Kuro no Maou

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

532 Heir to the Tyrant

“—I’m Maximilian Mia Avalon, the eight king of the Kingdom of Avalon.”

I was born a king.

I inherited the same black hair and red eyes as the legendary demon king. In fact, such colors were rarely found even in the royal family.

“—That black ancient mail! There’s no mistaking it! It’s the King of Avalon!”

“To come to the front line all by yourself, there’s a limit to how reckless one could be! Now that the opportunity has presented itself, I’ll have your head!!”

Above all, I had the [power] to defeat all the foolish beings who dared to oppose the blood of the most n.o.ble Elrod.

[Elrod Gear]—a treasure pa.s.sed down by the Avalon royal family for generations. Among all the kings of history. Among all the kings of history, I was the only one who could activate and master it. I was probably the only one who knew the official inscription of this armor, [RX-666], which was engraved on the back of the helmet.

“—No way!? My knights… You single-handedly defeated all of them…”

“Don’t make me laugh. You call those barbarians ‘knights?’ You should’ve stayed quiet on Mt. Galahad. Serve you right for trespa.s.sing upon my sacred kingdom, you filthy stray dogs.”

Once I joined the battlefield, such was the man I became. A mountain of corpses would be piled in front of me, as their rivers of blood flowed. I’d unleash a merciless slaughter on my enemies, earning a glorious victory for my allies.

A hundred victories in a hundred battles, resulting in countless deaths. True to our history, our royal army was invincible—

—But I’m not proud of it.

After all, it was to be expected. I was the Chosen One. From the moment I was born, I was destined to rule. To achieve victory was nothing but destined for me.

“Welcome back, Your Majesty! I heard of your most recent victory! The way you fought was exactly the second coming of the ancient Demon King, Mia Elrod—”

“Leave me be, Minister. I want to get some rest. Keep everyone away from my chamber.”

Nevertheless, even someone like me got tired. The [Elrod Gear] would consume a tremendous amount of magical power just by wearing it. If an ordinary person wore it, they’d faint in less than a minute; and if they’d attempted to fight with it, they’d be drained of vitality, leaving only their skeletal remains—as if the armor was cursed.

Regardless, whether it was wartime or peacetime, I always donned this armor. I needed neither a crown nor a robe to symbolize my reign, but a helmet and armor that would instill fear. To exact my dominion those who were akin to sheep and wolf alike, this demon king’s form was necessary.

I couldn’t show them my true appearance.


Inside a dim bedroom with only a single lit lamp, I removed the full mail and breathed deeply.

“It’s getting bigger again…”

In front of me was a huge mirror that could perfectly reflect even a two-meter-tall armored figure.

Reflected in the clear mirror was a red-eyed girl with long black hair and a feral cat-like look in her eyes. Given the lack of exposure to sunlight, my skin was almost white. As a side note, there was nothing enticing about my undressed form, since I was wearing plain underwear, akin to that of a priestess.

But lately, something was off with my chest. I was almost twenty, and my body was still growing—as a woman.

“Well, it doesn’t matter… If I’m wearing armor, no one will know.”

That’s right, I’m a woman.

I, Maximilian Mia Avalon, was undoubtedly a female. Even my real name wasn’t actually Maximilian—but it didn’t matter. I had discarded that name a long time ago.

“I have to go to bed… I can’t take it anymore…”

Before entering the bedroom, I downed one of the magic recovery potions I received and threw the empty bottle away while crawling into bed. Normally, both the warmness and the silkiness would lull me to sleep, but on the day of battle, my body was tired, but my spirit was uplifted, so I couldn’t fall asleep.

—and then, at times like that, nothing but silly memories flashed through my mind.

“Oh, Maximilian, my son… I leave, Avalon to you…”

I was only 10-years-old when I became king. The day after my official coronation ceremony, also the day of my succession to the throne, my father was summoned to Heaven.

Until the very end, he never considered me his daughter. Certainly, he wasn’t all there, but having reigned for nearly a decade now, it wasn’t like I couldn’t understand how he felt at the time.

