Knights & Magic

Chapter 30 Part 1.

Chapter 30 Part 1.

Part 1. (Un-edited)

Dell Van Cool, Capital of Kshyperuk kingdom has fallen.

Also Kshyperuk state of war which continue to being invaded.

These situation had been report back to the homeland of Jaroudeku.

The 1st crown prince, Kratos who rule the country in place of King Bartolomeu who was sick bedridden, blurring with the joyful look appearance on the "Throne" located in the center of royal palace, tell the n.o.bles who sit in roll.  

[According to the report, after conquered the fallen Kshyperuk"s Dell Van Cool has been grant favorable result to our side but it not like we can dominate the entire Kshyperuk in anytime soon. but when that happen, it almost as good as most of the western countries lie with in our palm. the remaining miscellaneous countries presence are noting more than flies, this will be the new founding of strongest nation .....since the collapse of "Fil Zehnder Ar Baden"]

There were roaring around after the prince word.

Kshyperuk is a huge nation in the west as well as Jaroudeku (the coalition country of Rokard is a bonus).

When combine their territory together,

It could be said that it will be the birth of largest nation among majority of the west.

The west will be under one banner of Father of the world (Ancient Fil Zehnder Ar Baden) which perish long time ago again,

It no longer just a ambition dream to fulfill anymore.

[As your gentlemen also knew, we will take action with careful prearrangement. base on it, my younger brother, Cristobal had perform a well done job for me. as expected of a guy with ferocious mind, exactly deserve to be called the best sword of Jaroudeku.]

Full please laughter play along with the prince word of good mood Kratos,

The group before the throne are separate to the side as they made a way then a 17 years old girl stepped forward.

All the sharpness gaze turn back at Kratos,

Her feature is her cloth which similar to him as the common point. (may be a royal dress)

[Look like Cris is doing well, right? the occupation progress also proceed steadily,  probably a good time for let it handle by the hand of "This Girl" by now. as we discussed, just appoint me as political affairs a.s.sistant]

That right, the eldest daughter of Jaroudeku king, "Katalina Camilla Jaroudeku" said.

The brother (Kratos) nodded in response while smile wryly 

[Um, Cristobal maybe lacking talent in this, he is good at war after all. that why we have you for that purpose, show us your great support!]

The 2nd prince, Cristobal is a combat maniac, in addition, other people also acknowledge him in that way.

Against the eldest daughter who unsuitable for war, but skilled in political ability.

In order to govern territory that now larger , it was a perfect ability fit for the job.

Received encouragement of her brother,

Katalina come down, bow along with the word of acknowledgment.

[With this, Kshyperuk kingdom invasion will be proceed without trouble, and, how are the movement of neighboring countries?]

A man in military officer cloth came forward following response to Kratos inquiry.

He is one from knight order which most of them remaining in the country for the sake of border security.

[Haa, here are my report, there were movement of country of loneliness (Eleven Flag) , our Lead Bone knight order will take this  invasion chance to eliminate it. please take a loot at this, I urge you to grant us full permission on this matter.]

[How troublesome!, Just tell The Lead Bone Knights, to process with caution and safely]

The Grand master made his deep bow and keep down like that while he back away.

Then, After Kratos made his confirmation, 

He rewarded each officers who were in charge in each task.

The order was gave out eventually,

The voice sent out to one man who stood in sulky face at the corner between the audience.

[... "Sir Cruz!" , your work this time was indeed play a great cause. The result that produce by "Levitate ship" , under the guidance of those ships, has bring a very victory to us. ]

[I"m unworthy for your praise,  as long as help out his royal highness and the nation, this one incompetence intend to keeping devote both heart and soul from now on]

Kratos smile in return instant but also made a small snorted, at the man who silently, keep remain lower his head in his respectful manner.

[As expected from great man who keep strive for result. from now on, keep continue to support my black knights order]

[...As your wish, then if there are 3 workshops right now, I could present you with a newly force to supplied to the black knight order]

For the man who bow in awkward gesture behind between the audience, aside his word content, it does not seem be fit att.i.tude for a king officer who received a praise from his king. in fact,  any n.o.ble are looking at the situation with their furrowed eyebrows.

[...That man, does he not seem to be unexpected rude before the very presence of his highness a bit?]

[It all right, regard the place,  certainly that his gesture is scatter bird but if he can keep working fully for our country then the courtesy which has no real value can be toss aside.]

Kratos carve a deep smile on his well equipped poker face. the n.o.bles around display their consent appearance but also not show their disturb feeling by such ambiguous att.i.tude.

One man who just withdraw  from the conference, stripped off his jacket wildly and took a quick pace to the corridor of the royal palace, loosen his neck and finally took a breath. the cloth for ceremony display a grace feeling but too cramped, almost to the point of suffocation. 

there was a medium high body build under that jacket, the body seem to have been trained utterly. this show that he was nor blacksmith or knight (but both??). 

[yareyare, this really feel weird... his royal highness is perform his duty as "Proxy" as usual. well, to received a great support in such scale, I wonder about the fact that airship suppose to be just a mean to fly in the sky.]

