Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 546 War with Bape Begins

Chapter 546 War with Bape Begins

Hu Ji takes the goblin back. Tortured by Hu Ji’s illusion circle for the whole night, goblin almost goes mad. It is not cunning as before. Mu Tiannan locks the goblin up to use all the value of it.

As for “General Gaut” who returned to Bape Alliance, he is actually Liao’s puppet made of spirit bamboo. He can’t speak much and he doesn’t have the ability to think. Now he is so far away that they can’t command him. No matter how vivid he is, someone will discover the truth sooner or later.

But Lin Luoran and others are not worried about it.

Mu Tiannan’s Blood Line Club has carried out a good plan, so they don’t have to make an unnecessary move by replacing this politician puppet. Lin Luoran also feels that if the truth is revealed, it will be a good warning to Bape Alliance.

Since Liao can replace “Gaut Sutherland” with a puppet, he can replace others with puppets.

The officers know this war hero who often appears on TV. However, he was still replaced under the watchful eyes of the public. Lin Luoran has a wicked idea that some important officials will have subtle feelings when they know the truth.

Liao’s ability can be put to good use now. Recently, he walks with head high and chest out, and he actually looks less wretched. Therefore, Liao feels extremely confident when Lin Luoran finds him. Without thinking about it, he agrees to do something huge with her.

Seeing the two people boarding the stars.h.i.+p and leaving, Mu Tiannan can’t help shaking his head.

Bape Alliance fears the relations.h.i.+p of the Earth Federation and the Nami royal family. Artillery fire always causes collateral damage, so Bape Alliance can’t just blow off Judith together with the Earth. But an alliance always has a detailed plan beforehand for every battle. It has made a lot of effort. If Bape alliance doesn’t try it, it will not give up just because of the prince of the Nami royal family.

After all, Nami’s star territory is on the other side of the distant starry sky. Will it launch a difficult, costly, and time-consuming war just for a prince? “Negative ma.s.s” can be used to open wormholes and stabilize the channel. It can be created by manpower, but the cost is extremely expensive even in the big universe era.

Whether it is in the backward age of Cold Weapon, the modern society with thermal weapons, or even the interstellar war, the thing needed most for a war is always “money”.

Using the “secret of longevity” as a bait, Bape Alliance has spent the investment of its shareholders, but now there is no dividend. This is the situation of Bape Alliance at this moment—how can its shareholders agree?

Some people want to give up, but there are more frenzied war maniacs who don’t even know the phrase “give up”.

When the war breaks out, Liao and Lin Luoran are not here.

The Federation people feel a slight shaking in their sleep. Some people think it is an earthquake. The New Era buildings function very well in earthquakes, so many people just go back to sleep.

Then a sharp alarm is heard.

Dragon King Seal can withstand attacks, but people can still see the light and shadow outside. If they look up, they can see those airs.h.i.+ps like UFOs with red light illuminating the night.

The nightmare more than three hundred years ago reoccurs. The difference is that it was a unilateral ma.s.sacre and the earth was unprepared at that time. The earth could only struggle desperately and then paid an exceptionally high price.

After more than three hundred years, the Federation bites the bullet and carries out its reconstruction plan actively. It acc.u.mulates its power step by step. The halo of “colonial star” that had hung over the heads of earthlings for generations became the driving force for its development.

Compared with the situation more than three hundred years ago, the Earth Federation now has a solid protection dome now. It also has the materials and technologies that businessmen have earned for hundreds of years, and it has the support of powerful cultivators.

More importantly, compared with the unilateral ma.s.sacre before the New Era, they have rebuilt their faith and gained the confidence to fight against Bape Alliance.

The Earth Federation is still very weak and immature, like dust floating in the vast universe. It must go through this battle before it is reborn from the ashes. Only in this way can it get a firm foothold in the big universe era.

Then… let’s fight!

Hu Ji reopens the Green Mountains world. Monsters run out from Weifang. The dead energy in the air is really refres.h.i.+ng for these monsters.

King Hu tells them that they will enjoy true freedom if they win this battle.

The nine-tailed fox nationality will give them the Green Mountains world with birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers. Monsters living in this area will become the masters of Green Mountains.

The Acacia tree monster also comes out. Compared with thick-skinned monsters, her botanical body is more fragile. She and Schisandra has lived on this planet for a long time. If Schisandra finds the earth become a waste star full of bullet marks when she wakes up, she will feel that staying in Lost Land is much better. Coming out with Jiang Shang will be another piece of bad news for her.

Thinking of the old history, Unscented looks gentle even she has been an indifferent person.

It was the best of time. She and Schisandra with symbiosis relation made an appointment to go to Lost Land for living in seclusion. A few years later, a stupid little Taoist broke in and disrupted their peaceful life.