The ancient demon king, Mia Elrod, was a man. At least in this country, such was the common belief. Therefore, only men were suitable to become king. Since the founding of the country—or perhaps, even before, there had been a culture of patriarchy in certain parts of the country.

As expected, my father wanted a son. After all, if his heir wasn’t born a man, then he couldn’t inherit the throne. The system of the queen was absolutely inconceivable.

However, the end of our clan, which was supposed to be the direct descendant of Elrod, was even more unacceptable.

I couldn’t rule as a queen—yet, at the same time, I had to preserve my royal bloodline.

As the only child, it was only natural for me to succeed the throne as a man, just as my father had envisioned. I saw nothing wrong with that.

—I’m the king.

My mismatched gender aside, I had the ability to become a great ruler who’d leave his name in history. If I had been a man, I’d have reunified the Pandora continent and called myself the second Demon King.

However, considering that I was walking around while pretending to be a male, I wasn’t foolish enough to bear the ambition of unifying the continent. Even if I was like this, I cherished my country. I had to protect my country, which had no legitimate successor.

Fulfilling the role of a king and protecting the kingdom was my duty and responsibility as a member of the royal family—and also, my heartfelt desire. Hence why, every day was a constant struggle, but not a difficult one.

“Well, it’s not like I need to find a suitor right away.”

When I first inherited the throne, I was asked to conceive an heir for the next generation.

If a man was born, the succession issue could be resolved, and in the worst case, even if it was a woman, just like me, she could buy enough time to postpone the issue. At the very least, until I had a child of my own, I had to play the role of [King Maximilian].

For that reason, I’d been trying to find a suitor, but it was tedious.

After all, even if he became my husband, he wouldn’t exactly be credited. In other words, a stallion without any honor. In our country, almost no aristocrats were worthy of standing beside a queen, even more so one who’d accept female superiority. It got to the point where we were considering summoning a worthy person from another realm through a dubious ancient ritual.

However, the issue of succession was unexpectedly resolved.

“This child is without a doubt your younger brother, Your Majesty!”

I had a younger brother. At last, my father got what he wanted.

Not long after my father died, one of his concubines became pregnant.

Even without me doing anything, a perfect heir was born into this world. All that was left for me was to continue filling the position of king until my brother was of age. With the biggest issue solved, I could finally enjoy my life as a king.

Compared to my father’s generation, the people’s lives had clearly become more prosperous, and even though it was a period of warring states, trade was flourishing while national power was steadily increasing. Officials were severely punished for their dishonesty, given proper evaluations and promotions based on their abilities regardless of status, and handouts were given to the weak.

Above all, I managed to ensure the safety of my country from numerous invasions. Occasionally, I’d counterattack and expand my territory.

—That was how I became the mightiest king since the founding of the country.

The future of the Kingdom of Avalon, which I led, was bright. The country would last for a millennium, and continue to prosper for the next hundred generations—


One morning, when I woke up, a certain crucial piece was missing from my room.

“Where’s the [Elrod Gear]!?”

In my bedroom, right next to my bed, the armor that I always kept near was nowhere to be seen. Ever since I a.s.sumed the throne and given the [Elrod Gear], I’d never taken my eyes off it. Even during maintenance, I’d be there to supervise the blacksmith and court magicians. Whenever I was taking a bath, the armor also didn’t leave my side.

Therefore, there was no way it’d disappear…

For me to continue to be the king, [Elrod Gear] was absolutely necessary!

“Oh, hey! Sister, you’re awake! Good morning!”

As if to ridicule me, who was fumbling in my underwear, a terribly shrill yet childish voice suddenly echoed.

I didn’t even need to guess who it was. Only one person in this world may refer to me as such.

“I told you not to enter my room without permission! Also, I’m a king before I’m your sister! Refer to me properly, you idiot!”

In my impatience, I yelled at my brother. He was a mediocre youth who showed no potential to be the future king.

“Oh, how scary…! As expected of my sister, who’s feared as the [Black Armored King of Avalon]… But right now, aren’t you just a woman? Which part of you is supposed to be majestic?”