The name of this man is "Horacio Cruz", who serve as Jaroudeku Kingdom head temple of technology development for 30 years.

To put it in simple word, A central figure head in workshop of development.

It is he the one who---realized his family"s theory---by proposed it to the country, his innovative idea by applied it for weapon propose  caught attention and being evaluated.

His family leading theory, that is being call "Function Logic of Pure Ether". the magic foundation principle which is a power that move this world, 

Theoretical system that anatomize characteristic of "Ether" which could be said that it is the ground basis of the previous era.

A technology that come by multi-derived from that point.

As conclude result, it provide a full-fledged support for Kshyperuk kingdom invasion.

"Levitate Technology" ---to complete this technology which is the essence of Function logic of pure ether, the first man who utilize it by show "Levitate ship" to the world.

[Thank to his royal highness, however, the problem that happen here also suffocated as well]

Not only a ship that can be fly in the sky that he need to do.


It also overlap with completion date of new model silhouette knight which were hasten from former schedule, could not be achieve by just thinking or only great determination.

There were great ambition which inherited inside the royal family of Jaroudeku kingdom.

An ambition to conquered the west by force, to become a super power nation as legend before.

Now with the world first flight force accordance with  new entirely management logic,

Plus the new model silhouette knight with combat capability that far greater than the old generation.

that definitely poured smolder fire seed.

[Since thing become important. the gaze of the n.o.bles also surely a pain]

To disclose "Function logic of pure ether" which had been his family conceal research and study secret, had become a perfect dogma for Horacio.

It cost a huge price to realization it, 

In other word, it need a national scale support.

Therefore he, betrayed his family by lent his knowledge to Jaroudeku kingdom.

This prospectus of him achieved so well until now.

[Yare-Yare , I don"t know where is my airship flying right now, they should just hurry up end the war already, I"m too also want to flying in the sky as soon as possible.]

Horacio whose appearance still fired up and had been looking up at the sky from the hallway for a while, resume his vitality and return to the central development work which also his home as usual,

He walk toward to the landing site for an airship.

Airship that has been built until now were too few in numbers and its using still not spread much.

As its developer, he was permitted to use it at his will as method of transportation.

[Oh"yaa, I"m just arrive....]

When he reached a landing site, Horacio come across a person.

Who was trying to board the flight which set course to Kshyperuk kingdom,

It"s Princess Katalina,

At that time, he remembered the conversation that had been exchanged  in the conferece.

A revelation flashed back to Haracio mind.

Soon, he took a quick pace to Katalina.

[Please excuse me, Your Highness, Katalina-sama, could you bestow me a moment of time?]

[Are you perhaps,  Sir Cruz? considerate of your great deed as your airship, then it might be possible.]

Katalina send a suspicious gaze at Horacio who sudden appear, pointed at the next air ship.

[We"re aware about your busy-arimasu. to sum up, I would like to ask your highness a favour-gozaimasu]

[...I must off to Kshyperuk as soon as possible, please made it briefly.]

Horacio thank her while raise up vigorously.

[As i mentioned to his highness Kratos, I plan to haste the progress of my work about black knights and airship. however, it can be done with more room in workshop, For that purpose, there is a need for "Information" the way, that best information can be obtained from the Black knight which utilize the airship across battlefield area sky only... we do not have information on other land of Kshyperuk beside that.]

Katalina face display a fully eyebrows while being retreat.

[With advantage of my knowledge power, for the sake to provide further force to our country, please allow me to accompany your highness to Kshyperuk...]

Horacio gallantly lower his head while hide his inner smile behind his expression. (this guy just want to run away and ride airship only right? )

 Chapter 30 Part 2

Part 2

Woodland, Old kshyperuk kingdom center.

A sound of cavalry and horse-drawn carriage that been travel can be heard slowly between the tree which sunshine illuminated light through.

A large burden rest in the hand of maiden who ride the carriage.

They are moving slowly even they were not order to proceed quietly due to a cry and seclude circ.u.mstance happen inside the main horse-drawn carriage. 

The circ.u.mstances are being showed by people who ride in horse-drawn carriages.

The fatigue was distinctively displayed on her face, the girl who has become expressionless through her weakening body.

This very girl is no one but, Eleonora, who was suppose to be a princess of Kshyperuk kingdom.

The wife of king Kshyperuk younger brother, Martina sat opposite her.

There are also another girl next to her who look at her(Eleonora) with care feeling, her name is Isadora, Martina"s daughter. 

[Eleonora, get a hold of yourself! I also regret about what happend to his majesty.... but, From now on, you need to support the country. also drive off those villains out from here.]

Isadora even raise her voice when she notice that Eleonora did not response back, 

She keep shake the body which seem belong to a people who just broken sync with the shaking of the horse-drawn carriage.

While Martina who watching the situation display an expression by increase the wrinkle, raised her eyebrows.

Since during the escape, Eleonora had been keep up this lifeless state.

