Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 405 Serving Porridge

Chapter 405 Serving Porridge

These women enter Shen City in panic and they see plague patients all over the ground.

The air of the city is not as dirty as they expect. However, the darkness is still raging and only the direction to the main palace is bright.

Without any food in the city for a few days, people even ate up the sweet potato skins. Doors of some rice shops were smashed before closing up when the plague occurred.

People in despair are most likely to reveal their nature. Before Lin Luoran is here, Shen City has become a place like h.e.l.l.

If she didn’t see it with her own eyes, she would never believe that these plague-infected people don’t support each other. Some bad guys even occupy the mansion house. These domineering people rob food and bully the weak all over.

She casts a few large-scale “Cleaning Spells” first to clean the dirty air in the city and then burn it with fire. The mansion house covers the biggest area and it is in the middle of the axis of Shen City. This is the best place for Lin Luoran’s plan. She drives away a group of bullies who are also seriously ill but still trying to be the masters of the city. Lin Luoran takes Sang Ye and Ximei to the mansion house together.

These women can see a woman in a dress as white as snow standing on the high wall of the city. In the darkness, the light from the mansion house is very bright, guiding them to walk forward.

In the meantime, they check infected people lying on both sides of the street to search for familiar faces.

In the end, there are too many patients and they have to hurry on. Most of them don’t find who they want to see. Some people are very lucky and they find their family members. They forget the purpose of entering the city and run to their husband or son and shed tears continually.

Lin Luoran does not urge them. Using her spiritual mind, she has found two persons who look like Ximei’s younger brother and mother in a shed in the west of the city. People can’t always get what they want. Lin Luoran sighs quietly. The woman has been dead and even true immortal can not save her. However, the three-year-old boy is having a serious fever under her protection.

Lin Luoran asks Sang Ye to take Ximei to find her younger brother. With Sang Ye’s martial skills, he should be able to come and go freely among the patients in this city.

Ximei is such a poor little girl. With her three-year-old younger brother, how can she move on after being cured?

Lin Luoran sighs. She sees these women walking towards the mansion house and she casts a spell of Gold. Every family in the city has some iron cooking equipment. The mansion house suddenly becomes a big magnet and many iron objects fly towards Lin Luoran.

These women are very superst.i.tious. When they see what is happening, they think a true immortal is here. They are terrified, kneeling and kowtowing. Those women who stopped for their loved ones are also doing so.

These women are murmuring something like “immortal” or “fairy”. They tremble slightly on the ground without the courage to move forward.

What Lin Luoran has just done is not like the previous Cleaning Spell or her speech earlier. The mansion house of the city is in a prominent position. All conscious patients have witnessed this scene with their own eyes. Even the garrisons and refugees outside the city open their eyes in disbelief.

There is no martial art which can have such an effect. Is she really a merciful immortal? After abandoning Ying for thousands of years, are immortals back again?

The General who leads the army, the ruffian soldier, indifferent and poor refugees… all people who witness this scene have this question in their mind.

Who is she?

“Now the most important thing is to save people.”

Lin Luoran knows these women are hesitating. She feels kind of embarra.s.sed and can only give the order first.

The fairy is right. These women no longer doubt what Lin Luoran can do. Thinking about they can save their families, these cowering women get their courage. They stand up from the ground and their steps are powerful and neat. This may be the most unwavering and determined moment in their life.

Lin Luoran feels a little relieved when she sees this. She selects some large iron pots from a pile of irons and everything else is scattered back to the original place.

In the big courtyard of the mansion house, there are about a few hundred large iron pots left.

She changes her Taoist hand gesture again. This time she gathers branches, planks, tables and chairs from everywhere in the city. Lin Luoran smashes them and turns them into a pile of firewood.

It takes a lot of effort to build earth stoves and it takes three stones to build an earth stove. Lin Luoran has tried so hard to do so.

In short, when more than a hundred women and Sang Ye rush back to the mansion house one after another, they see hundreds of large pots in the courtyards.

These pots are all filled with clean drinking water. In the earth stove, the firewood is neatly arranged. It’s really what mysterious true immortals will do.

No one dares to greet Lin Luoran. They don’t even dare to look at her.

Sang Ye finally asks, “So are these pots for making medicine?”

Lin Luoran shakes her head, “For porridge.”

Well, isn’t saving people the most important thing now? If Lin Luoran hasn’t convinced them with what she just did, someone will say that what she is doing is putting the incidental before the fundamental.

How can a person who has been hungry for many days drink the medicine directly? His stomach is cold and it will only waste his energy in vain.

Besides, if only with medicament but without elixirs, a patient can not be cured with a bowl of potion alone—this is plague.

If she does not serve food for these 30,000 people, maybe they will starve to death before being cured.

Thinking of many rice she plants in s.p.a.ce, Lin Luoran suddenly feels that she is really lucky.

Lin Luoran asks those women to make a fire and she flashes into s.p.a.ce.

Fire phoenix is good at calculation. It is thinking about how much power of faith Lin Luoran is going to harvest this time and he is ravished with joy. Lin Luoran hasn’t thought of such a thing. She now just wants to save people.

Running to the second floor of the small wooden hut, Lin Luoran opens those wonderful drawers. Each one is a vast and infinite storage s.p.a.ce. If putting only one kind of thing in it, Lin Luoran thinks maybe it is enough for a mountain… it seems that it will never be full.

She uses one drawer to store monster meat and some ordinary herbs. For another one, white rice will pour out from it when the drawer is opened.