When I turned around, there stood a black, gigantic armored-man, instead of the usual spoiled brat with a meek smile.

“Haha, Sister, look! I can even wear the [Elrod Gear]!”

“How splendid, Your Majesty Maximilian! The armor suits you very well!”

A man stepped out from the shadow of his armor while clapping his hands.

“Minister, you… What are you thinking…?”

“I’m not the only one. Everyone is here.”

Before I knew it, I was surrounded by many familiar faces. The ministers of each ministry that were in charge of politics, the captain of the royal guard who served the king and country, and the royal court magician who was responsible for traditional ceremonies and magic exploration.

Certainly, “everyone” who governed the Kingdom of Avalon was there.

“In other words, I’ll become the king of Avalon from today! The name ‘Maximilian’, along with the strongest armor, [Elrod Gear], shall be mine!”

“Are you trying to defy me…!? No matter who you are, you’ll be executed for treason!”

“Hahahahaha—! What are you talking about!? Despite being a lowly woman, you dare to threaten me!? Need I remind you how you deceive our people by pretending to be their king and sullying the name of the glorious Avalon!? The treasonous rebel is you!”


“This is why I was against it from the beginning. Making a woman pretend to be our king… Thanks to that, this woman foolishly misunderstood that she’s the true king and even harbored unnecessary ambitions. Be aware of your place!”

I could see that it wasn’t just the minister’s personal opinion.

…Everyone looks down on me.

In truth, n.o.body accepts me.

—Because I’m a woman.

…Merely because of that? Merely because of that, I failed to be a king?

“Sister, you’re useless to me.”

“…Who’ll hand over the throne to a fool like you?”

“Ahaha! I know you’d say that! Why don’t we have a duel?”

Accompanied by a heavy clanking sound, the man in [Elrod Gear] advanced.

“In the first place, there’s no such thing as a queen from the beginning. Even so, I’m grateful to you for your willingness to die for my sake in this honorable duel!”

—Ah, I see, so that’s their aim.

Maximilian Mia Avalon, the 8th King of the Kingdom of Avalon was supposed to be this fool.

After all, no one in my country had seen my true appearance.

How unacceptable.

How long had they been planning this? Could it be, from the moment I was told to succeed the throne?

Nevertheless, they must had a reason for such unreasonableness—

—Still, I, as a queen, disapproved.

That alone was more than enough to make things happen.

“…Fine. If you defeat me in a duel, I’ll concede the throne to you.”

“As expected of my brave sister! Still, when you say that while you’re clad in your underwear, it’s not intimidating in the slightest! Although, maybe, you intend to provoke me instead…”

He let out a vulgar laughter that made me wonder if he really had royal blood in his veins, before approaching me step by step. Be it the minister or the others, no one seemed to be worried about my stupid brother, who’d become the new king.

Of course, against a vulnerable and half-naked naked girl, there was no way a person clad in [Elrod Gear] would lose. No matter what kind of sword I wielded, there was no way I could stand a chance against the black heavy armor.

However, that was only if my opponent could actually use the [Elrod Gear].

“What’s wrong, my foolish brother? Why aren’t you moving? The duel has already started.”

“Haha, I don’t even need to unsheathe my sword! I’ll gouge out your heart with my own hands, Sister!”

I see. You’re prepared to give your all. Are you even aware that the duel has begun? If so, that’s enough.

“—Devour him, [Elrod Gear].”

Just by muttering a single word, my—yes, the armor I swore full allegiance to, [Elrod Gear], came to life.

“H-huh!? What, hey, why can’t I move!?”

[Elrod Gear] stopped as if it had turned into stone. Right when my brother was about to take another step forward, too. What a hilarious sight it was.

However, the real change wasn’t with the armor.

The wearer may not be able to see it, but the crimson black magic had begun to pervade the genuine black matter armor. The output was at its max.

“I-it hurts…”

“The [Elrod Gear] is a demon that consumes mana. Hence, if you only have an average amount of mana, you’ll be eaten alive.”

…Although, I doubted my explanation would get through to my foolish brother, who was currently experiencing first-hand how it was like to have all your magic sapped out.

