Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 544 Two Amba.s.sadors of the Alliance

Chapter 544 Two Amba.s.sadors of the Alliance

Soon after the warm Spring Festival, there comes the news that the Alpha Alliance has surrendered.

Such a piece of amazing news not only surprises the Earth Federation, but also many other alliances that pay attention to the war. After all, the Alpha Alliance is a senior interstellar alliance. It is not top-notch, but it is also not so weak.

When the news spreads gradually, the name “Gaut Sutherland” becomes “famous” once again in the star territory of several alliances.

General Gaut was not the only traitor, and he also instigated several fortresses. The Alpha Alliance is defeated also because of the military layout contributed by General Gaut. In this case, it is not so surprising that the war comes to an end so quickly.

Colin’s words can perfectly conclude the feelings of Lin Luoran and others—they thought Gaut Sutherland was an actor playing a walk-on part. However, he then became a C-list celebrity. Later on, he even suddenly won the “Actor in a Leading Role” because he was so good at the performance as a villain.

It seems ridiculous. Gaut knows that everyone is clear about what he is capable of. However, he is still very confident—no one knows why he is so confident. The more confident he is, the greater threat he may bring to the Earth Federation.

Liao secretly makes a gesture of “cutting his throat” to Hu Ji.

Mu Tiannan also wants to kill such kind of threat in the cradle. The three reach a consensus for the first time. It is not an impossible task if they cooperate with all efforts. However, General Gaut suddenly keeps an extremely low profile. There are so many stars in the Alpha Alliance, so it’s hard to find him quickly even with the relations.h.i.+p of Li In Research Inst.i.tute and Blood Line Club.

Before Mu Tiannan and others find Gaut Sutherland, he suddenly appears in public. People can see him everywhere again.

General Gaut appears in the most widely watched interstellar news. Wearing a navy-blue general uniform, Sutherland looks more heroic. His appearance has fascinated many people from all alliances.

A powerful senator of Bape Alliance personally appoints him as the amba.s.sador to visit the earth, announcing that General Gaut will visit the Earth Federation in person.

The Earth Federation Government is furious. On the political level, when it comes to “visit”, the two sides must have reached a consensus. However, Bape Alliance is arbitrary.

It openly sends a rising military star to come to the Earth as an amba.s.sador. The Earth Federation is just a colonial star that just announced its separation from the Alpha Alliance a few years ago. However, even if the earth is a high-rank member star of an alliance, it should never be contemptuous when one alliance sends out a “sign of friends.h.i.+p”.

After all, the strength of the smallest alliance is still above the so-called high-rank member star. One star confronting a star alliance is not wise at all.

Bape Alliance puts Gaut in an eye-catching place. Liao and others wanted to kill him to remove a hidden danger. However, now they have to temporarily cancel the plan in consideration of the Earth Federation.

Mu Tiannan sneers a few times, “Then let’s meet on the moonstar.”

Mu Tiannan is not usually so stony-faced, but Lin Luoran understands it. When he mentions the moonstar, he must remember Sixie of the Mus family. It is the written record she read on the computer when she first returned to Dongting in the New Era—

“In 2051, the earth received an interstellar signal and the people of the world were in an uproar. Two weeks later, the radio wave was translated—the Alpha Alliance would officially take over the Earth. Don’t struggle uselessly and please cooperate. All policymakers in various countries were shocked and sent envoys to the moonstar to negotiate.

On September 1, 2051 AD, the negotiations officially declared a failure as the Alpha Alliance s.p.a.cecraft launched energy cannon to blow up the world-famous Paris. All the amba.s.sadors were killed. The hero to be remembered by history is General Mu Tianqing from Huaxia…”

Mu Tiannan’s sixth brother pa.s.sed away because of the negotiation on the moonstar.

The scene at that time and the situation in the present are extremely similar.

But at that time, Bearing Essence cultivators were the most powerful people on the earth, and they have to care about a large number of earthlings. It was obvious that they couldn’t defeat the Alpha Alliance.

But now, it is not so easy for Bape Alliance to bring history to life.

Lin Luoran, Mu Tiannan, Liao, and Hu Ji are all above Gathering Vitality. Four people beyond Gathering Vitality also don’t have to pay too much attention to their rear. Bape Alliance may regret its current decision in the future.

A few days later, before the delegation led by Gaut arrives, Mu Tiannan throws a pile of doc.u.ments on the table.