Later, she turned back to her original body and fell into a deep sleep. Schisandra must have blamed the little Taoist. However, it was her own choice. From the beginning to the end, it has nothing to do with others.

A cold silver mecha disturbs Unscented, and she can’t keep recalling the old days.

In the air, Bape Alliance can’t destroy “Dragon King Seal”. Therefore, it chooses mecha as the main force to destroy the ten defense cities and Dongting City. By breaking through from the inside, it wants to conquer the so-called “City of Faith”.

Mecha’s dark gun muzzle is aimed at an androgynous man in a strange dress. The next moment, the Alliance soldiers who control the mecha discover that this earthling in front of them has disappeared.

A piece of “feather” lightly falls on the cover of the mecha. It is a light-yellow velvet flower exuding a sweet fragrance.

Yellow velvet flowers soon cover the whole mecha. It is said that the mecha can filter poisonous gas. However, it cannot stop the faint fragrance. The operators in the mecha fall asleep inexplicably.

Hu Ji pats the motionless mecha and gives Unscented a thumbs up.

As soon as Unscented takes action, the sky is filled with light-yellow velvet flowers. The scene is beautiful without the slightest blood—all captives are alive while mecha has no damage.

Other monsters are much more brutal.

Larks use their brains to tease the Alliance army. Mostly, monsters rampage and destroy the surface of mecha. When the Alliance soldiers inside are dragged out, they are either covered with blood or lack arms and legs, which is very b.l.o.o.d.y.

Monsters don’t pay attention to tactics in battle. Sometimes they can’t kill anyone. However, when you think you have known their habits so you set a perfect trap for them, these monsters don’t even pa.s.s by the trap… if they can’t beat their enemy, they will run away. They probably don’t know the word “shame” at all.

Bape Alliance soon gets a headache for such a rogue group of “monster army”.

Every time the Earth Federation escorts trophies and prisoners of war, it will publicly declare it to give the people sufficient confidence. Therefore, earthlings can firmly believe that the city protected by Dragon King Seal is invincible.

The war has lasted for half a month. Bape Alliance does nothing but conquering a large area of uninhabited areas and helping the Earth Federation eliminate many mutant monsters in the wild. It doesn’t shake the foundation of the Earth Federation at all.

For Bape Alliance, the paying is not as much as payback at all.

The secret of longevity may not about some tricks. The key point seems to be related to the local native people on this remote Earth.

The Alpha Alliance was defeated. With the help of “Gaut Sutherland”, Bape Alliance was one step ahead of Elok Alliance and got the top-secret information that year—some items once used by cultivators, various ancient books for personal ability enhancement, countless vivisection information of ordinary people, and even data on several low-rank cultivators they once captured…

When Mu Tiannan finally gets this information from goblin, it has been half a month since Lin Luoran and Liao left the earth.

The Alpha Alliance has disintegrated but what the vivisection information Bape Alliance gets is still the terrific sin. What’s worse, goblin’s words then even strike terror into the heart of Mu Tiannan—

“The spy of the Alpha Alliance in Dongting City sent an information a.n.a.lysis back before the Alliance was defeated—As a Caesar, Colin Weir has learned some cultivator tricks… Bape Alliance overturned the previous conclusion that only earthlings can cultivate. This is the important basis for starting the war.”

Mu Tiannan has also heard Lin Luoran mentioning about building Taoist root for Colin. Lin Luoran must have her own intention at that time. However, Colin was also willing to be her test subject.

The young men in the family were doing their own jobs when building the ten defense cities. Colin also appeared in front of everyone frequently. That must be when the Alpha Alliance got the news.

Mu Tiannan suddenly has a bad feeling.

On a pa.s.senger stars.h.i.+p of Bape Alliance—

Lin Luoran still can’t get used to Liao’s spell of changing appearance. Now she is a local Bape with dark brown skin and sunken eyes. She is just an ordinary person from the appearance.

Liao still has a pug nose. At this moment, he and Lin Luoran are in coach cla.s.s for two in the pa.s.senger stars.h.i.+p, ready to go to the main star of Bape Alliance.

An alliance is often named after the most powerful star of the alliance. Just like the Nami Alliance, the Bape Alliance is also based on the “Bape Star”.

Unlike the humble royal family of Nami, the administrative area of Bape’s main star has more than a dozen auxiliary stars. The fake ident.i.ties of Lin Luoran and Liao are perfect. However, they have to pa.s.s through many checkpoints before they enter Bape star.

Bape star is a big blue planet and it is protected by several planets. It looks like bright sapphire embedded on black cloth.

The Earth used to be blue and beautiful in the aerial image because 70% of its surface was covered by water. Bape Star is blue because most of its buildings are blue. The star is s.h.i.+ning brightly, as charming as a good sapphire.

