ignited. The armor let out hot air, and the shockwave ripped through the metal skeleton inside as the now deformed machine was swallowed in an extremely hot ball of light.

The light of explosion that expanded lit up the surrounding debris, causing the “Sinanju” red frame to float in mid-air. It easily dodged pasted Norm’s shots and again vanished amongst the torrent of debris. Norm could not help but have gooseb.u.mps as his impression of other unique mobile suits he saw on the battlefield before was mixed in. The “Zeong” and the “Sazabi”, the machines that were piloted by the legendary Red Comet—

“Is that the real Char…!?”

He felt tense after feeling that similar pressure. The Nahel Argama let out flares of being hit behind the two “ReZELs” that were trying to regroup.

Part 5

The light of explosions that happened more than 60km away looked like light-colored illumination. The cold flashes that were sharper than the stars appeared for a short moment, causing the debris floating around the shoal s.p.a.ce region to appear for the time being. The thin thread-like lights pa.s.sed by, and the bright pink light that cut through the blueish-white ring of light was shot through, followed by an expanding orange fireball that signaled an enemy mobile suit’s explosion.

“I said it before, didn’t I? There’s no need for us to get involved.”

It’s impossible to see such a beautiful scene anywhere else. Angelo Sauper said as he saw the image of this light feast from the all view monitor. Ensign Sergi, who was approximately a kilometer away, twitched the “Geara Zulu” slightly as he watched the battle with the rest of the escort squad, answering somewhat hesitantly, (Yes…)

(But is this really okay? There’s not just one enemy there. We should be giving covering fire, shouldn’t we…?)

“That’ll just be a nuisance. We just need to stay here and clean up any enemies the Captain missed.”

Even so, there’re only two enemy suits left. There’s no room for the escort squad to intervene here. Angelo raised the long-distance beam launcher that was equipped on the right manipulator, and rested the 20m long weapon on the machine’s shoulder. Angelo got rid of the instantaneous fire mode, intending to watch the battle from afar, and wryly added, “But the Captain sure is evil for not leaving such small work to us.”

“I never squeezed the trigger once ever since I followed the Captain into the battlefield.”

(Not even once…?)

Sergi’s mobile suit on the enlarged image of the window moved its monoeye to look at Angelo, seemingly looking for an expression or so. Angelo looked at Lieutenant Cuarón in the opposite direction and saw that he was intending to just watch as he put the cannon on his shoulder. Angelo answered ‘yeah’ as he put his hand on the helmet.

“I feel that this is an honor of us, the Escort Squad.”

Angelo took off the helmet and lifted the bangs on his forehand. Angelo himself thought that this was too much, but he did not care about it any further. At this distance, the beam that would be fired here would either be a ship cannon or a high-energy launcher cannon. It would be instant death if any of them were hit. Sergi’s machine showed a puzzled att.i.tude as it turned its monoeye back to the front to stare at the battlefield again. Angelo looked over from the corner of his eye and continued in his heart: You’ll understand later.

There won’t be any wild enemy shots flying over. The enemy’s head over heels trying to set a firing range. Anyone who’s trying to snipe us from that will be taken down by the Captain if there are any signs of it. Someone might think that there’s no need for an escort squad, but that’s not true. There are many things we can do to help the Captain, like protecting the battlefield the Captain is on, or watching out for any reinforcements. It’s this feeling of trusting and being trusted that allows us to be able to deal with any enemy more than anything else. The Captain himself acknowledged that we’re the fighting strength supporting him on the battlefield.

Leaving our lives to each other and gaining unsurpa.s.sed happiness and absent-mindedness is more precious than anything else Angelo imagined seeing the “Sinanju” in the midst of the crossfire of beams. The enemy mobile suits will be immediately dealt with, the ship cannon will be taken down. The enemy ship will have nowhere to go, and they have to hand over the Laplace Box soon. No matter what it is, it’ll definitely big enough for the ship to hold. Once we reclaim it, we’ll just put it back on the “Rewloola” at the back.

I can still enjoy this numbing and enjoyable feeling before then. Everything about the battlefield the Red Comet rides on—Full Frontal, is pretty. There is a large ball of explosion shown there, and Angelo muttered: I’ll enjoy this even if I die.

