
Chapter 3-2

Volume 1
Chapter 3-2

Shinkurou told them everything and the situation took a strange turn.

For some reason, both Murasaki and Yuno were silent. As the two of them looked at each other as if they were confirming what they had just been told, their mouths remained shut. They reacted as if they were long-time enemies who just met. The only difference between them was that Yuno had quickly regained her composure unlike Murasaki, who seemed to have become increasingly cautious.

Tension filled the air. Shinkurou found it increasingly difficult to remain comfortable. Then, Yuno smacked her forehead and let out a small sigh.

“…Was this something that Benika thought up? She’s so annoying. Well, if this concerns her then she must be well aware of what she’s doing, but to go so far as to leaving you with a child…”

What an annoying person, grumbled Yuno.

“Um, Yuno, are you perhaps angry?”

“What do you think?”

“Ah, well…”

“If that’s the case, what should you do about it?”

“…I‘m sorry for lying.”

“Good,” said Yuno as she nodded and turned towards Murasaki.

“Disregarding whatever I saw earlier, this is my first time meeting a Kuhouin”

“Likewise, you are the first member of the Houzuki family that I have met.”

Murasaki glared at Yuno as if she were looking at an enemy and spoke in a low voice. All of this appeared to be an attempt to intimidate Yuno.

“Shinkurou, show this woman out at once.”

Murasaki pointed confidently towards the door.

“She has been a nuisance the entire morning. Why are you affiliated with–?”

“Murasaki, before you finish your sentence, can you do just one thing?”


“Put some clothes on.”

“That can wait until later. First, this unpleasant woman must–”

“Put some clothes on.”

After Shinkurou repeated himself, Murasaki reluctantly obeyed. This was probably only because she noticed the cold winter air that filled the room.

While Murasaki dressed herself, Shinkurou continued his conversation with Yuno.

“What was all of that?”

“So you still don’t know about these kind of strange things. I’m sorry, it’s just that my grandfather was really irresponsible–”

“Hey, Shinkurou! Do not a.s.sociate with that woman! She will corrupt you!”

“Hurry up and get dressed.”

Murasaki groaned as she continued to struggle with her clothes. Murasaki did not seem like much of a morning person as she could not keep her hand away from her mouth. Though, it would be better if she were a morning person since she was too tired to even put on her socks sitting up.

Shinkurou saw that Murasaki was having trouble b.u.t.toning her clothes up and went to help her, but Yuno, being closer, was able to do so first. When Yuno reached her hand out towards her, Murasaki, startled, seemed like she would run away. However, Yuno’s hand would not permit her to do so. Yuno had a younger sister and had become rather skilled when dealing with children. Before Murasaki could object, Yuno quickly b.u.t.toned her clothes and smiled brightly.

“There, all better.”

“Th–Thank you.”

“How wonderful. You know how to properly thank someone.”

Murasaki looked towards Shinkurou and then said in a small voice:

“…This is the fault of a particularly annoying person.”

Yuno accidently let out a small chuckle as if she had guessed who Murasaki was referring to. After all, it was Yuno who had taught Shinkurou proper etiquette.

“Shinkurou. I will be waiting at the dojo after school.”

“Huh, the dojo?”

“The most important thing to do now is to purge your unhealthy urges.”

“No, but I’m not–”

“Your answer?”

“…Yes, I’ll be there.”

Yuno was smiling but Shinkurou knew better than to take her smile at face value. This was because Yuno was always smiling despite her true emotions.

Shinkurou told Murasaki that he would be home late from the dojo but then, Yuno made a suggestion.

“You are welcome to come as well, Murasaki. It would be a pleasure to have dinner with you.”

“Is that really okay?”

Yuno nodded. Now, the sole deciding factor was Murasaki’s response.

When Shinkurou looked at Murasaki, she still stared at Yuno with lingering wariness. She then replied:

“Are you being sincere? I am a Kuhouin of the three familles supérieures1”

…The three familles supérieures?

Shinkurou could not recall having ever hearing this phrase before. However, Yuno seemed to understand and smiled calmly. Murasaki gave Yuno another suspicious look but then, as if giving in to her request, let out a sigh.

“…Very well. I am somewhat interested in the dwellings of an inférieure2.”

“Then, I will be happily waiting for your arrival.”

After finishing the conversation, Yuno pulled out an ap.r.o.n from the bag she had been holding and put it on. Looking like a young wife, she began to clean the house. Shinkurou liked to keep things clean. In fact, he was in charge of keeping the public areas of the complex clean. However, he was no match for Yuno. Yuno opened the window to let out the stagnant air in the room.

“Now you two, roll up your futons. Be good children and wait for your delicious breakfast.”

“Why do I have to do something like that,” said Murasaki but when Shinkurou began to fold his futon, she decided to do it as well. Was it because she did not want to show any signs of weakness in front of Yuno?

Yuno smiled as she looked at them and said, “Oh, that’s right,” while handing Shinkurou a paper bag.

“I found this on your doorstep.”

Shinkurou peeked inside the bag and saw a videotape and a notepad. In the notepad, Tamaki had written some words of grat.i.tude for Shinkurou who always lent her rice. She also mentioned that the videotape was a gift in return for his kindness. Despite being a crude person, she did have her redeeming qualities.

This can’t be another p.o.r.n video, thought Shinkurou as he took the tape out of the bag to inspect it. Surely enough, the t.i.tle readSeductive Young Fairies. There was a small note written neatly in black permanent marker that read p.o.r.n.

Shinkurou felt a bit uneasy and turned to look behind him.

Yuno was staring at him.

She had seen through everything and simply smiled.

At that moment, the only thing in Shinkurou’s mind was resentment for Tamaki, resentment that came all the way from the bottom of his heart.


Translation Notes and References

1. French for upper families.

2. French for lower.