Together with the vegetables she usually harvests, it will be enough to sustain all people’s life if she harvests gastrodia elata and then plants two more rounds of rice in the next few days.

The premise is that they have porridge.

Fortunately, there are choices for taste.

When Lin Luoran reappears, rice pours out from her fingertips and piles up on the ground. Except for the dead infected people, there are at least 20,000 people in Shen City. 50 grams of raw rice can be cooked into 100 grams of steamed rice. For porridge, at least 150 grams of porridge can be made. That is to say, Lin Luoran has to provide at least a thousand kilos of rice, which is only enough for 20,000 people to put something in their stomach.

The women witness that she can get a thousand kilograms of rice which has been threshed out of nowhere. They are so surprised that their eyes almost pop out.

The white rice is lying on the ground and then there are some vegetables such as cuc.u.mber, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, winter melon, mushrooms, fungus, and some red tomatoes which they have never seen before. They think it must also be a kind of vegetable.

“Cook this rice into vegetable porridge.”

The women are nodding and their eyes are so red. They are holding the white rice and can’t believe what just happened.

Most of them have never seen such good rice in their life. Before everything happens, this rice may only be served for lords in the city or in the countryside.

Ximei’s mother has been dead and she is coaxing her younger brother. Lin Luoran allocates duties and then she holds this child who is only about two or three years old. She wants to cure him first.

These women are not nervous anymore when Lin Luoran leaves the yard. They wake up soon and put the rice into the boiled water. One person has to keep an eye on a few large pots while taking care of the fire. It’s a very busy job.

Sang Ye thinks a lot stealthily. The rice is white and good and even the rice of the palace is not better than it. It is now used to save the people of Ying. As the seventh prince of Penglai, he feels so strange.

But why is it strange? He also can’t figure it out at this moment.

After making sure Ximei’s brother is in a stable condition, Lin Luoran chooses a room for them to rest. The delicious porridge smell has been drifting in the courtyard.

She has little salt in her s.p.a.ce but the lucky thing is that the salt is just salty and even hungry people did not rob it. Therefore, the s.p.a.cious mansion house has a lot of salt. Lin Luoran uses her spiritual mind to find it out and puts some in every pot.

To human bodies, salt is not just condiment. Rice makes people full and salt makes people energetic.

Lin Luoran uses the power of the spell to collect iron pots and even patients who can barely get up know this miracle. The chance of being rescued is in front of them and they are coming in the direction of the mansion house.

When the aroma of various vegetable porridge spreads, some streets with the mansion house as the central axis are occupied by crowds. The crowd surges back and forth, hands above heads. Many people can not help swallowing and they get some strength again.

In other words, they get their own stubborn sense of survival again.

Food is here! Some people feel lucky that they did not throw away the earthen bowl in their hands before. However, many other people are regretting about giving up their bowls earlier. They take heavy steps to find vessels to hold food from the residential houses on both sides of empty streets.

It may not necessarily be a bowl, but a teapot, a wooden scoop, or a wine jar. They cannot get delicate dishes because houses close to the mansion house are some mansions with towering doors. However, they can still get some flower pots from the yards.

Driven by hunger, a mouthful food can encourage the plague patients to check all corners. Some people even think of using a leather hat as a bowl.

If Lin Luoran had not taken the initiative to enter the city and attracted so much attention, these plague patients would have been looting food because of hunger. Now they are eager and hungry. However, they can control themselves now. They don’t rush into the mansion house for fear of this powerful immortal.

They are all waiting.

They are waiting with eager expectancy and trying their best to control themselves.

Finally, the gate of the mansion house is opened from inside and there is a hubbub from the crowd.

The women are in pairs to carry out big iron pots. They are streaming. The first one is soy pumpkin porridge, shaking up people’s taste buds. The bullies who were kicked out of the mansion house by Lin Luoran before realize they are just some women so they want to do something bad.

This time even without Lin Luoran, the numb and cowardly ordinary people can cooperate with each other and beat these troublemakers in order to survive.

There is no looting nor mutiny.

On the street in front of the mansion house, there are more than one hundred large iron pots. In front of each pot, there is a woman serving porridge.

With enough food, the person who serves porridge is very fair. No matter it’s a big bowl or a wooden scoop, it will be filled with two spoons of boiled thick vegetables porridge. Everyone gets about 200 grams of porridge which is enough to make a hungry person sigh with satisfaction.

Maybe they can’t be full. However, making their stomach less empty in front of matters of survival has already been a great joy.

There are also some sneaky people. They feel that the vegetable porridge is delicious and they want to be mixed into the team to get it again.

These people are awakened by the th.o.r.n.y eyes above their heads. They raise their heads quietly and realize it’s from the female immortal in white standing on the roof in the wind. She is overlooking all people quietly.

Did she just see me?

No matter what, no one dares to take any risk.

Lin Luoran watches the hungry patients coming from Shen City in all directions. A batch of people leave and then another batch are here. The pots are empty and then they are taken into the courtyard to do their job again. Hundreds of pots are still not enough for 20,000 people to get vegetable porridge at the same time.

Fortunately, she has much rice.

However, there are still some people who have fallen into a coma or have a high fever because of hunger and plague. They can’t come to get vegetables porridge themselves and Lin Luoran also doesn’t have any spells to force people to eat something.

There are not many people on the main street of the mansion house. Many people have porridge and then hide in the nearby mansions. Anyway, the courtyard is s.p.a.cious and a mansion can fit many people.

However, Lin Luoran and the women who came to help still have a lot of work tonight.