Her figure right now is very looking like a doll, un-feel the animate, as her good look which blossom in full glory is now disappear.

Look at Isadora who scream her voice to reach out her many times yet no reaction, It would be most likely end up futile.

They were barely escape from the royal palace with a sacrifice of the king on the night that capital city, Dell Van Cool was attacked by the steel wing knights.

The woman and girl group are originally plan to go straight to the east.

The younger brother of Fernando who was Martina husband is the grand duke who governing the eastern part and presence there.

There are no better place to hide the princess who need to success the throne than that area.

But their movement were hinder by the airship of steel wing knights.

With great foresight as expect of the late knight Akatsuki, the Jaroudeku troops was too busy and careless, occupied with the late king.

It took before long for them to notice the disappearance of the royal family.

The royal blood line of the country which reign supreme in the  west.

The remaining of king family which become a problem in later time.

They had been relentlessly sought for information about the royal family that fled while extending their hand by invade more further inside Kshyperuk domestic area.

With the apparent appearance of ship that once across the sky, Martina group journey turn into covert travel as top priority.

It could be say that this place is the last hope for Kshyperuk kingdom.

With the precious bloodline, the last one by any chance, the escort knights choose to proceed with extreme caution.

For that sake, they try to avoid and keep contact city with minimum as much as possible to prevent a leak clue about their trail.

They keep continue a big detour in the forest and get away from highway.

The hidden pa.s.sage way with rough condition which not comfortable as good as the normal one.

In such hopeless situation and nothing to support.

It can"t be help nor blame as the heart of Eleonora who was pampered and grown up in a cage bird broken at very early.

[...If she continue to be like this, Even we able escape safely, The heart on this child may not be recover.]

The escape itself already a lot of problem, It could be said that they already riddled with enough problem even there have no problem with the girl body, but her mind 

Martina has been struggling about Eleonora state.

Even after they arrived at grand duchy state, 

They may not be able to revive Kshyperuk kingdom under legitimate banner under Eleonora who was a lineage blood.

She is clearly critically lacking the strength enough to stand on the top which is necessary for that purpose.

Martina suddenly glanced at the state of her own daughter who sit beside.

Isadora who still act with out losing gallant in this predicament,

Although Isadora wearing an air of worrying Eleonora,

She never give up on herself.

As expected of tomboy who put an air and mockery of the knight,

Could be said that her strength in this situation is hard to posses.

If Eleonora even has 10% of her daughter strength...,

While Martina who can"t help but only think so, the horse-drawn carriage which had continued to proceed ride is suddenly stop its movement.

Knights in the surrounding are moving in hurry, come through inside of horse-drawn carriage.

[....What happen!?]

The horseback knight, open the window,at Martina asked sharply to the knight who accompany.

[My apology for speak from the horseback, from our scout report, they found an abnormal situation ahead.]

[Is it a enemy?]

[I do not know the detail. unlikely by any chance, The place is very detour from the main road .... ]

While knight said and turned around, that moment, their ear able to heard the sharp wind noise, also an arrow that flying at  the same time, pierced though head of knight who peek out of window.

In front of very eye of Martina who was breath taking,

The figure of knight disappear from the window and collapsed from horseback.

[Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack!]

[Impossible! it should be further ahead isn"it !?]

[Just move any way, we are sitting duck like this....Guard!?]

While the escort knights prepare to retreat for sudden attack. 

The crossbow soldiers appear from the bushes one after another in the mean time and mercilessly slaughtered them.

All members were wearing the armor of unified design.

The coat of arms painted with Jaroudeku kingdom insignia.

The surprise attack reduce number of escort knights steadily,

Coachman who ride on the royal horse-drawn carriage try to sudden accelerated the carriage by whipping the horse.

He also one who had receive a knight training.

The speed could be said that was to be fully maximize,

However, it was too late for such a situation.

Suddenly, a light come flying with dazzling orange land on the ground in the way of the horse-drawn carriage, follow up with an explosion.

Strong wind fan the fire overwhelm a horse and kill it.

Horse-drawn carriage was roll over 180 degree, land and bounce on the ground about 3 times.

Full of multiple footsteps approaching from the front.

A sound of armor made from metal that hitting each other,

Further more, a high-pitched sound of drive by crystal tissue can be heard, also the m.u.f.fled intake sound of ether reactor sucking the air too.

There is no need to explain the true ident.i.ty of sound origin,

A giant knight in jet-black armor that higher than trees--- a silhouette knight is approaching slowly.

It appear not only one machines, one after another are coming from the surrounding in total of 6 silhouette knight machines appear to en-circle around the horse-drawn carriage.

A giant knight with armor of heavy black iron could bee seen.

Just as the other day that the capital city was trampled by the new ma.s.s production machine of Jaroudeku kingdom, "Tyrantor".

It projected the back armed from its back, which had a trace of pale light that prove a existence of magic bullet.

The flesh and blood soldiers are running in agonize from the foot of Tyrantor.

They are completely surround the overturned carriage that unable to move.

