
Chapter 2-5

Volume 1
Chapter 2-5

After returning home, Shinkurou decided to start preparing dinner. When Shinkurou asked Murasaki to watch television while waiting, she merely tilted her head in confusion, as if she did not know how to turn it on. Once Shinkurou pressed the switch at the bottom of the television, Murasaki exclaimed, “Oh!”

“This is my first time encountering a television that does not use a remote control. It is quite the novelty.”

She must be being sarcastic, thought Shinkurou. However, since she was of the Kuhouin family, who probably had the latest television models with large screens, an old-style television that had been salvaged from the garbage dump would probably seem like something new. Shinkurou taught Murasaki how to turn the k.n.o.bs to change channels and left her to her own devices. Murasaki immediately began to flip through the channels curiously, the k.n.o.b making a clicking sound as she did so, until she ultimately decided on watching an anime.

Shinkurou took out some ingredients from the refrigerator and began to prepare dinner. May Rain Manor, despite being such an old building, was very well made and the heat from the stove was more than adequate for cooking. Shinkurou put some oil into a wok, then added some chilled rice he had prepared earlier. As he separated the rice grains he added eggs, minced green onions, and a little diced pork. He tossed the wok with one hand to complete their fried rice before setting it onto plates. Just as Shinkurou set the plates on the table, someone knocked on the door. Knowing that Murasaki was not going to leave the television, Shinkurou turned off the stove and went to answer the door.

“Who is it?”


On the other side of the door stood Tamaki Mutou, showing a carefree smile. She lived in room number six and was a university student – or so she said. However, since Shinkurou had never actually seen her leave for school, he wasn’t sure if that was actually true. If one were to closely examine her, it would be apparent that she was a true beauty. Yet, she was the kind of woman who lacked any sort of femininity and carelessly tied back her disheveled hair with an elastic band. She dressed from top to bottom in a jersey outfit and wore geta1. She was a complete mess. She was also a heavy drinker and had horrible behavior while intoxicated. Sometimes, when she was completely inebriated, she would sleep in the hallway and could easily be mistaken for a homeless person.

If the most charming tenant at May Rain Manor was Yamie, the most boisterous tenant would definitely be Tamaki.

“What is it, Tamaki?”

“Let me borrow some soy sauce.”

This was such a common occurrence that Shinkurou handed her a bottle of soy sauce without questioning her.

“Oh, let me have some salt, too.”

He handed her some salt.

“While you’re at it, some miso, too.”

He handed her some miso.

“In that case, some rice, too.”

He handed her some rice.

“You know what, how about the rice cooker, too?”

“Is that all?!”

“No, that’s not everything. See, it’s because I have to prepare the side dishes myself. …Ah, the side dishes2 part probably made you have some perverted thoughts, didn’t it? Well, aren’t you indecent?”

Tamaki burst into laughter while saying, “I’m trying to collect men who live alone.” Her only bad point seemed to be her terrible drinking habits but she is also a little annoying, thought Shinkurou. However, to make things worse, she also really liked to make dirty jokes.

When Shinkurou first moved into May Rain Manor, Tamaki had said, “Here, have a housewarming present!” as she handed him a large quant.i.ty of adult movies. It left Shinkurou at a loss for how to react.

As Shinkurou thought about how he could send Tamaki away, she looked around his room until her gaze rested upon Murasaki, who was sitting in front of the television.

“Whoa, who’s that kid? She’s insanely beautiful.”

Without having time to say anything, Murasaki had gotten up and crouched in front of Shinkurou.

“What’s your name, young lady?”

“Murasaki Kuhouin.”

“Aww, the way she speaks is cute, too!”

Tamaki rubbed Murasaki’s head and then began to touch her face and body. Surprisingly, Murasaki did not resist. Previously, Murasaki made a face like an annoyed kitten every time someone tried to do this to her. By doing this, Tamaki had become a bit like a mother. As Shinkurou watched this, he thought about how she had let people like the liquor store owner and Tamaki touch her despite brushing Shinkurou’s hand aside when he tried. He wondered why that was.

“I’m Tamaki Mutou from room six. I’m Shinkurou’s s.e.x-friend.”


“Don’t tell her such lies!”

Tamaki ignored Shinkurou’s protest and remained entranced with fondling Murasaki’s soft cheeks.

“Ah, this feeling is pure bliss… So, Shinkurou, why do you have this kid? Is she your little sister?”

“…Didn’t you just hear her name?”

“Ah, I see, I see. Weeell, is she yours then?”

Tamaki lifted her left pinky up while a complacent and lewd smile grew upon her face.

“I’m not sure if it’s s.p.a.cious enough for me to protect her here. Don’t bother visiting my dojo anymore. There are a lot of cute children there. In particular, Madoka and Hikari have pretty promising futures. If you were to make a pa.s.s on one of them…”

“Please go home already.”

“Don’t wanna…”

Shinkurou gave Tamaki a plate of fried rice, who was trying desperately not to leave. She was an annoying, noisy person but Shinkurou did not dislike her. In fact, he respected her. Tamaki smiled and accepted the plate.