Part 6

The umpteenth impact rocked the ship, and Banagher grabbed onto the foot of the table that was creaking. The falling rocks-like noises rang, and the sounds of floating bodies crashing the floor could be heard as the red lights shining inside the room flashed brightly.

(Third Ventral Fin on the right took heavy damage!)

(Emergency response team, hurry up with the airtight a.s.signment on C block!)

(It’s the 4th VLS! A missile fell in from the suspension and we got a staff crushed down there…! OI! KIk.u.mASA, KIk.u.mASA!!)

What could only be heard from the open speakers in the ship were cries and roars. “Is this ship…going to be alright…” Takuya muttered, and Banagher did not rely as he looked around the recreational room that was covered with a thin amount of dust. All the things that were not held down were scattered all over the place, and the monitor panel on the wall was showing cracks. He spent all his concentration on guarding himself against the tremors. He and everyone else had not put on their normal suit. Micott was grabbing onto the sofa, not moving at all, and on the opposite side, Banagher saw that Audrey was intending to carry the s.p.a.cesuit. He intended to move there when the tremors stopped. It was unknown when the airtight wall would be broken through if this kept up. They had to make sure they had their air.

Banagher gathered up 2 normal suits that were scattered tucked them under his armpits. His eyes met Audrey as she was doing the same thing, and he felt a very suffocating feeling. The shocks that happened next forcefully made them look away from each other. It seemed that the fixators were spoilt as the flower pots were tumbled, the dirt and the lids that was pried open by the shock landed on the floor, and the bits of dirt were scattered on the floor. Banagher’s vision was blocked by the dirt that went flying with the impact again, and shouted, “HURRY UP AND PUT THE NORMAL SUITS UP!”

Micott lifted her head from the sofa, and Takuya snuck out from the back of the table. Banagher saw that Audrey was going over to Micott, and intended to move over to Takuya as he heard the sound of the door being opened behind.

He looked back, and saw two men walking into the room silently. Both men wear wearing deep beige s.p.a.cesuits that were sticking onto themselves, while their right legs had gun holsters. Banagher was shocked that the two men were wearing different clothing from the ship’s crew for a short moment, only to realize that the face under the helmet was a familiar one as he shut his mouth that was about to open after being suppressed by that sharp stare.

Daguza’s eyes did not show any signs of cordial he had with others for a moment before. The knife-like stare in the eyes stopped Banagher’s movements, just like the first time they met in this room. During this time, the other hulking man grabbed Audrey’s upper man.

That person intended to bring Audrey right in front of Daguza as he pulled her with enough force that did not allow for any arguments back. “What are you…!” Audrey groaned as she wanted to shake off the hand, but her face could not be seen as her left arm was held down by Daguza’s left arm. Banagher was shocked for several seconds and hurriedly tried to get in front of Daguza, only to be immediately stopped by the hulking man in front of him.

Banagher could see the side of Audrey’s face behind the hulking man’s back that she was listening to Daguza whispering. He saw her shocked expression, and all signs of resistance on her immediately vanished as she looked at Daguza with a silent expression. Daguza looked back at Audrey’s angry or remorseful look, while Banagher did not know what was going on as he could only watching their faces. Daguza ignored him as he had his arm around Audrey before stepping out. Audrey moved the arm that touched her away and went towards the door on her own.

“Excuse me…” Micott spoke up with a barely audible voice. Daguza stopped to glance at her, and then looked away to continue walking. Banagher saw Micott lowly her pale face, and turned his eyes back at Daguza, who was pa.s.sing through the door with Audrey and shouted, “Wait!”

“Why are you doing this? Where are you intending to bring Audrey to?”

Daguza merely glanced behind, not even saying anything. He nudged Audrey on the back lightly just when she was about to stop, and both of them continued to move forward. Banagher’s head immediately felt hot as he stamped on the floor.

“Wait…!” Banagher angrily reached his arm out to grab Daguza’s waist, and for a short moment, thought that his fingers reached the normal suit. Daguza nimbly reached his right arm out to push Banagher’s forehead, and the force that pushed him back practically sent him sprawling.

“Do not leave this place until you’re order to. Got it?’

