
Chapter 2-6

Volume 1
Chapter 2-6

Shinkurou, who had woken up, look looked at the morning sun, which shone in through the window, and let out a sigh of relief. He wiped his forehead, which was moist with sweat, and took several deep breaths.

It’s okay, I’m alive.

I’m breathing normally, I can move my limbs and I can see.

Shinkurou clenched his hands several time and as gently released them he looked around, then noticing the lone small child wrapped in a futon. Murasaki was curled up like a fetus; she looked just like a newborn angle. She did not know of the depravity of the world; her sleeping face was too pure. Shinkurou stretched out his hand and then lightly pinched the tip of Murasaki’s small nose. It was pleasant to watch her fret over this; thus Shinkurou was able to clear away the dark things that had taken hold of his heart. It seemed strange that he was living in the same room with this young child.

Murasaki had said that someone was after her. If this person were someone from the Kuhouin family then the reasons could have probably been limitless. To an organization that specialized in kidnapping for profit she would be an ideal target. However, why would Benika entrust Murasaki with Shinkurou? Certainly May Rain Manor was an exceptionally safe place but Shinkurou could not understand Benika’s reasoning behind having him protect her. He had gotten the part about guarding from what he had heard from Ginko; overall he was not able to make sense of the situation.

“…Well Whatever”

Shinkurou opened his window and the cold wind glided over him, further waking him up.

In the end, what will be will be.

At that time he was in the midst of despair and even now he lives that way.

Shinkurou, while on his way back from school, thought about what he would do that evening and decided to do some shopping. It had been suggested to Shinkurou that he throw a welcome party for Murasaki and thus it was for that reason that he was going out to shop. Murasaki also wished to go and so Shinkurou allowed her to accompany him. With the exception of the time that Shinkurou took her to the bathhouse, Murasaki had not left May Rain Manor so Shinkurou figured that it was probably necessary for her to take a walk. Shinkurou led Murasaki out and the two went to town. Being discreet, Shinkurou carefully observed their surroundings and the two steadily advanced at their own pace. As they walked it seemed that everything was new for Murasaki. If she were from the Kuhouin family it was probably standard practice for her to be chauffeured everywhere, so she probably had never walked anywhere.

Murasaki moved around filled with curiosity and as if to confirm her own knowledge she would ask Shinkurou about the various things that they pa.s.sed by. Where could Murasaki, who did not go to school, learn all of these things? Did the Kuhouin family have there own system of education? Shinkurou chased after Murasaki, who had wandered off and lead her to the shopping district.

When the two arrived at the supermarket and went to the second floor, Shinkurou found a futon that was on sale and bought it.

“So the common ma.s.ses handle coins and paper money with their bare hands… Their hands must become rather filthy. Is it not more convenient to use a credit card.”

As Shinkurou paid for the futon at the register, Murasaki looked at him and expressed her feelings on the matter. Without showing any interest in the meat and vegetables, Murasaki stopped right in front of the confection stand however there were several kids about her age there happily deciding what they would get; Murasaki glanced at them then said, “Humph, you all are a bunch of children” over their shoulders and then preceded to leave. Without waiting to see the luggage that Shinkurou was showing her, Murasaki left the rest to him and abandoned his side.

Shinkurou was not angry that Murasaki was taking thing at her own pace; could this have been because he found something amusing about observing her behavior, which was anything but bashful? There was nothing about her that Shinkurou did not find strangely amusing.

Shinkurou and Murasaki had left the supermarket and Murasaki, who was at Shinkurou’s side, found herself staring at something that had caught her interest. When Shinkurou followed her line of sight he came across the cake shop that they had pa.s.sed by before. It was in the center of the shopping district and was a flourishing shop. Shinkurou and his teacher had been given gifts from this shop several times. The cakes and homemade ice cream that they sold where delicious and very popular. There were several grade school kids who had bought soft served ice cream in front of the store eating together. Murasaki watched the children but then noticed that Shinkurou was watching her and proceeded to explain herself in a fl.u.s.tered manner.

“It, it is not as though I wish to eat that, it is food for children! I was simply looking; I had no other intentions.”

