Kill That Man

Chapter 4 Would you like to Cultivate to Immortality?

Kill That Man

Chapter 4 Would you like to Cultivate to Immortality?

The Patriarch was just about to direct the burning. When Li Huaide came over, he hurriedly rushed forth, smiling, "A"de is back, have you come back to settle your marriage?"

"En, what"s going on?"

"Ai, don"t mention it, Yu family"s girl hung herself."

"What!" Master Daoist w.a.n.g and his apprentice both cry out in surprise.

Both feel heartache, Li Huaide is heartbroken because his childhood sweetheart died. Master Daoist w.a.n.g is heartbroken because the best human furnace is gone.

Both men look at the coffin.

Yu Qing Yao is waiting to die, feeling that she would become the most tragic transmigrator in history. Suddenly she hears the familiar voice of Li Huaide, she instinctively sits up.

Unfortunately, she forgot that she was still in a coffin and she hit her head against the lid of the coffin.


The sound is loud.

Hearing this sound, Master w.a.n.g and his apprentice both leap over.

Li Huaide has just learned the *Dao, he soon falls behind his Master, following him he steps foot on the wooden platform.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g uses his Divine Sense* to sweep through the coffin, he sees a young maiden with her eyes wide open, cheeks streaming with tears. He"s ecstatic, he pulls out the sword from his waist and cuts the coffin in one sword stroke. He uses his sword to sweep away the wooden boards to the side.

The coffin lid and the boards on both sides slide down to the ground.

Exposing Yu Qing Yao lying down, her body half erect. At this time, the appearance of Yu Qing Yao is quite disheveled, her hair is loose, her neck covered with a circle of bruises, her small face is bloodless, as if she"ll fall to her death at any moment.

The crowd is alarmed, jumping away in shock and fear.

Everyone is backing away fearfully, afraid that the possessed corpse inside would pounce on them and kill them.

When Li Huaide sees the living Yu Qing Yao, he can"t help tearing up, saying in his heart: Mom"s egg, fortunately I got back in time, if I was a little late, it"d be bad.

Yu Qing Yao is also startled, looking at Master Daoist w.a.n.g in amazement.

Oh my G.o.d! Daoist! Live! This girl has lived for so long but I"m seeing it for the first time today.

What"s he doing here? Is he going to save me or kill me?

The Patriarch shouts in surprise, "What are you doing? She"s a possessed corpse!"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g is startled, using his Divine Sense to sweep over Yu Qing Yao, there is not a trace of dead air, on the contrary she is full of vitality. "She"s clearly alive, why do you say she"s a possessed corpse?" He laughs.

The villagers shout in surprise: "What? Not a possessed corpse, a living person?"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g says in a disdainful manner: "I am Feiyun"s Lord, Master w.a.n.g Yijie, If I say she"s not a possessed corpse, then she"s not a possessed corpse!"

Hearing that, the Patriarch rushes forward bowing to him, excitedly saying: "Greetings Master Daoist w.a.n.g, we did not expect you to honor us with your presence, we"ve been disrespectful!"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g caresses his beard, his mood is very good, saying: "Patriarch Li, I"am going to trouble you for a few days, also hope that you take more care."

"How dare I, Master Immortal w.a.n.g has come, please come to my home, and drink a cup of tea!" Patriarch Li says respectfully.

Yu Qing Yao struggles to sit up, but her poor body is too weak, and she falls back.

Li Huaide is distressed and wants to go over and hold her up.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g frowns, extending his sword to stop him, saying: "Don"t move, her body is very ill, wait for Master to treat her."

Li Huaide retreats and stares at his Master with hope.

Yu Qing Yao"s heart is bitter, although I thank you for saving me, can I trouble you to bring a doctor? If the doctor doesn"t come soon, sister cannot hold on, about to die ah!

Then she saw a miracle that she would never forget.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g extends his sword finger, pointing at her, and a white light comes out of his fingertip and shoots at her.

Yu Qing Yao immediately feels that her whole body is comfortable, her neck doesn"t hurt, her legs have strength, she can stand up.

Yu Qing Yao stands up and is a little dumbfounded, what"s going on here?

She stares at the fingers of Master Daoist w.a.n.g, and says in her mind, "Frick, he won"t hide a flashlight in his sleeve, will he?"

"You are weak, this is a Pei Yuan Dan, take it at once and you"ll be fine." Master Daoist w.a.n.g says in a kind manner, taking out a red dan pill and handing it to Yu Qing Yao.

Yu Qing Yao stares at the big red pill, afraid to take it. Holy smokes! You dare give me this kind of third rate product?

You made it, will I, a mortal, die if I eat it?

