Kyou kara Ma no Tsuku Jiyuugyou!

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Someone said once, that there’s no such thing as an endless night in this world.

Even so, is there really no way to prevent the sun from setting in the west? But even as I mutter that wish, unattainable from neither the scientific nor the astronomical point of view, to myself, the evening sun in Seisakoku continues to fall cruelly.

The red sun sinks into the horizon on the left, even further away than the tombs. The orange-red sky is almost all gone, darkness rus.h.i.+ng in from all directions.

The time is up.

I stand in front of Wolfram, Conrad, Hazel and Adalbert, presenting my strategy after some tweaks—although I feel as though it got worse after the tweaking.

I didn’t let Saralegui join the meeting. He’s been staring at the direction Yels.h.i.+ is, kicking the sand underneath his feet non-stop. Are you a kid?

“This isn’t a hostage exchange, but taking turns being the hostage. I’ve decided to become the hostage on my own will.”

I’d long expected to hear protests, so before Wolfram says anything, I announce my reasons, “I’m physically stronger, so I’ll be easier to rescue than Murata, who can’t move. At the very least I can still move on my feet, and I don’t have to worry about being trampled by hoofs either. As long as the hostage is unharmed, he’d also be more likely to grab a chance and get away on his own.”

“I see, it makes sense.”

I didn’t expect Wolfram to nod twice, accepting my rookie opinion.

“It makes sense, huh? If I could phrase it better, not only would I be able to fight for enough time, I might even be able to beg forgiveness by telling bedtime stories.”

“How amazing, Your Majesty, you might even buy us a thousand and one nights’ worth of time if all goes well.”

Hazel laughs, and then returns to that expression of a grandma worried about her grandkid,

“In that case, it won’t change the risk to the hostage character, do PRINCE and Lord Weller really not mind? You guys are His Majesty’s bodyguards, right? How could you let your monarch face such danger?”

“I only listen to the king.”

Wolfram accepts my opinion obediently this time too.

Lord Weller stays silent, musing. After all he is the amba.s.sador from Dai s.h.i.+maron, so he has to find a way to compromise without harming the country’s benefits. But if his previous words weren’t a lie, he would probably take the mazoku’s opinions into account too.

Adalbert takes a torch from the equestrian people, sticking it into the fire desperately. He doesn’t seem to have the slightest bit of interest in the hostage exchange.

Hazel looks around her, saying in a slightly deeper tone,

“Since he himself said so, I’m fine with it as well.”

“But of course, I don’t plan to stay in their hands.”

In order to dispel her unease, I add,

“Please rendezvous with the other search teams, prepare everything and then return to rescue me. I won’t say something like an elementary school student such as ‘it’s embarra.s.sing to be rescued’, so please, you must save me… and that one.”

In front of my chin, Saralegui is still kicking sand. Even though Ajira and his cousin walk past him carrying dried gra.s.s, he has absolutely no intention of helping.

“If you have time, help collect firewood. If we don’t have a fire, everything else is forfeit.”

This isn’t the city center with neon lights and flas.h.i.+ng traffic lights, but a desert where there isn’t even a house’s lamps. Once the night has completely fallen, it’ll be totally pitch black. Even if we don’t have a campfire for roasting marshmallows, we still really need a fire and torches for illumination.

Besides that the temperature will also drop drastically too—I already started rubbing my hands together, the weather already feels rather cold.

On the other hand, forget campfires, the enemy camp hasn’t even lit torches. Although there’s a tiny light in the middle of the camp where Yels.h.i.+ is, there isn’t a shred of light amongst the other soldiers.

They’re standing under the moonlight without a worry, not giving two hoots about us, searching for precious fire fuel everywhere.

Thinking about it, most of them are corpses, so they won’t worry about what happens when the night gets too dark to see in, they can’t see anything to start with. Forget their eyes or corneas, even their eyeb.a.l.l.s would have more or less fallen out by now.

