Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 265 Great Victory?

Chapter 265 Great Victory?

The morning wind stops.

The western suburb is usually windy. These lovely and annoying wind stops when Lin Luoran and the others arrive at the building.

An gives each of the others a piece of magic figure, which is called “Fast-wind Figure”, a figure at the higher level than the Teleport Figure. Lin Luoran and Wen Guanjing feel good and Huang Weijian has a feeling that he is going to float while walking. When Huang is curious, An gives a bamboo figure to him.

It is a smooth bamboo slip. An says in a low voice, “Crush it when you’re in danger.”

Some of the old buildings are already on fire. Other cultivators have started the attack against the Blood Line! Only fire can burn down the darkness in the world. The vampires scream. Their sound attack comes from all directions. When the sound reaches Lin Luoran and the others, Huang Weijian is the only person who feels uncomfortable. He frowns secretly and writes a poem with his bald pen. An invisible s.h.i.+eld forms around him and keeps the sound wave away.

The fight in Textile University is fierce. Crystal and Ridd.i.c.k seem to be pretty calm. They haven’t shown themselves yet.

Lin Luoran doesn’t even bother to mystify things. She waves the Bright Sword and the ice blue glow of it becomes brighter. She doesn’t even have to do any tricks. She just waves the sword and the entire building collapses in front of everybody! Certainly, ordinary steel and concrete don’t stand a chance of standing the attack of a Grade Five sword!

The collapse of the building encourages the cultivators and frightens the vampires. These vampires are in the low levels of the Blood Line and they have different talents. However, none of them can make a building collapse like this!

Is this the real strength of Huaxia cultivators?

Two vampires fly out of the building before it becomes a ruin. They spread their large wings and make the battlefield dusty.

One of the two vampires is stunning and the other is handsome and cute. They both have a high-bridged nose and deep eyes. They have light brown hair and they look like each other. It’s Crystal and Ridd.i.c.k.

“A real lady doesn’t destroy other’s house like this!” Ridd.i.c.k says with a smile. He doesn’t seem to care about this at all.

Lin Luoran withdraws her sword and replies, “Sorry, my ancestors are just farmers.”

While talking to Ridd.i.c.k, Lin controls the Bright Sword to rush at Crystal. The Bright Sword s.h.i.+nes brightly in the night. Lin Luoran notices that the bat hasn’t shown itself yet and she is anxious about it. She has to take care of Crystal and Ridd.i.c.k first as soon as possible.

Cyrstal’s impression of Lin Luoran is still from a few years ago. Back then, Lin Luoran was only in the later stage of Training Qi. Lin was powerful, but Crystal believed that she can put up a fight. Crystal is aware of the difference between cultivators at different levels. However, the truth is that she has never fought with a cultivator in the level of Laying Foundation. The gap between Training Qi and Laying Foundation seems to be small, but the truth is, cultivators in the level of Training Qi can only use Reiki but those who have laid foundation have Wakan inside of them. Reiki and Wakan are fundamentally different. With the same Level Five sword, the power of the attack has changed tremendously!

Not being careful enough, Crystal almost suffers a great loss. She barely manages to dodge the sword.

Ridd.i.c.k wants to go and help Crystal. However, he is occupied by Wen Guanjing, who has completed the level of Training Qi.

An is standing next to Huang Weijian and he hasn’t joined the fight yet. He has to use his magic figures surprisingly. With An as a company, Huang feels less nervous. The bat he saw the last time is not here and his bald pen is acting perfectly normal. Where is the bat?

After Crystal calms herself down, the evilness around her becomes much more scorching. She is a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years. She has killed lots of ordinary people and vampires in recent years so her combat experience is much more than Lin’s. The two of them are now in a tie.

Speed has always been the advantage of vampires. Their shadows can’t even follow them while they’re moving at the top speed!

However, what makes Crystal frustrated is that no matter how quickly she moves, Lin Luoran’s flying sword always acts more quickly. It’s like that the sword knows where she will land and it waits there and slashes her!

Huaxia cultivators are known for attacking at a distance because of their physical limitations. Those magical spells used to trouble foreign cultivators. What confuses Crystal more is that Lin Luoran doesn’t seem to be much slower than her. Though Lin’s shadow is able to follow her while she moves, Lin Luoran is able to follow Crystal in an instant. There are thousands of spells in Huaxia’s world of cultivation. Of course, Crystal can’t figure out that Lin Luoran can move so fast thanks to the “Fast-wind Figure”. It’s easier for Lin to predict the location of Crystal because Lin has locked 50% of her spiritual mind on Crystal. As long as Crystal doesn’t teleport out of the range of Lin’s spiritual mind, she can’t hide.

The spiritual mind of a cultivator in the level of Laying Foundation covers miles.


Compared with the intensive fight on this side, the squads made up of three people with cultivators in the middle stage of Training Qi as the leader, are making the vampires suffer by attacking and defending perfectly.