All of them were line up with crossbow and cane.

Then a person come out before them was a man in armor. a.s.sume to be a captain who try to pull his men together, raised the distort voice in the form of smile.

[The person who in the horse-drawn carriage, come out to the outside. resistance is futile.]

Of course probably suffered a great damage above all degree by surprise, only silence come return.

But he snorted the unpleasant-up, cast a demand again.

[Apart from us, the only survival are now only you. I"m also thinking about blow this remain carriage too, you know?]

It seem to be blatant threat but, Tyrantor aim its weapon according to his word, how was it?

[Please wait.]

There are sigh sound only a minute.

A really answer had been return.

The man straight himself raised flutter and eyebrows.

The door of the carriage which had been overturned is [being blown from the inside]. **did she kick it to force open??

Jaroudeku soldiers are scaring and set up their weapons.

A figure crawling come out slowly from horse-drawn carriage.

It"s Martina, she drawn herself up on top of horse-drawn carriage and glaring at ordinary soldiers which surrounding area.

[Fuh!, to even bring along such exaggerated thing as silhouette knight. Well? you group just gang up on one woman who not even hold a single weapon, am I not allow to even speak? ]

Strengthening her woman tall stance on top of horse-drawn carriage and overlooking a large surrounding area, while wearing a thin dirty dresses for a long journey,

despite her state, She did not look lose her majesty and power

The soldiers recognize  her instant, the man who was a captain also relieved, he regain the nasty-nice att.i.tude and recall the situation.

[My, my, my, to think that her royal highness Martina-sama was here. I almost extremely fear that we would be not able to meet your grace face.]

[Suit yourself....] 

Martina ignored the captain man word with a frown and looked around.

Her group had been completely surrounded by soldiers.

Further more, there also have silhouette knight in far away.

on the contrary, her escort knights who protect her are all already fallen.

The situation is too unfavorable.

Even use herself as a decoy, will Eleonora and Isadora be able to escape successfully?

She bitten her lip and tighten herself for not be able to reach a conviction.

[His highness Cristobal command us to capture you lady, we can confirm your safety....  as long as no more resistance being made, I could said that there will no un-expect thing happen. that if you follow us peacefully, but if not, we may need resort to do something that rashly un-call for.]

Martina eyebrows close in displeasure at the captain word that block her from made the decision while did not even try to hide his overwhelming superiority.

Indeed, there was no room for her rebellious mind to decide what to do there.

After all, his giant knights are intimidating her in silence.

A human being can turned into ground meat instant, anymore resistance is meaningless in front its power.

[Surely, you should already foresaw it matter whatever we do, it will end up as a failure, those Silhouette knights are bad news.]

A chagrin down murmur could be heard from Martina,

The man captain wear up his ugly smile then continue his word,

[Ops, It may be too late to say this. but from the direction that your horse-drawn carriage heading, there are seem be a ships appearance aimed at the east territory. it is certainly targeted at the late king brother territory. however, it really shame isn"t? since we are, "the one who come from that direction(the east territory)", you know?]

Up until now, Martina heart was full of chagrin of stout so this news take away all her will power.

[I...It can"t be.... You guys!]

[As expected of clever lady, you should be able to figure it out already right? that the pride airship fleet of our country! The Steel Wing Knight orders, are heading to conquer "Fontanie" , the east capital city of this dukedom!]

The fact struck hard at Martina who was collapse as it was illusion.

The frighten news keep flooding, the sound of annoying blood flow could be heard badly.

While enduring the worst premonition, she glared at man at the her brave heart. 

While he pretend to be unnaturally daunted as he mock her, he keep split more despair after stop being pretended.

[Yes , yes, look like the Prince brother  himself was die in the midst of conquered battle too or something like that. with this, the remaining royal blood in this country is you lady only. there was no more place to escape for you anymore.]

At last, Martina was score down to her knees.

Despair, filled in her heart, sink her, and shattered all hope that support her.

(arr.....arrrr....mou, everything is over now. both Dear husband (Fernando) and Brother in law (Augustin) are all gone... how can one girl gonna regain back this country.....?)  

The soldiers keep encircle them closer to made her give up.

No way to escape, no power to resist.

Dead-end is before her, include the captured daughter who had been shivering in horse-drawn carriage.

The last hope which place in old Kshyperuk duchy, The princess Eleonora party had fell into the hand Jaroudeku kingdom.

This news  keep spreading enough to break the spirit of defiance that remained in the old Kshyperuk kingdom n.o.bles.

It was happened in west calendar years 1281,

At early summer of smell smolder season.

Jaroudeku kingdom conquered all of Kshyperuk kingdom land and complete its invasion.

 Chapter 30 Part 3.

Part 3.

The great steep peak mountains, Obinie being decorate with lightly cloud on its top.

There are a road pa.s.sing through by foot on the mountainside that place between mountains which also indicated the end border of west countries.

The name of this highway is "East-West highway" (Occident Road) , to the east--this path also one of the few that lead to Fremmevir Kingdom.