“They won’t be bothered even without light, huh?”

Covered from head to toe in sand, I approach Saralegui and say,

“That’s enough, Sara, stop throwing your tantrums, stop acting like my dog at home.”

“Mind your own business.”

“Where did that ‘natural-born king’ att.i.tude of yours fly off to?”

“That’s why I’m throwing a tantrum. Because in a moment, I’ll become a hostage not of my own volition, but because someone else made the decision on their own.”

“Like I said, that’s just a temporary plan. To save Murata, this is the best method—it’s the best method for you, too. Didn’t I said we’d come back alive?”

Sara just looks at me wordlessly.

“But we need time, we have to wait for the reinforcements, so we can gather enough firepower. That’s why now we need to buy time, you got it? Haven’t you been king of a large country for two years now? Aren’t you more capable than me, didn’t you create a lot more strategies than I have?”

“But even if I create a strategy now, I don’t have soldiers to obey me.”


“Looks like I’ll have to give up my own free will, and exchange hostages together with you. I’m asking you, if we were imprisoned by Yels.h.i.+, what do you think will happen?”


I expect that hostilities would start again within a day and a night, so all I can imagine a desert journey surrounded by zombies, but Saralegui suggests a surprising long-term development,

“He would definitely force us to sign a contract that’s beneficial to Seisakoku, and then keep us under house arrest after his plan succeeds, where he’ll force feed delicious food to us, and make us fat as pigs.”

“The first half is what you did before.”

I’m about to say ‘you brothers are just the same’ when I remember Yels.h.i.+’s true thoughts that had been transmitted into my brain. Sara, maybe we won’t be forced to sign a contract. It’s more direct to use the hostages and control the other countries as he likes, that’s what Yels.h.i.+ is really thinking.

In that case, the younger brother’s opinion is more flexible. As for Saralegui, who wants to do everything the official way, he should be the common sense type.

“And then he’ll bring me, all fat and ugly, to show the public. Goodness, everyone will be so completely disappointed, complaining about how the beautiful king of the past is now ugly as a toad.”

“How long do you think we’ll be held under house arrest? And your imagination is way too wild. How about this, while we’re hostages, why don’t you work out with me? Burn off the calories we eat with push-ups and frog jumps, then when we’re released, you’ll have become a muscleman. Once you have the ideal body, your people would love you more too.”

“I hate working out.”

Discovered, an enemy of exercise!

“Then how about this, we’ll send a few people with fast horses to the port while we’re preparing, and they can return to Shou s.h.i.+maron then report that the king is trouble? That way, there would be many soldiers who obey your orders rus.h.i.+ng here.”

“Do you know how much time that will take? And you probably haven’t forgotten how hard it is to enter and leave Seisakoku, right? Without pa.s.sing through those nightmarish seas, there’s no way the orders would reach Shou s.h.i.+maron.”


I’d better not tell him there’s a route that circles the continent and avoids those seas, just take it as an advantageous piece of information specific to mazoku.

Saralegui harrumphs with his nose, pouting like a p.i.s.sed-off child,

“There’s no other way.”

I’ve always been envious of him. Although he’s really young, but be it his manner of speaking, acting or thinking, he’s always very kingly, and sometimes I’m rather fond of his arrogance too. I believed deeply that as long as I did my best to survive, and receive all the proper education, even a regular rough guy would be able to become an impressive boy king like him.

But since we came here, I kept away those envious thoughts. Now, instead, I feel really sad.

Saralegui’s unrelenting gaze sparkles gold underneath the weak rays of light, but he’s scared, scared that he would soon be controlled by the enemy. Even if it’s only temporary, he’s scared that the world won’t turn according to his will—because in the past, his world always revolved around him.

People who have never tasted failure sure are unfortunate.

To me, who’s always been failing from the start, failure is considered a very natural thing; but to Saralegui, who’s never experienced it, there’s no better way to describe it other than a nightmare come true.