It was too easy to see through her lie.

Shinkurou felt that it was still acceptable to eat something cold in winter, so he went into the store and bought two soft served ice creams. Shinkurou handed one of the ice creams to Murasaki; her eyes began to gleam and she reached out for it, however her pride would not allow her to immediately take it and she crossed her arms across her chest.

“I do not have interest in cheep products. …But, well, since you said that you wish to give it to me, it would be discourteous to refuse it. I would feel terrible if I insulted your sincerity, so it would only be appropriate to accept it, correct.”

After giving her long-winded excuse, Murasaki took the ice cream. She liked to eat sweet things like any other child. As Murasaki licked the ice cream with her small tongue, she gradually became more relaxed.

Shinkurou ate his ice cream beside her but he did not let his guard down while doing, vigilantly observing their surroundings. Shinkurou had no way of knowing when or where they may be attacked. Shinkurou still did not know who was after Murasaki.

I suppose now is a good time thought Shinkurou and he decided to ask Murasaki.

“Hey, who’s chasing after you, did you hear anything from Benika?”

“Shinkurou, what is that?”

Did she seriously just ignore me

Shinkurou reluctantly looked to where Murasaki was pointing and there he saw a drug store. There were various supplements gathered on the store’s shelves and it was swarmed with customers. From what he had seen on television, such things seemed to be becoming rather popular recently. They were a result of the “health boom” that had started. Everyone was desperately trying to preserve his or her health. They were afraid of becoming ill.

Murasaki plainly explained how to stay healthy and then tilted her head in wonder.

“Why are they supplementing themselves with medicine? If one eats, exercises and sleeps well then he or she will naturally become healthy will they not?”

“You are right about that but…in reality it does not work that way. Eating, exercising and sleeping.”

“Why is that?”


Why is it that way

Shinkurou finished his ice cream and balled up the paper that covered it in his hand; has he rolled the paper in his hand he thought about what he had said.

There was more to Murasaki’s argument. Because simply living normally was not sufficient, there was a need for medicine to be healthy. What people did not have enough of was proper nutrition and time. Good hygiene and the reduction of fatigue, these had been the material for a television special, which had reviewed them in a verbose manner. Poor health was the result of poor hygiene and fatigue; everyone knew this. In this society everyone was in poor health and was tired. It was not only the rising crime rate that was putting a strain on society; this was as well was it not?

As Shinkurou thought about how shocked he was for being so ignorant that he could not answer Murasaki’s simple question, he threw the paper from his ice cream into a trash can. Had Murasaki asked the question for fun from the beginning? She did not seem particularly displeased.

“Well, I suppose there are various things in the outside world”

“Outside world…?”

“Regarding your previous question”

Murasaki abruptly returned to the previous subject that they were speaking about as she licked her ice cream.

“I am unable to answer anything regarding what you wish to know”


“I was told to not say anything by Benika Juuzawa”


“I do not really understand it well but it seems that some things are better left unsaid”

I don’t understand her reasoning.

What more is that it seems to be based on Benika’s intuition?

I wonder if this is meant to test me…?

How far would Shinkurou be able to go? Was this a test by Benika to see his potential? Still Shinkurou thought that the risk a.s.sociated with taking care of Murasaki where much too great.

Murasaki looked up at Shinkurou’s trouble profile for a moment but then put her remaining ice cream in her mouth.

“…Is it really, okay for it to be with him?”


“No, It is nothing”

Murasaki said this then threw the paper from her ice cream in the trash.

“Well, let us get going home Shinkurou. It will be getting cold soon”


Murasaki looked up once more at Shinkurou, who while nodding his head was not completely satisfied with their conversation.

“I forgot one thing. Thank you, Shinkurou. The ice cream was delicious”

“…I am glad that you liked it”

Her manner of speech was arrogant but she was a very honest child.

Naturally she wanted to show her good intentions toward Shinkurou and this was the feeling that he had from her.

Was this her Kuhouin blood, or was it part of her character.

What kind of adult will she become?

As Shinkurou walked with Murasaki underneath the winter sky, he thought of such things.