Konjiki no Moji Tsukai

Chapter 296 Meeting With Nikki


ED: Steven Loreson

Chapter 296 Meeting With Nikki

{AN: The cover ill.u.s.tration for the book arrived from the ill.u.s.trator and I was shocked the moment I saw it.

Hiiro looks really cool! He looks like the Demon King! It was really the perfect ill.u.s.tration!

Also, there is Muir, I would like to formally warn the lolicons about that.

Although it is not completely done, it was still a complete ill.u.s.tration and could be used as is.

I already have a collection and will be saving the best ones for myself.

There is still a month left, please look forward to it!




[Sweet!] }

In the training grounds of the Demon Castle, two people were exchanging fists.

One was continuously thrusting, kicking and jumping while the other was lightly dodging everything.

[How about this!]

Nikki clenched her teeth while gathering magic in her right fist. As she was about to thrust it out, the attack was thwarted by her wrist being caught.

[No WAY!]

Nikki was thrown into the air by using the momentum of her right fist. She was able to stabilize herself and kept her momentum while falling.

[umu, good momentum.]

Nikki’s opponent was the Beast King Leowald.

He could feel the enthusiasm within Nikki and looked on with a smile.

[One shot technique: >!]

Nikki reapproached Leowald as she was, at the moment when the fist was supposed to collide, the strike  was shook off by Leowald and grappled Nikki by her foot.

[Uu~ please release me desuzo!]

[Ghahaha! You have good motivation, there are no flaws in your movement either, but it’s still insufficient.]

While saying so, Leowald releases the hold, Nikki immediately spins her body and retreats away from her position.

[Then how about this! >]

A chunk of magical power was released from Nikki’s fist.

[Hou, you can also do something like that.]

Leowald widened his eyes and admired, he put one of his hands forward and grasped at the projectile that was flying over.

[H-how can that be!?]

Nikki shouted out loud and was surprised that it could be grabbed.

A small explosion was set off in Leowald’s hand.

Nikki who thought he would have suffered a lot of damage from the explosion grinned, but soon Leowald’s figure could be seen from the smoke.

[hmmm, it just stings a little.]

Loking at Leowald’s hand one could see a small burn on it.

[uu~ He is as strong as master desuzo~]

Nikki sighed with regret, but soon kicked at the ground and rushed towards him again.

[Gahaha! Now you are going to randomly swing, but that is also fine!]

Loewald puffed up his muscles and stood in a daunting pose.

It was his declaration that he would accept this challenge head on.

However, Nikki immediately decreased her center of ma.s.s and immediately a small explosion occurred at her feet. Her speed increasing by multiple folds.



Nikki head-b.u.t.ted directly into the abdomen of Leowald.


Leowald clenched his teeth so that he would not be immediately blown away.

He skidded 2 meters before coming to a halt, and grabbed Nikki, who was was near his stomach, smalling her into the ground.


Pushed to the ground, Nikki was unable to move.

[.....That’s enough idiot disciple.]

Nikki’s master who was watching the battle silently signalled the end of the battle.

If you could look around closely, you could see that there were a mult.i.tude of colours in the background. There were the soldiers of [Demon Evila].

As for the reason why Nikki and Leowald were having a showdown, it was because Leowald had originally come to the [Demon Capital Xaos] to discuss the strategies against Avoros. When the meeting was done, they had decided to take a break. Leowald requested that he wanted to meet Hiiro during that time.

Hiiro was at the training grounds with Nikki, and the rest could be understood from there.

When he arrived, Leowald also wished to let out a sweat while looking at the soldiers and Nikki who were training.

Hiiro also thought that it would be a good thing for a change once in a while. As Nikki was Hiiro’s disciple, Leowald willing accepted the duel.

Niiki was also very enthusiastic, she was going to duel with Leowald! He fought beside Hiiro before!

Originally she immediately said [Watch me win desuzo!] and became overconfident. Hiiro lightly tapped her head and gave her a sermon.

The result was, of course, as expected. But, Hiiro was satisfied at the fact that she could at least stand for a while against Leowald.

Although there were still a lot of flaws, the growth of his disciple was delightful.

(Come to think of it, when I first met her, she couldn’t even speak properly….)

Hiiro started to feel nostalgic when he started think about how he first met Niiki.

That’s right, it was when he started travelling with Lilyn and only a month had pa.s.sed.

Hiiro was travelling with Lilyn, Silva, Shamoe, and Mizadzuki.

