Knights & Magic

Chapter 33 Part 4 & 5

Chapter 33 Part 4 & 5

Part 4

The Black Jaw knights battalion was under attack from time to time and received a considerable damage but on the other hand, they still manage to reach their next destination somehow.

Now, they walking silently and become less talkative as the high morale that accompanied them at the beginning stage now mysteriously disappears, soon, the appearance of the walls that cut off the highway come into their view.

For anyone who came from the north, this walls belongs to the city that known as the gate of the east, "The Fortress City Jeedon" is outstanding appear before them.

This city had been established a trade route with Fremmevir kingdom via the "East-West highway" and also leading to the north-south road of Kshyperuk, it very well known as the very important strategic point.

For that sake, The city itself was surrounded by a solid circle walls which designed to give a high defense capability to the city.

[...All forces, halt immediately!]

They already running low on supplies plus piled up a lot of fatigue to the point that probably dangerous even for the elite Black Jaw knights.

It can"t help that the soldiers feel relief in their mind since they had reached the city that can be used a base for resting.

However, The battalion commander ordered them to stop before they can enter the city.

The battalion commander manipulated his Tyrantor to point its finger at "That" to his adjutant who sent him a puzzled look.

[...Why is "Our army"s flag" did not raised up in that city? nah, what the heck in the world is "That flag"?]

A portrait of a silver phoenix which spread its wing was drawn on the flag that proudly fluttering on the fortress city Jeedon"s wall.

"Flag" is something that used to display the affiliation of the force in order to identify friend or foe.

The reason that Jaroudeku kingdom"s flag did not raise on it can be only one meaning.

[ stupid. as expected of p.u.s.s.y person level, figure it out by yourself, would you!]

The battalion commander shouts a dispute and ordered the entire battalion to prepare for combat.

The rebellious intent is so clear, there is only one thing can be done.

[Since the city was very well protected by the thick walls, they probably got conceited, right? Look like they have some smart a.s.s soldier but it"s useless before our black knight, don"t expect that you guys will receive any mercy!]

Until now since they came to this land, the Black Jaw knight was continue being hara.s.sed by the sabotage act. right now, they want to use this chance to venting their frustration.

For the city that was supposed to be their resting place after long distance travel betrayed them as soon as they reached it, this really adds the furious fuel to their emotion even they are exhausted.

They fold their rank quickly and advance by walking with intimidating air.

[Front Wall Formation!! front row used sword stance! go crushed those fools!]

Tyrantors that on the front row of row wall type formation ready its stance with a war mace
TN: war mace = a small version of battle hammer.

Tyrantor already possesses a great power, when it used a war mace in large number, it can do damage on the walls.

That why a battle hammer was miniaturization into war mace, in order to attack the walls with sheer strength numbers, A tradition tactic by destroying all target at once.

The fortress city Jeedon did not show any reaction against the black wave that surging before it.

Since it really hard for the ma.s.s production type of Kshyperuk to win against Jaroudeku"s black knight.

It was a fact that repeated in history many times that Kshyperuk side always fights by the wall, not on the field and end up turn into a siege campaign.

They always saw it every time on the battlefield, alway a sight.

That why the black knights pushing forward without suspect anything and about to entering the silhouette arms range from the walls.

When they step on that range, the Kshyperuk"s silhouette knight finally shows themselves on the walls

The black knights who move forward did not give them much an attention since some stray shot from silhouette arms won"t do much damage to the heavily armored Tyrantor, They calmly thought like that.

However, the battalion commander who observing the entire situation from afar is the first and foremost one who noticed about the abnormality.

[ that thing? It"s not a Leswant ...It"s "a different type"!?]

The lined up of silhouette knights that appeared on the fortress city Jeedon"s walls had a great different form from Leswant.

The machines that appeared from the spire that integrated with the walls had an armor which is strangely round almost like a "Cylinder" attached around its frame.

Hence, The mysterious silhouette knights are extending "4" silhouette arms from their back and stretch it forward before the line of sight of the puzzled battalion commander.

It possesses the same back armed system that was adopted in Jaroudeku army.

Its arm also grabs its silhouette arms that attached at the gap between the addition armor along with the other 4 armed.

The silhouette knight that able wield six silhouette armament at the same time just lined up on the walls, the battalion commander had reached the conclusion the moment that he witness such a scene.

[...It not that they did not approach us but there is no need for them to approach in the beginning! this is bad. that thing knight.... ]

His shouted already way too late at that time.

In the next moment, the lined up silhouette knights that take a shoot stance released their magic bullet all at once.

The destruction power is far beyond the standard silhouette arms.

With the hex gun that continues to shoot a magic bullet in succession, The storm of the ferocious magic bullet is poured down upon the black knight, created a tremendous explosive of a flame wall.

Develop the momentum that sent every black knight crumbled on the ground.

And it not only just that. 

While he staring at such a scene, a sling attack begins to fly out from the fort.

The black knights already devoted in defense against the storm of magic bullet. and now, they took a direct hit from the stone bullets that just comes flying at them from a different angle 

No matter how much thick armor that Tyrantor had, If they took a direct hit from a stone bullet without defence, they will not come out unscathed from it.

The pride of invisible row wall type formation that they boasted is now being ripping apart for the first time.

Despite that, Tyrantor too did not yield on receiving only, it tries to retaliate by start up its back armed and fired.