Li Huaide enviously stares at the dan pill and whispers, "Qing Yao, thank Master Daoist w.a.n.g. This dan medicine, in Baishan City, you can"t buy it unless you have at least a hundred silver taels."

Yu Qing Yao can"t help but shout "holy f*ck" in her heart. From her memory, she knows that the villagers can"t save a single silver even if they work hard for 2 years. Twelve silvers are enough for a family of five to live a good life.

Is this lousy pill really that valuable?

She suddenly remembers that magical white light, in her mind, she thinks this won"t be the world of Immortals, right? Pei Yuan Dan this name, I seem to have seen it in a cultivation novel.

She takes the pill, and in the envious eyes of everyone, she puts it into her mouth uneasily.

That pill enters her body, and Yu Qing Yao suddenly feels like her vitality has increased a hundred fold, she feels no pain at all. She feels like she can immediately run a few thousand meters.

Yu Qing Yao is extremely surprised, and imitating a wronged young maiden, she kneels down, and with the sweetest and gentlest voice she says: "Thank you life-saving benefactor, I dare not forget this kindness, in the future I will certainly repay you generously."

Master Daoist w.a.n.g carefully looks at Yu Qing Yao, thinking: In the book it says that Yin born woman are the most beautiful, this girl has been living a hard life in this village, her skin is tanned dark and a little rough, but her facial features are exquisite. It can be seen that she is a beautiful child, the ancients didn"t deceive me, ah!

Take her back, raise her, soon she"ll be fair and tender, very fine.

He kindly raises Yu Qing Yao up, easily holding her he checks her pulse, using his spirit power he finds that there is indeed a *spirit root, his heart is like a flower in full bloom.

When Master Daoist w.a.n.g held her wrist she suddenly felt an electric shock. She freezes, I actually have an instant electric attraction to him? No way! Sister isn"t attracted to anyone. Sister wants to hang out with all the handsome guys in the world, how could I possibly be attracted to an uncle?

On second thought: This isn"t the legendary magical force or something, is it? What does he want?

"Yu Qing Yao, would you like to cultivate to Immortality?" Master Daoist w.a.n.g asks gently.

Hearing this, Yu Qing Yao blurts out: "Yes!"

"Very good, I"d like to take you as a disciple, are you willing?" Master Daoist w.a.n.g asks expectantly.

Yu Qing Yao thinks for a second, and says decisively: "I am willing."

If I don"t worship him as a Master, I will continue to tend sheep in this poor village. I don"t want to be a shepherd for a lifetime.

I have no one to rely on here, and no money. If I"m forced to marry a villager here, I"m finished.

Follow this guy, at least I can get out of this village. This guy, he seems to have some skills, even if he"s not from a real big cultivation sect, at least he can cure illnesses and he has spells and dan medicine. Learn these two skills, then I won"t have to worry about starving to death. Well, these two are the necessary skills for a white lotus in a cultivation novel, its rare for someone to deliver themself to your doorstep, how can she not learn?

Besides, he saved me with his spell, and he was willing to give me a hundred-silver taels worth of medicine, he shouldn"t be a bad person.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g is happy, smiling, he says: "Good! Kneel down and give me three *kowtows!"

This lousy ancient time period, actually want me to kowtow? She can"t help cursing inside.

Yu Qing Yao is helpless, kneeling on a coffin board, she kowtows three times.

The villagers are stunned.


(1*) Dao (道 dào) - the origin and source of all things. It can be translated in many different ways, including The Way / Road / Path / Method. According to Daoism, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of Yin and Yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. In these novels, characters often try to gain insights into the Dao, which can give them supernatural powers or even control over the natural world.

(2*) Divine Sense (神识 shénshí). An ability possessed by cultivators to scan their surroundings (far beyond the limits of their ordinary 5 senses) with their spirit. The distance/total area they can scan corresponds to the strength of their spirit. Also used in some novels to remotely control magical items such as Flying Swords.

(3*) Spirit root- figuratively, the very foundation (roots) of one"s body and soul. a.s.sociated with a person"s innate talent and elemental affinities.

* Cultivation usually requires some minimum level of innate talent, and many people find it impossible to even take the first step. In some novels, the quality of a person"s Spiritual Roots can be tested to determine if they have the talent necessary to cultivate. Rare individuals may even have special Spiritual Roots which allow them to cultivate quickly or grant them other benefits. For example, someone with "fire spiritual roots" might learn fire spells more easily than their peers.

(4*) Kowtow (叩头 kòutóu) - an act of deep respect shown by prostration. The highest sign of reverence in Chinese culture. It involves kneeling and bowing so low as to have one"s head touching the ground. The person kowtowing may also knock their head repeatedly against the ground (to the point of injury), especially when they"re desperately pleading for something or wish to show their utmost sincerity.

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