“If you want to escape, go ahead on your own.”

The Shou s.h.i.+maron king asks, surprised,


“If you’re scared to become a hostage with me in the enemy camp, you can escape quietly. I’ll give you a horse, and I can let you take some equestrian people with you as bodyguards as well. If you escape to their encampment, they might mistake you for Yels.h.i.+ and catch you for ransom. If you think that’s a lesser threat to your life, then go ahead, I won’t blame you.”

“But if I escape, Yels.h.i.+ won’t release your friend, y’know?”

“We’ll figure out a way to solve that problem.”

From the corner of my eye, I spy Conrad and Wolfram discussing something. Maybe they want to tell me the results of their discussion, because Wolfram nods at me with a mysterious-like expression.

Hazel is helping Ajira and his cousin, trying their best to make the dried gra.s.s into a torch. But Adalbert, who’s considerate of the elderly, takes the work away from her hands and continues doing it.

As for the equestrian people waiting at a distance behind, because the flames in their hands are too close to the ground, they’re not helping much with the illumination.

This is the current situation.

“I will figure out a way to solve it.”

These are all the resources I have.

Yels.h.i.+ appears riding on a white horse, holding a small lamp. He’s not in the front of the pack, but two rows of undead behind, advancing together with other cavalrymen.

My mind is full of stupid things like ‘not only is his steed pure white, he’s as white as the horse himself, so it mustn’t be easy for him to survive in the desert, huh?’ There’s even a confused ‘with such a small lamp, he probably can’t even see how many fingers he has, can he?’

I’m still standing on my own two feet in the sand. After all, the brown horse I was riding had been borrowed from the equestrian people, so by now it’s already exhausted.

“The sun has set.”

Yels.h.i.+ speaks simple common language, his relaxed tone carrying a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt,

“Hand over the Maou and Saralegui.”

“I know.”

The lamp Yels.h.i.+ is holding is really too small, so I can only locate Murata, lying on the ground, by moonlight. Is he sleeping? I wonder if he’s a bit better now.

The moonlight also s.h.i.+nes on Josak, on horseback. Gurrier Josak—or a man who looks a lot like him. If I wanted to determine his expression, the moonlight now still isn’t bright enough.

I want to bring them back together.

Standing in our frontlines, I say loudly,

“I agree to exchange hostages. I’m heading there right now.”

“Then Sara?”

Yels.h.i.+ seems to be tilting his head, his hair sliding to the side.

“Due to Saralegui’s position, I cannot interfere with him under my jurisdiction.”


I take a deep breath, and continue.

“He is from Shou s.h.i.+maron, we mazoku have no right to decide His Majesty Saralegui’s future! If you want to take away His Majesty Saralegui no matter what, then deal with Shou s.h.i.+maron directly!”

To be honest, he’s not even here anymore. Not long ago I had let him escape under the cover of dusk, even giving him an easily manageable horse plus an equestrian tribe bodyguard. Besides that, I also reminded him not to light his lamp before getting a certain distance away, even telling him to go in a specified direction.

He was a Shou s.h.i.+maron person to start with, plus he’s the boy king of a large country. He has no obligation to obey my orders, neither do I have the right to order him.

The cards in my hand don’t include Saralegui.

Maybe he understands that it’s no use no matter how he asks, because Yels.h.i.+’s tone becomes slightly anxious,

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

Yels.h.i.+ gives his men a simple order, and two horses leave immediately. Lucky, now the enemy has two fewer soldiers.

Get as far away as you can, Sara—Although he hasn’t done anything good for me to pray for him, I still say that quietly in my heart.

“By the way, the only hostage you have is Murata, right? But you’re asking to exchange him with two people, isn’t that way too unfair? Technically I should be more than enough!”