Bape Alliance and Elok Alliance have turned against each other!

Before the trophies were divided up, their strong partners.h.i.+p came to an end without warning. Now they are cleaning up the battlefield separately, and sometimes there are small-scale conflicts between the two sides. Mu Tiannan admits that he was paralyzed by the warm Spring Festival, so he didn’t see the clues in the information sent by the club in advance. There must be a troublemaker!

The two alliances feared each other, which was extremely beneficial to the Earth Federation. They had to worry about each other’s conspiracy, so they would not act rashly. Now that they have offended each other openly, there don’t have to worry about such kind of things.

If the goblin does all these, why does he commit suicide in this way? Mu Tiannan is confused about this question, so he cannot make effective measures against the goblin.

However, they will definitely soon figure out his purpose.

As usual, Mu Tiannan wants to touch the ring that he worn on his left hand, but he only touches his empty sleeve. He smiles bitterly. It has been hundreds of years. Even though it’s a bad habit, it’s still difficult for him to change it.

After a full two months, famous Sutherland teasing everyone finally shows up with his men in the solar system star territory where the Earth Federation is.

No one would take Gaut Sutherland and others to Pluto since Mu Tiannan said that the visiting delegation had to be entertained in moonstar. The owner of the Lius family is anxious. His house in the eighth district is requisitioned by the federal government. This old-fas.h.i.+oned mansion is perfect to entertain the visiting group of Bape Alliance as a characteristic culture.

Even though the earth can’t wait to get rid of the people of Bape Alliance, it still has to make everything look impeccable to present a generous and mature government.

People reach an agreement that Lin Luoran should stay in Dongting City. In this case, she can fly in the air to call her believers to guard Dongting if something happens.

Lin Luoran readily agrees. She thinks if all of them have to unite to handle a goblin, it also means they are still not powerful enough to protect the Federation.

In the end, Mr. Pang who is highly prestigious among the Federation people leads the team to moonstar, and Xiaozhi helps them with shuttling in person. Of course, people who go there are all high-rank officials of the federal government, but Mu Tiannan and Hu Ji follow them secretly.

There is a nine-tailed fox king and a half-monster. Before Gaut Sutherland enters the Liu family mansion, his facial expression has changed drastically.

His cheeks look thin because of the dead energy in his body. The blue military uniform with a tall stand-up collar wraps Gaut’s whole body tightly. From the perspective of others, this is the rigorous lifestyle of the young General Gaut. Only Mu Tiannan and Hu Ji who are drinking in the backyard know that in the solemn and upright military uniform, Sutherland’s limbs have been covered with cadaveric lividity because of the growing dead energy.

This person is a living dead.

From Mu Tiannan’s perspective, the goblin should have given up this body long ago. Maybe it is reluctant to abandon the privilege ident.i.ty of “Gaut Sutherland”. It has stayed for so long in this dead body, which is not the ordinary behavior of goblin nationality.

All residents have been moved out from the eighth district. This entire district is maintained with the lowest energy consumption. Only the Lius family mansion and streets where Bape Alliance amba.s.sadors pa.s.s by still light up and show sign of human life.

When amba.s.sadors of Bape Alliance pa.s.s through the long and empty streets, they can only hear their army boots touching the ground and the lonely echo of footsteps. It’s strange that the earthlings choose this desolate place as the beginning of friends.h.i.+p. Many members of the visiting delegation are whispering.

But it’s not that the little Earth Federation doesn’t take them seriously. The big banquet and the Huaxia house to receive them are of a very high standard according to the information on Earth customs they have learned before.

As always, Gaut Sutherland almost doesn’t eat anything at the feast. Because Gaut can feel the monster that once hurt him badly nearby, he is filled with hatred and he becomes more absent-minded.

If he hadn’t been severely injured by that powerful monster, this body wouldn’t have decayed so quickly. More importantly, he wouldn’t be stuck in the dilemma.

At the beginning of the meeting, Gaut is totally absent-minded. In contrast, Pang Xianzhong’s fluent interstellar standard language makes him look elegant and friendly. Compared with straight-faced Gaut, it is clear that Pang Xianzhong is more skilled in diplomacy.

General Gaut has been strong but he is not impressive at all at this moment. As the representative of the Earth Federation, Pang Xianzhong proposes to call it a day very considerately. He leaves the Lius Family Mansion so that the visiting group of Bape Alliance can enjoy the mansion alone.