Still, let me spell it out.

“—Above all, this armor is mine. Know what happens when someone who’s unworthy wears it, my foolish brother.”

“Uh, urgh, uwaaaAAaaaaAAAAaaaah—!!”

Along with the unbecoming scream, [Elrod Gear] switched to Release mode. The disjointed chest plate burst open, knocking out the trespa.s.sers who illegally entered my chamber.

What was spat out in front of me wasn’t my brother’s mangled corpse, but the scattered wreckage of his bones. Not even a single hair or drop of blood was left on them.

Kicking away the white skull lying at my feet, I returned to where I should be.

“No, keep that woman away from the armor—”

The minister screamed in terror, but it was too late.

“I told you—rebels are to be executed.”

Installed. Start up. Stable output. Combat Ready. [System All Green].

Aah, how peaceful it is…

I felt much more at ease inside here than in a soft bed.

“Captain of the royal guards! Captain of the royal court magicians! Hurry up, work with each other and capture that woman at all costs!!”

“Be prepared, rebels. In the name of Maximilian Mia Avalon, the 8th King of the Kingdom of Avalon, I condemn you to death!”

That day’s events made me realize just how naïve I had been as a king.

Indeed, the king was the one and only individual who stood at the top. A va.s.sal was simply someone who followed him. In the first place, I had already committed a grave mistake by trying to understand them. In my defense, I still thought of myself as a provisional leader rather than a full-fledged ruler at the time.

Be it my subjects and the people—they should just follow my orders. After all, they were nothing but a bunch of disposable p.a.w.ns. Tools. Therefore, they should rightfully reflect my aspirations, and accomplish everything I want and desire.

The king didn’t protect the country—

—the country existed for a king.

Thus, I was reborn. …As a true king. Never again would something as unsightly as a rebellion happen under my watch.

“—I’m Maximilian Mia Avalon, the 8th King of the Kingdom of Avalon. Resistance is futile. Be quiet, and kneel before me.”

—How long has it been since that day?

Before I knew it, I was in a living h.e.l.l. I hadn’t even returned to the royal castle in a while.

“D-d.a.m.n you, Tyrant of Avalon, Maximilian! How dare you spread aggression in my country…”

“If you pledge allegiance to me, I’ll grant you a thousand years of prosperity and grace.”

“What prosperity and peace!? You instilled fear of violence into people! You’re nothing more than a tyrant who does unnecessary aggression over and over again! Our country will never bow down to such a dastardly king!”

“Well, aren’t you a foolish one? Then, perish.”

I treaded upon a pile of lifeless bodies. With the backdrop of a blood-red sunset sky, what I saw was a charred cityscape. For some reason, wherever I go, the same scenery was laid out before me.

“Welcome back, Your Majesty Maximilian. I’ve heard that the expedition ended with an overwhelming victory for our side!”

“Long live His Majesty the King, Maximilian!”

“Long live, Avalon!”

Where did the glorious streets of my mighty Avalon go? Although the streets were full of people, they were scrawny…

Why do they look so afraid?

“Why does everything look so bleak?”

Everything in my field of vision was dyed red like rust, and the sounds that reached my ears were always faint, like distant reverberations. It’d been a long time since I lost my sense of smell and touch. Even my own voice was hoa.r.s.e.

I no longer retained my human senses.

However, once I entered the battlefield, I could demonstrate a much sharper sense—one that transcended all my five senses. I could read the enemy’s movements, crush any opponent, and catch up with them no matter how fast they were. Even if a volley of arrows were to rain down on me, even if an earth-splitting magic hit me directly, my armor wouldn’t suffer any dent.

—I can’t lose.

As long as I had the [Elrod Gear]—as long as I donned this armor—I’d continue to be the supreme king.

“Haa… Haa… I did it, finally, we captured the tyrant, Maximilian…”

“Don’t let your guard down, the armor is still intact. If even the slightest magic were to flow in it, it’ll start moving again!”

“Hurry and prepare for the sealing process!”

One day, I lost.

