Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 336 Lin Luoran is Back!

Chapter 336 Lin Luoran is Back!

Is it raining?

Feeling her wet eyelids, Anar tries to open her eyes.

It’s so dark in the canyon. Seeing she is awake, White Cloud licks her cheek affectionately.

“White Cloud, why are you here…” Anar’s eyes fall on White Cloud’s neck. There are several deep teeth marks and its beautiful fur is almost ripped off.

Anar suddenly realizes she is probably still in the canyon now.

So she rolls over and sits up immediately. It causes her wound on the right arm to reopen. White Cloud is so anxious and licks her right arm continuously. The smell of herbs wafts through the air. This faithful horse is wounded for her. Moreover, it gets her some herbs to stop the bleeding.

Anar’s eyes turn red, not only because of White Cloud, but also the blood on the ground.

Somehow the dense fog disappears. There are two severely broken cars and several frozen bodies. A herdsman stares at the sky. His face is twisted. There is a hole in his belly and his guts are all over the ground… Anar holds back her feeling of vomiting and stumbles to the exit of the valley.

Ze Yitong, Ze Yitong… Anar heard her screaming before she fainted. Anar prays the G.o.d to protect Ze Yitong and let her be all right.

White Cloud follows behind her. Blood is still dripping from Anar’s wound in her right arm. Just after two steps, she finds the horse that she rode here has fallen to the ground. Its stomach is also ripped open. Around it, there are hundreds of wild horses standing in the valley. She immediately knows why all those people were dead and only she survived.Read latest chapters at

It’s White Cloud. It’s White Cloud that brings wild horses here at the critical moment and then disperses the wolves!

Anar sees how the horse ends, and her knees become weak. The exit is just ahead but she doesn’t dare to move forward.

She is very afraid. She is so afraid that what is waiting for her at the exit is Ze Yitong… Ze Yitong’s body.

Fear entangles Anar like seagra.s.s. White Cloud lowers its head and rubs its owner who is surrounded by sadness. Anar blinks to make her hold back tears.

She stands up straight and walks towards the exit.

All wild horses get out of her way. There is a smear of blood in the snow, extremely obvious. Anar’s feet are totally stiff but she still moves there stubbornly.

A broken arm is left alone, half-covered by snow. Finally, Anar’s tears burst out.

“Ze Yitong, Ze Yitong… Aoma, my Aoma…” Her vision is blurred with tears. She wants to call her this way for so long. “Aoma”, corresponding to “Ajia”, means “little sister”.

Her little sister, Ze Yitong, is only twelve years old. She wants to go to school. She often practices her Chinese handwriting on the ground. When she is unable to contain herself for joy, she often throws the wreath into the air with her hands.

Now her arm, the arm with the red coral bracelet, is in the snow—

Extreme pain is piling up in her heart. A light penetrates Anar’s body, making her can’t help but throws her head back and screams.


Who is she?


She doesn’t have a little sister. She only has a younger brother.

No, she has a nice sister.

Messy information flashes in her head. Sometimes, Ze Yitong is smiling with her flushed cheeks, and sometimes it’s a boy who she can’t see clearly. He is gentle and shy, calling her “sister”.

Which one belongs to her real life? Anar… No, I’m not Anar!

Her entire body is dragged into the air by an invisible force. The walls of restriction in her brain are broken. As if there were 10,000 ants trying to climb out of her brain, it makes her head itchy and painful.

Two kinds of life alternate in her mind. Floating in the air, her body subconsciously curls like a shrimp because of the feeling of restlessness.

A voice is asking her: What do you want to do most?

Most? At this moment, she wants to revenge for Ze Yitong most.

That voice says again: then recall who you are. Find out who you actually are.

Does the real Anar have the ability to revenge? She asks the inexplicable voice and also asks herself.

She has a long dream.

Out of the Jokhang Temple, because of a bowl of b.u.t.tered tea, she realized that what she lacked was the feeling to ordinary life.

For so long, she has been living a life with spells, Wakan, magic weapons, and s.p.a.ce. She can no longer feel emotions as ordinary people.

Fire phoenix told her that if she wanted to experience ordinary life again to bear Essence, she must seal all of her ability and memories. She needed to enjoy ordinary life as a blank sheet.

The delicate woman nodded and made her promise.

But how could an unarmed person live on the gra.s.sland where trouble might be in store?

Fire phoenix laughed, “I have picked a good place for you.

The sacred Silver Lake area of the Naqu gra.s.sland is indeed a good place. Herders will not be unruly there and you can sleep safely.”

But it’s not totally safe at all. After her ability and memories were sealed, she met the fish monster jumping up from the Silver Lake. She was in a very awkward position, seriously injured, and fainted by the lake.

When she woke up again, she totally forgot who she was.

A nice family of herdsmen saved her, took her back to their yurt, and gave her a nice Tibetan name, Anar.

Anar, come on! Let me teach you how to milk!

Anar, you know so much…

Anar, my name is Ze Yitong. My mother said it means “Olive”.

How about “Anar”? What does it mean?

“Anar” means “pomegranate”. Nana also said that you look like a pomegranate. It’s very beautiful.