Its shot landed a direct hit at the Kshyperuk"s silhouette knight that stood on the top of the walls but the surrounding armor is too thick plus only a few shot manage hit it.

The distance between two silhouettes, the alt.i.tude, greatly reduces the accuracy of the black knight"s bullet.

[Kusso! Just what the heck is that thing! How can it still able to shooting silhouette arms non-stop like this!?]

A stone throwing and magic bullet attack, under attack by this two type of projectile weapon cause Jaroudeku army to struggled, eventually, they begin to feel a discomfort.

A magic weapon is a powerful weapon but it consumes a lot of magic in order to use it.

If they continue to shoot a large volley of attack like this, their mana pool should run out soon.

However, they still able to shooting continuously without stopping.

It so clear that the enemy must have some trick behind it.

[d.a.m.n it, Since this is not a strength contest, they purposely keep up the distance from the beginning!? How impudent!...At this rate, we will take too much damage, messenger, tell the entire battalion to fall back at once!]

The battalion commander shouts an instruction while smiling with a blue vein on his forehead.

Tyrantor has a heavy armor but the enemy attack powerful enough to punch through it.

With low mobility---It"s inevitable that Tyrantor gonna take a great damage before it can reach the walls.

They have to deal with this place with a long term invasion strategy instead.

Right now, even without an enemy, the black knight troops already exhausted by a piled up fatigue.

They are not in a state that allows them to combat at all.

Now, Jaroudeku army who started this war tasted its first defeated in the fort capture campaign in the history.

While confirming the retreat of Black Jaw knights, Kshyperuk soldiers who stood above the fortress city Jeedon"s walls being to move in a hurry.

[Jaroudeku army is retreating! Vid"s squad! Cease fire!]

[Now is our chance to do resupply before they come back, All soldiers hurry up the sling reloading!]

[Lower your silhouette arms, Vid"s squad keep it like that in order to threaten them while recovering mana pool at the same time.]

The silhouette knight squad that sit in the row is releasing an intense intake and aspiration sound from ether reactor while holding their silhouette arms.

The name of the machine that having a shape like a cylinder is "Leswant Quad"

It was a machine that builds from the blueprint that handed ou in a various place by the silver trading firm, from Ernesti"s proposal.

By used a Leswant, the ma.s.s production machine of The Ancient Kshyperuk army as a base, It was upgraded with the multiple back armed "Capacitive Ram" which just simply attached on its back.
TN: Capacitive Ram type silhouette arms - as Its name suggest, a weapon that already stores an energy inside the gun and can shoot out right away, A mana support from silhouette knight"s ether reactor is not necessary. I think....  [An energy gun with power bank built-in function] if you ask me...   

The main focus of this upgrading is the "Wall Robe", a large addition armor that  covers the machine frame.

A Capacitive Ram needs to use with this strong armor as the armor itself has a built in mana pool larger than the amount that one Leswant can possess.

Leswant Quad has an enormous mana pool due to its large capacity and can wield multiple silhouette arms at the same time, it is a machine that extremely specialized for single-minded attack from range

Unfortunately, Its existence was a rush job and lack a lot of adjustment from the start plus the weight of wall robe really too far heavy for moving, as a result, it can only use in defense situation only.

In the end, It"s some kind of defective machine, even so, it already strong enough to deal with Jaroudeku who did not know this fact.

[Look...That Jaroudeku army, are fall back on the highway! We really did it! We had protected this town, We won!]

The scenery of  the retreated black knights who had left the vicinity of the city spreading to every soldier"s mind.

Not too long, they begin to groans and finally become an explosive delight cheer.

The commander is relatively calm while watching the situation among the delighted soldiers.

[Finally, a victory isn"t? Although, we just able to drove them away just once. even the damage they receive is not a little, they probably come back to attack gain. may be, I should keep a tab on them with a high alert.]

Leswant Quad which has a high apt.i.tude for base defense does not allow them to pursuit or attack, its mobility it too low.

Still, they decided to rejoice the victory in front of them for now as Jaroudeku army has completely retreated.

Part 5.

The news about the victory of the fortress city Jeedon is now, spreading around the local area.

This news will definitely raise an unstoppable great momentum that grows the rebellion next to the princess Eleonora"s retaken news without a doubt.

Until now, only Silver Phoenix knights can match Jaroudeku army toe to toe.

However, If only them able to fight then in a true sense, it is not a victory at all.

By obtained the new Leswant Quad here, the ancient Kshyperuk n.o.bles is now able to prominence step up in the battlefield one after another.

The domination power of the east strategic Jaroudeku army force begin to unstable by a revolt of the small n.o.bles, the land of the east is turning back into a "Battlefield" once again.

Furthermore, the Black Jaw knights were completely struck between the north to a south route of east territory by the defense line of Leswant Quad.

The Jaroudeku already received an unexpectedly large damage by the sabotage of silhouette gear troops before time.

Now, their plan is messed up as they need to re-schedule many times.

The east upheaval that happened in a short period of time had forced Jaroudeku army to reorganization and renew their prospect while Kshyperuk remnants army which only has Leswant Quad too was in a state that unable to move.

The battlefield is heading to a state of equilibrium which a tranquility visit upon the western grand storm.

West calender,  Year 1281, the fall is now approaching.

Half year ago that Jaroudeku kingdom made its declaration of war.

Now, the fight is about to enter a new phase.