Kyou kara Ma no Tsuku Jiyuugyou!

Chapter 112

In my personal opinion, the real Poison Lady, should be the late Lady Susannah Julia von Wincott.

Please consider it, everyone, all you have to do is use a certain method to treat the blood of a Wincott, and you can create an unprecedented, interesting new poison. They are known as the living poison, the moving poison, even the poison capable of falling in love. Ahh, how enviable.

I suddenly had an idea.

How much effort do I need to put in to become a Poison Lady that even the von Wincott family? Since then I put my entire life into research, research, and more research, but after all I can only study on my own, and that is no easy task. However, the day has finally come for me to show the world the fruits of my labor.

My masterpiece— “The Poison of Sarcasm” can turn the most polluted swamps back into beautiful wetlands. What a beautiful scene that will be: poisonous frogs of a poisonous pink croaking, poisonous fish of a poisonous green swimming in the poisonous swamp, even the flora flouris.h.i.+ng by the banks would all be poisonous, this is the epitome of “fighting poison with poison”! When this miraculous day comes, I will naturally be acknowledged by all as the “Poison Lady”.

--Excerpt from As Poison Lady, My Life is Complete, prologue