Kyou kara Ma no Tsuku Jiyuugyou!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

That night, taking the place of a pigeon, a townsperson disappears from town.

Avoids everyone’s eyes and ears, he takes his horse to the sand dunes while looking about warily, and then disappears from the desert—as reported by Sizemore’s subordinates.

Everything’s going according to plan.

The man heard the rumors I spread, and in order to report them quickly to his comrades or employer, he avoids the others here and leaves.

The travelers who came to town purified the polluted lake water. So the townspeople who no longer have to collect their drinking water drop by drop are rejoicing. These travelers have also been instantly promoted to messiahs, so now even the opposing equestrian tribe (the one is the north-east) can enjoy the ample water source

The messiah part may be a bit much, but rumors tend to get exaggerated. If so, there’s no harm making it exaggerated from the start, and that can count as a compliment to ourselves.

Once these rumors reach the north-north-west tribe, they will definitely take action. After all they can’t let the water source fall into enemy hands, to prevent this from happening, they need to recast the houjutsu on the lake as soon as possible.

Then it’s the houjutsu user who polluted the water’s turn to take the stage.

But they should first send out a smaller team of scouts, to investigate whether or not the water has actually been purified. If they really do that, it’s actually better for us, we can take them on even if we are losing in firepower. Because this way the chances of a houjutsu user tagging along are also higher, and we can get a chance to catch him, then ask him the most efficient method of purification.

It takes about half a day by horse to reach the camp of the north-north-west equestrian tribe, by the time the spy who left town in the night returns with the team of scouts, it would be the next evening by the earliest.

So we have ample time to practice our strategy, and can let our bodies relax properly, finally investigating the direction they’re coming in and delegate our people. We asked the townspeople for some water and food, we even asked for permission to swim in the lake, as a subst.i.tute for a bath. Although the lake water has been polluted, it can still be used to wash, so bathing is no problem, we just have to be careful not to drink any.

But swimming in weather like Seisakoku’s seems to be a bit rash. At first it still feels pretty comfortable, but after a while of swimming it’s so cold I s.h.i.+ver, and have to jump into the covers before I catch a cold.

I finally wake up at sunset, and watch Hazel and her companions, in charge of looking out, leave to rendezvous with Conrad and Sizemore’s soldiers, as well as Dacascos who’s in charge of miscellaneous things.

Although I say I watched them leave, it"s not like I could actually see them. My vision is the same as yesterday, all a blur.

After drinking some water, eating some food, and have a nice nap on a long awaited bed, most of the weariness that I collected vanished too. Actually I know very well, the damage done to my body can’t be healed immediately, but when I open my eyes in bed and see only light and shadow, I"m honestly SHOCKED.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Very well.”

Although I answer the question instinctively, I had slept far from soundly. Because I had a nightmare, and kept getting woken up, returning to the same scene every time I fall asleep, until I can’t help but wonder if I really like retaking exams so much.

“What about you, Wolf?”


“You’re lying, because you snored as you always do when you"re sleeping like a log.”

“You deliberately p.r.i.c.ked up your ears and listened out for that? What a curious baby you are, Yuuri![1]”

“…Even if I don’t want to hear it, I still hear it.”

Wolfram and I are in charge of controlling the large dining room that’s acting as our base of operations, in other words we’re on watch duty.

I wasn’t forced to stay behind, but did so willingly.

It can’t be helped, after all my vision now is very bad, I can only differentiate between light, shadow and a portion of colors for now, so not only can’t I move on my own, I definitely can’t protect myself in a fight with the enemy. Rather than getting in the way outside, I might as well stay in headquarters like a good boy.

Wolfram, on the other hand, stayed back to protect me. Although he acts energetic, the truth is he’s a wounded party too, and wounded in the stomach no less. The one who wounded him was me, so I really can’t make him do anything else strenuous.

What’s surprising is his reaction when he was told to stay on guard duty. Normally he would say something like “I can fight, don’t you trust me?” and then there would be a long line of protests, I was even all ready to listen to him complain, but instead Wolfram just said “I see”, completely against my expectations.

There’s one more person in the dining room, and that’s Saralegui.

But he’s staying in a private room. After the battle meeting ended, Lord Weller brought in Saralegui, who was playing with the horses outside, saying “After all milord is the king of a country, it would far too rude of us not to offer milord a private room”, and locked him inside the tool closet.

He cursed Conrad for quite some time, finally saying “I’m going to sleep!” and since then we haven’t hear a sound from him. Looks like his special technique is falling asleep within three seconds.