Bape people respect blue and love a blue liquid extracted from vegetation. According to biological a.n.a.lysis, there is evidence to support this tradition. Substances extracted from the blue mountain vines are extremely beneficial to the human body. It helps the Bape star to become the first star of this star territory and develop interstellar civilization with the extraordinary physique and superior wisdom of its people. With such kind of advantage, it has been strong ever since.

Many stars with scientific and technological civilization often get lost in relying on external force. They ignore that the evolution of the human body is the driving force of all advances in the technology productivity.

Bape people are a bit stubborn. They firmly believe that without their ancestors’ blue mountain vines liquid, they can’t own what they have today.

This is why Bape people are more enthusiastic about the so-called “secret of longevity” than the Alpha Alliance.

The earth’s brilliant cultivation civilization is very prosperous according to records in books, and powerful earthlings have mastered amazing power. If they are both true, the high-rank government officials really can’t figure out what makes such a planet hide on a remote place instead of exploring the vast universe.

They are jealous of earthlings for having such a method. However, Earth cultivators lack aggressiveness. It must be the reason why the way of strengthening individuals gradually disappears. This must also be the reason why the earth is bullied now.

Now that Bape alliance has known that other people can also “cultivate” like earthlings, Bape people are determined to defeat tiny earth.

When Lin Luoran and Liao left, they didn’t know their enemy had known Colin’s story. If she knows the thoughts of the Bape people, she will definitely sneer.

Half a month ago, the war had not yet started when they left. At that time, she just wanted to terrorize the Bape people. On the way here, as she hears some news, she knows the earth will be in jeopardy if she remains soft.

Liao and she get into the main star of Bape. Lin Luoran looks at the map carefully and finds the area where the blue mountain vines are planted.

The blue mountain vines can only grow in certain geographic environment on a small scale in the main star of Bape. No matter how perfect the simulated indoor cultivation site is, the blue mountain vines grown there only has the appearance without its important function. Bape Alliance also has medicines similar to “gene evolution fluid” of which the most important substance is the blue mountain vines liquid. Since Bape people know the importance of blue mountain vines, they have valued them very much. Blue mountain vines are protected as national treasure.

After Lin Luoran learned about the importance of blue mountain vines, she decided to give the Bape people a little “surprise”.

Of course, before the Bape Alliance officially declared a war with the earth, Lin Luoran’s main purpose was deterrence. However, now she is serious.

She and Liao sneak into a plantation of blue mountain vines stealthily. Lin Luoran even feels a little jealous of the abundant Reiki here. Artificial plants can never be compared with wild ones. The primary reason is that artificial laboratory can simulate the composition of the soil and air humidity, but it can never create Reiki.

As soon as Lin Luoran inspects the vines, she knows the special feature is that the Reiki contained in them can be maintained even by extracting the juice without using cultivators’ methods. This is a rare trait. No wonder the Bape people value them so much.

“What a waste…” Liao looks at the blue mountain vines all over the mountains and reveals the expression of heartache. He is very righteous when he condemns Bape Alliance’s rude method of extracting the liquid.

Lin Luoran feels angry when she sees that the blue mountain vines plantation is full of Reiki. She plans to let sacred pearl open its mouth and “eat” all the Reiki. After listening to Liao, she changes her mind.

“Uncle Liao, do you have the way to harvest the blue mountain vines here in an instant without the Bape people noticing?”

Liao smiles, “It’s shameful to waste. You can count on me.”

He pinches a very strange Taoist hand gesture, and blue mountain vines twist automatically. From a distance, they look like dancing leaves in the wind. Only Lin Luoran can feel that the blue mountain vines are beating at a strange frequency. The blue mountain vines keep dancing for half an hour. Then Liao nods and smiles, “Come here.”

The syllable in his mouth is exactly the same as the beating frequency of blue mountain vines. Lin Luoran opens her mouth wide. She sees that the blue mountain vines pull out their own roots from the soil and fly towards Liao.

Lin Luoran steps back swiftly. Liao stands in place and he is submerged by blue mountain vines like a hill. When he tidies up his clothes and reappears, the hill-like blue mountain vines disappear in an instant. He has already put them away.

Lin Luoran gives him a thumbs up. Compared to her storage s.p.a.ce, she feels that Liao’s trick can definitely defeat all people in an instant—she has never seen that plants without intelligence can pull themselves out of the soil and go to the enemy. Using the “listening spell”, she can even feel the joy of the blue mountain vines flying over… They are totally crazy!

Liao is rarely humble when he sees Lin Luoran’s eyes full of admiration, “Little trick, little trick. In the past, Qi-trainers usually used such a method to keep spirit medicine happy.”

