Lacrimosa's Monochrome And Prima Donna: 1st Arc

Chapter 9

"In much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow"

-King Solomon

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The teacher"s sudden appearance has completely break the leisure of indolent silence and more active noises began its intrusion in the four corners of the cla.s.s, which prior was like a stronghold of formality because of the Prima Donna"s presence, and to whom I recently obtained permission to call her by her name"s first two syllables, "Celes". Nope, It"s not like I"m happy or anything, I am more worried and concerned as to how I can normally introduce myself to these bunch who look at me like i"m some sort of an economic big shot just because I conversed with a famed girl with a Jagger.

"Nays ediya"

A hyped student screamed at the front, showing this rather enthusiastic aura in aggression for such superfluous introductions. He was somehow short and his accent made it seem that he just learned English, which is of course, an integral requirement for anyone who wants admission in AU.

"Ok then, that"s nice to hear, can we start with you?" the preceptor asked the student seated first of the first row while still brus.h.i.+ng off the tiresome look on her face. The student then stood up, showcasing a confident facade whilst wearing an undaunted smile.

First, let me get this straight , I genuinely understand the insignificance and acrimony of "briefly" describing everyone I just knew. It makes me feel like, I am some undercover agent from the CIA here to unveil the mask of a drug lord , but I feel the need to do so otherwise.

"Affirmative teach. Its Zen. Zen Wolfenschstein. I am from the outskirts of Philadelphia USA and probably same as everyone, I attended this school for the new it has to offer and for some other reason. "the first student confidently said maintaining eye contact with almost everyone, except Celes who was beside me and also, me. It was like he was somehow rejecting our coexistence in the cla.s.s. Still, something piqued a bit of my interest as he spoke...

"For some other reasons?" If I were to judge that line, it has some deep meanings hidden amidst an iceberg, as his face suddenly s.h.i.+fted from confidential to worrisome. Yet,I know that I must care less, because as unapparent it may seem, everyone is actually fighting a battle I know nothing about, and for that, they reserve the right for privacy.

"And as for my favorite quote, it"s one from Nietzsche. "What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness"" the Wolfenschstein descent added, with a little vigorous pose at the end.

Well, it is clear that he is going to be the next school heartthrob judging by his physical build, and I bet he also had some brain cells to showcase. Interesting indeed. I mean, it"s not like everyday you get to be cla.s.smates with someone that knows a dime about philosophical literature.

Then the cla.s.s, especially those spicy type of girls who I presume, only had their eyes on hot lads vehemently gave him a round of applause. Yeah right. I guess we have our Mr. Autonomous University Idol of the year, yet I wonder how the renowned Prima Donna is acting, Celes I mean , eheem. Is she perhaps one of those girls that sees only outward appearance?
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But, I was proven wrong the moment my eyes met her direction. She was focused, taking down notes, probably of the names that could be a possible threshold of academic compet.i.tion. Yep. That is certainly what an honor student would call "mundane" and nothing more but a daily paradigm, noting even the slightest bit of information, integral or useless it may be.

"Next!" Ms. Ludenburgh signaled the continuation. A female cla.s.smate which could be cla.s.sified as a "Lolita" under the rules of an animated world then showed herself, she then inhaled thrice the normal and vociferously shouted,with rather a shy yet trying expression...

"H..HI EVERYONE! I... I am Charlotte s.h.i.+rehart, from Britannia. I may be shy bu...but I hope to get along with everybody . Ha...hajimemashte "

Hajimemashte? Oh right, she wants to narrow down the cultural differences, but I think that was rather too superfluous to boot as everybody here came gnas.h.i.+ng the last of their brain cells just to be fluent with the international lexicon. Still, I think that would do the trick (if I were to compare it with myself that is, who have no idea or whatsoever how to introduce myself properly without achieving some mishaps).

