Kill That Man

Chapter 6 Living with Master

Kill That Man

Chapter 6 Living with Master

After drinking wine, Master Daoist w.a.n.g allows the Li family to settle the arrangements of the betrothal feast. Father Li is really busy. With thousands of silver, he decided to hire a good chef, buy some good food and wine, and then buy good jewelry and silk for Miss Zhao.

These things have to be done in one afternoon, and time is still tight.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g calls his female disciple and says, "You walk with me in the village."

Yu Qing Yao went.

She speculated that in addition to being a Daoist, Master Daoist w.a.n.g is also a high-ranking person in society. She walks to the mountains, looking for some interesting scenery, then she leads Master to see a few streams, stone bridges, bamboo forests, and verdant valleys beside the village.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g smiles and says, "Qing Yao, you have good taste!"

Yu Qing Yao says with a smile: "Master is a Daoist, I can"t lead you to see the farmland, the firewood, and the sheep and stuff."

Master Daoist w.a.n.g laughs.

Thinking this apprentice is interesting, he won"t be ashamed to take her out.

After walking for a while, chatting for a while, she sees Master Daoist w.a.n.g staring at her with a thoughtful look, Yu Qing Yao is alert. Her words aren"t like a little girl who has never been out of the village. She must guard against Master"s suspicion. Seeing the roadside wildflowers blooming, she picks them, making two wreaths, one to wear, and one for Master, saying: "Master, give you one!"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g is amused, a wreath this thing, its cute for a little girl to wear, but why would I wear it?

"Master! Wear it! It"s nice!" Yu Qing Yao pretends to be ignorant and innocent.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g takes the wreath, wearing it on his head, smiling he asks: "Is Master good-looking?"

Yu Qing Yao smiles and shakes her head without saying a word. A look that says Master wearing a wreath is very funny, but she dare not laugh out loud.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g laughs heartily, taking the wreath off and putting it on her.

After such a riot, Master Daoist w.a.n.g"s previous doubts went away.

Its merely that Yu Qing Yao happens to like elegant scenery, not deliberately pleasing him.

In the evening, Master and disciple return to Li"s house for dinner. At this time, Li Huaide"s two uncles have come. In addition to his Uncle there is his two aunts.

The Li family has set up two tables in the evening.

After drinking, the Li family invites Master Daoist w.a.n.g to stay at their home.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g declines the offer, saying: "You have a lot of guests in your house, I won"t trouble your family. I"ll stay at the Yu family house, its all the same."

Yu Qing Yao is somewhat wary in her heart, but the ancient Master and disciple are like father and son. Master Daoist w.a.n.g wants to stay at her home, this is impossible to refuse.

She smiles and claps her hand, saying, "Okay! Master is not allowed to go to another home, you must go to my home."

Li family asks three times and is rejected, had to let Li Huaide send Master Daoist w.a.n.g to the Yu home.

At her home, Yu Qing Yao pretends to have an uneasy look and says: "Master, my family has no good bed, or, you still go to Li family?"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g looks at the situation of the Yu family, and its indeed poor. It"s just a house with four walls.

In the past three years, Yu Qing Yao had sold everything that could be sold at home, in order to have enough to eat.

There is only a wooden table, two benches, a cabinet and a bed left in the house.

Li Huaide on the side also says: "Master, its best to go back to my home!"

"No!" said Master Daoist w.a.n.g, shaking his head.

He takes out a piece of paper, which is cut out in the shape of a bed.

When Master Daoist w.a.n.g throws the paper bed out, the paper bed becomes a refined wooden bed.

Yu Qing Yao is taken aback, she goes up to touch it, raising it up, it feels just like a real wooden bed.

Oh my gosh, this is real magic, magic ah!

Its impossible to hide such a large wooden bed on Master Daoist w.a.n.g.

"Master, what kind of magic is this?" Li Huaide asks in surprise.

"Paper bed technique." Master Daoist w.a.n.g smiles.

"Master! You"re so awesome!" Yu Qing Yao holds her hands on her chest and shouts in a slightly exaggerated tone.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g is very pleased, with a reserved smile he says: "This is just a little trick!"

He takes out a piece of white paper, cutting it a little, he folds it into a pillow, pointing at it, it turns bigger and doesn"t move. Two pieces of paper are put on the bed and he snaps twice. A pillow and a thin quilt appear.

