Kuro no Maou

Chapter 262 – Don’t tell to Kurono

Chapter 262 – Don’t tell to Kurono

「*breathe in* *breathe out*」

Fiona had been taking deep breaths since some time ago.

The scene would’ve been refreshing and hygienic, if this was a place in the forest with subdued sunlight peeking out trees and gentle breeze blowing around.


「*breathe in* *breathe out*」

This place was a room in the dorm, Fiona was on her bed in her black underwear, and would sometimes roll her body in agony while stuffing her face in a black robe.

「Annh, it smells of Kurono-san……」

Fiona’s body shivered while she let out a sound, seeming entranced.

The robe she held in her hands was without a doubt an Apprentice Robe that Kurono had been wearing just today’s morning.

They’ve got a lot of money from Bandit Subjugation, so Kurono revealed thoughts about buying a new robe that Fiona heard, and thinking of it as lucky chance, had Kurono give the robe to her.

Kurono didn’t have a lot of affection towards this robe from the start, and so she was able to get it from him by making a vague reason like「I need to use it in experiment for Enchant Magic」.

However, the ‘vague’ reason said here wasn’t something fake.

It was her plan to cast Enchant on the robe and have Kurono wear it again, like that she would be able to let his scent remain on the robe for a longer time.

Fiona, who actually planned out such a devilish infinite-loop idea could be truly called a Witch, in the sense that a normal person would never do it.

「Aaahh, aannhhh, Kurono-san」

Fiona showed a blissful expression whilst being covered in the scent of the person she loves, but her figure looked just too impure.

Although it was symptom of lovesickness, for seeing the things worn by their beloved person as special and wanting them, however, the current Fiona seemed more like underwear thief.

If one had to follow-up for her then it could be said that this robe was the main thing that made her realize her feelings for Kurono during the Wrath-Pun Battle. This robe was the one that gave her a good memory of Kurono covering her body in this robe after cutting her with his hatchet.

However, if there was a legitimate reason and chance to get Kurono’s underwear, she would’ve jumped at it.

That sort of powerful persuasive power could be felt from her current foolishness.

It seemed like she would continue to playing with Kurono’s Robe until fully satisfied, but,

「Fiona, are you in there?」

Due to a knocking sound and Lily’s voice, her fun time was forcibly terminated.

From her tone it was easy to perceive, that her consciousness was that of an adult, so any sort of deceiving won’t work on her.

「Yes, coming」

Fiona immediately threw the robe in the Dimension s.p.a.ce, present in the three-cornered hat lying besides her, wore on the housedress cape, present in the closet, and opened the door.

Her face had already returned to her sleepy expressionless face.

That terrifying speed of switchover, her innocent face, made her entranced expression and her impiure acts from before seem like a fake illusion. With that innocent expression she greeted Lily.


Although Lily was in her loli form, she didn’t wear either the black one-piece or uniform, but the White Pun Robe that Kurono presented to her.

Apparently, they were both on holiday today.

Lily wearing that relaxing sleep-wear, frowned upon entering the room and muttered.

「This place smells of Kurono……」

*Startled*, Fiona’s heartbeat increased for a second and she felt shivers.

How was she able to sense that from the lingering scent of Robe, it would’ve been a different story if she were a Beast Person, but she was a fairy, whose olfactory sense is on the same level as a normal person.

An idiotic thought crossed in her mind, “Does wearing this White Pun Robe increase the olfactory sense?”

However she couldn’t show unrest right now, after all, Lily was already staring at her with her round eyes, filled with suspicions.

Incidentally, the face on the hood she was wearing also seemed to be glaring at her.

「Is that so, it might be because I took over the robe Kurono-san wore, for ‘experimental purposes’」

She was finally able to negotiate with Kurono behind Lily’s back, but for this fact to be still revealed so fast, thinking over this Fiona clicked her tongue within her heart.

However she couldn’t lie to Lily, even if she had a Mind Protect to not let her emotions leak out.

「Hmmm, experimental purposes, eh」

「Yeah, for experimental purposes」

A turbulent atmosphere streamed between the two.

「Considering that, there is Kurono’s scent coming from your body, don’t tell me you’re doing something suspicious?」

「No way, I just wore it for a bit, for checking its feel upon wearing」

The former part was truth, Fiona actually wore the robe and spoke silly stuff like「Like this it feels like Kurono-san is hugging me」, and was even got happy from that.

Naturally, checking its feel was a completely made-up fake reason.

However, although she may confess wearing the robe, she definitely can’t tell about her feelings at that moment.

Fiona tried counterattacking for evading the point of Lily’s suspicions.

「Even Lily has Kurono-san’s left eye, right. Aren’t you using it to do something suspicious?」

「H-How did you know about that!?」

An unexpected surprised voice, the rabbit on Lily’s head shook violently as though they were showing Lily’s unrest.

「Lily-san is quite inattentive in child-form. Try to make sure that Kurono-san doesn’t discover you fawning over the eyeball in a potion vial with a love-struck expression」

「Ugh, uuuuu……」

If one knows the sly Lily, then her normal child-like behaviour might seem like an act, but in truth, her thought ability truly degrades to that of a baby.

In that state, it can’t be helped if she had problems and showed openings in hiding something.

「If Kurono-san knew that Lily-san keeps his eyeball with herself all the time, he might draw away from you」

「D-Don’t get the wrong idea, who knows if there will be a time for using that eyeball, so I’m safekeeping till that time」

Fiona had expected this sort of theoretical answer coming from her, and stepped on the common grounds she found.

「Is that so, in that case, Lily-san is safekeeping the eyeball while taking all the responsibility, and I am using the robe for a certain magic experiment. We’re both not doing anything suspicious, right?」

「……You’re right, I’m sorry for doubting you」

As expected, the adult Lily knows when to back off.

It’s better for them both to keep on having things of Kurono, while keeping silent and not fighting uselessly.

And, it would be fine as long as Kurono doesn’t know how they were using his things.

「We will be travelling together from now on, so I don’t want to start any discord」

「No, same here, I said too much, I’m sorry」

The two reconciled, and just as Lily said before, from now on, Fiona and Lily would work together.

And it was also the reason why Lily visited Fiona.