Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 306

This town has a lake in the center and the buildings are arranged in a circle around the lake.

First thing first, I need to secure an inn.

I was told that if you go down this main street, you’ll know where it is?


{A Bear?}

{Bear-san is walking..}

{Mom what’s that?}

As always, in the new town everyone have curious stares.

It’s normal for a little child to point at me.

For the time being, I’ll pull the Bear Hood down and search for an inn.

I thought it was a small town because it was a town in the middle of a desert, but it was bigger than I expected and there were many people.

It’s a big disaster if they ran out of water in such a big city.

After securing a room at an inn, I will deliver the magic stone to the lord’s house.

Um, where is the inn though?

Although I’ve been walking while looking around , I found the sign of the adventurer’s guild. (TN: neck turning sfx.)

Is that the adventurer’s guild?

The signboard says DekaDeka and Adventurers Guild. (TN: dunno what デカ デカ dekadeka means.)

While searching for an inn, I found the adventurer’s guild Instead.

It can’t be helped, that’s what I found first.

Can I look into the adventurer’s guild for a moment?

I could use a little detour.

The monsters and quests that appear in different areas of the game are different.

As a former gamer, I can’t help but ask what kind of request they have.

If only someone could explain it to me.

[Pardon the intrusion…] Yuna

I slowly enter the adventurer’s guild, whispering un.o.btrusively.

That’s the common courtesy.

Whenever I enter a different adventurer’s guild, I’m most likely get entangled into trouble.

In the worst case, I have the royal crests on my guild card and the knife from Eleanora-san.

I can avoid the troublesome issues by showing it to the guild master.

However, I do not want to use the royal crest because it most likely turn into a fuss after remembering Atroa-san.

And the question of whether Cliff House’s crest can be used in this remote city in the middle of a desert.

There is a possibility that they didn’t know about it.

When you think about it that way, both of them cannot be used so easily.

Perhaps it would be more convenient to have a letter of introduction from Sanya-san as the Guild Master of the Royal Capital’s Adventurer’s Guild.

The Guild Master of the Royal Capital, that would be great and I think that’s enough for the other Adventurer’s Guild.

Next time I go to another place, I’ll have her write it for me.

No one noticed me because of my quiet entry.

It may also be due to the fewer number of adventurers.

Are they outside, working at this time?

All of the adventurers who were left didn’t noticed that I came in, they were all sitting on the chair and relaxing.

As I looked around and tried to find a board with a request on it, I heard a girl’s voice.

[I beg you.. I… Please take me to…] Girl

Yeah, what?

Looking at the source of the voice, I saw a girl with a reddish hair color and about the same age as Fina and Noah, talking to an adventurer.

[Please…] Girl

The girl lowers her head deeply towards the adventurer.

[I’m sorry, ask another guy.] Adventurer

The adventurer refused and left the girl.

The girl immediately goes to a different adventurer and asks a similar request.

[Please…] Girl

[You better ask a higher-ranked adventurer.] Another Guy

The girl goes to a different adventurer.

But they all turned her down as well.

I was worried about the girl, so I went to the woman at the reception who was anxiously looking at the girl.

[What happened to that girl?] Yuna

[!?] Receptionist

When I called out to her, she was bewildered to see me.

The receptionist didn’t seem to realize that I entered the guild as well.

[Um, what is it, young lady dressed up as a bear? Did you come to make a request?] Receptionist

Because of my height and wearing a Bear Costume, I’ve been seen below my age.

But I was treated as a child for the first time in a long time.

[I’m an adventurer, that’s what.] Yuna

[Adventurer?] Receptionist

The woman at the reception desk opens her eyes wide and looks at me.

Yeah, apparently it seems unbelievable.

[So what happened to that girl? I think normally she should ask the Adventurer’s Guild for a request.] Yuna

I ignored the dazed face of Receptionist-san and asked about the girl.

The girl has been asking each adventurer for a while now.

[We received the request and posted it. But n.o.body wants to take the request, so she’s asking each and every one of them.] Receptionist

[Is the commission fee too cheap?] Yuna

If a child asks, then the commission fee may be small.

But the girl is dressed in a fancy dress.

[No, it’s not about the money. The request is too difficult, so no one wants to take it.] Receptionist

[Please…] Girl

While I am listening, the girl asked as hard as she could, but none of them is willing to lend a hand.

The other adventurers even turned their eyes away.

[Was it really that difficult?] Yuna

[Taking her to the bottom of the Desert Pyramid… While it is a fairly dangerous place… And if you’re escorting a little girl, the risk enormously increases, so no one is competent enough to take it.] Receptionist

Was the Desert Pyramid the same pyramid I saw before entering the city?

Is the bottom layer underground?

I thought pyramids was supposed to be ascending.

[But why in that place?] Yuna

The woman at the reception desk shakes her head.

[Except for the request to accompany her to the bottom layer, I haven’t heard her reason for going there.] Receptionist

The girl is looking down, clenching her little hand, biting her lips and trying to hold her tears.

But the girl lifts her face with teary eyes.

When she lift her face our eyes met.

[Bear-san?] Girl

The girl stares at me.

I’m a girl, so I call out to her.

[Hey there, what’s wrong?] Yuna

[No, its not like I can ask this to a talking Bear-san.] Girl

The girl refused clearly, bowed down and went for another adventurer.

