King of the Eternal Night

Chapter 6: Dawn of the empire

Volume 1 Chapter 6: Dawn of the empire

ZhangJing left , and when QianYe left the cla.s.sroom , his handbook increased in the amount of notes . Within the next month , he needs to remember 1000 common vocabulary so as to pa.s.s ZhangJing’s test . Failing the test will result in 10 full whips .

Only now did QianYe realised that in this death camp , whipping is the common hobby among the officers.

The amount of training did not change or slow down , regardless the of amount of words the kids needed to learn .

When QianYe returned to his bunk , QianYe was so tired to the extent of falling apart . He fell asleep immediately , only to be woken up the next morning with the same old piercing alarm . He then realised that he had not even memorised any vocabularies.

The likes of QianYe were not little , thus the night after training , most of the kids insisted on not sleeping to learn the words of hieroglyphics .

After forcefully memorising to the fiftieth word , QianYe finally gave in to sleep.

Just like this , one month pa.s.sed by like a blink of an eye .

QianYe waited for ZhangJing’s second cla.s.s . The first part of the lesson was the test . Within the seemingly long 30 minutes , QianYe wrote down 1500 words , it was the result of the month .

Among the kids , QianYe was ranked fifth . The top fours were all from the ‘Shi’ family , who had studied since young . If ranked among the kids that were never exposed to learning words , QianYe would be ranked first . After him were 3 similar kids that had already studied before .

There was a total of ten people that did not pa.s.s the test .

‘ Now , you shall pay the consequences of taking my too lightly ! ‘ The beautiful lady exclaimed in a gentle voice and took out her whip and fiercely whipped those that had failed the test . The strength that she used was way more than LongHai’s !

Ten whips was definitely a heavy punishment . Just in front of QianYe was two kids dead from the whips !

QianYe than understood that this beautiful teacher was actually nastier than LongHai .

Due to this test , QianYe and the kids kept in mind that studying and training have the same importance .

ZhangJing then called two ferocious men to drag out the two lifeless bodies , then without a change in her expression , she wrote down four big words , “ Dawn of War “ .

After writing these four words , ZhangJing could be seen turning stern and serious , even her voiced contained a sense of heaviness , “ The dawn of war ended 1200 years ago … “ .

Dawn of war happened in the world’s bottom Eternal Night continent , it was also the human race’s first breeding habitat and growing areas .

During the Dawn of War , humans went all out , this is the Dawn of the Force , burning of Blackstone , energy spewing steam , roaring firearms , it was a huge and rough final showdown with the dark side !

This intermittently continued over a hundred years for the fate of Armageddon , the awakening of the original Force of the humans comes with a heavy price , the total population left after the war was only one out of ten , but they still eventually defeated the dark race. They freed the slaves, va.s.sals and livestock from their fate, expelled the Dark race from the city of Eternal Night , and then established the first empire of the human race: Qin .

This battle of fate, in the history of the human race is called Dawn of war . As humans have been living in Eternal Night for all of their lives , it was their first time to see the dawn. By awakening Force , it is also defined as the being in Dawn side . The war was a dividing line , Eternal Night and Dawn was officially formed into two camps .

The Dawn of War was not the end , but only the beginning . Within one thousand two hundred years , the human race have captured the 4 of the world’s continent in the lower and middle segments , and started looking towards the continent in the top . The Qin Empire officially moved the capital , and took the most prominent families to the new continent, thus more human countries also began to appear in succession .

After the Dawn of war in the Eternal Night continent, the natural environment became very harsh and resources were very scarce, eventually the world became a huge garbage planet, and the Dark race, who were unsatisfied with their lost, once again infiltrated.

Upon hearing this , QianYe had shivers down his spine . He has never been out of the garbage dump , but occasionally listened to those big strong people brag about how the dark race was not just an original legend , but a real dark and b.l.o.o.d.y one at that .

However while speaking , ZhangJing gave a cold expression along with her very chilled tone , making QianYe shiver even more . That cold expression had a hinge of apathy in it .

And yes , during the one thousand two hundred years , the darkness and the human race had never stopped the war , there was battles in every continent , which all staggered geographical boundaries . For thousands of years , there was an overflow of hatred and blood everywhere . Among the many battlefield , the city of Eternal Night was not special, but was in fact it is the most neglected one .

When the cla.s.s ended , QianYe felt a little heavy in his heart as there were more stuff he was unclear about . The other children also had similar feelings . As they were still very young , they did not know if this was the weight of history . However , once they left the cla.s.sroom , the children immediately dashed toward the training ground , a little late could result in 3 whips .

Life returned to its original track .

Time past by unknowingly , by then it was half a year later .

QianYe’s stamina improved tremendously , within 6 months he grew taller by 10 inches . In addition to the harsh trainings , another key point was food .

