Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 347

Credits to: valiant

[There are a lot of bears inside the shop.] Misa

When Misa enters the shop, she made a very big smile. Because she saw the walls, the columns and the tables were decorated with deformed bears in various poses. A bear climbing a wall. A bear clinging to a pillar. On the tables there were running bears, parent and child bears, honey licking bears, fighting bears, sleeping bears, bears holding fish, and various bears.

Misa was looking around like a child at an amus.e.m.e.nt park. Then, Misa’s gaze stops at a little employee.

[They really look like Bear-san. Moreover, many children who’re working here are the same age as me.] Misa

There are some things that are difficult to say. All of them are the children who offered themselves to me, I’m not forcing them to work. Besides, a lot of children in this world are helping their homes.

[Still, their outfits look absolutely adorable. There are so many bears in this shop.] Misa

Misa looked around without curbing her excitement. So I grabbed her hand and went to order bread.

[Yuna-chan, Welcome.] Karin

Karin-san was at the bread corner.

When Misa saw Karin-san, she whispers, . I heard it, and it seems Karin-san heard it as well.

[Today you’re with someone that I don’t know about.] Karin

Karin-san was looking at Misa.

[I’m Misana from the city of Sheleen. This time I was invited by Yuna-oneesama and Noa-oneesama to go to the town of Mereera together. Pleased to meet you.] Misa

[…Yuna-oneesama?] Karin

[Yes, I’m calling her that.] Misa

[Yuna-san, who is this girl?] Karin

Karin-san whispered to me. It seems like she felt something.

[Someone related to Noa?] Yuna

Karin-san seems to understand it with just my few words.

[Don’t worry. You can treat me like Fina-chan and Shuri-chan.] Misa

Karin-san seems troubled even if Misa said so.

[By the way, how do you call Noa-oneesama?] Misa

[……I’ve been calling her, Noire-chan.] Karin

I’ve been concerned about Noa forcing the children of the orphanage to call her . However, because her status cannot be abandoned, Karin-san and Morin-san settled with calling her as . So the children of the orphanage are also calling her as and . Though I have never seen an older boy approached and talked to her.

By the way, only me, Fina, and Shuri were calling Noa by her nickname.

[So please call me Misana.] Misa

[Well then, I’ll call you Misana-chan.] Karin

[Yes.] Misa

[Then, Misana-chan. Which bread would you like?] Karin

[Everything looks delicious, so I’m not sure.] Misa

Misa is looking at various pieces of bread.

Then Misa saw a certain bread.

[It’s Bear-san bread! I’ll have Bear-san bread!] Misa

Misa opened her eyes wide, switching between me and the bread.

Yes, what Misa found was a bear-shaped bread. A round bread with a cute bear-face.

[I would like this bear-san bread.] Misa

[It’s a popular bread in the shop and It’s delicious because it’s just baked.] Karin

Karin-san puts the bread on the plate.

[What do you guys want to have?] Yuna

[Karin-san, please give me bear-san bread.] Noa

[Me too.] Shuri

[If everyone is going to have bear-san bread, I will also have it.] Fina

When Misa chose bear-san bread, Noa and Shuri followed, then finally Fina chooses bear-san bread as well.

This bear bread was made by me and Mil, who works at the store.

It all started when Mil was requested by the little children of the orphanage to make some. But she was troubled as she was unable to make bear bread. Seeing that, I decided to give her a hand, thinking that it was for the orphans.

I don’t think this decision was a mistake, but seeing all that bear bread lined up a few days later brought back some sad memories.

When I asked Mil how this happened, she told me that Karin-san wanted to put them in the store.

Then the word spread to Morin-san and Tirumina-san, and the store ended up selling bear bread. Why? Just why didn’t they consulted me first? That malice I felt behind it, was it just in my head?

But now, bear bread had become one of our best-selling products.

I was slightly reluctant, but I ordered another portion of it. Karin-san, on the other hand, was laughing.

[Here’s the payment.] Yuna

I gave the payment to Karin-san.

[Thank you very much.] Karin

Karin-san thanked me, received the money, then she returned to the counter.

[Yuna-oneesama, you’re paying even though it’s your store?] Misa

[Whenever I come in as a customer, I pay it in the store.] Yuna

We put our bread on plates and sit on an empty seat.

[Bear-san is sleeping.] Misa

Misa enjoyably touches the deformed sleeping bear on the table. Then, when she grasped it, she tried to take it.

[U~u, I can’t take it.] Misa

[You won’t be able to take it no matter how much you pull.] Yuna

Everyone who comes to the shop for the first time tried to take it. But the bears in the store aren’t easy to remove. Misa looks disappointed. I already gave her plushies, so let’s be patient.

[Let’s eat quickly before it gets cold.] Yuna

It’s freshly baked bread. It is better to eat while it’s still warm.