Lin Luoran freezes. Which era is Liao talking about? Those Qi-trainers must be extremely cool. They have to keep the spirit medicine’s physical and mental pleasure for medicine-refining? Even though she can hear the heart sounds of all things, she is not sure that she can coax the spirit herbs to seek their doom automatically.

“Hurry up! Even though the blue mountain vines court death without complaint, this bald hill is too eye-catching.”

Liao points to the bare ground.

Lin Luoran understands him. With her spiritual power, sacred pearl can swallow things outside. After years of hards.h.i.+p, it finally gets lucky for the first time so it eats very happily.

Reiki swarms in. Lin Luoran’s Gathering Vitality has just stabilized in the middle period. She should not “overeat” so much Reiki. Sacred pearl is really lucky to eat all of the Reiki. The blue mountain vines are stolen quickly and stealthily so it’s possible that Bape people can’t notice it temporarily. However, such large-scale Reiki fluctuations disturb various meteorological data, and the Bape Alliance quickly notices it.

When the garrison arrives in airs.h.i.+ps, Lin Luoran is smirking because she hears the cheers of the four monsters in the s.p.a.ce. She is also smiling because of the tremendous changes in the s.p.a.ce caused by abundant Reiki.

There are more and more airs.h.i.+ps above their head. Liao is speechless when he sees that Lin Luoran is still smiling like a fool. He separates the soil layer with one hand. Before the attack begins, he disappears in place with Lin Luoran.

“I haven’t absorbed it all yet.” Lin Luoran feels a little pity.

Liao rolls his eyes. Why didn’t the b.i.t.c.h who gave her sacred pearl tell her that the behavior of stealing a planet’s Reiki must be restricted?

Because he is cursing that “b.i.t.c.h” in his mind, he suddenly feels something sends s.h.i.+vers down his spine. He can only say that the influence of that b.i.t.c.h is omnipotent. Liao then tells Lin Luoran the inevitable connection between “Reiki” and “Star”, “plundering” and “karma”.

Lin Luoran kind of understands it, “You mean… personal ability enhancement is fighting against the fate arranged by the heaven, but not fighting against the law. Plundering the Reiki of a certain planet actually means killing?”

Liao nods. Reiki is the vitality of a planet. If Lin Luoran doesn’t leave a planet any leeway and extracts all its vitality, the species that live on the planet naturally cannot survive no matter they are plants or animals. It is no different from slaughtering all life of a star. She is happy at this moment. However, when Divinization doom arrives, Lin Luoran’s weak body will inevitably be smashed by Heaven’s Doom even if someone is there to protect her.

Lin Luoran knows that Liao is right. She should only make some troubles. If she fundamentally destroys the vitality of Bape star, then she will suffer from the consequences in the future.

Liao’s escape technique is really amazing. They walk underground. Lin Luoran only feels that she is held up by the power of the Earth element. Lin Luoran wanders freely under the ground. Because of the clear vision, she can occasionally discover some precious refine weapons, mines, and Reiki materials that grow deep underground.

They don’t stay in the same place for a long time. Although Bape Alliance is very vigilant, the blue mountain vines everywhere are still stolen by these two large rats.

This year’s blue mountain vines are unproductive and the Bape government is furious. They still don’t know that Lin Luoran has absorbed the Reiki in them. Not only this year but for many years, their precious blue mountain vines will always be unproductive.

Before Liao disappears, he makes a “V” gesture deliberately in front of the monitor. In the council building, the place where the most powerful men of the Bape star gather, many are smashed in the same day.

“Marshal, from this, at least we can know that the female cultivator called Mortal Heart Fairy the earthlings talk about has come to Bape star.”

The real powerful man of the military is an old man with brown skin and bluish hair. He nods.

His skin is also kind of blue. It’s because he has taken too much high-grade blue mountain vines extract which prolongs his lifespan and develops his physique better than others.

A soldier pushes the door in.

“Marshal, General Gaut Sutherland returned to Bape star half an hour ago and our people have taken control of him.”

The marshal stands up. Various badges of honor hanging on his left chest shake slightly.

“Let’s go. Let’s see the trick of earth cultivators… let’s see how they controlled the young General Gaut.”

Walking on the busiest city street of Bape star, Liao suddenly sneezes.

“It’s so strange. Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?”

Liao mutters a few words, and then looks at Lin Luoran.

“Are you really going to release it?”

Lin Luoran nods, “We have done this more than once. Or maybe you want me to flood the people of the whole city?”

Liao shakes his head for many times. He knows that the robe man gave her a water drop necklace. Crus.h.i.+ng a drop of water can submerge a city, which is the snow flood that almost destroyed the Green Mountains world.

Liao carefully hands Lin Luoran a black liquid ball. That’s “dead energy” collected before they left the earth. Only Liao has the personal ability to do it.