Ms. Loli... Ms. s.h.i.+rehart I mean, sat down on her seat looking all flushed by the intense outmaneuvering of self-reserves. The cla.s.s even gave her an acceptable applause and you can even hear boys, 2 or three seats away from her talking all "She"s cute" and as well as Asian girls whispering "Kawaiii", which translates to "cute" in English fortunately.

"Care to introduce yourself mister?" the teacher continued. The next-in-line Asian stood up with this proud and muscular appearance, with chest out and eyes looking directly at the whiteboard.

"Daerenji Nakamura, you can call me "Renji" for short. I am from Kyoto j.a.pan and was the former National president of the country"s Supreme Student Councils"

Oh. We got ourselves another excellency, a leader at that! If I were to guess, he will be this cla.s.s" representative and its rather fortunate to have someone like him around, especially during school events. I made up my mind, I"m gonna give him my privilege of becoming ruler over this cla.s.s. No wait, Celes could probably be a better candidate.

As thoughts came flying to me like that, I could hear the rapid movement of a pen over some rough paper surface at my right side. It"s Celes fortunately.

I took several glimpses of her, while the future cla.s.s representative is still introducing himself without a taint of mediocrity and with lengthy speeches that I myself considered an unessential balderdash. Celes was writing faster, writing down everything that the Renji guy had been spouting so far. I guess she even wrote even the most insignificant ones. It probably is because this guy is the most appealing to be in her academic tier. A clear chance for a cla.s.s rival.

And again, in accordance to Celes accepting a cla.s.s office, I proved myself wrong. Someone as dully compet.i.tive as her probably have no interest or whatsoever on joining any school clubs or holding any cla.s.s office. A consecutive honor student would be usually reading books and studying at all times, and they would rather utilize their time for some personal gain rather than for a certain population. In a more ergonomic phrase, grade-sensitive students will try their hardest to make their school lives as gray as it can be rather than rose-tainted. I can understand the logic at least cause I had been there.

"As for my favorite quote sensei. It"s "Leaders.h.i.+p is not a t.i.tle, but an action and an example." Mr. representative at long last ended of what was supposed to be a normal introduction, spiced to become more like the"s despised speech on the entrance ceremony.

"Arigathanks for that none-pa.s.sive introduction Renji-kun. Well cla.s.s, you got yourself a possible cla.s.s representative" Ms. Ludenburgh said with a little annoyed expression escaping from her young stiffened face, probably because of the time consumed within that one introduction. The cla.s.s then started to cheer for the Renji guy as he slowly got back in his seat, with this leaders.h.i.+p aura.

"Whoooo! Mr. president it is"

"We"re counting on you!"

I can hear those a.s.sured cheers all the way to the back clearly exponentially. Well, that a.s.sures him of the cla.s.s t.i.tle, but, what I can"t seem to understand is why the b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l could someone feel privileged and feel proud at the same time when he knows of the tiresome burdens that he are about to carry? Maybe I"ll find the answer one of these days, with him as the ultimate lab rat. Ok, that was a little bit too harsh. For now, I"ll just be a.s.sured that someone actually reserved the t.i.tle, when others didn"t want it. It would be a pain if we were to randomly choose the representative through a box of rolled paper and my name would be chosen. That would be like, stumbling vis-vis with the spirit of the unlucky.

"Ok let"s move on to the next one." the preceptor advanced the introductions one step closer to me, at a time.

While it may be a little harsh, but honestly the majority took the easy path and introduced themselves normally and were rather too mundane to even take note of, but Celes continued to chatter down on her notebook anyway. Its called being "overly cautious" for those possibilities that are of zeros. But, yeah. We can"t underestimate the value of zeros, same as how you can"t in the game of card"s jokers. While a joker may seem useless, it have the definitive power to turn itself into anything that the holder desires. Same as zeros. While it is empty, it holds an infinite possibility of value. And here I am, an in-consequent plankton acting all philosophical in a dire situation.