"Seeing my body lean towards his direction, Wolfram immediately utters using a harsh tone,"

“Keep your distance, keep your distance. Don’t get too close to me.”

“Ahh—Okay, okay, okay, I’m forbidden within a radius of 2 meters, right?”

He hates me, even though not long ago we were so close we could stay in the same large crate.

“I say, Wolf, I want to confirm with you.”


“You... chest hair… No, actually, it’s nothing. I just didn’t think that you could keep growing after eighty.”

That furry feeling near his chest, is actually… Honestly I really can’t predict what mazoku growth is like.

“I-I’m not jealous, got it?”

“What on earth are you mumbling about?”

But we’re not just supposed to talk about body hair.

“I think apologies are in order”

“You want to make me apologize here?”

“Or course not! I don’t want to make you apologize~! Besides I’m not even angry, though it seems you still are… See, you won’t even approach me. So I wanted to make up with you, and apologize to you first. After all I don’t want this awkward atmosphere to continue anymore, and it’ll be troubling to Captain Sizemore and Dacascos.”

Just in case, we’re sitting while leaning on a table on its side—this is to guard against any arrows coming through the entrance. Even though us two casualties are sitting two meters apart, it’s still plenty wide enough, I really don’t know how many people is this dining table supposed to seat.

We’re not sitting on chairs, instead sitting directly on the coa.r.s.e floorboards.

“It’s only natural that you would hate me… We’re comrades, but I caused you to get hurt. Not only that…”

I can’t help but cover my mouth with my hand.

“I actually wanted to… k-kill you. Back then I really, truly, wanted to... d.a.m.n, I feel like puking.”

“Hold on, other than your eyes and shoulder, are you in any pain?”

I turn my head to a side, waving my right hand next to it to gesture "no". Actually I’m not sick, it’s just that the sudden stress and anxiety made my stomach acids flow the wrong way.

“Sorry, I’m so sorry, I never thought it could be you. I’ll repent, if saying it is not enough, then I’m willing to accept any punishment to show my sincerity.”

“About that, at first I wanted to deal with everything here first, and talk about it again once we safely bring the Maou back to s.h.i.+n Makoku, but since you brought it up now, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

I can feel Wolfram looking at me as he sighs.

“If you want to, you can even sentence me to death. Not only did I point my sword at His Majesty the Maou, I even attacked you, and injured you. But I swear… I really never thought it could be you.”

“Me too.”

Back then, when Wolfram slid down using the rope, I had completely treated him as an enemy. When I saw his sword, s.h.i.+ning brightly in the darkness as it reflected the sunlight, I deeply believed that person was an enemy here to kill me.

“At that moment when I saw the sword.”

“All I saw was a moving figure. Back then I didn’t think whether it was a friend or foe, but the moment I set foot in the dark place, my thoughts immediately became “that was an enemy, that figure is an enemy without a doubt”… And even your voice sounded like someone else…”

“Didn’t you change the direction of the sword at the last moment? The sword blade suddenly went flat, that’s why Conrad said I only got banged up. But I still purposely picked up the weapon, and just like that, towards your stomach… Mmgh!”

I’m talking about these things, and it hurts so bad just thinking about what happened back then.

“Are you really okay?”

I break the orders not to get close to him and approach Wolfram, carefully plastering my palm over what should be his stomach.

“Maybe my healing isn’t as good as Gisela’s, but it’s better than not healing at all.”

“Stop! Don’t use majutsu!”

Wolfram immediately bats away my hand.

“Why are you such a brainless noob? This is s.h.i.+nzoku land, you know!? This is the continent with houryoku so strong even Gisela couldn’t set foot here, there’s no way you don’t know the consequences of using maryoku in a place like this, right? It’s precisely because you want to use your majutsu whenever, that’s why I told you not to get near me!”


“Didn’t you hear me? It’s because you like using majutsu so much, that’s why I told you not to get near me.”

No matter how I ask, the answer is the same. But it’s completely different from the reason I cracked my head to come up with.

“…So you’re not mad at me?”

His breathing is very fast.

“Of course I’m mad. Who asked you to be so rash.”

“And I thought you hated me…”

“Me, hate you?”

Helplessly, Wolfram can’t help but raise his tone at the end, so it feels about like “Me, hate you~~?”

“Could someone who hated the king possibly chase him to the ends of the earth? And…”

After that is the sound of rubbing cloth, and he pulls out something with a ‘whoos.h.!.+’ The sound is like something tied on the end of the rope.