To my words, Fina and Noa shred the ears of bear-san bread and started eating. Shuri grabs and bites the bear-san bread as it is. Everyone is eating while Misa seems to be holding back and doesn’t want to try eating it.

[Are not you going to eat?] Yuna

[I feel pity for it.] Misa

[I know how you feel Misa. When I ate bear-san bread for the first time, I felt sad as well.] Noa

[Noa-oneesama, you as well?] Misa

[But after eating it many times, I could eat it normally now.] Noa

Getting used to it is kinda scary.

[By the way, when I shredded the ear of bear-san bread, Shuri seems to have a tear on her face.] Noa

[No I did not.] Shuri

Shuri inflates her cheeks while eating the cheeks of bear-san bread with delight.

[For now, Misa, eat your bread. It may have a bear’s face, but it’s delicious bread.] Yuna

[Yes.] Misa

Misa rips the ear of bear-san bread and puts it in her mouth.

[It’s delicious.] Misa

After taking a bite, she started eating the other parts as well.

By the way, I don’t want to think that my face is being eaten. My face isn’t a bear after all.

After we finished eating our bread, a girl working at the store comes over.

[Yuna-oneechan. Morin-san wants to talk to you a little.] Bear-girl

[Morin-san?] Yuna

[Un, she told me to call Yuna-oneechan, because she wants to talk to you.] Bear-girl

Hmm, what is it? Is it about Mereera?

[Hey, I’ll go to the kitchen for a bit, so everyone please wait for me here.] Yuna

Leaving the four behind, I head to the kitchen in the back.

[Morin-san, what do you need?] Yuna

[Yuna-chan, what is about? Suddenly, Gentz-san brought me Scorpion meat and asked me to cook it properly. Even if I receive the message, it’s just…] Morin

Ah, so that’s what you want to ask?

I was so tired from the swimsuit fashion show, so I asked Gentz-san for a message. I forgot about it was yesterday.

[I got some ingredients, so I thought I’d have them cooked properly. If it tastes good, we’ll sell it for a limited time.] Yuna

[If so, then please tell that properly.] Morin

[Sorry.] Yuna

[Still, despite saying that we would go to Mireera, you’re pretty composed, Yuna-chan.] Morin

Morin-san was astonished.

Granted, we were going to be on a small trip during our long break, yet here I am trying to come up with a new dish, so of course, she would make a face like that.

[So, could you use it for cooking?] Yuna

[Yeah. It was a bit subtle for bread, but it fits pizza. I tried baking it and it was delicious.] Morin

That’s true and it seems that she already cooked some.

[Since I’ll bake it for trial, Yuna-chan should give it a try too.] Morin

After Morin-san said that, she skillfully made the pizza dough and put the ingredients on it. Finally, she added the scorpion meat and put it in the stone oven.

After a while, a delicious burnt smell wharfs throughout the kitchen.

[Then, let’s get Fina-chan and the others eat it as well and let us know what you think.] Morin

Apparently, she heard that I brought Fina and others.

I returned to the dining hall with the Scorpion pizza on a plate.

[Yuna-san, what’s with that pizza?] Noa

[Morin-san made a new one, so please ask for a tasting. Can everyone still eat?] Yuna

[Yes, I’m still fine.] Fina

[I’m still fine too.] Misa

It was good that Fina and the other’s stomachs seemed to have room for more. It’s not much, but I can’t eat it alone.

I put the pizza I already cut with a knife on everyone’s plate.

[Be careful because it’s hot.] Yuna

Everyone started eating before I even finished saying it. So there is a sight of everyone blowing because it is hot. I will also start eating.

It feels normally delicious. I don’t know the taste of Scorpion, but it has a crunchy texture like shrimp.

[It’s delicious.] Shuri

[So Yuna-san. What’s in it?] Noa

Is it okay to tell them?

[It’s a scorpion.] Yuna

[Scorpion? Speaking of which, Lala said she bought such meat.] Noa

Well, I brought it to the guild yesterday, so it shouldn’t be strange for it to be on the market as early as possible. Since it’s the guild, they probably want to sell it quickly.

[She said it’s quite nutritious.] Noa

[Is that so?] Yuna

I’m a little reluctant to say it’s Scorpion meat, but they’ll normally buy it.

But the pizza isn’t bad. As Lala said, do people want as much nutrition as they can?

If so, then though I’ve told Morin-san about it, we could sell off the whole stock, or maybe even launch a limited time sale.

[I was a bit reluctant when I heard of Scorpion, but it was delicious.] Noa

Basically, pizza is delicious no matter what you put on it.

(TC: Though I love it, Hawaiian haters disagree.)

Apparently, everyone’s evaluation seems to be good.

Then, we told Morin’s impression and left the shop.