I don’t wait for Yels.h.i.+ to reply, turning around immediately and walking towards the tent where the horses are gathered. I choose a docile horse and check if the saddle is steady. To prevent myself from tripping, I even tied up my cloak carefully.

“I wonder if we stand a chance…?”

Hazel looks at me silently, the corners of her lips rising as she murmurs. The light from the small fire allows me to see my companions’ expressions clearly, and it puts my heart considerably at ease.

“This is your first time going into a battle without standing a chance?”

“Of course not, I’ve been facing situations like this all the while.”

“Or do you always win your battles?”

“Not that, either.”

“No no no, I can see from your expression, you should stand a rather high chance. According to my many years’ of experience observing people, I can tell just by your expression.”

“Does this count as fortune-telling?”

The old lady laughs, shaking her head. A thousand things are running through my head, but all I can say is,

“Hazel… No matter what, don’t get hurt.”

“Why so suddenly?”

I came here on a request to save you, but the problem is not only did I fail to save you, I even put you in more danger. I feel guilty towards those children.

I didn’t think that it would be so hard to get onto a horse. I step on the stirrup with my left foot, straightening up my body in one go with my arm strength, and then move my right leg onto the other side—but just a moment’s distraction will mess it up.

“Do you plan on going alone?”

Wolfram walks up to me quickly, perhaps to help me out.

“No, I’m taking Ajira with me. Although I feel bad for asking him, I still need a translator. Although I think it’s not too possible, but Wolfram, um…”

“What is it?”

“Don’t you come with me now.”

Lord von Bielefeld narrows his eyes, saying in a calm voice,

“If milord just says the word, I would gladly go to the ends of the earth for you.”

He’s sounding all polite and respectful again, even though he knows very well I can’t handle him at all when he’s like this.

“Stop joking around, I’m going off to be a hostage, how could I possibly let you come along.”

“To be able to do even the slightest thing for Your Majesty, is my utmost pride and glory.”

“T-thank you for your kind intentions, but I can’t let you come with me, Lord von Bielefeld.”

I don’t know how many times I’ve come across this situation already. Once the other person treats me so sincerely, I get frustrated and impatient because I feel I need to repay in kind. In the end, I’ll either make it worse, or say a bunch of random things.

“My beloved officer’s life shouldn’t be sacrificed for me, but contributed to the country.”

“The two are one and the same.”

“It’s not like that, Wol…”

That moment just as I’m turning around to face him, a strong impact a.s.saults my stomach, and I nearly stop breathing. My mind goes blank for about five seconds, and I’ve no idea what happened, only managing to kneel on the ground, groaning in pain. I try to take in a breath so hard, but I can’t do it.

“Wolf… What did… you do…”

“I’m sorry.”

By the time I realize that I had taken a punch from him, he’s already taken off my hooded cloak. I’m all curled up, lying on the sand, the pain making me hold my stomach, unable to breathe. It’s obviously already night time, yet my eyes are filled with a sea of red, my throat making a piercing sound, and still the air doesn’t enter my lungs.


A strong and forceful hand suddenly grabs my jaw, closing my mouth so I can’t make a sound. I can’t stop the tears from flowing due to the pain.

“See, once you let your guard down, tragedy will strike.”

I open my mouth like a fish, but can’t breathe normally because of that palm. The tears well from the corners of my eyes and slide down my cheeks, wetting his fingers.

“Shh—Hey, don’t bite me, my fingers aren’t food.”

He drags me behind the horse, my body almost suspended in the air with only the b.a.l.l.s of my feet touching the ground, while my back is leaning on Adalbert’s st.u.r.dy pectorals.

“It’s because the third son made the move that you’re suffering so much now, this way you’ll be hurting for another two, three days. If it were up to me from the start, I just had to give you one blow to the heart and you’d be out cold.”

My vision finally returns to normal. In front of my eyes, blurred with tears of pain, I see two familiar figures. The shorter one quickly puts on the hooded cloak, as though scared of being seen. As my sight clears up, I see the other figure, undisguised.