“Carrying this strangely disgusting thing called ‘Günter’s Protection’ too.”

“Günter’s Protection~~?”

This time it’s my turn to raise my tone.

My hand touches something swaying back and forth, and looks a lot like a small pouch. Even if I stare at it unblinkingly, I can only see a grey shadow. After I confirm it with my hand, then only do I know that it’s small bag knitted from hair. Bu it feels very rough, not only aren’t the st.i.tches not smooth there are even many fibers poking out.

This should be the amulet Conrad mentioned before. In other words the broken blade I’d grabbed cut into this subst.i.tute.

“But is this really an amulet? Even if I want to say something nice, I still don’t think it will have much effect.”

“This is knitted from Günter’s hair.”


I pull my back my hand hurriedly. This should be a curse, right!?

“It seems to seal my maryoku too. Meaning as long as I have it on me, I can walk on this land full of houryoku like a normal person. It’s a secret technique that has this function… Ngh… That’s weird, what secret technique was it? How strange, it feels as though my memory’s all fuzzy, I can’t remember.”

“Waa—Don’t remember, you really don’t have to remember.”

I heard that if someone went through too big a trauma, their memories will be automatically sealed to prevent a mental breakdown.

Although I don’t want to ask for the details, but since the other party is Günter, it shouldn’t be anything normal.

“Anyway thank you for being willing to come look for me with an amulet made from hair, it really is an unbelievable thing.”

“What thing?”

“Didn’t I cut that amulet in half back then? Why is it completely back to normal now?”

“Now that you mention it…”

The room where the two of them were staying alone together is suddenly dead quiet.

There’s also the world’s scariest secret technique with them, and the amulet that regenerates (made completely from pure hair).

“I-I still don’t think this protects from anything… There couldn’t be a curse inside, could there?”

“Don’t know, I don’t know. If you’re so concerned about it, put your hand inside and see.”

“Me!? Put it into this thing!?”

The thing in front of me, no matter what I can’t call it anything lucky. Maybe it’s just me being sensitive, but I keep feeling as though not only that bag, but the surrounding atmosphere has turned very dark as well.

“No, I politely refuse… Waa--!”

Wolfram says I can’t get close to him, but he grabs my left hand and reaches it into the bag, using his sonorous voice to recite a chant non-stop, making all the hairs on my body stand on end. Although it’s not possible, I still have the illusion of Günter’s hair twining around my arm.

“Waa--! It feels like something is going around my hand--!”

“That’s Günter’s soul.”

“Sole!? No, soul!?”

If that’s true, his soul is terrifying!

With as much energy as I’d have running out of a snakes’ nest, I pull my hand out of the amulet. But the after effect causes my back to knock against the table with a ‘thunk!’, and I’m panting as if I’d just run 400 meters. Once I’ve caught my breath a bit, my brain calms down too.

“It makes me so impatient.”

Hearing my sudden words, he asks, surprised,


“Waiting for a result like this.”

“True, you’re usually personally on the frontlines. This should be your first time ordering your men, and waiting obediently at HQ for the good news, right? But that’s what monarchs are supposed to be like, get it memorized.”

“I’ve long since memorized it, but…”

I can’t move on my own, neither can I witness the happenings firsthand, what’s more these hands can’t touch anything at all, there’s nothing more frustrating than this current situation.

And I’m only helping to solve a case in a town I happened to pa.s.s, in a land that has nothing at all to do with s.h.i.+n Makoku. If I get so restless from something of this level, then those past kings who couldn’t handle things themselves must have been even more anxious.

“What song is that?”


It seems I had started singing a familiar tune without realizing it. Only I can’t really remember the lyrics, so it’s no different from humming it. That was the song I heard on the first day I stepped onto Seisakoku, the song sung by the people who supported Hazel, Venera.

Back then I thought it sounded familiar, but I didn’t think it’s a hymn from Earth. Hazel who came to this land on her own so long ago, treated it as a connection between herself and her hometown, singing and humming it constantly. She edited the lyrics, changed the religious target, and slowly spread it in this world.

“This is the song Hazel… Venera sings, I guess she’s praising the G.o.d in her heart.”

Right now the one they praise isn’t G.o.d, but bravery. The one that even I’m praying to, isn’t the repenting slave traders, but every citizen of Seisakoku.

“This is an Earth song.”

“So you’re saying, that old lady grew up in the same place as you!?”

“Different countries, though.”

“You never met her while on Earth?”

“Of course not! You should know how many people there are on Earth.”