Well, anyways, as it literally pains me to say this, I am next in line, I can"t let this turn into "utter" chaos. I must aim for a minimum backlash from the audience while utterly destroying the overly cool image they already had for me.

"Your turn now sir" Ms. Ludenburgh pointed at me with her pointy whiteboard marker.

Sir? Don"t escalate the situation now. While I understand that our cultures vary, and it can even be normal to call one of your students "sir" in some borders, it doesn"t have to be me.

While I slowly stood up with both my hands on my sides, and as the utterance of "sir" came echoing in the room, silence again indulged itself and everyone was staring quite vividly at me, except for Celes of course who"s focus is on her notes alone. It was a scenery of total dullness, but I must muster the remnants of my life force for this introduction. But first, I really must destroy this "big shot" image that they had for me...I"ll make this intro as ubiquitous as it can be, and for that I"ll exercise the use of fillers.

"Uhm. Jaiden Axcel Cendrillon. You can call me Jaiden or whatever it is that you feel comfortable in calling someone. Uhm ...Formality"s unneeded anyway. Let us all be friends. "

"Cendrillon? Now, that"s a little familiar. Hmmmmm" the teacher seemed curious. While I was still standing, with the awkward silence slowly seeping in through my veins, she got closer to me and examined me a bit.

While it is somehow understandable as to how someone her age would make my last name ring a bell, it would be likely detestable if she were to remember something of my past that I want... forgotten.

"Hmmm. I must have been wrong. Let us have some fun this year Jaiden!" enthusiastic Ms. Ludenburgh then added.

"Yes Miss." I answered bowing down my head.

While I was about to sit down, I was interrupted as the nightmare was still to end...

"Oh what about your quote?" The teacher asked.

"Oh right. Uhhhm Hurt someone with the truth, but never let someone be happy with a lie."

What the h.e.l.l is it with me with jokers today. I just uttered that, out of mere sense of immediate action. I never thought that a quote on the end is compulsory.

"Thank you for that sir"

"Please do cease the "sirs" already" I thought, while slowly sitting down.

Unlike the previous introductions, there were no backlash, just plain hand claps. The result was better than expected. It is neutralism at its best but somehow, I feel that I was unable to remove the big shot imagery ,yet the worst challenge for the first day is finally over. Now for the main dish, it was time for the Prima Donna"s intro.

"Ok then, lastly, is Miss....." the teacher casually s.h.i.+fted her focus towards my right, where the last student is situated, but unaware, she got herself a little shocked as to whom she were to deal with.

Truth be told, I have no idea as to what this girl is really capable academically, it is just that, the more I realize how known she is, it veils her more in this mist of mystery. Ms. Ludenburgh was somehow speechless and the environment"s noise dropped down to 20 to 30 decibels or even lower.

"E-eeheem. Ms. Reignsworth... I totally was uninformed of your presence, it is now your turn to introduce yourself, although it may be a little late at this point" The run down, confident teacher, just like everybody else, switched from her casual actions to formal.

"No. To be fair, I must" Celes replied, while standing up from her chair a hundred times more confident than I was . She closed her notes and placed her expensive-looking pen on her uniform"s tight pocket.

"And besides I have something important to canva.s.s" she added.

"O- f course. Everyone please do listen as to what she has to say." Ms. Ludenburgh nervously chattered.

"There"s no need for you to be nervous ma"am. Please don"t make your self more stressful than it already is." the Prima Donna who saw right through the preceptor said, giving the teacher an a.s.sured look in the face, which truly was an expression of a teenage girl who wanted to be treated equally as everyone. It is something without a taint of pride nor of supremacy but of humility.

"R-right. HAAHAHAHAHA" Ms. Ludenburgh burst into laughter probably because of her own thoughts that were wondering as to why a teacher would feel taunted by one of her students.

"Ok then. Ms. Reignsworth" the teacher added, giving the stage to Celes.

