Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 27


So it is that whenever Heaven invests a person with great responsibilities, it first tries his resolve, exhausts his muscles and bones, starves his body, leaves him dest.i.tute, and confound his every endeavor.

(TL: Part of a quote from Mencius/Meng Zi)

So it’s clear I will have great achievements in the future! Such were my random, nonsensical thoughts as I squatted in the dilapidated stable with a straw of hay in my mouth.

I’ve never had to live through such hard times since I was born, having to eat leftovers and sleep on hay with the horse kicking me every once in a while as it was irritated from my having invaded its exclusive territory. This nation really infuriates me, no internet no wifi, no electricity and laundry has to be done by hand! What the heck is this? I’ve been enduring these all this while but now that I’ve been reduced to a slave and live as an inferior human, I can’t stand it!

“Hey horse-bro! Can you scoot over there a bit!”

“Master, I want to eat cheese.”

Shuoxue complained as she lay on my back. She was one of the very few comforts I had after being reduced to this pitiful state. The stable was hot, humid and stinky but thanks to Shuoxue being a human ice block, I was still able to survive the summer heat without getting heat stroke.

The greatest consolation for those in dest.i.tution, is to have others beside you.

“Where is there cheese, horse meat is here, you want some? We’ll stick it through the throat then cut it from the middle. You have the left leg and I’ll take the right… Joking joking! Horse-bro don’t get angry!”

I stopped the hoof that was about to land on my stomach, and was able to appease the lousy horse with great difficulty. I sighed and batted away at the noisy, starving mosquitoes.

“It’s already more than half a month, and Tina hasn’t come to see me at all…”

“She did come.”


Shuoxue said something that made me stunned.

“When did she come?”

“Every night while you are sleeping.”


Tina came to see me everyday?

“Why didn’t you wake me up!”

“I did!” Shuoxue said unhappily, “But you slept like a log.”

“Is that so… What did Tina do here?”

“Nothing much, just sat here beside you, helped you wipe your sweat and fan you a bit. Then she would go into a daze, and leave after some time.”

What good fortune! No wonder these few days I have been sleeping so well, I thought I’d gotten used to living in poverty but actually it’s thanks to Tina’s care. I just knew she wouldn’t abandon me!

“What time does she usually come?”

Shuoxue thought for a while.

“About 2 hours after lights off at the dorm, so should be anytime now.”

“I’ll go to sleep now.”

I lay on the mat of hay in my sleeping pose with my eyes towards the exit of the dorm.

So nervous.

What should I do when Tina comes later? Should I lie on my back or my stomach? If I lie on my back and spy on her would she find out, ah but if I sleep on my stomach then I can’t see her face. Lying on my side is good but left or right? That depends on which side Tina is sitting at, I’ll face right first and if she sits on my left, I just have to pretend I’m turning in my sleep.

“Shuoxue, is my hair messy?”

“Shh, someone’s coming.”

As Shuoxue said, there was a human figure sneaking about at the stairway of the dorm. As the lights were out, it wasn’t clear but from the shape, it was probably a girl.

She came straight for the stables and I hurriedly closed my eyes.

*Pada* *Pada* *Pada*

The sound of sandals on the ground rang out, and my heartbeat accelerated as the footsteps got closer.

Tina stopped near me.

Opening my right eye by just a fraction, I saw an orange night gown and cute duck print panties underneath.

Wh-wh-why is she squatting in front of me!!??

I shut my eyes instinctively and my face turned red hot. Oh no, tonight’s moonlight was truly excellent. I will remember this scene for the rest of my life.

Speaking of which, Tina actually wears this kind of underwear. I think it suits her, having an external demeanor like an icy Antarctic glacier but being lively on the inside. This is the glorious thing people call “Gap Moe”, who am I to deny its allure?

Simply great.

Tina pushed me and called out in a low voice.


It wasn’t Tina.

It was my slavemaster, Alisha. What was she doing, coming to find me in the middle of the night. She would pribably leave soon if she failed to wake me up so I continued to pretend to sleep.



“Molan Molan?”



I refused to reply, no matter how much she hit and pushed me. Ouch ouch, why must you wake me up now no matter what, what could it be, could it be more important than my rendezvous with Tina? Just quickly give up and go back to the dorm while the night patrol isn’t here yet.

Alisha finally stopped her torture.

“… If you don’t get up soon,” She stammered, “I, I, I am, am going to ki-kiss you!”

