Knights & Magic

Chapter 33 Part 2.

Chapter 33 Part 2.

Part 2

[As long as you heard the current explanation, there should not be any problem. Our group too was able to put a fight with "this".]

Although Eru"s explanation had ended, the facial expression of Kshperuk n.o.bles who gathered in this meeting room still remains tense.

If you think about their situation until now, this presentation of the silver trading firm can be treated as a great hope for them who was powerless.

However, the weak n.o.bles still on their vigilance, they did not agree immediately.

[The main problem should be time, I think. The design of "this" is too good, It gonna definitely take sometimes. But, now, Jaroudeku kingdom already lost its grasp on her royal highness princess. I do not think that they gonna leisurely waiting for us. If we can"t make this in time before the deployment deadline, We definitely will be crushed.]

[Please rest a.s.sured. We already antic.i.p.ated this matter, We had been prepared a trick that will allow you to earn some time to made it thoroughly.]

Eru keep answered at the flooding question without any stagnation.

Martina could only open her mouth widely at such a scene.

[There still more thing, you may be able to deal with the enemy force that coming from the another territory in time but what about the one that already deployed in the east area? before I came here, they already have a large number of patrol force. we can"t just ignore them, right?]

Martina pointed at the most critical question.

And Eru just answered with a great smile for such a question.

[Please be a.s.sured. In the first place, the enemy force in the east territory already been reduced in number due to our previous "Contract". also the same from now on, as long as the contract still in effect.]

[...I, Is that so...]

All people who gathered in this place already well-known about the rampage that keeps happening around of the silver trading firm.

However, they did not know why Jaroudeku army called it a grim reaper "s rampage and no one dare enough to ask that question too.

[How was it? Aunty. Our silver trading firm"s offering such as "safety" and "war potential". If you want to start the first step in order to regain back this country. then this is the place, I a.s.sured you!] 

[...fuh, fu fu fuh. seriously...this is really a madness deal. not bad , not bad at all...I accept the contract!]

Got lured by the words along with the clear-cut smile and fearless appearance, Martina too finally allow herself to smile again.

The smiles of two people are indeed similar as expected of the one who shares the same blood in their veins.

At the time that Emurys and Martina on verge of exchanged their "Contract" agreement, they were stopped by the raised voice of the person who behind them.

[Please wait a moment, Young master. Although you are the relative of Ms. Martina but this is involved with the fate of the country itself. We too also claimed that we"re a merchant, We can"t go around and help on the request without an appropriate remuneration.]

It was Eru, He was panicked at Emurys"s behavior that deviated from the plan due to the flow of conversation.

[Oi, Silver leader! just what did you say so suddenly! The silver trading firm is just a public cover. in reality, We are totally different....]

[No, be quiet for a moment, Emurys. his word is not a mistake. We too agree with him. It would be inconvenient for our grace if we only take without giving anything back.]

With her bold heart, Martina turns back at Eru.

Now, she has the mission, to protect Eleonora and take back the country at all cost for the late king and her husband sake.

For that sake, the power of this silver trading firm is indeed necessary.

She may get used to Emurys"s temperament but she also well aware that organization relationship does not work that way.

They still lacking a thing to compensate their business partner.

The woman patiently observes the little boy in front of her eyes.

The one who supervise all the people of the silver trading firm(the knight order) that possess both unique trait and power.

Appeared in the form of a young child yet piloted the unique silhouette knight and infiltrated the castle, completed the mission that impossible.

Even a part of emotion such as despise or obligation never appeared on the child"s face.

While receiving such a strong gaze, Eru is slowly speaking.

[Our group already decided about our payment, It"s a silhouette knight-desu. We want the ownership of every spoil part of "enemy silhouette knight" that we crushed.

[....Ha? just that only?]

[Yes, just only that-desu.]

Martina thought that as a suicide choice but she doesn"t have any choice except rely on their power for the time being. So, they would be the greatest of her ally.

Until then, They will keep defeated the enemy for their rewarding.

After all, the enemy hand will not able to reached her easily with that.

In the first place, it already becomes a ridiculous thinking about the reward, just what is the suitable reward that equals to a country?

Compared to her ordinary knowledge about a reward so far, his request is nothing but a small favor.

[well, "If it only this much" then there is no problem at all, We don"t have any objection.]

Even there still some distrust remain, the woman chose to ignore it and nodded her head.

But Martina who already holding a relief feeling did not notice it all, about Emurys who was clamoring about it at the start began to quiet at the midway of conversation.

[Okay, then I guess we got a deal isn"t... we will certainly fulfill our promise. ....then no matter how much enemy we eliminated by crushed , broke or slashed, everything will belong to me, is that correct?...] 

Eru nodded with a melting smile but his furious murderous intention was leaked along with it.

At that time, Emurys who working along with him knew well about his personality, he began to horrify understood the meaning in that line.

("s not "Everything belong to the silver trading firm" but "Everything is mine" instead? Did he really say that?...this is definitely not a misunderstood because Ernesti did not intend to leave any single machine behind, don"t tell me that he gonna earnestly.....every single enemy so he can get his hand on them all?!..)

Before he gonna involuntarily stop the talking, he comes up with a better idea.

Since there is no problem with eliminated the enemy as soon as possible, furthermore, both Eru and his aunt also agreed in this matter then it should not a problem isn"t?...

thus, Old Kshyperuk princ.i.p.ality remnants army accepted the contract of the silver trading firm.

Immediately after that time, the tide of battle begins to greatly shift again.

Continue to Part 3.

PS : look like the boy definitely bring some souvenir back to his home.