Kolab Pailin

Chapter 1

At that moment,Surya (a solar deity-G.o.d of the sun) was sitting on his crystal chariot, acarriage drawn by a pair of horses, circling Mount Semeru in a direction fromeast to west through the constellation of the solar system, and thus at itsturn, concealed by the great mount, lost its light and there appeared Savitr(G.o.d of the sun before sunrise and sunset). At that time, it was the 15thday of the waxing moon of the month of Karttika in the year of dog, the 4thyear in the 10 year cycle, in 2470 B.E.* Chandra (a lunar deity) climbed up hissilver chariot and started his journey from the west spreading the silver lightall over the earth. Chandra seemed to be smilingly eyeing the roof of aresidence residing the west of Svay Pao market, a dome-shaped market in Battambangprovince**. ***

[*based onlunisolar calendar- November 19th 1926.
**A province in Cambodia
***this whole paragraph literally means after the sun sets on a particular dayon November 19th, 1927, there appeared the moon showering its light…and under that light, there’s a house.]

Theresidence is a type of Khmer traditional house, an old two tiled roof home withboard wall, parquet flooring, and round pillars. At the gable craved with awooden sculpture of Reaho Chab Chan* (eclipse of the moon). Under thesculpture, craved the word “Sereypong”.

During thatnight, the moonlight was leaking into the house through the window along withthe cool and refreshing air. There is an oil lamp hanging by the wall, givingoff dim light to the house. Under the light, there is a very skinny old man,looking bloodless like there’s only skeleton under that skin, resting in theroom. Near the weak old man, there’s a young man who is taking care of him. Theyoung man’s expression is dull and somber. He has stayed up for 3 days to takecare of the weak old man who is his father.

The sick oldman who is lying unconsciously on the bed is called Cheoum, his surname isSereypong. Once in a while, he would breathe a long breathe.He then opened his eyes and looked around the room. His eyes then locked on theman sitting near him. That young man is his dearest son, Chao Chet, the futureof Sereypong family. He tried to smile with sadness and to speak with a tremblevoice, “Chet, my dear son! It’s already so late. Why aren’t you sleeping? Go,go to bed!” Ta Cheoum* urged his son to go to bed, worrying that he will getsick. Chao Chet** shook his head refusing his father and expressed his sorrow.He then replied “I’m not sleepy yet, father! Father, have you not taken yourmedicine yet? Doctor advised that you have to take your medicine.”

[*Ta Cheoum– “Ta” = “old man”, Cheoum is the name of the old man.
**Chao Chet – “Chao” = “young man”, Chet is the name of the young man.]

“Medicine?” TaCheoum said in a weak voice in a manner of ridiculing the medicine because heknew that the medicine can’t help him. He continued, “My son! Father* alreadytook this medicine many times, did not see how it helps in curing this illness.This kind of illness, father know it well that. In this kind of situation,medicine is no better than lake water!

[*older peopleusually refer to themselves using their own t.i.tle.]

Before ChaoChet could reply to his father, a middle aged man walked into the room, foundhimself a seat near the patient and asked, “How do you feel today? Are youfeeling any better yet?”

“Oh, Buddha!*”Ta Cheoum exclaimed the moment he heard what the doctor asked him, he thenreplied, “Oh, doctor, my vision already got blurry, I’m sorry I did not noticeyou were there.”

Chao Chet,once he heard what his father said, burst into tears overflowing with sadness.He turned to the doctor and begged him to help his father.  However, the doctor shook his head in despairand whispered to Chao Chet, “He can’t make it through the night.”

After that,Ta Cheoum continued to say with difficulties, “I may not live to see the sunrises tomorrow. I don’t think this is strange. Death is a natural thing thatought to happen, no living beings can escape death. As for my body and soul,they are at ease. I do not have any regret. As for my afterlife, it will be upto the heaven to decide.” He then turned to his son and leave his message,“Chet, my dear son! As father will no longer be here, you will have to wanderwithout stake to depend on like a flotsam floating aimlessly on the river.

Chao Chet’swords stuck in his throat, he could only let the tears stream down his face andgroveled at his father’s feet. The doctor turned to look at the window, hiseyes filled with tears.

Ta Cheoumcontinued his message with struggle, “Chet, my dear son! You have to remembermy words. People believe that prosperity is to be rich with wealth because ifyou are poor, people will look down on you. Being poor won’t bring youhappiness, but, my son, father can’t bring you that happiness. But, you have toremember a proverb Atahi Atanoh Nea-thoh meaning to depend on oneself.

The doctor suddenlyinterrupted at that moment, “Ta, don’t lose hope too fast, even though yourillness is serious, but there’s still hope. You still can get well.”

Heard thedoctor, Ta Cheoum provokingly says, “Get well, huh? Doctor, there is no way tobe cured. There’s only death awaiting, this morning, tonight or even now.Whenever it is, it is not important.” 

Ta Cheoum stopped and a moment later hecontinued, “Chet, my dear son. Father is poor, do not have anything valuablefor you. After my death, all there is left are this body and advices. My soulcan only rest peacefully if you follow my advices. Also, with the knowledgethat you have gained, pa.s.s the examinations and get the certificate! From todayonward, father can no longer be by your side to support you.”