It was a place that swarm with Fremmevir kingdom mighty magic beast.


This place was blessed as well since this is the only place in Obinie that rich with fertile granary at the same time.

The merchants are surely flock around with exceed number on this severe mountains since there were great demand.

That day too,

1 group of "Merchant Caravan" had visit the land of west beyond the east-west highway.

There are an extend long procession which comprise of a number of wagon at meandering highway for the sake to get over the slope.

They are seemed to be full-fledged merchants since they were load with heavy luggage.

The leading carriage which was going steadily suddenly stop after saw a stop sign.

[Is there something happen? "Young Master"] 

[....something wrong. there should be custom check point around here right? or did I got it wrong?]

There is a appearance of border check point at the tip of highway which spread at the foothills of Obinie mountains for the sake to enter Kshyperuk kingdom.


The flag that fluttering in the custom check point area was not belong to Kshypereuk kingdom.

No matter what country flag was raised, it won"t be problem as long as one did know what happen in the country.

However, for this group, it was a situation that they lack information for trying enter in this country.

[Is that so, the flag isn"t?, then, what are you gonna do?]

[ had been decided. let begin "Negotiation" immediately.]

Wrinkle display between eyebrows of person who was called young master.

A pet.i.te boy with child like appearance nod in return then turn around and convey everything toward the back of the caravan.

Soon, caravan resume its movement while aim for the border checkpoint.

[....Yareyare, look like our group really unlucky, right...]


Soldiers group that stand guard at check point are currently set up a campfire before the majesty of Obinie which cut blue sky.

The engraved coat of arms on their armor indicate that they are Jaroudeku men.

"Ancient Land", The easternmost land of Kshyperuk kingdom already occupied by them.

[Hey, if there are check point at such a place then it would mean that there are something on the other side right?]

It"s a kingdom policy anyway, for having soldiers stationed on this only road in the mountains that full of forest.

The unpopular place which have less attraction and any value. 

They look up at the faint mountains continuously and have a fun chat intently in the free time.

[What was should be a remote country with a name of Furanberuju.]
 (it"s Fremmevir kingdom but pretty that even soldiers are don"t know the exact detail.)

[ far beyond Obinie right? matter what place are there, there should not be any country right? since it far beyond the end of this world.]

In this era, most of human race are living with in the "west countries".

For many people and soldiers, "The World" only being refers limited to this west part only.

Except some merchant and the one who hold the authority, in most common sense,  Obinie mountains could be called as the end of the world.

It"s reason for soldiers group which were task to "keep an eye on the end of the world" had a very low motivation and in predicament.

The fact that there are border check point here on this very highway prove it is being use as a road.

They also understood this reason as well , after all, This place was outside of world"s interest.

[Truly, just why this place need to be guarded....what, something there....!?]

Soldiers who tried to continue the heat chat suddenly found out the accident on the former line of sight.

There are cloud of dust rising violently and advancing on the highway near the forest that cover mountains surface in the mean time.

The gallop sound roar across the land and heading to this place.

It resound at regular interval, its deep melody sound familiar to the human ears who was a soldier.

However,  the sound is surely "Too Heavy" to be a horseshoe sound, as it almost a sound generate from silhouette knight, it was full of weight and intensity.

[Wrong, it"s too weird, for such a sound... to be a horse? if that the case then it was too fast! it"s will arrived soon, hurry up and close the gate!! d.a.m.n, I don"t care even you have to drop it!]

Soldier who was drank a beer call out.

This border check point is installed with pull out gate function type,

It have a gimmick that allow to close the gate quickly by cut the rope that support the gate in the case of emergency.

In response to the heartbreaking cries of soldiers who was monitoring,

The soldiers rushed over in hurry to the opening and closing device and cutting the rope lead with a slashing axe.

The knight runners group who heard an abnormal situation also get ready for combat while the steel gate being dropping and resounding rattle and pulley then gate touched the ground.

The state of the art ma.s.s production machine of Jaroudeku kingdom, "Tyrantor" are rising up and take a extraordinary readiness for war inside the check point.

The abnormality came down from the highway and appeared before their eyes.

[What the heck is this thing!? not a horse....a human? don"t tell me, is it a....silhouette knight...?]

"That Thing" appeared in the day light, with an upper body that shape resemble a human but the lower part is exactly a horse, presented with a presence of half human half horse.

If one take a good look at it then armor of steel could seen same as crystal tissue sound could be heard so it"s definitely a silhouette knight.


The appearance before them is too bizarre for such a thing,

The solidified soldiers dropped their jaw and having a round eyes.

"That Thing" that came down lightly before them .... a centaur knight "Tzendrinble" is stopped and look at the closed gate of the check point.

The abnormal centaur knight shape which drag 2 huge grind cavalry horse-drawn carriage type in tow, dropped its speed which cause a big screech and spark.

While its run on the land had blow up cloud of dust and increasing,

Many variant of the horse-drawn carriage are stopped in front of the gate.