The hulking man said. Banagher saw his somewhat guilty looking expression as he looked back and used his hand to feel the hand to feel the head that took heavy damage. The closed door had already blocked any sight of Daguza and the rest. Banagher, Takuya and Micott were the only three left inside the room. The tremors that rocked again caused the silent uneasiness to be broken up.

What the heck was that? Banagher could not comprehend immediately and only intended to chase after them, only to feel a chill when he heard the words “It’s about that girl.” Micott’s hands that were holding onto Haro tensed up as she stared at the floor with a depressed look.

“It wouldn’t be like this if that girl wasn’t around…”

Haro fell off from her hands as her knees collapsed weakly onto the floor. Banagher could only feel the anxiety and regret choking him as he saw Micott collapse like that. “You said it out…?” Banagher squeezed out these words as he grabbed Micott, who lowered her head dejectedly, with both hands.



Micott yelled as she lifted her head. Banagher felt even more hurt by her teary eyes that made her look like she was going to collapse, rather than the words themselves. He let go of the hands that were grabbing Micott’s shoulders. I have no right to tell her off. Everything was all because of me. He tried to accept this unacceptable truth and vented all his uncontainable rage into his clenched fists. Banagher subconsciously head for the door.

Takuya picked up Haro which dropped on the floor and gave him a wavering stare. This is a path of no return. Banagher remembered these words that appeared in his mind and pa.s.sed through the automatic door. “Don’t go!” A voice that was like a cry came, and at this moment, a soft feeling surrounded Banagher’s waist.

“You can’t go…stay here.”

Banagher could not look down at Micott’s expression as she wrapped her arms around his waist with her face on his face. He was shocked by this unexpected heaviness, could not move his legs and held his breath as he touched Micott’s hands. He avoided the normal biological reaction to this warmth and softness, felt this sense of guilt he had never felt before, and gently opened the hands that gave him warmth.

“…I’m sorry.”

Banagher had nothing else to say as he stepped on the floor while the tremors rocked his footsteps. He ran past the arc shaped corridor and left the recreational room without looking back. “WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING!?” such a cry of anguish could be heard, seemingly piercing through Banagher’s heart from the back.

Part 7

The charge countdown showed 0, and the signal indicating that the charge was done rang inside the c.o.c.kpit as Riddhe c.o.c.ked the trigger of the beam launcher to the bottom.


The mega-particles were released as they went through the accelerated convergent ring. The pink beam ripped through the vacuum as they broke past the debris and flew towards the target. However, Riddhe did not have time to check whether it hit the target as he use the thruster jets to help him escape before the recoil from the firing stopped.

On the battlefield, stillness meant death. Shooting out this beam would be the same as telling the enemy one’s own location. Besides, the enemy was the “Red Comet” who decimated the defenses of the Nahel Argama alone. Even if it were the real Char, the fact was that it was an abnormal enemy they were dealing with after a few minutes of skirmish. Riddhe read the radar signal from Norm’s unit, and let his unit move around in a messy accelerated trajectory as it flew through the sea of debris. At this moment, the beam came from a completely unexpected direction, and the flash and the intense hit struck the c.o.c.kpit of the “ReZEL” 008.

The noticeable G force slammed the body, and the attachment gear at the back let out a creaking sound. Riddhe thought that his eyeb.a.l.l.s were popping out as he unknowingly put his hand on the helmet. He caught sight of a spark flying from afar as he spun. The fatal G-force faded off by the time he realized that it was his suit’s right leg that was blown off by a beam, and he barely managed to let the one-legged mobile suit steady itself.

The functionality of the AMBAC was decreased by 26%. Riddhe glanced aside to look at this status that was explained mercilessly and stepped on the pedal. That red mobile suit was basically fighting multiple enemies by looking at the situation. He would not carry out unnecessary actions, and he was basically treating the debris and the enemy units as a hostage. He did not personally make the kill, but stopped attacking so that he would not focus on just one enemy. Riddhe would definitely be eliminated if he let his unit with lowered mobility stay at its position.

Newtype, experienced pilot, no, these aren’t it. He’s an expert. This simple term appeared in Riddhe’s mind as he felt the strength supporting him weakening. That mobile suit shook off Norm’s pursuit as it closed in on the Nahel Argama again. The ship was wrecked by countless. .h.i.t and run attacks, and the screen of bullets it let out was less than two-thirds the usual. How are we going to stop that guy with just two units—?