Incidentally, Mikadzuki had yet to change into human form and still remained in a monster figure.

The other day, Hiiro heard some rumors about a village, and decided to drop by. It was truly bizarre, that a monster was raising a person.

Monsters that have basic intelligence was already quite low, and they only mated with those of the same race keeping those with intelligence low.

There were of course exceptions.

A few were able to live with people, some of them which can even understand human languages.

However, it is said that most monster do not have the intelligence to be able to raise a person.

A monster would be cautious of someone who isn’t of the same race.

Literally saying that there was a monster that was raising a person, it seemed the same as kidnapping a child.

But Hiiro was very curious about such an interesting event.

There was certain knowledge that could never be obtained from books or people.

In such a fantasy world, this was an interesting event.

Looking at something with their own eyes, feeling something with touch, and being unable to believe if it was the truth or not, even Hiiro was able to believe such rumours without seeing it himself.

Monster raising people.

It was the same as animals raising people.

I don’t know whether it was true or not. But, if it was true then I was really curious about what kind of person this monster was raising.

Just recently Hiiro had read a book, of which a child was born to monster which could not speak. and a person, and this opportunity seemed to trigger what kind of a person this was.

[The place where the monster inhibits is called [Bamboo Hill] huh….]

Hiiro muttered while looking at the bamboos that were spread all over at the front.

[That looks like so.]

When Silva nods, Liliyn sighs thinking as if it was troublesome.

[Should we really go? It is certainly interesting that a monster is raising a person, but why do you think it is so amazing?]

[That is, something that we can’t say until we see it right?]

[....That is certainly true.]

[Moreover, it’s not really a long distance.

I also wanted to visit [Bamboo Hill] so this is also fine.]

[Hou, it’s something that you have heard for the first time. Why do you feel like heading there?]

[I have heard that there are delicious bamboo shoots over there.]

Liliyn looked at Hiiro’s eyes and shook her head in amazement.

[As expected, your just a lump of gluttony.Well, it’s just like you.]

[Nfofofo! The bamboo shoot will definitely be cooked by Shamoe-dono and myself so please have your fill!]

[wa,wha, wha yes! I will try my best s-so please try it!]

Mikadzuki also showed her eagerness and intention of wanting to eat by screaming [Kuikuikui!]

[Then, let"s head there for now.]

With that, Hiiro and gang headed towards [Bamboo Hill].

As far as the eye could see, various kinds of bamboo could be growing in various sizes.

The long one’s end could not be seen as they stretched to the skies, the larger ones had the same thickness as Hiiro’s waist.

Hiiro had never seen a bamboo that thicc before. {TLN: It’s a pun.}

It wouldn’t be strange if people were to walk out of it.

Hiiro remembered something that he had read in his childhood.

While everyone was watching the strange bamboo, the sound of flapping wings could be heard from the sky.

[What is that?]

Looking up at the sky, a monster with wings could be seen.

Hiiro also thought it was monster of the bird species. But looking at its arms and legs that were slender and long, it looked more similar to a person that had wings growing out of its back.

The skin was reddish black, and the black fang which peeped from the mouth was very impressive.

Looking at the expression and instincts of the monster, it looked like it did not wish to make friends with them.

When the monster came closer to Hiiro, it suddenly raised an ear piercing scream,

(Che, Such a noisy thing)

Hiiro’s face distorted when the screeching sound was released.

Liliyn also frowned while her eyebrows drew together unpleasantly.

[Silva, what kind of monster is this? It’s my first time seeing such a thing.]

Liliyn asked silva what Hiiro was about to ask.

But Silva shook his head.

[No, I have lived for quite a long time, but this is the first time i’m seeing such a monster.]

[Fuueeee! I-I am s-scared d-desu!]

Not only Samoe, even Mikadzuki also ran to Hiiro’s back and hid. Asking Hiiro to exact revenge.

The monster started to shake and tried to bridge the gap between them.

[It’s coming….?]

Hiiro raised his vigilance and slowly pulled out >.

Suddenly, it did something unexpected. It bit a bamboo with it’s long teeth.


Thinking of what the heck it was doing, Hiiro looked at the monster and soon the place where the monster had bitten the bamboo had turned back from the discoloration.

(What…. What is it doing?)

While trying to decipher what was happening, the monster was suddenly blown away and was rolling away on the ground.

Hiiro and the other turned to look at what had blown away the monster.

It was monster, a bear monster, and on it"s back was a child.