A voice from somewhere reach the stiff soldiers which stand frozen and not able to collect their thought.

[Howdy! we are "Silver Trading Firm", and on task to carrying the trade goods the mountain over there. would you kind to let us pa.s.s?]

[Don"t said a blatant lie! no way for merchant to posses such a silly horse!!]

There was a slightly sighing voice back at him who said a retort word.

[What is this, you don"t know?  since mountain across the country are swarm with magic beast which really dangerous. A special steel horse is needed!]

[Even it is a special horse, there was no such a thing here! you guys too suspiciously! all of you, leave and get down from the machine and line up side by side. let me examine the cargo and yours id!]

After secretly exchange nod in the back, Tyrantor corps ready their stance to fight anytime. 

Because those claim did not seem to be true, they also know noting about group that called themselves "Silver Trading Firm" since there never have any group that posses equipment this much.  

[Hou.... Could you tell me one thing before that? about that flag, it did not seem to belong to Kshyperuk kingdom at all right? just where are you guys come from?]

The soldiers should have notice that the asked voice tone is slightly become lower. however, he answer before "he realize it".

[What a slowpoke ear merchant... more suspicious of you guys. Kshypereuk kingdom "perish" long time ago. that right! this place now belong to us , under management of Jaroudeku kingdom!]

[...I see, so it already happen, if that the case then we don"t have time to play with yours Q&A game anymore.]

A high pitching air sound is flowing from the huge eye-catching wagon that towed to a centaur knight.

It was a operation sound of magical converter when silhouette knight magic engine sucking ether in the atmosphere , changing its tone.

Then immediately following with, 

The cover cloth are gallantly remove and purging the steel wire that secure the load

The golden glow radiate with in sight and reflected sunshine brilliantly.

It appear to be,

A silhouette knight with a lion design and golden armor, "Gordesleo" and inside its c.o.c.kpit, the image of check point gate is being display on holo monitor before the b.l.o.o.d.y thirsty Emurys eyes.

[If people speak about how open the gate unnaturally then break through with a force is also another one....!]

Jump off the horse-drawn carriage, the back arms of golden lion are activated and deploy. 

Then the armor magic script on both shoulder armor which is  silhouette Arms are open up and reveal the inside.

Emblem graph (magic emblem surgery formula) flow up with enormous mana and immediately display a magic phenomenon. 

[You are in the way!!]

The deadly weapon of the golden lion, "Howling Blast"(Shishio Todoroki) was roar up, sound of breaking atmosphere are generated, interlocked madou armements of multiple devices and fire an over-standard output magic strike.

It consumed a huge amount of mana in exchange to generate such a power and send a surging overwhelm shock wave to the gate.

The steel gate that possibly robust enough to endure against a a.s.sault from duel-cla.s.s monster is not flexible enough to withstand such a shock wave.

After the crack ran across the informal wall of the base, the gate was blown away with its momentum after being destroyed.

That huge gate flying and land a clean hit at Tyrantor which currently prepare for war behind on that occasion gate.

Since everything were all unexpected, it did not have any time to evade that.

Tyrantor, a machine that boasting its heavy armor to withstand a blow attack was sent flying and turned into wreck with a single blow, its large fuselage collapse and scattered around.

This was just too crazy.

[Haa....impossible. to destroyed the gate and send the entire body of silhouette knight flying, was such a ridiculous power really come from madou weapon!?]

[No, it is too much unreasonable!]

Confronted by the far beyond expected power, the upset are indeed ran across the black knights.

Took advantage of that chance, the centaur knight had follow up by started moving. purge itself from the horse-drawn carriage, Tzendrinble galloping into the checkpoint that lose a gate.

The sound of coming horseshoe which shatter the land are growing, by equipped with 2 ether reactor allow it to generated screaming noise characteristic which sound like a neigh of the horse.

Tzendrinble taking the a.s.sault pattern with lengthy lance by setting up the charge lance (a.s.sault cavalry spear).

[Kuh, this thing...]

Not waste any sprint momentum, stab its spear into black knight.

Blow up harsh at the extruded torso of black knight.

Fragment of the crumble crystal armor are jump around and scattered.

However, Tyrantor did not fallen even after receiving such an extensive damage, it grab the spear and push the cavalry back in the reverse.

[what is this thing? isn"t this insanely thick!! wait, let go of my spear!]

An unexpectedly young voice raise a cry in protest from the centaur knight.

while its broken knee destroy it balance, the black knight keep holding and did not let go the spear.

At that moment, another 1 of Tzendrinble also came running, holding the same cavalry spear, stab at black knight with its accelerated force.

Even for a black knight, it couldn"t took anymore attack since it already suffered a great damage from earlier attack.

The puncture spear land at torso part, destroy the armor of black knight by keep thrusting with power, the spear did not only went through inner skeleton but also pierce thru crystal tissue.

The upper body which sever penetrated with the 2 spears is finally fall down to the ground gravely.

[Yo...You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!  Just what kind of merchant are you! don"t expect you would get any mercy after this!!] 