“If this keeps up, everyone will…”

Riddhe unwittingly said as he gritted his teeth. He worked his mind that seemed to be covered in cowardice as he held onto the control stick again, only to hear a voice from the wireless radio (Do you hear me, the attacking enemy unit there?)

(Cease your attacks immediately. Our ship has captured the prisoner Mineva Zabi. I repeat, our ship has captured the sole heir of the Zabi family, Mineva Lao Zabi.)

The broadcast was made through the open channel frequency—but it was not the voice of the Operator or the Captain. “Who’s that…?” Riddhe mused inadvertently as he looked through the monitor at the Nahel Argama. The pure white ship that was firing on the monitor on the far end where the debris continued to swim through, and it was as big as a little finger. (The image will be shown on Channel 582. I hope you can confirm it.) The voice from the wireless radio overlapped with the image. Riddhe, who was looking for the enemy, let his eyes stare at the monitor as he set the wireless frequency to 582. The communication window then showed the face he was familiar with.

Riddhe’s heart raced as the hand holding onto the control stick trembled. Prisoner, Zabi Family, Mineva. These terms brought an onrushing surge of hues in his mind as they exploded. The face of the girl entering his eyes started to shake violently. His lips were sealed tightly as he stared at the emerald eyes who were not wavering. That face yesterday gave him the courage to deal with the situation fearlessly when it entered his stare—

(If you do not cease your attacks, we will not guarantee the safety of Mineva Zabi. We have already prepared terms of negotiations, and we hope for your reply.)

The voice continued through the wireless radio. Mineva Lao Zabi, the sole daughter of the Zabi family who led the Republic of Zeon under Zeon’s name. She took the throne during the First Neo Zeon War at a tender age of 7, but disappeared after the war. There were rampant rumors of her death, but the government continued to search for this princess of the fallen empire secretly. The rumors also said that she was the star leading the Zeon remnants, the “Sleeves”…it’s this girl?

Riddhe could not understand. Her name’s Audrey, I definitely may have fallen for her on first sight. Riddhe stared at the girl on the window, repeated the name Mineva Zabi that had nothing to do with him, and held his breath because of the image that was captured from the far end. The fire that blazed suddenly stopped as the Nahel Argama’s rain of fire stopped.

Riddhe did not know the whereabouts of the red enemy suit, but there were no signs of new beams or thruster jets. It was obvious that this message reached the enemy unit and stopped the attack. (This is Romeo 001. Will the bridge please explain the situation?) Riddhe left side Norm’s suppressed call as he stared at Audrey Burne’s eyes. She showed no signs of fear nor doubt as her emerald eyes continued to look forward, still giving off the awe-inspiring look through the window.

“Mineva Zabi…she’s, the princess of Zeon?”

The girl on the image remained silent, and the bridge made no response to Norm’s unit. Riddhe floated around this battlefield where time had stopped, not knowing what to think

Part 8

(I’ve checked the footage.)

The clear and cool voice echoed through the ship, causing everyone in the bridge to jerk. Otto saw Operator Bradley turn around to nod, used his eyes to tell him to maintain this line, and heard the voice of the pilot he was hearing for the first time.

(I am Captain Full Frontal of Neo Zeon. Let me hear your request.)

The communication channel was not too bad as Minovsky Particles were not scattered. It naturally felt like the voice that had been heard many times through news or military footage—the voice of Char Aznable, and Otto held onto the handle of the Captain’s seat as he muttered, “So even the voice is the same…?” as he turned his eyes around to see the bridge that was only left with emptiness and cold chatter, raning from Liam, who showed heavy anxiety in her eyes as she got up from the First Officer seat at the console, to the steering crew member and the weapons operator. Alberto held onto the empty command seat right beside the Captain’s seat, his fat face shuddering as he widened his eyes in shock as he stared at the communication panel. Operator Bellard was sitting there, and the girl wearing the purple shawl was standing silently between Commander Daguza, who was wearing a deep beige norm normal and his a.s.sistant Officer, Lieutenant Commander Conroy—her body half-blocked by them.