The food given to the kids contains a huge amount of nutrients , especially when some was s.n.a.t.c.hed directly from the Dark race . The soup provided each day also contains a special type of drugs , that can help stimulate the acceleration of growth .

But all QianYe feels is the repet.i.tion of each day , it seems like there would no changes for forever . The only changes was the amount of buddies he had left was dropping continuously .

When the amount of children left was no more than 50 , including QianYe and his friends , a new batch of kids joined them . The newcomers were aged vastly and there were about 50 of them too . Their stamina and body were not much different from QianYe’s batch .

Another 6 months had past by and the amount of children left beside QianYe were reduced to 50 . Once again they were welcomed with another batch of students . During this time , Qianye had realised that his team is a 100 men strong , thus when it is reduced to half , they will replenish in more people to fulfil the 100 men count . The principle of complementarity is the same principle to their strength .

When QianYe had stayed in camp for a full year , all the kids were called to gather out of a sudden . They stood in line in the field and waited for instructions .

During the process of waiting , QianYe suddenly felt a strong urge to look at his surroundings , but that small action could result in a whip .

He quickly and secretly glanced to his left and right , then glanced towards an officer who was not in sight of QianYe , then resumed to his position . That simple action caused his heart to skip a beat .

This was because surrounding him was a mere 30 men team , the original 100 men team had already left the world .

Now QianYe had realised the true meaning of the sign stating ‘ welcome to h.e.l.l ‘ in the entrance .

LongHai appeared in front of kids and glanced coldly . His eyes seemed to become more evil . Yet all the kids bravely welcomed that sight of his , without fear . They were trained and had a heart of courage , or perhaps you could say that they were numbed at heart .

LongHai felt very contented and said , “ Not bad ! After eliminating the weaklings , I can finally stand the rest . However …”

After a long pause , LongHai let out a meaningful smile , “ The good news is that now , you guys have gotten the preliminary recognition , and thus will be given serious guidance , no more punishments for just a mere action . Even so , the breaking of rules will still result in the same consequences . Whereas the bad news is , the really training has just begun ! “

LongHai walked front and forth , roaring and rumbling sounds constantly bombarded the children’s ears , “ In the next few years , you guys will truly start your training ! Training the original Force ! You guys will get to learn the most efficient and straightforward way of killing someone , you guys will also get an opportunity to each of the different types of Dark races . Of course the chances of getting killed by them is pretty high too , so why don’t you kids pray ! Lastly , I can also tell you guys that among all the people standing here right now , only a quarter of lucky ones will get to get out of here alive . “

Though that last sentence had a hint of heaviness in it , QianYe did not put it to his heart as he had already learnt not to worry about things that he had no control over .

Even if the chances are slim , if it is to survive , QianYe will wholeheartedly fight for it . If he did not have this very determination , the he was young and heavily injured in the dumpster would have turned into mud long ago .

With a wave , a few big guys just walked over and handed a new textbook to each of the kids .

On the cover were the words “BingFa manual” printed in big . Every stroke was sharp just like a blade . After looking at it , QianYe felt a sharp piercing pain .

This was the BingFa manual ! It can differentiate the weak and the strong , upon having this , QianYe’s small and innocent soul suddenly had the feeling that his fate can be changed just by this thick book .

The kids were directed to another room , the instructor in charge that walked towards the podium was ZhangJing . Underneath that beauty of hers lies a tremendous amount of extraordinary power . QianYe actually already noticed the fact that LongHai does not actually come too close with ZhangJing , they always had a distance of 5 metres between them , QianYe suddenly understood , it was fear .

ZhangJing pushed her spectacles up , following the action was her huge breast .

( … )

“ This book , is training specialised for cannon fodders ! “

After hearing her evaluation , QianYe felt very shocked .

During this one year , although life in camp was worst than living in a rubbish dump , but it was also a normal society at times . There were restrictions between the communications of kids with each other , QianYe understood some general knowledge . He naturally knew that the camp spent some valuable resources on them too .

The chances of getting eliminated are high in this camp , it has been said that only one out of a hundred can walk out of this camp . With that being said , it means that all of the resources spent on the 99 kids will be wasted . After experiencing so much hardship , the final gift to them is a book for cannon fodders ?

Many had the same thoughts as QianYe .

ZhangJing saw the changes in the children’s eyes and gave a cold smile , “ Don’t underestimate this book , on the contrary , not many have the qualifications to be a cannon fodder ! Only if you can survive and walk out of here then you can be a qualified cannon fodder ! In the next 3 months , you all will have to practice a complete tidal Force , and then within a year be able to ignite the first Force Mode ! if you can’t achieve that .. “

ZhangJing licked her lips and gently said “ That … will call for punishment “
( TL : *inserts pedo face* )