“Thanks. So, are you really taking care of that kid?”

“It’s for work.”

“I see,” was all that Tamaki said and inquired no further. That was how things worked here at May Rain Manor.

“Since I have an abundance of life knowledge, if you have anything to ask about s.e.x troubles, s.e.x worries or s.e.x problems then we’ll have a nice long chat about it, okay?”

“I definitely will not be doing that.”

“Do you need a condom?”

“…Are you serious? Please just leave already.”

Shinkurou pointed towards the door and Tamaki left the room with an increasingly reluctant look on her face.

Shinkurou heaved a sigh of relief and served Murasaki and himself a plate of fried rice each. It was finally dinnertime. Murasaki ate vigorously due to her hunger and stopped eating once she seemed satisfied.

“The ingredients were meager. However, there was no problem with the flavor.”

Murasaki commented on the meal while Shinkurou finished his food.

It was now time for bed. Only now did Shinkurou remember the problem regarding the lack of futons.

Because Shinkurou was not one to stay up late, he did not mind going to sleep earlier than usual. But despite there being two people living here now, there was still only one futon. Yesterday, Shinkurou gave the futon to Murasaki and he slept on the floor. However, if he continued to do so, every night would definitely be painful. If I had thought about this earlier I could have tried to borrow a futon from Tamaki, thought Shinkurou. But then when Shinkurou remembered the disastrous scene that was her room, which was always overflowing with DVDs and manga, he started becoming afraid of what kind of futon he would have received if he had asked Tamaki for one.

Murasaki, who had already brushed her teeth, got into the futon and looked up at Shinkurou.

“Why are you just standing there idly?”

“…Nothing in particular.”

“Is that so…”

Without giving him too much thought, Murasaki said, “Hurry up and turn the lights off” and closed her eyes. When she first came here, all she did was to complain but once she grew to understand her circ.u.mstances, it seems like she was able to accept them. Her adaptability was amazing. If she were from the Kuhouin family, shouldn’t she be highly annoyed about her current circ.u.mstances?

Shinkurou put the books that he would need the next day in his bag and lay down on the tatami after switching off the sole light source in the room. The cold temperatures in the room was not unbearable but if you were to ask him, Shinkurou would have liked to have a heater. Maybe I should try searching for one in the garbage dump when I have the time. More importantly, I need to go buy a futon tomorrow. A cheap one would be nice.

As Shinkurou thought about how dark the room was and how the only source of illumination was the starlight streaming in through the window, he sensed Murasaki moving about restlessly. Shinkurou rubbed her head.

Shinkurou had only touched her lightly but when he remembered that she was just a seven-year-old girl, he became a little worried. He decided to call out to her when she replied in a weak voice:

“…Shinkurou, I am not afraid of you.”


“It hurt but I am not afraid of you. Despite it being painful, I was not afraid. It was the first time that something like that had happened to me. However, fear and pain do not always come hand in hand.”

Murasaki rubbed the spot where Shinkurou had hit her with a curious look on her face.

“Does it still hurt? About what happened earlier–”

“Do not apologize.”

Shinkurou decided to continue apologizing despite what she said but Murasaki interrupted him.

“What you said was right. You did what you did in order to teach me something. Therefore, do not apologize. Thoughtlessly apologizing will only make what you have been trying to convey lose its meaning.”

“…I suppose that’s true.”

“If there is anything else I am unaware of, please do teach me. I wish to learn.”

“I understand,” said Shinkurou, astonished by her ability to accept his viewpoint.

Are these the kind of people prestigious families like the Kuhouin give birth to?

It’s like we are of the same age, despite her spending every day fooling around childishly.

However, why would a girl with such a thirst for knowledge not attend school?

Does this have something to do with the family’s internal politics?

“Shinkurou, I apologize for the suddenness but there is something that I want you to teach me.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“What is a ‘secsfriend’?”

“…You don’t need to know that.”

“Is that so? Then what is a condom?”

“Go to sleep already.”

The reoccurring fits kept coming.

Dead. Everyone is dead. So many of them are dead. The sensation of my sister’s hand grasping mine is no more. I can’t hear my mother’s voice. I can’t see my father. Everything around me is blanketed in darkness. I don’t know if I can open my eyes. My head hurts. My face is slimy. The inside of my body is slimy. Something made them this way. I feel heavy. Something that I can’t see is on top of my body. I just need to focus on taking one more breath. I lose my focus and I become stifled. I try to say something, yet the pain in my throat will not allow me to. What is this? What is this? Why has it come to this? Someone help. Someone save me. Please. Save me.

However, his wish would reach no one.


Translation Notes and References

1) Geta (下駄) A type of tradition j.a.panese wooden shoes which are typically worn with kimono.

2) The original j.a.panese word ‘okazu’ (オカズ) can mean either side dish or refer to what is used to aid one’s s.e.xual fantasies.