The girl had been mistaken for an ordinary civilian ever since she was taken in from Industrial 7 due to lack of chances to meet directly. She closed her lips, her clear green eyes were focused on a single point, and the expression could be seen through the server monitor. She did not even show any signs of anger on her shoulders, let alone fear in this environment that felt like it was going to be an electric jolt whenever she touched. She was definitely not a citizen that could be randomly seen, Otto admitted. She had a certain special thing about it. Perhaps it was the thick sense of self-pride, or some unique trait that she was born with or raised to have. If she were the descendent of the family that ruled Zeon, this would explain why people would recognize this…

But why, why was she on this ship? Daguza, who barged into the bridge in the midst of the chaotic battle, just took control of the communications panel like a robber and did not even make a single explanation. The enemy had already responded to their calls, and they could not call in the guards to whisk Daguza out. Otto stared at the back of the girl in a nightmare-like state. “We hope that you will cease your attacks and retreat immediately.” Daguza spoke into the mic as everyone stared at him in a terrified manner. Conroy put his hand on the handgun holster in the meantime to scare off Liam, who was trying to get up

“We can guarantee Mineva Zabi’s safety like this.”

(You’re not handing her over to us?)

“You can a.s.sume that there is still room for negotiations. However, we will like to add an extra condition, and that is that this ship has to be moved to what can be deemed a safe place.”

(I see. So she’s not a prisoner, but a hostage?)

The red mobile suit’s pilot—Full Frontal spoke with a sneer, causing Daguza, who was holding onto the microphone, to show signs of tension on the side of his face. Otto saw the stare from aside, and seemed to recover as he looked back at Liam. He put his helmet with hers while not making a noise. “Are you checking on where the electric signal is coming from?” Otto whispered. Liam looked up at the sensor screen and answered,

“We detected the location, but with so many debris…”

“It’s impossible to snipe, right…?”

The plan was to use the communication panel to grab attention and strike when the enemy stops, but it seems like Daguza’s plan was read by the enemy earlier. Otto stared at the main screen that showed the countless debris hiding the enemy’s mobile suit, and then felt a chill when he heard Frontal’s voice (There are too many uncertain factors if we want to consider this a negotiation.)

(There is no evidence to prove that the image is showing Her Highness Mineva herself.)

“If you are suspicious, how about you come onto our ship to see for yourself?”

(That is a way. But in that case, I will like to ask your ship to move along with us until our side feels that it is a safe place.)

Frontal said with a calm voice. He doesn’t play along with the opponent’s rules and makes up words that will ensure that things go his way when there’s an opening. What a smart man. Otto thought. Leaving aside whether he’s the real Char, this man knows very well how this game called negotiations is done. Daguza seemed to have the same feeling as he showed some signs of anxiousness on the side of his face as he answered, “You’re really cautious for a man called the Second Coming of the Red Comet!”

(Our side is deemed by yours as a terrorist organization. We’ll naturally be timid if we aren’t accepted as an army, or when the international laws aren’t suited for us.)

“We’ll respect human rights.”

(n.o.body will bother hearing that from the Special Forces who were deployed to a civilian colony. Besides, you are talking while holding a hostage.)

They were caught in his flow. Frontal did not let Daguza go with his speechlessness as he continued with a steady voice, (Then, our side will raise a request).

(Our side hopes that you will hand over the item you confiscated from the “Magallanica”, and all the relevant data regarding the Laplace Box.)

Alberto, who was clinging onto the Commander’s seat, bent himself forward. As everyone held their breaths, Daguza asked, “The price?”

(The journey back will be safe. I wonder if you will believe it?)

“I can’t say that I don’t believe you, but I can’t do so. Our side doesn’t have the thing called the Laplace Box.”

(Your ship should have already reclaimed a Gundam-type mobile suit.)

“That is a Federation property. It has nothing to do with the “Box”.”

(Our side will determine this. If you can’t accept this request, your ship will be sunk.)

The voice that seemed to express something that was not a threat, but a fact, struck as a gust that froze the air in the bridge. Daguza ignored everyone’s pale faces as he said, “Are you going to ignore the prisoner’s life?”