The figure on the horse in just in between us and Yels.h.i.+, but he seems to be closer to us.

Adalbert is m.u.f.fling my mouth as I murmur,


Why is it Conrad and Wolfram?

The translator and I never stepped out from our frontlines, so why are Conrad and Wolfram going to Yels.h.i.+?

“Your Majesty the Emperor of Seisakoku!”

Lord Weller yells out to Yels.h.i.+. Although I can only see his brown hair and back, I still know what expression he’s wearing as he starts the negotiations. He must be calm and collected, his brow creased but not as bad as his older brother, a small smile on his lips.

But once I hear his next words, even I can’t guess his expression anymore—Because Conrad holds his little brother’s shoulders lightly as he says,

“I’m taking His Majesty Yuuri over there now.”


I can’t voice my question. Even if my mouth wasn’t covered, the sound I make is still unbelievably hoa.r.s.e.

Who did he say he was taking to Yels.h.i.+… His Majesty Yuuri… Me?

“I wonder if it’ll work, huh. Although the body shape is about the same, but everything will be ruined once the other side sees his hair. If right now the hood is taken off, it’ll all be over.”

Adalbert mutters into my ear,

“Now we can only pray the wind won’t blow.”

Ahead, Lord Weller raises his right hand to show he isn’t hostile,



“As for the matter of the Shou s.h.i.+maron King, Saralegui’s escape just now, I have a suggestion here. I am Lord Weller, partic.i.p.ating in this journey as the amba.s.sador of Dai s.h.i.+maron. I’m also in charge of overseeing His Majesty Saralegui’s actions as the suzerain of Shou s.h.i.+maron.”

Since the enemy has the hostage Murata, they can’t simply walk to the middle, and thus they stop where they are and continue speaking to Yels.h.i.+,

“That’s why, regarding His Majesty Saralegui’s actions, I have to bear responsibility as well. From Dai s.h.i.+maron’s point of view, I don’t wish to ruin Your Majesty the Emperor of Seisakoku’s mood with this diplomacy trip, which would then affect the relations.h.i.+p to be built in the future between you and Shou s.h.i.+maron, or even Dai s.h.i.+maron. Therefore, Your Majesty Yels.h.i.+—”

A breeze interrupts Conrad’s speech, and scares me until I shake uncontrollably. Thankfully the breeze only slightly moves the grey cloth.

“Could you please restate the requests you have of His Majesty Saralegui? I hope you can tell me what your country wants from Shou s.h.i.+maron. If possible, we, Dai s.h.i.+maron, will discuss your requests in place of Shou s.h.i.+maron, and hand this person—”

He pushes Wolfram softly,

“—The Maou of s.h.i.+n Makoku, His Majesty Yuuri, as a gift to you.”

No, that’s Wolfram, not me.

My stomach, having taken a fist, hurts even more. The vision that had cleared blurs once again.

“Forgive me for being rude, but if it’s to do with Shou s.h.i.+maron’s national matters, I think I should be of use.”

Just as usual, his tone puts the listener at ease, or it could be because of his smile.

“In order to successfully solve this hostage incident, we have been mentally prepared to fulfill all your requests. If you can understand our Dai s.h.i.+maron’s position, there may be more room for discussion.”

What does that mean? What is that person saying?

“He’s showing that his position is fairly important.”


“You haven’t heard?”

Covering my mouth, Adalberts whispers,

“Lord Weller suddenly came to Dai s.h.i.+maron one day, and became an unmistakable presence among the high officials in no time at all. Of course it helps that his swordsmans.h.i.+p is exceptional, but that’s not the most important reason.”

I touch Adalbert’s finger, and he relaxes his hand a little too. This way not only can I breathe easily, I can talk as well.

“After all, to the common folk, he’s His Excellency the Prince.”

“Because he’s Lady Cheri’s…”

“Not that.”