" As you have known me... I am the Prima Donna of Germany High...but in here, I am in no place to maintain that t.i.tle, a t.i.tle which I myself consider, as plainly nothing... So please, stop the formality. I am a normal student regarded abnormally just because of my last name and of my academic records, but really, I hope to get along with you all. And one more thing... I hope you can come up to me like how Jaiden approached me earlier. You can let your guard down. I don"t bite." Celes said, with everyone"s attention pointed at her, except not one dared to even look her on the eye, same upon my introduction, but I never really cared though and I presume she wouldn"t also. But, why the h.e.l.l would she make me a primal example? Am I perhaps the first to ever talk to her informally?

As Celes is slowly sitting down, the cla.s.s gave her an applause relatively forced same as mine, but louder.

"Thank you Ms. Reignsworth. Hope we will have a one heck of an academic year together!

"You are welcome ma"am" Celes answered.

"Ok cla.s.s. I hope that you have had given a neuron for each names that were introduced inside your head, and for now please open the student"s handbook which I pa.s.sed into you. I"ll explain some of the rules."

"First, as you are enrolled in this inst.i.tution, you are requested to act in accordance to the international norms, in other words, belittling, bullying, vandalism , inappropriate behavior and negligence of responsibility are a no-no."

"Second. Instead of the former education system that is still implemented around the globe, In this university, we decided to elevate that curriculum that would spell the end the existing mishaps. This paradigm is called the "Merit Educational System or the MES". You can inform yourselves as to what is new in this curricula, by just reading the student handbook in page 2-9, but, I"ll explain to you the most important things to remember."

"MES offers quality education for free, regardless of financial background and it is needless to say that efforts will always be rewarded and the beneficiary will receive more financial aide from the top bra.s.s of the ICC. In other words, the moment you enrolled yourself here at AU, you are gonna start from zero. In here, all of you will start this school year equal....but, the mantra doesn"t end there fortunately..."

Yeah, and I think I know as to where this might led to...

"Gaps will appear by lack of perseverance or effort thereof. So don"t come to me crying when the inst.i.tution will treat you unfairly months from now ok?"

And here it is.

"But, I know, you already came here prepared, so I hope you"ll be receiving the best regards. Now that sums about it. First a.s.signment is for you to read that handbook. That will be for the best. "

A homework already.

"Oh I almost forgot to mention. You will live in dorms for free, just across the street. Building number 3, top floor will be for this cla.s.s and i"ll be staying there too, but in a specialized room."

The moment I heard that, everyone including me was like "Is this true?" I don"t think that features like this will be skipped during the entrance ceremony.

"Ahh yeah, it was a last-minute decision. Some rich businessmen sponsored this and the inst.i.tution agreed as it is also suggested that it makes students build a network of relations.h.i.+p around them. But don"t get me wrong! Not the lewd type of relations.h.i.+p of course ,and teachers were also recommended to join in, you know why? Unfortunately, we are to be the neutralizers in case something peculiar happens. But, as they say, there"s nothing better but free stuff and to stay at a luxurious condominium unit as that is actually the best."

"Now this is a school! In your face grandma, for your attempt to make me work" I thought reminiscing my grandma from afar.

Others were like "Thank G.o.d I can buy a video game", "Awesome, now I can buy the Gucci jacket I saw in a mall earlier, wanna go shopping later?", "We"ll get to stay in the same floor as the Prima Donna? LUCKY!"

Hmmmmm. As for me, I was grateful as to who the h.e.l.l suggested this hospitality, whoever he or she may be, they reserve the right to win the n.o.ble Peace price. Now, I can buy one of those cheap laptops through the pocket money my thrifty grandma gave. Yeah, having a grandma who owns five corporations but have no interest to hook me into the grasp of money can be really tough, but I know it is for the best.

"Sensei, what about food, is that gonna be accommodated as well?" A Filipino descent seated in front of me asked.