I raise my chin to look out of the window, the world outside is so bright. Although it’s long since afternoon, the color of the blue sky and white clouds is different, so the sky is still bright enough for me to differentiate it.

“Venera sure is impressive.”

“Although she’s not young anymore, she is indeed very sharp.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

I didn’t think Wolfram would respond to my mumbling, maybe it’s because we’re both casualties, so we sort of pity each other.

“She came to Seisakoku alone, and survived until now even though she doesn’t know the language or the environment. Not only did she survive, she even worries about the situation in this country, and tries to release those slaves who are unfairly treated, leading everyone to resist. And they’re not doing it violently, either, but peacefully. Eh, is this what they mean by a policy of non-resistance? Anyway she’s really impressive, you know, I can’t match up to her at all.”

“Aren’t you trying to solve everything peacefully, too?”

“But I always get help from everyone around me, and the strategies I come up with never go smoothly, most of the time I rely on coincidence and luck. All I can say is that I’m lucky, that’s how I made it safely until now.”

“Don’t say something so unlucky, what do you mean, never go smoothly…”

He’s right, no one would think such unlucky thoughts in the middle of an operation.

There’s the sound of running footsteps from the corridor, Wolfram holds his sword in his hand, and makes the sound of pus.h.i.+ng the blade out of its sheath.


“Stay here, don’t move.”

He kicks the floorboard once and goes around behind the table, causing a breeze behind him—he should have run to the door.

Just as the wooden door is kicked open, the sound and movements of the enemy rushes in, together with male voices cursing, and the metallic clang of clas.h.i.+ng weapons. c.r.a.p, there’s quite a few of them.

“Wolf! Don’t force yourself…”

“Stay there, don’t move!”

The sound of clas.h.i.+ng blades which I can’t get used to no matter how many times I hear it, vibrates the air and the room, making me so scared I want to cover up my ears. Although I’m really worried about Wolfram, fighting against multiple opponents, but right now I can’t do a thing to help. Forget helping, it’s all I can do protect myself.

“Wolf…? Wolfram!?”

It feels as though time is crawling past, but in reality it’s probably only been two minutes. I sense the sound of clas.h.i.+ng swords and the impacts coming through the floorboards slowly fading, so I called Wolfram’s name.

“Wolf, are you alright!? Talk to me!”

“As if that needs saying.”

His steps are nimble as he walks back to my side, and his voice sounds energetic too. But there’s the smell of blood emanating throughout the room, and from his body as well. He probably notices my uneasiness, saying before I ask,

“I’m not hurt, this is all their blood, but they’re not dead. Because you would probably say ‘tie them into their horses and send them back’ right?”

“Are you really okay?”

“Of course I am. What happened to Yuuri? After your vision got worse, you start worrying about nothing too?”

“No, of course not!”

“How could lackeys like that hurt me? The wound on my stomach is almost healed now, too, not a problem at all. Why don’t you touch it and see—But first you must promise me you won’t use maryoku—”

Before we can discuss that, there are already new footsteps infiltrating the room, and slowly approaching us.

“Looks like this isn’t the time to chat.”

The people this time are warier than before, they don’t plan on barging in like that.

Wolfram swings his sword, hard, throwing off the blood and fats that reduce its efficiency.

“What on earth is this? d.a.m.n, what’s happening?”

“I don’t know, either.”

If everything goes according to plan, there shouldn’t be enemies barging in. Don’t tell me something happened to Conrad or Hazel?

I have an urge to run out and yell, “What happened!?” Although I know that will only cause a bother for everyone, but I really can’t stop my legs das.h.i.+ng forward.

Right then my sensitive ears hear a light tapping on the gla.s.s, and someone calling me in a low voice.

“Your Majesty.”


Hazel Graves is outside the window, bending her body and calling me. Perhaps because she swam to avoid enemy detection, her hair is wet.

“What happened?”

“All I can say is we were unlucky, and came across the other equestrian tribe.”

“What did you say!?”

“They’re warring over the water rights, as long as one side makes a move, the other naturally cannot fall behind. Although there aren’t a lot of them, but they’re already leading their troops and rus.h.i.+ng over here.”

“Even those who stay in the north-east?”

I sense that Hazel is nodding, and she says in Venera’s tone,

“It seems so.”

“When you say there aren’t a lot of them, around how many do you mean?”

“Over fifty. But it’s strange, the fake intel we released got into their ears within a night. Although it’s upsetting, from the way things are looking, even the north-north-west equestrian tribe has spies here.”