(I said that I can’t verify that it is Her Highness Mineva herself. I don’t have to reply to any negotiations with uncertain terms.)

Frontal answered calmly. He raised his jaw silently, seemingly ignoring the girl who closed her eyes while seemingly indulging in emotions as he coolly answered through the wireless radio, (I’ll give you 3 minutes to consider.)

(Once this time is up, and if I don’t get a beneficial reply, our side will sink your ship. I hope you can make a wise decision.)

The electronic broadcast was interrupted before Daguza could answer. Daguza s.p.a.ced out as he held onto the microphone, while the girl lowered her speechless face. At that short moment, n.o.body intended to speak up as the bitter silent time descended upon the ship.

They had to break up this silence in order to accept this situation and try to neutralize it…but how were supposed to accept this situation? The enemy called the Second Coming of Char, the girl called Mineva; there were too many factors with unknown reliabilities. The only thing certain as of this point was that their current fighting strength would not be able to match the enemy. Even if they wanted to stall the negotiations, they had no idea of the true ident.i.ty of the Laplace Box either.

Otto also did think of simply granting the enemy their request, to hand over the mobile suit they had no idea of. But he could not let himself agree with this. He was a Federation soldier, a captain who did not want any of his subordinates to die more than anyone…however, would this wishful thinking show the incompetence of a commander? Who has the right to force 300 pa.s.sengers to die with you just to hide a secret with an unknown truth— Otto stared at Daguza’s back as he forgot to wipe the sweat off his face. “This is a bluff.” The ECOAS commander grabbed onto the microphone so tightly he was seemingly going to break it as he looked at Otto before glancing aside.

“There’s no reason why they would not come to save the guiding star for the Zeon remnants.”

“Not really.”

Daguza swallowed the words he was going to say next, probably because of the girl Mineva’s unexpected words. The still air spread around like a ripple as everyone in the bridge looked over at her.

“Full Frontal is the man who they say may be Char, the orphaned son of Zeon Deikun. There’s no reason for him to risk his life for the Zabi family, the enemy of his parents.”

The girl, who may be Mineva, ignored the stares of the group around her as she did not show any signs of wavering on her fact. Daguza showed that he was overwhelmed by this presence for a short moment of time as he answered, “These words show that you’re Mineva Zabi herself!” and threw aside the microphone to draw a M-92F automatic handgun from his holster. He pointed the gun at the girl’s temple in front of Operator Bellard, who swallowed his saliva.

“If that were the case, this will be more obvious. It’s impossible for Frontal not to save you if he wants the Zabi faction amongst the Sleeves to be obedient.”

“If that’s what you believe, continue with your useless negotiations. However, the ruler of Zeon isn’t as naïve as you think, you know?”

She did not seem concerned with the gun that was pointed at her as her eyes full of will were staring at Daguza. It was a tone that could not be expected, and that stare of hers would make people obey unconditionally; these factors proved her background more than anyone. Otto swallowed his saliva as he stared at this girl that was definitely Mineva Zabi.

“The winner and loser has been decided. Logically, it’s a soldier’s duty to minimize our allies’ damages before this. If it were a Zeon soldier, he will consider whether to get rid of anything related to the Laplace Box in the meantime.”

Daguza’s eyes twitched slightly as the hand holding the gun was shuddering slightly. As everyone continued to stare at this unmoved Mineva, Alberto seemed to realize something as he said “That…that’s right.” And floated over from the commander seat to the duo.

“She’s right. Let’s destroy the Unicorn’s electronic spare parts and hand it over to them. We just need to surrender.”

Daguza and Mineva did not move their sights that were staring at each other as Alberto got between them and said,

“That’s a key, not the Box itself. If we destroy it, the Box’s safety will—”

Daguza clicked his tongue as he looked over at the communications panel. Conroy took action at that moment as he shut Alberto’s mouth from behind. Mineva narrowed her eyes too as she stared at the microphone Daguza was holding and the communication panel. They deliberately chose not to cut the line to let the enemy know that they were serious, and in this case, they leaked out information they did not expect.