Tyrantor corps suddenly went into rage after recovered from startle.

There are 2 squads of Tyrantor (6 machines) stationed in this border check point.

Although its number are more than enough to a.s.sure the safety of check point such as this remote place.

2 of them already destroyed in an instant.

For the knight runners of Tyrantor, both the golden lion and centaur knight deem to be heinous dream in their eyes.

They took a readiness stance, raise up their heavy mace and shield.

By put up enough defense with no opening gap to prevent any attack from contact Tyrantor armor.

They don"t need to be fear anymore even an enemy is a young monster. They thought that.

....At that time,  The terror is roaring. it was a sound that can not be express just a simple roar from one "Direction".

The cry of behemoth emerge as just to notify widely enormity its great strength power.

The intense intake sound of behemoth heart are being emitted to the surrounding, shake the land, trembling the trees.

[....everyone are so mean, why you guys start the fight when leave me behind like this. I"m too, "Ikaruga" too, please include us too!]

Another "baggage" is start moving on the top of the remaining wagon in front of check point.  

The cover cloth is swirling burn , and suddenly blow up leave with crimson lotus color trail.

Something just jumped into the air and penetrate their center rank.

For soldiers group which watch the situation on the top of check point, this battle is something that go beyond their own sanity.

There are shadow cover over them.

It"s unlikely a bird, it definitely not a beast either.

There was a figure with a shape similar to the huge human..... silhouette knight"s shadow. that right, a "Silhouette Knight" is flying in the sky. 

It is not easy for silhouette knight to climb upon the wall of check point base which has a height of 30 meters.

Something allow this silhouette knight able to do that, more than that, it even jumped high up in the sky.


Even soldiers fall into confusion, they should immediately noticed some fact.

That there are overhanging shadow from their above, that would mean its "landing point" are the place where they are.

Those who are drank a beer are being commanded to escape immediately.

"It" landed into stone wall.

The elongated shadow that light up with the day light has reach the foot of Tyrantor.

while no longer able to grasp a fully situation, Jaroudeku soldiers stop the movement as being frozen somewhere.

"It" stood up slowly.

It was a knight, approximately 10 meters tall, unusual design body armor, holding a wacky shape large sword in its hand.


the most eye catching is in its back.

After all, this machine posses 4 extended further arms from the back which is crazy thing.

The centaur knight is already enough to shocking but this, this odd presence is also something unbelievable.

Before the horrify Jaroudeku soldiers can"t be anything more than Silver Phoenix knight grand master personal machine for Ernesti Echevarria.

The devil mask warrior which posses 6 arms, "Ikaruga", surround itself with crystal eye in the back , gave off strangely human feeling on surface cover.

[Saaa.... Let go, Ikaruga... let begin the battle desuyo!]

tuned up by the merry Eru, main power reactor "Queen Coronet" and sub power reactor "Behemoth Heart" are being increase its power.

The swell of raging magic being produce by the heart of giant monster flown magic into magius jet thruster accord to Eru procedure.

Engulf its whole body with a vermilion steam like a cloth.

Ikaruga fly out again to the sky by kicking the wall of checkpoint.

Receive a back light, Ikaruga steeped into shadow.

Knight runner of Tyrantor  who was only get a glimpse of the figure for a moment, remembered the abysmal fear of odd eyeball at its back of the surface cover, "Fitted Eye".

[Such a thing... for real?...]

Ikaruga which come from the sky, swing down 2 large swords with both hands with its momentum as aiming for the confused Tyrantor.

Even lack the sharpness of thick sword, it eat up through Tyrantor shoulders with the force of momentum and crushing both arms.

with the Ikaruga insane output, the large sword went through feet and gouge the ground in perfect motion.

one of rage Tyrantor falling down with out any problem and become another fallen.

[One down.]

the other side who was collapsed is Tyrantor, Ikaruga rise up slowup.

When look at the enemy, Ikaruga that rise up slowly after take down Tyrantor which clad with heavy armor in a instant, fear run across the black knights.

[Kuh....d.a.m.n you!! who is this guy!! go get him! attack in formation!!]

While raising a weak war cry in desperation, The black knights able to recover from a de-morale state.

The opponent is an unusual enemy and they don"t have no room nor time to examine it"s characteristic.

With thought  about avoid close combat should be a good choice in this case, start up their back arms.

When they thought they got this, Earlobe of Jaroudeku soldiers are being ringing.

Ikaruga which obtained a recoil which fledgling with erratic speed, thrust forward with red crimson flame trail from whole body armor.


Ikaruga avoid a magic bullet that from a groaning Tyrantor that shoot reflexively with slightly kicking.

Then, draw closer into sword range at next moment.

Ikaruga maintain its momentum while swinging down a large sword.

Tyrantor which  able to held up its shield in time with not only a sheer luck.

Large sword nailed down the shield and distort it by raw power causing Tyrantor down its knee on the land.

Crystal tissue from the arm part that support its shield emerge from armor part and bounce out , several of them become visible.

