Lacrimosa's Monochrome And Prima Donna

Chapter 3

"There is no great genius, without a mixture of madness"


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"Lacrimosa, could you unfreeze my brother now? As well as the bullets... perhaps" .

I said it and yet, I really did not know what was I asking that time. Nor did I know what was I thinking. Or what I was feeling. Interrupted at my thoughts, a voice suddenly expressed its words for admiration as if it"s focusing on a biography of a protagonist on some light-themed novels....

"For a human to be this...fascinating is truly rare" the G.o.ddess said . At some point I looked at her, what I saw first was her eyes glimmering with thoughts of fascination and amazement and her lips are on a "semi-smiley" shape that made her look like a s.a.d.i.s.t more than a G.o.ddess.

"Fascinating?" What part of this is fascinating?

" Hm. For a G.o.ddess ,you are rather a demented one...saying that to a kid who just lost his entire family and who is about to be the perpetrator of his brother"s death. Don"t look into me as if I am some material for your mundane entertainment."

"Right, right" she replied with a little giggle escaping from her pursed lips.

"Is there something to laugh about?" I asked. She shook her head in a sort of disagreement then turned around and went towards my brother who was frozen in time. She laid her arms around him and said...

"Ahem , to the main plot. Once done, it can"t be undone. Bare that in mind young Cendrillon."The G.o.ddess of disambiguation insisted.

"You know what will happen once I undo the power I set in your brother"s stead right?" She added.

"Of course. Lifeless." I responded with a half-a.s.sed face as if it"s not my brother I"m referring to. After all he was also more than willing to turn me into a corpse just minutes ago and not mentioning killing the ones that I consider "essential" for my happiness....that is now gone.

"He"s life will be a perfect retribution for all that he has done. An eye for an eye. Life for a life."

"I see. Very well then. For I am a gracious G.o.ddess beloved by all who succ.u.mbed to sadness, I , for this moment in time shall demonstrate to you a little of my power and authority. Your brother shall be unfrozen, but the bullets will remain drifting in the air. It can be unfrozen. Yes. "

"But only by you. Once you point a finger to your brother will the bullets be freed from its congeal. " the G.o.ddess mentioned.

"I get it, but why are you doing this Lacrimosa, the G.o.ddess beloved by many?" I asked coalesced with a little bit of sarcasm, as I was curious why she would suggest such intent. She then sat at the piano and with a sober expression said...

"Perhaps I want to see your brother beg for his life, worse than how your little sister begged minutes ago for your parents" lives."


"You were there this entire time"

"Tsk! So you were watching all along? Why did you not help them!? With such power you could have had stopped my brother. " with desperation inside my head, I stated those words.

"Listen. As much as you want to consider us deities as omnipotent, no we are not. We have our limits, same as to how we can never surpa.s.s the G.o.d of all hosts. If no boundaries exist , did you think that I will let this happen?" Lacrimosa replied with a cool-toned voice that are , if I am to describe, words of sadness."

"So the G.o.d of Disambiguation also gets sad huh"

"Hmm. Don"t underestimate me Jaiden. My sadness and your sadness affects us differently exponentially."

Unable to grasp the meaning of what she was saying ...

"Right. Right" i replied.

"Now back to the main point. You will now have the authority to redo the flow of time in accordance to the bullets. Are you ready to meet your last time?"

"Yes" I nonchalantly replied.

"Ok then, in a count of three" The G.o.ddess, like a high cla.s.s-trained musician, sat on the edge of the bench, her back was straight and her arms relaxed with her hands in front of them. She then graciously started playing the instrument while counting backwards.....
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As she was moving closer towards the last, she raised one of her hand. It looks like , she was preparing to showcase a bit of her authority over nature.



What i later heard was her fingers" loud snap that echoed through the living room. And then everything around turned black and white.

In the pitch monochrome scenery, there was utter silence except for a whimsical melody that sounded like the tick-tocks of a clock. And then...there were these loud consecutive chimes.


At the fourth loud bong, the gray scenery returned to normal and my brother, who was a minute ago, frozen in the chains of time started grasping for breath.

"h.e.l.lo there brother. You well?"

"Cough-cough." He got into his knees and started panting for air. It looked like as if he was strangled by some unseen force that introduced him an inch to death. With heavy sobs and sweat running down his face he got back on to his feet and with difficulty .

" Wh cough. Wh at happened?"

"Oh don"t worry brother. I just got help from someone unexpected. I am alive and well"

" Wha...what are you talking about? "

"Now this is the real face of a devastating confusion" After all, who wouldn"t be? I guess anyone who got the same experience as this cannibal here just did will also react the same.

"Now is the perfect opportunity for the greatest and most satisfying ricochet of the time- frozen bullets"

"Wait, I shot you! How come you-y.." With unequivocal confusion, he then examined the gun he was holding, supposing that it has some kind of defect as it failed to kill me in its three fired attempts.

"With all honesty, I can testify that the deadly weapon your holding is...working"

"Then you should have died seconds ago" With desperation, he checked the gun again looking stupid.

I never imagined that my brother was like this. No not at all. Usually, he would act fit as the next heir of our family. He was excellent in both academics and extra curricular. Everybody expected good and anti-mediocre outputs from him. Yet, looking at him at this angle has proven his admirers wrong. He wore a mask that any of us failed to unravel. A mask of deception and blatant intent of havoc. Prior, I would consider him as my greatest pedestal of ident.i.ty. I wanted to be like him, and to surpa.s.s him at things he liked doing would be like the greatest achievement of the recent. But today, all I see is a demented animal, let out from the dog yard.

"Oh most hailed man in the Cendrillon Aristocracy, I, Jaiden Cendrillon shall demonstrate to you, the proper art of killing someone, who has done you wrong"