Conroy put the gun on Alberto’s head as he continued to struggle while not knowing what was going on. He saw that no one in the bridge was raising their handguns, and as Liam wanted to take action, his gun was instinctively pointed at her. Not good— Conroy showed this expression as he showed no signs of backing down. The crew of the ship showed changes in their expressions. Otto growled for everyone to calm down, only for Mineva to suddenly laugh and sigh.

“This really feels like what the Federation itself will do, but what will you do? Commander Daguza Mackle?”

Mineva gave a wry stare at Daguza and continued,

“If you have the courage, destroy the Box and kill me. Everyone here will die, but it will be a blow to Neo Zeon once they lose the Box and me.”

Daguza’s forehead was sweating, and Mineva’s lips gave a taunting smile.

“Or are you going to let everything get s.n.a.t.c.hed away by not doing anything? You only have a minute left to hesitate.”

Daguza took a deep breath through his nose and pointed his gun at Mineva’s forehead. The expression on the side of Mineva’s face had disappeared as she clenched her fist. Stop it, don’t do anything. this is her plan. Otto got ready to get up, but was shocked by another voice, “You’re talking like that again. That won’t do!”

The opened bridge door showed a boy with a bandage on his head. “Why aren’t you wearing a normal suit…!” The boy wearing the work jumper got past Liam who said this as she blocked his way and moved to Mineva. He was one of the civilians kept on board—no, the boy who piloted that Gundam. He got to Mineva while getting in the way Daguza in the way Otto thought of.

“Audrey, you’re just forcing others and yourself down the path of despair like this. just leave this place.”

It was an expression that showed no sight of anything else. The side of Mineva’s face that showed no sight of cracking sparkled “Banagher…” as she muttered.

“You shouldn’t be involved in these things. Stay with us.”

Banagher grabbed Mineva’s hand and intended to leave the scene. Mineva managed to steady her body that was about to be dragged away as she used all her strength to shake off the boy’s hand.


“I am Mineva Zabi, not Audrey.”

“What are you saying? You’re Audrey. Whether you’re lying or not, you’re Audrey Burne to me.”

To her, this may be the first time she got reb.u.t.ted like this. Mineva gasped as she lowered her head slightly. Daguza told off the boy who intended to grab her hand again, “Stop it!”

“This isn’t a time where kids’ logic can work. Leave this place.”

“You’re saying that I’m a kid…then, what’s Audrey?”

“She’s an important person of Neo Zeon, different from you.”

“No way! If I’m a kid, so is Audrey. Is using children as hostages what adults should be doing!?”

The voice that was released from his entire body shut Daguza up as if it was blowing apart the still air. Otto felt that his slow-witted head got hit in the back of the head as he stared at the boy called Banagher. He was shocked by this kid who was younger than him as he stared at the side of his face before looking away. At that moment, the voice from the wireless radio rang, “Time’s up.”

(Let me hear your ship’s response.)

Everyone stared at the captain, and then at Daguza. Daguza remained silent as he did not move the automatic handgun in his hand. It’s already…not, we never had a choice to begin with. Otto and Liam nodded at each other, sent messages to every department to continue battle, and again looked at the side of Banagher’s face.

We don’t actually have much hope out of this, but amongst these adults who can’t move, he’s the only one who saw the exit. This feeling did appear in Otto’s heart.

Part 9

The microphone in the air swayed with the gust blowing from the air conditioner. Daguza had no intent of taking it in his hands. His left hand was held in a cast, and his right hand was holding onto the handgun as he just stood around without doing anything. Something like a handgun here would not be of any use.

Audrey too lowered her head as she remained silent. Banagher looked around this bridge that was not too big, waiting for someone to say something. None of them did, and none of them met Banagher in the eye as they were all focused somewhere else, looking at each other. The only one who met him in the eye was the man sitting on the captain’s seat, but he would not answer Banagher’s stare. Neither Daguza, Alberto, nor any of the pa.s.sengers—

Why aren’t you doing anything? Why are you still remaining silent? What’s with this burdensome silence waiting for someone else to speak up? As Banagher thought about this, he looked back at Audrey, and the voice from the wireless communicator declared, (I understand.)

(Our side will sink your ship.)

Only these words were said as the line was cut off. After a beat, the man who looked like the captain growled to the entire ship “IT’S COMING!”

“Anti-air artillery! Mobil suit s