The fact that it did not its fold knee almost a miracle.

The black knight trying to struggle by push enemy back yet it was being push back instead.

The knight runner himself cast a suspected eye.

Tyrantor which is a heavy weight machine is "Losing in strength contest".

A power which able to win against the black knight that reign supreme in the west, The variant enemy. 

The fact he heck himself about who is the other opponent can be understanding also it can"t be help that he can"t do anything but stand in fear.

Then Ikaruga continue its next merciless attack at the held down  Tyrantor.

4 arms that had been fold out from Ikaruga back wriggle, deploy exhibition.

Should said that 2 hands held up halberd on each hand and draw a circular trajectory then stab at Tyrantor. (drill attack??)

By the body hammered with a blown that full of centrifugal force,

The sword went over both arms and go for Tyrantor"s shoulder.

while Tyrantor lose its mean to defense due to stunned, 2 attacks strike its body.

Tyrantor that received a scathing slash bent its waist and fall down.

[Two Down!]

The remaining Tyrantor are only 2 left.

The knight runners are complete fall into panic state.

They are member of Bronze Claw knights order, as a proof of being elite, they were gave a Tyrantor.

Even they already pa.s.s many combats and fight many times until now, but this enemy is too much abnormal for them.

Before the unimaginable threat, they can"t come up with any means to turn back the tide.

Despite that fact, They are can only shooting their back weapons randomly from the distance with determine to strike.

The armor warrior or Centaur knight or golden lion, they don"t know which one need to be aim first and totally confused, with that reason cause their aim accuracy to be very rough.

Magic bullets are screaming with sound while flowing in the air, go around.

Ikaruga evade magic bullets easily while wielding its halberd.

Tyrantors keep continue its earnestly brute attack like this and drawn out its large sword despite it still out of sword range.

[Really an excellent brute attack method ! I gonna come to you now desuyo. you fine with it right?]

Eru, Ikaruga"s large sword is not wielding naturally like the usual standard large sword.

The moment that he operated a certain lever, Ikaruga"s large sword split in half.

Inside its thick blade is clearly an unnecessary mechanism for a sword.

Silver plate, steel frame, and catalyst crystal forming up.

Ikaruga"s large sword flowing with overwhelming mana which dwell on the tip of bright installed catalyst crystal.

Which mean that this sword also serves as silhouette arms function base weapon.

This huge chunk red sharp metal is also the latest silhouette armament, "Cannon Sword" was its name.

The immense magic  power which remain flaring was invoked, tactical magic (Over Spell) that create by engraved magic circuit in in the coat of arms form.

A brightly brilliant shining magic bullet flying toward Tyrantor. 

While the initiated magic bullets flew as it was blurring and come from outside of common sense, the targeted black knight took a hit which impossible to evade.

This cannon sword posses destruction power rival to "Falcon" (Roar of flame spear), a large madou weapon platform that installed on one of horse drawn carriage, the "Chariot" (combat horse-drawn carriage).

The overwhelming firepower that was created to fight the division cla.s.s monster did not only piercing and blown away particular parts of Tyrantor"s heavy armor but totally erase its existence in explosive flame.

[3 down!]

The last Tyrantor already fled with its all power at that time.

A wise answer in a sense since there is no one left to think about how to challenge the variant demon anymore.

The 2 squads which comprise of 6 Tyrantors that stationed here was wipe out in the blink of an eye, there is no more ally remained.

Of course, Ikaruga did not let it happen.

Including armor deployment, it begin to rise up and spray a vermilion trail as demon emerge from a gap of h.e.l.l.

By received an overwhelming thrust from magius jet thruster, Ikaruga appearance become disappear.


With obtained overwhelming speed between a moment from the rest, It reached the fled Tyrantor instant.

The black knight didn"t even have a time to leave any word.

Cannon sword stab inside th extrude rear armor and crush its spine.

Then, blade of cannon sword which remain stuck is expanding,

shoot magic bullet directly from inside Tyrantor and blast it,

Its figure transform into iron sc.r.a.p in the next moment.

[4 down! is it over already? it probably still not enough.... for Ikaruga...]

Among the remaining of afterglow explosion, Eru who pilot Ikaruga reveal his discontent like a child who still not had enough candy snack.

Wielding and buzzing halberd at Ikaruga"s back.

[look like it is inevitable-ne.....]

Leaving a genuinely regretful murmur, Ikaruga begin its transition by folding back its arm along with halberd in the original state.

Following by rotate the Cannon sword in both hands and fixing its small auxiliary arm and store it in the waist armor.

Finally, it raise the exceptionally large roar, a noise that bury the entire surroundings. 

Ikaruga shift back Queen Coronet power to normal output and stop the behemoth heart function, ending combat situation.

[...If you think about Eru-kun gonna sortie, then the battle will end before we knew it-ne.]

[Well, no matter hard that black thing is, Eru and Ikaraga probably un-stop-able anyway.]

At that time at the border check point, the twin Tzendrinble looked at each other after they noticed roar that shake up the battlefield.