“What is it.”

“Ya! Suddenly jumping up like that, it scared me!”

Alisha fell back onto her b.u.t.t and her night gown flipped up, showing the insides in full glory. Your first appearance and you are already giving fanservice, this will really determine how your character will be portrayed in future. If this was a manga, you would be embarking on your first step to being in many ero-doujins.

She hurriedly pressed down her gown.

“Yo-yo-yo-you saw it!?”

“What cute pantsu.”

(TL: Yes he really does say pantsu.)

“Yaa! I will kill you!”

With enormous difficulty, I was able to pry her claws from my neck. I coughed and cleared my throat.

“… What exactly did you come for.”

Alisha cleared her throat and fiddled her hands about behind her back as she glanced about.

“To, today’s moon is reall round huh!”


“Nothing much actually!” Alisha flared, “As a member of royalty, I have to protect my subordinates! Even a slave is included! You having to eat and sleep in such a poor place is bad for my reputation! So! So…”

She suddenly got nervous and drew circles with her finger.

“… So, that is, do you want to come to my–”

“No.” I interrupted her.

“Eh!? I haven’t even finished yet!”

“Inviting me to your room instead of the stable right? No I don’t want to.”

Alisha was stunned.

“Wh, why!? Could it be that you… Hate me? Yo-yo-yo-you hate me? Th, though I have a lot of bad points but, wu, but I, to you…”

“No, I don’t hate you. But it’s not right, having a boy and girl live together in one room. That will disrupt the morals that St Txarango has sought to upkeep!” I said resolutely, “And it will also damage your reputation, so forget it.”

Alisha shook her head, “Not really, the school will approve and my reputation will not be damaged.”

“It won’t?”

“Because you are a slave, and are considered a personal belonging of mine. So how I treat you is not anyone’s business. These 10 odd days I have had to let you suffer visibly because you killed so many people and people wouldn’t be satisfied if they didn’t see you get punished. Sorry about that.”

“*Ke* *Ke*” Alisha coughed, “Th, then, wu, come to my room!”



That is because of Tina of course. If I go to your room, how will Tina find me. I haven’t been able to talk to her for a while now. Ever since we left the forest of elves, Tina has had a lot on her mind, and the anti-social aura has strengthened manifold such that even without me, the boys who want to hit on her can only look on from afar, none daring to go up close.

With so much that has happened to her, she must have a lot of complicated feelings. In the end, she became the emissary of the G.o.d of fate, the first human emissary and this will undoubtedly mean that she will play a big role in the human world in the times to come. With such a large responsibility on her, she definitely needs some time to prepare herself. Until then, she does not want to reveal her ident.i.ty, and wears a hair accessory to fix her long fringe in place to hide the sakura pink mark.

On the horse out of the forest on the way back to school, Tina sat behind me, and rested her head against my back as she yawned profusely, as I steered the horse through the clear weather. The headmaster hummed as he led us and the cool summer breeze came blowing down from the horizon, bringing the rich smell of soil.



Thank you.

And then she fell asleep.

My feelings rose to the sky and my body felt so light it was going to float. You’re welcome, I said softly and pulled the reins to slow down the pace and let Tina have a good rest.

No matter what path Tina takes, I will always follow her and do my very best to protect her.

“I can’t go with you.” I rejected Alisha, “I can’t bear to part with horse-bro.”

I hugged the nearby stallion, but got kicked instantly.

“It doesn’t seem to like you huh~” Alisha burst into laughter as she looked at the me who was keeled over and kneeling.

“I, I, I don’t care about cleanliness, and will dirty your room.”

“There are people who will clean it everyday, not a problem.”

“I like to stay up late, it will affect your rest.”

“I will adapt to your habits, not a problem.”

“My sleeping posture is bad, I always toss and turn.”

“You’re sleeping on the floor anyway, not a problem.”

“What? Sleep on the floor?” I found a weakness, “No! Baby doesn’t want! Baby wants bed!”

“Then,” Alisha thought for a moment, “I’ll get people to bring in another bed.”

I clenched my teeth, “I want… To sleep with you.”


A marvellous attack, Alisha was rooted to the spot and she stared at me with her mouth open in silence, her face went from white to pink to scarlet, like a lantern in the night.

“Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-this sort of thing!!!! Yo-yo-you, do you know what you’re saying!!!???”