I look at Conrad and Wolfram’s backs, as I listen to ‘Lord Weller’s’ situation in the foreign country.

“Weller’s ancestors used to be the kings that ruled over part of Dai s.h.i.+maron. But halfway through, they were forced to change their name and kept under house arrest in the castle, until his father"s generation left the country. You should know ‘im, right? Yup, it’s Dunheely Weller. The man who was in love… had an intimate relations.h.i.+p with the mazoku queen. Although I heard this rumor before, when I saw that actual doc.u.ments also mentioned this incident, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Don’t you find it ironic? The descendants of the king who were chased out of the human country, actually ended up with the ruler of the mazoku. And besides—”

Since Adalbert is suppressing his laughter, his wide pectorals are trembling non-stop.

“Speaking of being exiled from the homeland, the truth is the same goes for us Ten Aistocrats.”

The Conrad in front of my eyes continues to talk in an even deeper, steadier voice, his voice so soft we can’t hear it.

“To you, Conrad’s impression in our eyes is very capable even if people do complain about him, he’s a brilliant soldier, and he’s also Her Majesty the Maou’s second son. But that’s not the case for those guys in Dai s.h.i.+maron. After all, there are many people in the continent s.h.i.+maron is governing who still support his ancestors, that’s why even if the current king Berard wants desperately to cut him down, he can’t show it on the surface. Besides, rumor has it that some of the people holding important positions at the palace secretly still respect the exiled royalty a lot.”

“To them, Conrad is…”

“Practically a messiah-like existence, just like a religion. Though my position right now is of a messiah as well.”

I recall Berard the Fourth and Second that I faced off a few times before. Although they’re uncle and nephew, the two of them don’t get along at all. If another opponent shows up with a lot of secret supporters—

“Berard wouldn’t like that, huh…”

“That’s why it’s complicated.

“If they’re hostile, they would incur the dislike of those who wors.h.i.+p the Weller family; if they raise their hands in welcome, they would harm the political authority they have now. That’s why Berard decided to treat the descendant of the exiled royalty with a respectful, open-hearted att.i.tude, welcoming Lord Weller Conrad as Dai s.h.i.+maron’s friend and guest. For Berard, he wanted to show off his own generosity, but instead he was met by a lot of dissatisfaction, from those who think he gave the newbie too much freedom.”

“Isn’t that really dangerous? For all you know those people who are unsatisfied might try to him.”

“I don’t know—Maybe he expected this sort of result from the start, and still went back to Dai s.h.i.+maron. But after he went back, there have been quite a few shocking rumors.”

“Don’t tell me they’re plans!?”

I turn my head to stare at Adalbert’s blue eyes, and the hand around my mouth naturally lets go as well.

“Either that, or someone in Dai s.h.i.+maron wants to kill Conrad, who’s in the way.”

“Of course not, the rumors are that his previously peaceful wors.h.i.+ppers are starting to move in secret. I heard that there’s a bunch of underground communications that cannot be known to the public.”

This reminds me of something he said.

I went to sow seeds.


What kind of seeds did you go to Dai s.h.i.+maron to sow?

Even if my heart is full of questions, Lord Weller’s discussions with the Seisakoku emperor continue on unperturbed. Conrad raises the torch up high, saying something to Yels.h.i.+. Because the torch is raised high, and the light finally reaches the frontlines of the enemy camp, I manage to see Murata’s body move a little.


I can’t help but want to rush forward, desperately breaking away from the thick arms holding me captive.

“Hey, don’t squirm around!”

But I’m immediately captured again, the pain in my abdomen making me weak. Plus, my muscles can’t beat his.

“Let go of me, Adalbert! I can’t not go!”

“Sorry, that’s impossible. I was asked not to let you, the real thing, escape while they’re going there in your place. Did you think those two would offer their beloved king to the enemy? If you really did think so, there’s a major problem with your brain.”