The little girl twittered cheerfully, like birds on the gra.s.sland. Ze Yitong taught her how to milk, make b.u.t.tered tea, and ride horses. They were like genetic sisters, grazing together and learning idyll together.

Anar is the most beautiful pomegranate flower on the gra.s.sland—the little girl has said that more than once.

The little girl is called Ze Yitong.

As for her, her name is Lin Luoran.

In the air, the figure opens her eyes. A pair of s.h.i.+ning beautiful eyes is like the purest amber in the world.

In her eyes, there is no more helplessness. A trace of pain is perfectly hidden, and more firmness is shown in her eyes.

She is no longer ordinary Anar, but glorious Lin Luoran!

The remaining mist in the valley finally scatters. Wild horses are staring at the woman floating in the air in disbelief. They can feel she is much stronger than the extremely fierce wolf king.

Lin Luoran finally finds herself.

Fire Phoenix’s lazy voice rings out, “Congratulations on your success… The chance of Bearing Essence is just in front of you, but I guess you want to save that little herder girl first.”

Lin Luoran freezes, “She is still alive?”

Alive, the Ze Yitong who called her “Ajia” is still alive?

Lin Luoran suddenly realizes something. She says angrily, “Even if I lost my ability and memories, you could still save her. Why do you just watch her breaking an arm?”

Fire phoenix is speechless. After a while, it grits its teeth and says, “If she doesn’t break her arm, I’m afraid you have to be Anar for a lifetime. Well, this method is too aggressive. I can see how you enjoy life as a herder on the gra.s.sland. Are you willing to graze horses all your life? ”

Lin Luoran murmurs, “But still… it is not necessary to lose her arm for waking me up.”

Fire phoenix snorts and cuts off the contact with her.

Lin Luoran knows she is kind of greedy. She wants to compensate for her shortage of state of mind and then bear Essence successfully in the shortest time. In this case, she can go to Penglai and find a way to reshape Mrs. Lin’s Taoist root. However, the method of sealing ability and memory is extremely dangerous. Fire phoenix helped her with it. When it’s done, even if fire phoenix wants to change its mind and help her restore her memory, it will suffer from the consumption of the art of nature for breaking the oath of the law. She has no right to let fire phoenix to suffer that.

However, Lin Luoran feels the great anguish of sorrow when Ze Yitong’s arm is the price to help her regain memories and find herself.

She lands on the ground gently. White Cloud is confused. It doesn’t know its dramatically changed owner. Lin Luoran melts a small Circulation Bolus on the palm of her hand. After her palm touches its wounded neck gently, White Cloud stops bleeding. In two days, it will recover fully.

It lowers its head and licks her palm, trying to apply the rest of the liquid to her injured right arm.

Lin Luoran hugs its neck. The person and the horse are closely connected again.

She and Anar are actually one person.

The difference is Lin Luoran has the ability that Anar does not have. Rolling up a pile of sand and stones, Lin Luoran buries Ze Yitong’s broken arm and the horse she rode. Then she goes to the crime scene again.

She is not panic anymore. Now she is calm and has excellent eyesight.

Just one glance, she sees in this blood-stained place, there are only human bodies but no wolf carca.s.s. She also finds a broken winds.h.i.+eld and dented hood which were destroyed by a creature with a heavy hit.

Is this the masterpiece of the animal that hurt White Cloud?

Lin Luoran thinks maybe it is the wolf king of prairie wolves… With White Cloud’s speed, it was still hurt by that animal. There must be something special with the wolf leader. Maybe it’s this creature that broke Ze Yitong’s arm and took her away. Thinking of this, Lin Luoran’s eyes are covered with a layer of frost which is more chilling than ice.

Her hearing is very good. With the Wakan back to her body, she has a subtle feeling that everything is under control.

She feels a very faint breath in the broken Hummer. With the Gold Wakan gathered at her fingertips, she touches the door and it is completely cut off.

A middle-aged man is struggling to stay alive on the leather seat. Seeing Lin Luoran standing coldly in front of him, he coughs violently.

“You… you are not dead.”

The golden tooth is covered with blood, having the stink of money that cannot be purified by these Snow Mountains.

Lin Luoran smiles suddenly, “I’m not dead yet, so you have to die.”

The man’s eyes are wide. On his chest, the wound made by a wolf is bleeding, “You, you can’t kill me… I have a lot of money. I will give you money. Just save me.”

Fire has already come out on Lin Luoran’s palm. But when she hears his words, she is stunned.

“Yes, I can’t kill you, or I will be no different from you.”

The middle-aged man sees the magical flames that pop up and disappears on Lin Luoran’s hand and the light in his eyes is even more s.h.i.+ning, “Cultivator, you are a cultivator!”

Lin Luoran doesn’t look at him anymore and leaves without hesitation.

The middle-aged man shouts like mad, “Fairy, Fairy, Fairy… please accept me. I can give you all of my money. I can find the world’s most precious treasure for you. What do you like, eagles or horses? Fairy… ”

Lin Luoran has been on White Cloud’s back.

“Go. Let’s save Ze Yitong.”

White Cloud’s tail draws a beautiful line in the air. This is the last light in the pupils of the middle-aged man.