"Ha? What are you an aspiring freeloader?" A girl with a perfect skin tone and of beauty which seemed as a long acquaintance of his, said.

"Oh shut up already. Making you come here was really a mistake. Hmph!"

"Well, it"s not like I wanted to be here anyway."

Sweet. It was as if ants were crawling down to my body. A lover"s quarrel perhaps?

"Yiee, Mr. cruz and Miss. Villanueva as much as it might be a little too sugar-laid , your forbidden to act all lovey-dovey inside of the campus you know that right?" Ms. Ludenburgh teased them. Still, she was not to become a young teacher at this inst.i.tution for nothing. I mean, How the h.e.l.l could someone memorize the names just by hearing it once?

"What seems to be all "lovey-dovey ma"am. I would rather die than be like that with this cold woman"

"Yeah, says he who is a hundred percent authentic for females" Ms. Villanueva directly countered the attack with a bit of sarcasm mixed into the formula.

"Well, well... HAHAAHAHAHA such dispaly of youth! "Ms. Ludenburgh intervened.

"As for your question Mr. Cruz, the answer is No. Unfortunately, food will not be provided. You"re gonna need to buy it. " the teacher added.

"Whaaaaa? What a rip off!"

"Can provide a condo unit for free, but not food?"

Complaints like that soon aired. Well, sorry Mr. Hospitality whoever you may be, but humans are always like this. If you give them nothing, they will start complaining, an if you do give them something, they will still find ways to even more complain. Its a byproduct for their insatiable selfishness for free and effortless gain.

"There"s nothing I can do about that. For now, let us be thankful for the free dormitories. Well guys, that is about it for the first day. Formal discussion will start tomorrow at 8 AM sharp, don"t be late till then. Oh, I almost forgot... meet me at the dorm"s lobby for the room a.s.signment later. For now, you can enjoy the rest of the day in your own way. I recommend you start exploring the school. That"s it. Cla.s.s Dismissed. "

Yes. Finally. The moment the preceptor left the cla.s.sroom, everyone was suddenly in a group of their own, even the two who were fighting like couples had their own circle, lucky them. Poor me. Why the h.e.l.l are they distancing themselves from me. its incomprehensible.

"Hey, you"re alone too right?"

Unexpectedly, Celes called into me, as she appears to be ready to leave the cla.s.sroom herself.

"Uhm. Yeah unfortunately, I don"t know why, but the moment I talked with you, everyone was presuming that I am, something which I"m not."

"Well sorry for that."

"Huh? It"s nothing to be sorry about, basically."

"Wanna go for a quick stroll?"

What? The Prima Donna inviting me? I pray it"s not out of pity or anything, yeah I"ll definitely go. But worse is that, another senseless stigma is again gonna be formed. Well, its better than staying here sulking revealing my introvert side.

"It"s not out of pity or anything right?"

"I"ll leave that to your imagination"

"Ok then. It can"t be helped. Guess I"ll be the Prima Donna"s tour guide for a bit."

"I already told you. Celes is the name"

"Ok then Celes. Thanks for the offer"

The moment, I stood up from my seat while taking my bag, I know for the fact that there"s nothing good that might come out of this, but I also know that it is rather unproductive if I were to sit here all day, regardless of the slight chance that someone might actually talk to me. I"ll just make this stroll a sort of review of the map I memorized with before the cla.s.s started earlier. Besides, being accompanied by someone is very new to me.

And just like that, we took our leave while the cla.s.s was destructed from their friend making session version 2.0.

As we walked around the long hallways and through several ground pavements, silence followed us. So, to break through the awkward atmosphere I know that I must be the one to pursue a topic. It could also bring several revelations to me and could serve as a practical training as to how to communicate with a beautiful and overachieving girl.

"So, did you spend your childhood like that?"