In the dead of night, the entire Liu family mansion is shrouded in a cyan mist, and the members of the delegation soon fall into a sweet dream. Sutherland doesn’t change his clothes and he is lying on the bed. He suddenly turns over and sits on the soft bed.

He then leaves the house and walks along the winding corridor to the backyard with stiff hands and feet. Gaut comes to the small courtyard where Liu Qingdai once lived.

The Lius family moved back to Dongting, and Lius’ house was closed. This time it opens and the air conditioner is turned on again. However, there is no way to make the lotus in the small pond bloom overnight to welcome the guests—even if it’s possible, no one wants to do it.

Mu Tiannan and Hu Ji make a bet about when the goblin will come to them. Hu Ji sees the stiff zombie and realizes he has lost the bet. He jumps into the small pond and sinks down into the deep.

When he comes out again, he is holding a few pieces of fresh lotus root and a fat carp.

The fish and lotus root are handed to a gentle and obedient maid. Hu Ji shakes off the water droplets on his body like a cat and then sits down again.

Gaut Sutherland has been standing in the corridor quietly watching the two monsters. He really has no idea what they are doing.

The maid appears again with sliced fresh fish and tender lotus root. The food presentation has a unique style. He finally realized that the nine-tailed fox king jumped into the water for food.

He is nothing like a member of aloof nine-tailed fox family as he imaged. Hu Ji is stuffing fish fillets and lotus root in his mouth with fresh sauce. He looks too naive. Goblin feels the most threatening one is still Mu Tiannan who once injured it seriously.

Mu Tiannan only has one hand, but his table manners are still much better than Hu Ji who is a n.o.bleman with two hands.

Waiting for him to finish eating, the maid reappears and cleans up the low table.

Mu Tiannan finally looks at goblin which is neglected for a long time.

“Just tell me—what do you want to do after all your hard work?”

Mu Tiannan’s tone is like making a small talk. However, Hu Ji has known him for several years so he knows that this person sitting opposite is now in a bad mood. In fact, Hu Ji is also in a very bad mood. Jumping down the pond to dig lotus roots and catch fish at night? The fox king totally loses his face.

However, under Liao’s reminder recently, he realizes that a man has to be tolerant, so he has been tolerant. Hu Ji will never admit that Mu Tiannan’s mature appearance impresses him a lot… Although most girls love beautiful teenagers with single-edged eyes and delicate faces, Hu Ji intuitively feels that Lin Luoran’s weird aesthetic is different from these girls.

Mu Tiannan and Hu Ji completely ignore goblin surrounded by dead energy. Many people pay attention to his visit overtly or covertly. Otherwise, he will not have the courage to step into Lius’ mansion.

Goblins don’t have body and they can only rely on others. No matter how clever they are, they are still nothing in front of a big monster. This nationality was originally born in a dark swamp of shadow, and it dissipates as soon as it is exposed to the sun. Without great lucky chance, it’s impossible for goblins to enhance personal ability. Once a goblin appears in the world, it always represents “sin” that will harm the country and people.

This goblin fears n.o.blemen like Hu Ji from nine-tailed fox family who has a solid body and a bright future. Deep in its heart, it also feels hateful and jealous.

Hearing Mu Tiannan using sarcasm to talk about its hard work, the goblin is less nervous. It says coldly, “I am injured and I need Mortal Heart’s faith to heal.”

Mu Tiannan laughs while Hu Ji is dumbfounded. They have tried to figure out its motivation for a long time. It did all that for such a ridiculous reason?

Hu Ji sneers, “We don’t care about your injury.”

The goblin must be very excited now because his stiff cheeks even flush, “It was you who dragged me out of the human girl’s body and left me on the wild planet. Because of it, I even chose a dying body to parasitize!

Besides, if he hadn’t injured me badly, I would never be trapped inside this dead body and couldn’t get rid of it. You guys owe me and you should pay back.”

Hu Ji is an expert on being cheeky, and maybe only obscene Liao can compete with him. Hearing the goblin saying these words confidently, he doesn’t feel guilty but laughs.

“Is your brain also corroded by dead energy? You knew that Master Hu protected that human girl and you still wanted to occupy her body. You tried so hard to escape at that time, and now you are tired of life so you come to Master Hu? Don’t you think your brain is a shame for goblin nationality?”