To be frank, the situation is predominating.

Triangle is stable. The second any vampire is alone; he will be surrounded by the three members of the squad. The cultivator is responsible for the attack. Once the vampire is tired, he will be beaten up by all the members of the squad. Certainly, this way of attacking doesn’t seem to be so open and aboveboard when it comes to a battle. However, this is war. It concerns life and death. This way helps decrease the casualty of Huaxia cultivators.

The Huaxia cultivators haven’t felt the thriller for a long time.

In fact, during previous wars, cultivators tried to a.s.semble teams that consist of the Taoist root of all of the five elements. However, those cultivators with pure Taoist root were so arrogant to work together with each other back in the age when cultivation in Huaxia was prosperous.

Lin Luoran is much more powerful and talented than these young cultivators so she can lead them to work as one! Wen Guanjing used to be the leader of his generation, yet Lin Luoran is the “master”.

Some vampires are uninterested in fighting and they try to escape. They flap their big wings and fly out of the wall. The squads waiting at the outside are bored. Seeing the vampires, they cast spells and call upon fire b.a.l.l.s and ice b.a.l.l.s to hit the vampires. Then they use their magic weapons to force the vampires to land on the ground and beat them up.

It’s the first time that Liu Zheng has ever been in a real fight. He is scratched by the sharp claws of a vampire and he starts to bleed heavily. Lu Sanchun is familiar with Liu Zheng, the man who almost becomes Baojia’s husband. Lu sees Liu covered in the blood through a telescope and orders the sniper beside him to shoot.

“Bang!” The vampire is shot in the head. He is bleeding through a deep little hole at the center of his forehead. The vampire looks at the sniper with hate in his eyes. The leader of the squad takes the chance and chops the vampire’s head off and throws a fireball on his body. The vampire is dead.

The dead vampire never imagined that he would die in the hand of an ordinary human soldier after he drinks the blood of countless humans during his life.

It is the power of science and civilization. Thermal weapons are also the nightmares of cultivators when they are used properly. Lu Sanchun witnesses the death of the vampire through a telescope and his pats the shoulder of the sniper beside him as an encouragement.

The tight battle fatigues can’t hide the curves of the sniper’s body. The sniper is a woman!

Getting Officer Lu’s praise, Lin Qingxue is so excited that her hands begin to sweat. She actually just shot a vampire to death. This is so unbelievable!

More snipers are encouraged by this. They lurk by the windows of the buildings and shoot the vampires who fly out of the wall.

Lu Sanchun’s serious expression is eased. Given the current circ.u.mstance, the war will be a great victory for him.


The scream of vampires irritates Ridd.i.c.k, who is softer inside than Crystal. Some of the dead vampires are Ridd.i.c.k’s descendents. He gave them the “Embrace”. He stayed with them during the transition and taught them how to be a qualified vampire. Though their relations.h.i.+p is not as deep as the kins.h.i.+p of humans, it is much deeper than the normal teacher-student relations.h.i.+p.

Hearing the wretched scream and watching the vampires die, Ridd.i.c.k realizes that all of this is too hard to accept. Compared with Crystal, who is ambitious and arrogant, Ridd.i.c.k prefers his descendents who he has spent so many years with!

“It’s all your fault! You made me do it!” There is green light flowing on Ridd.i.c.k’s black wings. Lin Luoran looks at this and remembers how Crystal and Dana fought differently. Lin s.h.i.+elds Crystal’s attack with her sword and shouts to Wen Guanjing, “Look out!”

While Ridd.i.c.k moves his fingers, a piece of green crystal gathers in front of his chest.

Wen Guanjing has already cast a Fire-proof Done. The green crystal hits the dome and blasts. The crystal is not exactly a bomb because it changes into the form of spider silk and wraps around the dome. Under this circ.u.mstance, Wen Guanjing seems to be on a downfall. He can’t just withdraw the dome because the spider silk will wrap him the second he does that!

Ridd.i.c.k rushes at a cultivator in the middle stage of Training Qi who is one strike away from killing a vampire. Ridd.i.c.k is so fast that he lifts the cultivator up by his neck before he can cast a spell. Ridd.i.c.k shows his sharp teeth and bites the cultivator on his neck.

As long as he sucks at his full length, the cultivator will be sucked dry within breaths!

The squad consists of three people are shocked by Ridd.i.c.k’s power and they forget to react.

The fresh blood filled with Reiki wakes Ridd.i.c.k up. He’s never drunk the blood of any Huaxia cultivator. The blood is so sweet and tasty. Now, Ridd.i.c.k feels that Crystal’s dangerous plan of coming to Huaxia is worth it!

Ridd.i.c.k enjoys the feeling so much. In the meanwhile, four pieces of yellow papers surround him.

An has made the move. It’s the figure circle of Qingcheng Taoist Temple!