"Like what"

"I know, you already know what I"m talking to"

"You"re a sharp one Jaiden maybe you"ll make of a good rival for this year"

"Sorry. I am not that sharp as you expect me to be. I am more of a logical person, but not that highly intellectual. "

"Hmmmmmm. Sounds pretty questionable to me...but, the answer to that question would be no. I was not always like this. Not until, I won an international award for my contribution of a certain scientific study in the age of 14, won national contests such as feature journalism, Math olympiad and several others . before that, I get to have friends and be with people normally. But soon after my dad"s business came booming on our region, I was forced to transfer schools and from there everything changed. Upon knowing my achievements, my new cla.s.smates would not even dare to talk to me. It"s also partly my fault for indulging myself reading books every free time we have, my cla.s.smates back then literally think of me as an academic nerd who built this kind of impregnable barrier around her ... but yeah, the cascade of fortunate events was every bit a disadvantage to my social life."

"A tough life you have there."

"Yeah, but I already adapted to it fundamentally. How about you? I cant also see or imagine you making friends"

"While having friends and someone to rely to is a better option, I always was bad at communicating with people you know. Same as to how our conversation earlier stirred up false stigma of us already knowing each other. It seems like, every time I inspire myself to make ties with someone, my mouth retaliates."

"That"s unfortunate."

"Yeah, but same as you, I already am acquainted to it. So it doesn"t hurt me anymore. "

"I guess, we are pretty similar on some ways."

"You could say that again, although I"m nowhere close on winning any international award"

"How humble. Hey do you think we can make a good couple?"

"Say what now?"

The moment she uttered those line, I stopped and cringed for a bit, but I know... I know deep inside that she is unscrupulously kidding. Imagine, a prodigy in academics talking all about love, it"s clearly implausible.

"You"ll probably make a good girlfriend, but me? Nah! I"m an anti-romantic philanthropist. Trust me, you wouldn"t want me to be what other calls your "boyfriend""

"Oy vey! What a horrible self pity "she responded with a chuckle.

To fiend off the pink vision I am seeing, I suggested something entirely.

"Want to go to the cafeteria? I"m hungry"

"Sure" she replied with a pure smile. Seeing her from this little distance makes her even more beautiful, but I know I must maintain the confident composure .

The moment we got to the luxurious cafeteria, I bought my all time favorite, hamburger while Celes ordered something which should not be in a university cafeteria"s menu. A healthy bowl of salad.

While we were to sit down, the place is filling up with an en of crowd who just finished their first day of cla.s.s. Not a good sign actually ,and as I was about to say it, Celes prompted first otherwise.

"I think its better off eating at the top floor." she suggested which is a normal reaction for almost anyone who spent their teenage in a conserved environment.

"Yeah. Let"s go"I responded.

We got out of the cafeteria without anyone noticing us, a strong strike of luck this time.

As we were on the way to the top floor, whilst holding the paper bags of food we ordered, silence was there. But, unlike the first countenance, I don"t think I am h.e.l.l-bent to always be the lead of a meaningful conversation. It"s time for her to take the lead this time...

But that, never came to be... as she suddenly took a little detour on the topic unprecedentedly, s.h.i.+fting it from meaningful to detrimental.

"Jaiden. How long are you going to hide it?" she asked, with a very serious look in her face.

"What? The only thing that I"m hiding is my di-... (No I take that back)"

"You can"t make a fool out of me you know that. You are a Herrscher aren"t you?"

"Huh, what are you talking about? "I responded.

Honestly, as much as I know that I really can"t make a fool out of her, the more I knew nothing of which she spoke of. Herrschers? What the h.e.l.l are that supposed to be.

"Lacrimosa. She"s your deity isn"t she?"

What? How does she know about Lacrimosa?. For all I am worth, I was the only one who knew of her existence!

From that point on... I extrapolated that the gray and mundane high school life I expected to have in this artificially-made city ,turns out to be not that "gray" at all. It"s probably something that exceeds the extraordinary and the more I think of it, the more vague the subject becomes.

How the h.e.l.l does she know of Lacrimosa?
