Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 279 A Roundabout Request

Chapter 279 A Roundabout Request

Hiiro was currently, in the Battlefield Training grounds located inside the Demon Castle. And there were quite a few familiar faces around here.

The young girl who was appointed as the leader of the Magical army named Ionis, noticed Hiiro, and came over with *TokoToko* footsteps.

This girl was certainly beautiful, but she did not quite match up to the same level as Muir. Light green hair tied up to the side, while her curls moved with *kurukuru* bouncing left and right added more cuteness to her running.

[Onii-chan, did you return already?]

Ionis looked at Hiiro while tilting her head to the side with an expressionless face.

[YoYo, you seem to doing quite well]

she uses a weapon quite similar to a Yo-Yo, and therefore Hiiro nicknamed her YoYo.

[Un, what brings you here?......Did you by any chance come here to see Io?]

Although she asked those words with full of expectation the answer was, [No] he shook his head, she had misunderstood. [..................is that so] said Ionis in disappointment. Hiiro felt somewhat guilty. He thought it was best to change topics at such times.

[By the way, is the wolf-man there?]

[.............Wolf-man?.........By any chance are you referring to Ornoth-sama?]

[That’s right, He should have returned by now]

Then Ionis shook her head,

[He went out a while ago]

[........a while ago?]

Actually the moment Ornoth came back, He immediately went back to 【Beast Kingdom Pa.s.sion】 as soon as he got the orders from Eveam. That’s why she came here for the drill since she was told that Ornoth was in a hurry…..

[...........missed him again huh]

Apparently he seems to have left the country already. If there was time I would have like to have asked him about the . But since he was out working I couldn’t help but give up on it for now.

[What will you do…..Hiiro?]

Camus who was next to me asked, knowing clearly that there was nothing more to do here. So while hesitating I couldn’t help but think about returning to the library for a little while more, but someone pulled at Hiiro’s sleeves.

[Nee~, do you have time?]

It was Ionis. It looked like she’d been meaning to ask something for quite a while now, considering the tone of her voice.

[......No, I have to go to the library…….]

When I was just about to complete what I wanted to say, I could hear a voice calling out from behind.

[Oh? Oka-mura-chi? What are you doing here?]

That voice belonged Akamori s.h.i.+n.o.bu and along with her was Minamoto Shuri.

While thinking ‘Not again’, he turned to look at their appearance.

The two of them were wearing the armor that regular soldier’s around here were wearing. There was also a wooden sword held in s.h.i.+n.o.bu’s hands.

(I understand now, the Demon lord did say that)

I heard that the two of them applied to the army. Although i don’t know really what their motive is behind doing so, but i truly wonder if that decision was really correct.

I do know that the two of them are trying to rescue Tais.h.i.+ and friend with their own power. But I don’t think that the two of them have the capability of doing so, since Tais.h.i.+ is held captive by the predecessor demon lord therefore I don’t think that it will be that easy.

But if you gain enough strength in this country, and a Respectable position with a good amount of trust then you can be at the forefront of the battlefield and that is where the two of them will probably have the highest chances of encountering Tais.h.i.+ and friend.

(Certainly according to the information obtained, if war really erupts against the predecessor demon lord then the Front line of the war is the best place to look …….huh)

But that doesn"t mean that they get the right to move around as they wish. Even if the two of them were to go to the front lines, there is discipline to be maintained in the military, and they have an obligation to follow it.

So even if Tais.h.i.+ and friend were in front of their eyes, and the orders from the Higher-ups is not to capture them, but to kill them then they don’t have a choice but to obey.

(But do they understand that…..?)

It is certainly a better decision to do something than to stop and do nothing, but I truly wonder if these girls have really thought this through before taking this step…...

[N? Yo Nais.h.i.+-tan and Okamura-chi?]

s.h.i.+n.o.bu was giving Hiiro a strange look. It might have seemed strange for them since Hiiro was looking at them without talking back.

[......You guys, are you truly prepared?]

Hiiro was quite surprised at himself for asking that question. Honestly no matter what the two of them did, it was no relevance to him.

And that’s why Hiiro wished to avoid asking them that but….