Chao Chet,once he heard all the advices, tears continue to fall down his face. Hegroveled at his father’s feet and said, “Father! I will remember every wordsyou said. I will followed everything you have advised. Father, don’t worryabout anything and as long as I live, I will protect the value of our family.

After that,Ta Cheoum’s condition got worse. He seemed to be trying to grasp for breathe.He got weaker and weaker. As time drew close to his death, he spoke to the kinddoctor in hoa.r.s.e voice, “Doctor, I will die in the next 2 or 3 minutes. I thankyou so much for your kindness for taking care of me and my medicine fees andask nothing of me in return. I do not have anything to pay you back. Oh! I canno longer hear. Chet, my son…”

Chao Chethugged his father as if not wanting to let his soul leave his body. However, itwas of no used. His wish can’t be answered because people born, grow old, getsick, and die. No one can escape that. Even lord Buddha had to face death.

Finally, atthe same time the moonlight started to disappear, Ta Cheoum took his lastbreath and pa.s.sed away in the hug of his son.Life asan orphan

Only after he’sdone with the funeral, did Chao Chet realized, “I’m all alone now, there’s norelatives or anyone to depend on.   Forget it, I have to go through all the hardships.I’m an orphan now and like father said, [Chet, after father can no longer behere, your life will be like a flotsam floating on the river].”

Chao Chetthought that the world is a big and happy world for other people, but it’s asmall and cruel world for him, an orphan without any relatives who doesn’t haveanyone to depend on. No one would want to help a poor man like him. He thought,“Why is my life so hard? But, as a man, I can’t fear hardship. I have to gothrough all the hardships to see what it’s really like.”

Chao Chetwas standing against the wall thinking of finding a job. He then looked up tothe moon in the sea of cloud that is showering its light all over the place.Along with the cool wind that is travelling the place, there’s the sound ofmonk chanting from Wat* Preah Pi Theara. Hearing the chanting sound, Chao Chetstarted to think of his father who has recently pa.s.sed away. Not knowing whatto look at, Chao Chet returned to the room. Inside the room, there’s the dimlight of the oil lamp, the place where his father used to sit and eat Sakae Naa(Combretum quadrangulare). But now, there’s only him alone. Without himrealizing it, tears then started to fall down his cheeks.

[*Wat = atype of Buddhist temple.]

At thatmoment, Chao Chet turned and saw a familiar person dressing in while walked in.Chao Chet stood up and asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me.Chao Chet?” the man replied and asked.

Chao Chetknew that it’s the doctor, he invited, “Please come in, doctor.”

The doctorthen entered the house and sat down as invited by Chao Chet. “How are youdoing, Chao Chet?” The doctor asked.

Chao Chetreplied, “Doctor, if it’s about the physical condition, I’m doing fine. But, I’mvery depressed. Since the death of father, I can’t seem to see any light.

The doctornodded his head and continued to ask, “Have you found a job yet?”

Chao Chetreplied with a meaningless laugh, “Doctor! I can’t find any job here, everypositions seems to be out of reach for me. Although I did learnt a lot, but itseems that all the knowledges can only be used to check some doc.u.ments andmonitor the program of theater and cinema.

The doctorreplied with sympathy, “I also pity you, Chet!” and advised, “You are a man.You will need to face with more hardships in the future. Let me think if I canhelp you with anything.”

Chao Chetremained silent. After a moment of thought, the doctor smiled and exclaimed, “Iknow! I have an uncle who is quite rich. You might get a job if he agree tohelp. But, the job might be a little hard at the beginning.”

Chao smiledand replied to the doctor, “I can tolerance any hardship as long as I can a jobto earn a living so that no one can look down on me. Even if it’s digging theground, moving heavy stuff… I’m willing to do any of them.

The doctorlooked happy and replied with satisfaction, “I always thought that you are aman that can do anything. But, Chao Chet! The job is not in this city. It’s inPailin city.”

“Pailin, isit?” Chao Chet lost his smile and replied, “People say that life is very hardthere. Only the Kula people can bear to work there. I’m afraid I can cope withthe climate there.”

The doctoradvised, “You are right, but many people got sick because they were careless. Didn’tyou learn some remedies to take care of yourself while taking care of yourfather?” He then continued, “My uncle used to be an official, his t.i.tle wasHluong Rotano Sambath*. He is 50 years old now. He is a good man and also hasgood relations with the Kula people. A few weeks ago, he sent a letter to melooking to recruit someone to work for him. Mining gemstones needs honestpeople. I trust you.

[*an officialt.i.tle]

Chao Chetreplied, “Mining gemstone is a new thing for me.”

“The Doctor said,“It’s better than doing nothing, right? If you accept the job, I will send youthere soon because I believe that you’re a hard worker that would definitelyplease my uncle.”

Chao Chet salutedthe doctor to show his grat.i.tude. Before he bid farewell, the doctor left ChaoChet a letter.