Adalbert lifts me up with his arms and gets on horseback. The original plan was to use this method to grab Murata and then run full speed away, but now I’m the one carried onto a horse instead. How did it end up like this!?

“This is those guys’ decision – even if they have to sacrifice their lives, they will let their beloved lord escape, how loyal of them! As for my loyalty, I threw it away into a toilet on my journeys a long time ago.”

“Wait a sec! Just wait, d.a.m.nit! What sacrifice! I don’t want things to end up like that! I didn’t ask them to do it, how could you let them do it!? Is this a secret rebellion? Hazel, this counts as rebellion, right!?”

“Unfortunately, Your Majesty...”

Hearing me call her in English, Hazel Graves shakes her head of white hair,

“All I see is self-sacrifice for their lord.”

I really shouldn’t have asked a Christian like her.

“Hey hey hey, Your Majesty! Didn’t I tell you to pipe down? Thank goodness you weren’t discovered, we have to take this chance and get out of here. You stay still a bit, I won’t treat you bad.”

“But Murata, and Wolfram, once he’s discovered to be a fake…”

“Hold on a sec, Your Majesty!”

Hazel says, simply and efficiently, in a low voice to grab my attention. She points at the enemy lines behind Conrad, in other words at the feet of the man that looks like Josak. My gaze follows the direction her finger is pointing, and I can’t help but yelp in surprise.

Murata, who had been lying on the ground, is trying to support his upper body with his hands. He couldn’t possibly have heard me, but when I called my friend’s name in this faraway place, he seems to have regained consciousness.

The problem is the next second.

“Your Eminence!”

Conrad calls out to him. Murata probably can’t see his face without his, but he should be able to know who the newcomer is judging from the voice. Hearing a friendly voice from his own side should put his heart slightly at ease.

But instead of feeling comforted, Murata makes a sound like a wail,

“Why is Lord Weller here!”

With that not only us, even Yels.h.i.+ is taken by surprise. The man that was unconscious on the ground, suddenly makes a sound that reverberates everywhere. Where did he get that strength from? But what surprises me isn’t his powerful voice.

“No! Lord von Bielefeld and Lord Weller mustn’t come here!”

“Your Eminence!?”

“Your Majesty the Emperor! Your Majesty the Emperor of Seisakoku! Anybody, anybody, just help me translate! These two people have no authority whatsoever, they don’t have any power or a.s.sets even after they return to the country. Don’t exchange me with those two!”

Putting Conrad aside, I don’t know how Murata discovered it was Wolfram, but he really is desperate to stop them advancing any further.

“They’re trying to trick you, Emperor of Seisakoku! They plan on sending two people who are strong in martial arts to kill me in case I pose a threat to them later! You can’t let them get near! They plan on taking Your Majesty the Emperor’s life after they’ve dealt with me! You mustn’t make a deal with them!”

Why is he resisting so stubbornly? But I immediately think of the reason.

The Box in the stone room…

I think Murata said something like that?

I hear a short murmur from behind me, and the power gripping me instantly relaxes. So I throw caution to the winds and desperately wave my limbs to break free from Adalbert’s grasp, only to fall off the horse as a result. My waist is. .h.i.t with an intense impact, but now isn’t the time to yell in pain.

Hazel was forced into this world by the Box running out of control, and then Murata told me in j.a.panese that the Box is in the tomb. In that case…

“Over here!”

Even if I stumble due to my feet sinking into the sand, I still dash forth with everything I have.

I must not let Conrad near the Box!

I’m afraid even Wolfram can’t be allowed near it. Since Murata said that, it’s highly likely Lord von Bielefeld is a hazard risk related to the Box as well. No matter what, I can’t let the two of them go anywhere near the forbidden Boxes.

The tragedy of Caloria must never be repeated!

“I’m here!”

All eyes gather on me.

It took a while, but I was supposed to be the hostage from the very start anyway.