Yu Qing Yao watches and is sure that Master Daoist w.a.n.g really has spells. From this, she can infer that she has really come to a world where you can cultivate to Immortality.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g smiles: "As long as you study the Immortal Dao, you don"t have to worry about food, clothing and expenses. A shabby room can be turned into a magnificent room in just an instant."

Yu Qing Yao repeatedly nods, looking at Master Daoist w.a.n.g with the eyes of a fan who"s seen their idol.

Master Daoist w.a.n.g"s expression is still very reserved, but in his innermost heart he is happy. Just a little spell, and all the mortal young maidens can"t resist falling in love with me.

Li Huaide looks on and his heart feels stuffed, Qing Yao! Didn"t you look at me with that look before?

After such a performance by Master Daoist w.a.n.g, Li Huaide has no excuse to persuade Master to go back. In fact, he is not a.s.sured of Master, afraid that in the night, Master and Qing Yao, two people in the Yu family home, a lone man and women will have an accident.

In the past few months in Feiyun Daoist Sect, Li Huaide knows that in the eyes of outsiders his Master appears like a Daoist Immortal, but in fact, his worldly desires are very strong. On the surface he is not married and has no children, but in private he has several lovers, all of whom are n.o.ble and beautiful women.

He looks around and says, "Master, I"ll stay here and serve you!"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g smiles: "There is Qing Yao, I don"t need you. And, you"re going to be engaged tomorrow, it"s not appropriate for you to stay here, go back!"

Li Huaide glances at Yu Qing Yao, she pretends not to notice. She is also a little fearful in her heart, staying alone with Master Daoist w.a.n.g, don"t know what would happen at night. She is merely a little girl, in the face of a Master who knows spells, she has no ability to protect herself whatsoever.

But, she knows one thing, Li Huaide is useless here.

If Master Daoist w.a.n.g really has evil intentions towards her, no one can stop him. Rather than infuriate him, its better to please him, follow him, and then perhaps escape.

Yu Qing Yao smiles and says, "Yes, Senior brother! You don"t have to worry, I"ll serve the Master. Master, shall I boil water for you?"

Master Daoist w.a.n.g nods with a smile.

Yu Qing Yao goes to the kitchen to boil water.

Right after Yu Qing Yao left, Li Huaide takes the opportunity to say, "Master, I don"t want to have an engagement with Miss Zhao."

"Nonsense, marriage is not the same as child"s play! Huaide, practicing daoism pays particular attention to the dao law. Money, wealth, riches and property, these four things are indispensable. The Dao law, Master can teach you. Well, you have many brothers and fellow disciples on this journey studying daoism with you. What you lack most is wealth, the Zhao family has lots of money, they can help you. For Master"s hard work, you should understand." said Master Daoist w.a.n.g bitterly.

Li Huaide was originally very grateful, and the Li family is very grateful to Master Daoist w.a.n.g for his attentive care of their son. But now seeing Yu Qing Yao on this dao journey, Li Huaide wants to try again.

"Master, I like Yu Shimei, we had a marriage agreement… "

"Shut up!" Master Daoist w.a.n.g shouts loudly looking severe.

Li Huaide is taken aback and looks at Master.

"The marriage with the Zhao family is unchangeable. I personally came forward, for you to ask for marriage, you actually want to break the marriage agreement? You withdraw from the marriage, where"s my face? Are you still my disciple?" Master Daoist w.a.n.g asks in a stern voice.


Dao (道 dào) - the origin and source of all things. It can be translated in many different ways, including The Way / Road / Path / Method. According to Daoism, it is the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of Yin and Yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. In these novels, characters often try to gain insights into the Dao, which can give them supernatural powers or even control over the natural world.

Face (面子 miànzi) - a person"s reputation in society and amongst their peers. If someone "has face" (有面子), they have a good reputation. If they "have no face" (没面子), then they have a bad reputation. "Giving face" (给面子) to someone means to defer to or pay homage to them. "Losing face" (丢脸) means that a person has hurt their reputation. "Not wanting face" (不要脸) means that a person is acting shamelessly, in a way that suggests they don"t care about hurting their reputation.

Shimei- Junior sister, younger female disciple.