The goblin feels so furious about Hu Ji’s word. At that time, Lin Luoran was just a Bearing Essence cultivator. It didn’t care about her too much. Although there was a nine-tailed fox, it only had two tails. Goblin thought Hu Ji was not his opponent, so it was confident and hid in Han Weiya’s body waiting for an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, when it escaped from the wild star, the woman who left it on the wild planet became “Mortal Heart Fairy”, there was a big monster like Mu Tiannan on the earth, and the two-tailed fox also transformed successfully… Goblin recalls something and it suddenly feels confident again.

“Whether you want it or not, you have to save me. The wars.h.i.+ps of the Bape Alliance have set the wormhole coordinates. Once the negotiation fails, the army will pa.s.s through the wormhole and appear near the earth at any time.”

Mu Tiannan and Hu Ji look at each other, and Mu Tiannan suddenly asks, “You dare to threaten us just with this?”

“I am General Gaut whom the Alliance thinks highly of. This visit is also a public event. Of course, I will not end well if something bad happens on the moonstar. You guys also have to face the anger of Bape Alliance.”

Goblin is very straightforward. No matter Bape Alliance really values General Gaut or just makes use of him, his death will be a perfect excuse for the Alliance to attack the earth.

But why do the two people in front of him stare at him as if they are looking at a dead man?

The goblin feels nervous. Then it hears Hu Ji whistling. A tall and thin person slowly walks out of a dark place where light cannot reach.

New blue military uniform perfectly wraps his thin and tall body. His light gray pupils have the distinctive feature of the Caesar—overlapping pupils. His every movement is rigid, and his eyes are firm. He is famous “General Gaut Sutherland”.

Goblin suddenly feels cold all over.

They don’t have to kill “Gaut” to provoke Bape Alliance directly. But they can replace “Gaut” without anyone noticing.

He has such a perfect body without cadaveric lividity on his bare arms. He has a healthy and ruddy complexion.

Suddenly goblin jumps into the pond, and the water splashes everywhere. Hu Ji even steps back to avoid the water.

Seeing the little goblin is still trying to struggle, Hu Ji stomps his feet and the entire eighth district is shrouded in a cyan mist.

The night is still long. Mu Tiannan decides not to compete with Hu Ji for an opportunity to perform.

The beautiful young man smiles coldly. A weak goblin almost stresses them out because of such a ridiculous reason. How can he not feel angry?

Offending mean Fox King? It will be a rough night for the little goblin. May the G.o.ds and Buddhas bless it.

At the same time, a magnificent stars.h.i.+p outside the solar system accurately locks on one place. Under the command of a fat man, it appears precisely in the gap between the earth and the moonstar by s.p.a.ce jump.

The commander on the stars.h.i.+p wipes his cold sweat. The destination his superior chooses is too remote. This small galaxy centered on a fixed star is far away from the prosperous interstellar civilization. The distribution of the meteorite belt here is really confusion. If there isn’t a planet with civilization behind the meteorite belt, stars.h.i.+ps pa.s.sing by accidentally will definitely ignore this meteorite belt.

Following the instructions of the superior, the stars.h.i.+p successfully jumps through the meteorite belt. The commander doesn’t feel relaxed for a long time, and he suddenly finds that his stars.h.i.+p has been surrounded.

“His Royal Highness, something is wrong…”

The commander is sweating coldly. The fat prince finally stops eating. Through the screen, he sees numerous stars.h.i.+ps have surrounded his men tightly, and he finally realizes how severe the situation is.

“How Said That He Had to Die Before He Gained Victory.”—hey, he can recite this sentence of the poem exactly!

“General Acuo, did you send a friendly signal before?”

This is not the situation of entertaining friends. The prince is fat but he is not stupid.

General Acuo wants to cry but fails to shed a tear. Prince, we are here for a friendly visit? You didn’t say a word before, so I thought we are going to carry out a sneak attack. How can I expose myself? But this barren star has prepared well…

General Acuo is a trusted follower of the prince. He naturally knows that his prince is extremely unreasonable. Maybe G.o.ds have heard his prayer. The cabin door opens, and a beautiful lady in costume gets off, surrounded by the maids. The prince twitches his lips and turns his attention back to the chicken legs.

“Your Royal Highness.”

Shukina Bolan nods at Acuo, “General, you may handle this thing first. I will talk to the prince.”