Suddenly, I was cornered by the army of the countries I had destroyed. Did the exiled countries form a coalition? What a terrifying army of ghosts…

As if they were resurrected from the depths of h.e.l.l, they sprung forth endlessly. Surrounded by an overwhelming number of armies, my army was annihilated in the blink of an eye, and I was depleted of magic.

Usually, no matter how many ordinary soldiers surround me, with the power of this armor, I could easily escape. However, I couldn’t because the enemy was on par with me.

“Well done, my knight, Siegfried.”

“No, it’s all thanks to this [Elysion Gear].”

A full body armor shining in silver, made of authentic orichalc.u.m. A divine white armor with bright blue, gleaming lines.

Contrary to my armor, which took after the form of the G.o.d of Death, it had an elegant design akin to a divine raiment.

—Yes, I was defeated by that silver knight.

“Please stand back, I’ll finish him off.”

“No, before that, let’s take a look at Maximilian’s face, which no one has ever witnessed before.”

“It’s a bit risky, but… I understand. I also want to see the face of someone so powerful.”

[Elysion Gear] approached me, his great sword with a shining blue blade and a mirror-like shield gleaming.


—If my true face was exposed, I’ll cease to be a king.


You’re the heroes who defeated me. If you still consider me a tyrant, at least let me die as your worst enemy.

—Stop it, I don’t want to go back to just being a woman. No, I can’t bear it.

“Your Majesty Maximilian, I’m sorry, but I’ll be taking off that armor!”

The silver knight’s greatsword flashed. At the same time, I was released from the [Elrod Gear], which I hadn’t taken off since that day.

“What!? This is…”

The last thing I saw was my reflection on the knight’s glistening shield.

The chest armor was wide open, and the inside of it was barred to everyone’s eyes. There should be a naked, skinny woman inside—

“—There’s no one inside, it’s empty…”

Instead, there was nothing.

“Ha, hahaha…!”

I see, is that so?

“—I’m the 8th King of the Kingdom of Avalon, Maximilian Mia Avalon…”

—I’d already become a splendid king.

“My name is…”

If so, let me perform my last duty—my last and most important obligation as a ruler.

“…Come forth, my Successor.”

I wonder how much time has pa.s.sed since. I had slumbered for a long time.

Occasionally, when I woke up, I felt discouraged. No successor had emerged. A successor to whom I was ent.i.tled—a successor worthy of the name Maximilian; a vessel befitting for a king.

Everyone who touched this armor suffered the same fate as my foolish brother. They couldn’t withstand the harsh maneuvering conditions of the strongest armor, [Elrod Gear]. When I tried to teach them, they’d scream like crazy, before turning into a pile of bones.

This is not good…

Even after a thousand years, I still hadn’t found any successor.

—Has that much time pa.s.sed already?

How long should I wait before I was released from the duties of the king—

“…It’s alright.”

—Suddenly, I heard a voice. It sounded just like usual—a distant echo.

“It’s alright.”

No, I could clearly hear his voice.

It’d been a long time since I’d heard someone voice this close…

I rapidly regained consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man.

“You are…”

“My name is Kurono. I’ll be taking this armor.”

“Kurono, oh, I know you… That was a splendid battle.”

Is that his name? It’s simple, yet feels pleasing to the ear.

“Face, let me see your face, please…”

Apparently, I was lying on my back, with the man—Kurono—supporting me.

—W, wait!? You fool! Too close! Your face is too close!

“T-that color… Ah, I see…”

A king never showed his emotions. As such, the fact that I stumbled over my words must’ve been a result of my overactive imagination.

Thanks to the fact that our faces were so close, as if we were about to kiss, I could behold him—

—his black hair, and his bright crimson eyes.

“Very well, I name you my successor.”

—Aah, I finally found it. Now, I have no regrets.

Then, he spoke.

“From today onwards—”

—Just before I gently closed my eyes, feeling like I was drawn into a peaceful slumber, Kurono reached out to me.

W-wait, you fool! Don’t touch me casually!

“—You are mine, Milia.”

At that moment, for the first time in a thousand years, I heard my own heartbeat.