“Now isn’t the time to worry about others!”

“That’s exactly right.”

I keep getting the feeling she sounds very happy, she really is a brave person.

“The problem is they’re very cunning. They have quite a few s.h.i.+nzoku who can use offensive houjutsu, I’m afraid those were brought out from the facility in the north.”

“How are our losses? Did anyone get hurt?”

She chuckles once, but her voice doesn’t sound like she’s looking down on me,

“Your Majesty, you really are gentle. We’re fine, the soldiers and Captain-san protected us with their lives, only Ajira and his cousin were slightly grazed. Lord Weller is stopping the equestrian people from entering through the west side of the civilian houses, although I don’t know if the water purifiers are okay, but he will be fine.”

“Thank goodness.”

“Wait a sec, it’s still too early to relax. The enemies PRINCE put down are a new force that just entered, I’m here to help Your Majesty and the others escape. Two equestrian tribes attacking at once, at the way this is going the chances of a battle breaking out on the streets is very high, so the houses nearby are dangerous too, we have to leave here as soon as possible.”


Before I can yell a warning, Wolfram has already engaged the enemy. The sound of metal and clashes once again rings out in the dining room.

“Wolf, get ready to leave!”

“Are we running away!?”

“Of course we’re escaping! But the townspeople here need to get away too, right? Aren’t those guys trying to break into civilian houses?”

“That’s right, they plan on destroying the water purifiers too, as a warning to the others. But as long as we lead the townspeople away, there won’t be any more serious casualties.”

“Anyway we have to try and see. Wolfram! Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.”

I was just thinking that the room has gotten quiet again, it turns out the soldiers that barged in afterwards were dealt with as well. Last time I have heard that his swordsmans.h.i.+p is strong, but I never thought he would be this strong, completely different from the Lord von Bielefeld I know, could it be that he’s been possessed by the sword G.o.d?

Could it be…

“I don’t know why, but the sword feels lighter than usual, and the enemy attacks look really slow too. It’s as though they’re being held back by some invisible tentacles, so they move clumsily.”

“Maybe it’s not tentacles, but hair…”

What a scary ‘Günter’s Protection’, new victims of the curse keep showing up.

“Alright, Your Majesty, there’s no time to take it slow anymore.”

“Okay, my foot is on the windowsill, right? It’s too dark, I can’t be sure.”

As I prepare to step across the window, Hazel tells me in a tone of sympathy,

“Your eyes still haven’t recovered? Ah~~ No problem, your footing is very stable, the ground underneath is sandy, so even if you jump down it’s okay, PRINCE, you come out too.”

If it was Wolfram’s usual att.i.tude, he would definitely have a fit if a slave ordered him around like that, but today he’s different, and actually followed the old lady’s words obediently.

I’m guessing it’s because my praise for Hazel is having an effect, otherwise it must be because of ‘Günter’s Protection’. But no matter how others say it’s effective, I wouldn’t carry a pouch knitted from Günter’s hair with me even if you killed me. That’s no different from carrying a mini Günta[2] around with me everywhere…


“What is it?”

I remember that ‘there’s someone else we must take with us’. Since we’re escaping, of course we would have to take Saralegui with us. Since he was locked in the single room, I nearly forgot.

When I pull open the door to the tool closet, Saralegui yawns wide, saying in a voice blurred with sleep,

“What is it~~ Is it morning now?”

“No, sheesh--! We’re escaping, Sara come with me!”

“Escape… Why… Could it be I made Mother angry again…?”


I’ve never been called with such a fancy t.i.tle[3] before, so for a second I don’t understand what Saralegui is saying.

“Why does Mother only get angry at me? Yels.h.i.+, does Mother really hate me… Just because I’m not like you, who can use houryoku…”


Since he’s talking in such an upset tone, I can’t help but want to ask what he’s dreaming about. After asking, I also want to grip his hands tightly and say, “Your dreams aren’t the while reality.” But that’s impossible. The situation is desperate, and more importantly I don’t even know where Saralegui’s hands are.

“I said so before.”

I grab his clothes with my uninjured hand, pulling him up forcefully.

“I think your mom doesn’t hate you. Alright, stand up, ‘Your Majesty’ Saralegui. If you still don’t wake up, I’m tossing you down!”

References ↑ The word for curious can also mean, having weird tastes. So this sentence can alternatively be translated as "You sure have weird tastes, huh, Yuuri?!". ↑ Günter + Shota XD ↑ I think it’s ‘Okaa-sama’, basically there’s a ‘-sama’ at the back.