It might have been on a whim. Or perhaps Hiiro wished to laugh at their actions who were acting without a proper idea. He did not know which one was the truth, but somehow…..that was probably the best plan of action.

Hiiro who asked the two, but immediately a smile floated from the faces of both of them while looking at each other. And then Hiiro expected that s.h.i.+n.o.bu would be the one to answer but it was Shuri was the one who spoke first.

[Oka-mura-kun, We do understand that there are various problems with this.]


[And the fact that you asked about this, means that you do worry about us a little.]

No matter what they said, Hiiro remained silent without expression.

[But, I had a talk with s.h.i.+n.o.bu-san. And we decided to do what we could do.]

Shuri eyes and s.h.i.+n.o.bu’s eyes were radiating seriousness. Even while being aware of the risk, they still choose this uncertain road.

There was strong desire to help Tais.h.i.+ and Chika in that answer. But Hiiro did not expect that the two of them would come out with the truth straight away.

(I would have liked for them to have thought a little more about the risk……...fuu~ it seems that I am still a little soft.)

But certainly they seem to be growing now compared to then when their growth lay stagnant. Although the growth shown is insignificant, but there is no reason to dislike their chosen path.

(Well, that is of no concern to me)

It would not matter to me no matter what decision the two of them took. So I don’t really mind.

Hiiro answered with [Is that so], and decided to leave the place then…..


(Ah, I almost forgot…….)

That’s right, Ionis held my sleeves all through the conversation. And she was still grasping it.

[I guess this is fine]

I looked towards Ionis who spoke those words. Ionis looked at Shuri’s face and then back towards Hiiro’s face….

[Onii-chan, can you do me a favor]

I have a terrible premonition that this would be really troublesome and almost gripped my head unconsciously.

[A Favor?]


[.....would it be wrong to say no]

[......Please hear…me out]

Why is the gloomy little girl acting so cowardly. From the others’ perspective, it looked as if Hiiro was bullying Ionis.

[I’m sorry about this, but I have something I must do right now.]

[Oioi, Be more gentle Hiiro]

The monkey which had its mouth shut up until now once again opened them. Of course Ten was sitting on Hiiro’s shoulder without permission.

[......what do you mean?]

[y’know, you came here to train in the art of right? You didn’t say that you would only do so if there was Ornoth right]

That is certainly true, if Ornoth was not here then Hiiro wished to carry out the next important priority which is to stay inside the Library and enjoy a blissful time.

[Well well, it won’t hurt to listen to her story. Since this cute little girl is asking after all. Or is it that you only listen to Muir or Mimiru? ]

When I tried to reply by staring at Ten feeling irritated by his words,

[Did you meet the two of them, Onii-chan?]

Ionis’ eyes shone brightly, it looked as if there was fire erupting from within them. I glared at Ten thinking that he always adds extra things, but he didn’t even flinch, then he jumped to Camus’s shoulder and escaped along with *hyyut*

[Hey hey Onii-chan, is it true?]

[...............Well yeah]

I couldn’t help but to admit to the story that was told. But Ionis looked like she wanted to listen to the entire story.

[......If you want to listen to what happened over there then you can ask that Talking animal, I’m sure that he would be very happy to tell you all about it.]

I moved by chin to point towards the direction of Ten, since I wished to leave the place as quickly as I could.

[Ok, I have already completed the work that I came to do here. Then I shall leave the rest of the work to this Talking animal here…...]


But Hiiro couldn’t get away. The small hands of Ionis were still grasping Hiiro’s hands firmly. Hiiro thought, that he should probably try to escape with magic this time.

[Na Oka-mura-chi]

Suddenly s.h.i.+n.o.bu called out to Hiiro. Who turned his face towards them lazily.

[St-stop putting on that disgusted expression on your face! This is related to Captain Ionis’ request ]


When I looked down towards Ionis, she reaffirmed with a small nod. And then my gaze once again turns towards s.h.i.+n.o.bu.

Then s.h.i.+n.o.bu clasped her hands together with a *Pan* and then said some unexpected words.

[Please Oka-mura-chi! Fight with the Uchira!]