[Sorry about that… She’s not a bad child.] Receptionist

I understand that.

It was not an eye that’s making a fool out of me.

I guess she couldn’t really do something like asking a weird looking girl like me.

[Do you know that child?] Yuna

[It’s Karina-sama, the daughter of the lord of this city.] Receptionist

[The Lord’s daughter…] Yuna

That’s the daughter of the lord where I’m suppose to go to.

While I was unconsciously looking at the girl, several adventurers came into the adventurer’s guild.

Certainly, these are the adventurers whom I have overtaken on the way to the town.

[This is an adventurer’s guild here, its bigger than I thought.] Adventurer 1

[It must be nice to make some money here for a while.] Adventurer 2

[The city is big.] Adventurer 3

From conversation, it seems that they are not adventurers from this city.

[But it looks like it’s difficult.] Adventurer 1

[If it’s too dangerous, even just going out…] Adventurer 3

The girl who heard the conversation of the adventurers, rushed out to them.

And talk to a leader like man carrying a big sword.

[Excuse me… Could you please listen to my request?] Karina

[What’s up with this kid?] Adventurer Leader

[Can you please hear me out?] Karina

[I’m tired for today. I don’t have time to listen to some kid.] Adventurer Leader

The leader-like man flicks the approaching girl lightly.

Light for adventurers but strong for small girls.

The girl fell on the floor.

[Wai, please wait.] Karina

The girl still stands up quickly and tries to stop the adventurer.

The adventurer tries to push the girl who’s trying to grab again.

At that moment, I was already moving.

[What?] Adventurer Leader

I held down the man’s arm.

Specifically, the mouth of the Bear Puppet is biting the man’s arm.

[A Bear?] Adventurer Leader

[Bear-san?] Karina

[Even if you refuse, you shouldn’t flick her, you know?] Yuna

I looked at the man with an intense glare.

At that moment, a word leaks from one of the adventurers who was with him.

[Bloo, b.l.o.o.d.y Bear is here…] Adventurer 2

The man looks at me very frightened.

b.l.o.o.d.y Bear, that’s definitely me.

Such a nostalgic name.

When I looked at the man who said the word b.l.o.o.d.y Bear, he steps down and hides behind the other adventurers.

[It’s better to stay away from that bear.] Adventurer 2

[What? You know this weird looking little girl?] Adventurer Leader

While asking, the leader-like man shakes his arm, trying to break free from the mouth of the Bear Puppet.

But the Bear Puppet bite did not lose even one millimeter.

[No, I don’t.] Adventurer 2

The man answers while turning his eyes away.

No, no… No matter how much you deny it, you do know me.

You clearly said b.l.o.o.d.y Bear.

But since he’s this scared, he must be one those guys from before, right?

[So, how long does the bear-la.s.s intended to grab my arm?] Adventurer Leader

[Until some hot headed guy relaxes?] Yuna

When I answered, the man tried to break free even stronger.

But when I look at him calmly, the smile disappeared from the man’s face.

There’s a girl behind me who is wondering what to do.

[It’s better not to be involved with that Bear.] Adventurer 2

The guy who just said b.l.o.o.d.y Bear told in a small voice.

[That man said so, but what would you do?] Yuna

The leader-like man puts his strength on the last force, but his arm does not move.

On the contrary, I’m pushing him back slowly with a little bit of force.

The expression of the man gradually changes.

[s.h.i.t!… let’s go. I’ll report the request completion and go grab some drink.] Adventurer Leader

The man waved my hand and went to the reception to report the completion of their request.

A man who seems to know me walks by my side, he seem extremely terrified.

As expected, he is one of those whom I beat up in the past, right?

[Anou?] Karina

The girl behind me calls.

[Are you alright? You’re not hurt somewhere, are you?] Yuna

[Yes, I’m okay… Thank you.] Karina

That’s good.

Apparently she has no injury.

[If you want to ask for a request, you better ask after looking for the right people.] Yuna

When I advise the girl, she stares at me with reddish eyes.

[Are you an adventurer?] Karina

Yes, I am an adventurer.

Though, I may not look like one.

[More or less.] Yuna

[Karina-sama, It would be best if you go home for today. If an adventurer appears to be receiving the request, we will contact your house.] Receptionist

When the girl looks at me while thinking deeply, Receptionist-san calls her.

And you said that you would contact her, but you never said something like no one would receive it, huh.

While it feels like she’s driving her out of the guild, this is so that she won’t get into trouble.

But it can’t be help, you know?

It would be a disaster if the Lord’s daughter got injured.

It is difficult to criticize.

[Yeah, sure… Please, I’m begging you…] Karina

After a short thinking, she bowed down and left the guild.

I followed the girl, forgetting my original purpose.

Author’s Note:

Bear-san, is sooo coool.

But the outfit is a Bear Costume. On the hand used for grabbing are Bear Puppets w

By the way, the man who knows about the Bear is the same person as the scared adventurer who appears in episode 61.

The Bear will appear no matter where you run… w

It was terrible that I couldn’t go out at night for two consecutive days.

When I looked it up, it seems like that’s not the case, so I wonder if it will continue for a while?

If this situation continues for a while, I may not be able to reply to your reactions. Please understand.