Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 50 One Goodness A Day of Mu Tiannan

Chapter 50 One Goodness A Day of Mu Tiannan

Justbefore Li Anping’s heart jumps out of his throat, Lin Luoran finallyopens her mouth and makes an offer of 100 million yuan.

Not to mention the gasps and screams of everyone else, Elly can’t accept this.

“Doyou even have 100 million? You are being so innocent by making thisoffer!” Lin Luoran has stayed still when Elly and others compete. Whenthe price reaches 90 million and Fortune House almost have the trumpcard in hand. She suddenly makes an offer of 100 million yuan, whichclearly shows that she is setting herself against Fortune House.

LiuZheng is about to speak up but Mu Tiannan who has been watching thefun says first, “Lady, you are being hilarious. Since she dares tooffer 100 million, she definitely has the money in her pocket. Eventhough she doesn’t, I can lend it to her right now.”

“You? Since you know poor Lin Luoran, you can’t be too rich. Why shall we believe you when there is no evidence?”

Letalone Elly, all people here including Fatty Cui don’t know about MuTiannan’s origin— But Fatty Cui does know that Mu Tiannan is powerfuland rich.

Mu Tiannan is not even bothered by Elly’s words. Hetakes out an ordinary bank card and asks the Burmese man to check thebalance. Thank G.o.d he doesn’t act like a character in novels who shoutsthat this is the gold card of certain bank with a credit of many yuan.

Elly snorts with her arms folded, “Are we going to wait forever for the balance of his bank account?”

Mu Tiannan pats on Fatty Cui’s shoulder, “Mr. Cui can lend me 100 million yuan. Is that right, Mr. Cui?”

MuTiannan stresses on the word “Mr. Cui”, which leaves Fatty Cui nochoice. Thinking that the steel-bending hands are on his shoulder andnot far from w.a.n.g Miao’e, Fatty Cui says with a bitter face, “Certainly.Master Mu here has at least 1000 million. I can pledge for him.”

MuTiannan smiles complacently and looks to Lin Luoran. He discovers thatshe is whispering with Liu Zheng and paying no attention to him.

Good. She is ungrateful to his good intentions!

MuTiannan actually takes Lin Luoran wrong. Based on their severalunpleasant encounters, Lin Luoran will not believe that Mu Tiannan istrying to help her no matter how clear she cultivates her soul… She justa.s.sumes that Foppish Mu is crazy and she doesn’t know what he isplotting.

Liu Zheng raises his head and says calmly, “Miss.Elly, you are being impatient. Lin Luoran is now the purchasingconsultant of my company, and the price she offers is on the behalf ofLiu’s.”

“Ha-ha, everything is fine then. Let’s continue. Miss.Elly, are you going to make another offer?” Hearing that Lin Luoran’soffer counts, the host comes forward to mediate the dispute. He doesn’tcare whether Lin Luoran is on the behalf of Liu’s or not as long assomeone can pay the bill.

Elly says sarcastically, “Let them compete. I want to see how many of them can afford the 100-million-yuan stone!”

Hearingthat Elly stops bidding for now, Lin Luoran doesn’t panic at all. Shestands calmly beside Liu Zheng, and the two of them are so matched… Bycontrast, Elly feels that Li Anping who comes from the countrysideactually disgraces her. For the first time, she is unsatisfied with LiAnping, who clearly looks unconfident.

Mu Tiannan sneers, “Have you checked my card? Am I qualified to partic.i.p.ate in the bidding?”

Seeing that Mu Tiannan’s att.i.tude is arrogant, the Burmese man asks everybody to hold on since he can’t figure out Mu’s origin—

LinLuoran has no interest in buying the stone, especially when the priceis 100 million yuan. Hence, she just waits calmly for other biddings.

Momentslater, the man of the host returns from checking Mu Tiannan’s card andwhispers to him. The host laughs, “Mr. Mu here is certainly qualifiedto partic.i.p.ate in the bidding. You shall make an offer please.”

TheBurmese man doesn’t talk about Mu Tiannan’s mysterious bank card,which later becomes the unsolved question in everybody’s heart.

“Howabout I offer 100 million…and 1 yuan?” Mu Tiannan raises the price by 1yuan like he is playing a game. All the people are stirred up. MuTiannan is deliberately setting himself against Liu’s.

Even Ellycan’t help laughing out. She thought that things might go wrong for herbecause of Mu Tiannan. However, his target was clearly on someoneelse!

w.a.n.g Miao’e sneers, “What are you doing to bully a girl? I’ll add 10 million.”

110 million and 1 yuan… Even an open stone may not be this expensive. Is the huge stone really worthy of so much money?

“Hey, has your wife lost her mind? Why is she doing this?” The guy from Guangzhou pokes Fatty Cui and asks in a low voice.

Exceptfor large companies like Fortune House and Treasure House, jadetraders with a medium-size business now can’t afford such high biddingprice. 100 million may not be so expensive when it comes to jade, butfor jade traders, their working capital will all be lost if the stoneis a waste.

Fatty Cui glances at Mu Tiannan and says whilegrounding his teeth, “She wants to act crazy and I have to be there forher. At the worst, I will just make it up for her. What else can Ido?”

The guy from Guangzhou is filled with deep esteem. He patsFatty Cui on the shoulder, “Awesome, man. No wonder I lost to you inthose days!”

Looking at his rival in love for 20 years, Fatty Cuisays, “What do you mean? Don’t flatter yourself… You never have thechance of winning!”

The guy from Guangzhou scurries away. BeforeFatty Cui has time to be proud, Mu Tiannan’s grim voice comes, “Goodfor you, Fatty. I didn’t know that you were a great lover.”

Seeingthat n.o.body is around, Fatty Cui lowers his voice and says, “MasterMu, it’s about time for you to stop messing around. I really don’t knowanything about the Reiki you keep talking about… If you dare to dosomething to my wife, I will go after you even after I am dead.”

Mu Tiannan is indifferent, then he tells Fatty Cui seriously, “Fatty, I have good news for you.”

Fatty Cui stares at Mu Tiannan with suspicion. He can’t figure out what Master Mu is thinking about.

“What do you want this time?”

Mu Tiannan shrugs, “I just want to inform you that you are free from now on! I will not follow you around anymore.”

“Really?” Fatty Cui blinks and rubs his hands. He is having a hard time believing this.

“Yeah! Of course!” Mu Tiannan nods. I let you go because I have a new target.

Hearingthat the bidding price has risen to 120 million, Mu Tiannan toucheshis nose and adds another 1 yuan. He notices Elly’s disdain and LinLuoran’s selective ignorance.

Seeing that Lin Luoran is standingcalmly beside that fake-gentle Four Eyes, Mu Tiannan refuses to admitthat he is somehow jealous.

I must get something from the goodness I show you. Thief, just wait and see!