Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 4

You all are coming with me to the Oracle Plenary!

After Prince William had awoken from his coma, the air of trepidation and gloom finally dissipated from Txarango Kingdom. Newspapers carried cover stories that celebrated the beloved Prince’s recovery; more people could be seen on the streets, and street stalls were once again bustling with business and places of entertainment which had shuttered the past few days reopened.

In a certain countryside bar, people were celebrating Prince William’s recovery with song and drink, relieved of the overhanging worry. In a corner of the bar, 4 people were drinking somberly, a sharp contrast to the joyous atmosphere about them.

“You failed, idiot Dip,” the woman with her legs propped on the table scolded. Her skin was tanned and she wore revealing clothes that emphasised her good proportions, coupled with stylish makeup, that made her very alluring.

Sitting opposite her was a little girl who was also tanned with her hair in 2 pigtails, with a modest figure that was completely unlike the woman. Her face showed clear displeasure upon receiving the woman’s remarks.

“Tch~” Dip clicked her tongue as she twirled her left ear lobe, from which a large pentacle patterned earring hung. She always got an itch from putting it on for too long, “That Prince really is a survivor, to have recovered from that.”

Whether it was the earring or the tone of speech, it was exactly the same as that of the cloaked man who ambushed the Prince.

“Not only did you fail, you even used the experiment subject arbitrarily, and let it be destroyed. Do you even know how much it took to create that thing? f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, it’s worth more than a hundred of you!”

“Of course I know how much it’s worth! But if I hadn’t used it, wouldn’t I have been caught? Who knew that the Primce would have found me out so easily despite my skill at camouflage? Lucky I had brought the experiment subject as insurance.”

“Did you not understand what I said? It’s worth a hundred of you! Besides making childish hidden weapons and being able to change your form easily, you are a useless piece of s.h.i.t that cannot even accomplish a simple a.s.sa.s.sination! It wouldn’t be a pity at all even if you died then and there!”

“Uh huh? You really are running your mouth cowt.i.ts, what about you then? Besides losing control of your l.u.s.t and spitting out flames that burnt down our base and all of our possessions, what else can do huh huh? No matter how useless I am, I’m still worth more than you!”

“What is wrong with you? The house being burnt down is my fault? Don’t you all already know that I can’t control myself from shooting sparks out when I get excited? That’s why the house never has any combustible objects, yet you had to put your d.a.m.ned poison vial beside the bed that day! If it weren’t for that, would the house have burnt down, huh!?”

“So what if I left my poison vial in the room huh? Weren’t we supposed to be out that day? Who knew that a b.i.t.c.h in heat all year round would bring a man back that night and fool around so much that the sparks made the vial explode and a fire erupted! It’s all your fault, okay!?”

“Alright alright…” Said the old man sitting beside Dip as he separated them with a weak smile on his face, “Stop fighting already Dip, Jefannie. We are all comrades of the Pentacle, let’s get along…”

As he said, all 4 people had that similar pattern on them: Dip on her left earring, Jefannie’s tattoo on her right thigh, the old man’s bracelet on his right wrist and lastly, the youth who was wearing a hat made the pentacle into a necklace.

“What we need to consider now is how to finish the request, our client is getting impatient and will withdraw the deposit if we don’t do something soon so this is no time to fight amongst ourselves… Let’s have a drink to cool our heads.”

“And do you have money, Urso?” Dip asked as she drank a gla.s.s of water.

Urso had a troubled expression as he realised that his proposition had a fatal flaw.

“Er, about that…”

“It’s fine, I’ll get us drinks, ” said the youth wearing the hat. As he said so, his eyes turned red and a vein at his temple bulged.

A server in front involuntarily shuddered, stood up straight and stiffly left the table he was serving and went straight into the cellar and brought out 4 bottles to their table before leaving with empty eyes.

“…Eh?” The server shuddered again as he returned to the table he was at before utterly clueless about his previous actions,”What was I doing… Ah! Miss, your bill is 3 gold coins.”

The 3 people gave thanks and respect to the spell the youth just casted.

“Lucky there’s Cruise, as long as you’re around we will never starve.”

“As expected of an elf, exceeding talent in magic that allows mastery over even the hardest ancient spells… And not to mention, tall and handsome too~ Ah I want to eat you up~”

Cruise pushed away Jefannie.

“Without that demonic beast’s serum, one person is the absolute limit, and the duration is not long either. If I had the serum, my limits to this spell will greatly increase. unfortunately, we simply have too little serum to use it willfully. Urso, have you found a way to ma.s.s produce the serum?”

“No, there are far too few samples to work with. I can’t find a way at present.”

“Is that so…” Cruise said as he bent low, “Someone is here.”

Just then, a man came into the bar and swept his eyes over the place. When he saw Dip’s group, he stopped and picked a seat somewhere before picking up a newspaper to cover his face as he observed them.

(TL: While I’m quite impressed that William’s forces found them, I’m quite disappointed at the level of spying ability… They could use a tip or 2 from the NSA…)

“He is spying on us.”

“That sword means he’s from Guards right? Why would such a high profile guy be in the countryside?”

“Looks like he’s here for us.”


Cruise stopped Dip who had reached into her pocket and turned his head to Urso.

“Urso, when is the Oracle?”

“Ah? Er, probably… 5 days later.”

Cruise pondered for a bit before laughing sinisterly.

“… I thought of a plan, want to hear it?”

St Txarango Academy was bustling with activity recently, with colourful decorations everywhere and there was even a stage being set up in front of the school building. From my experience back on earth, a festival is probably about to be held and boys and girls will prepare various programmes and stalls, seizing the opportunity to have a fulfilling youth experience.

Harry told me I was wrong, and there was no festival. The arrangements were to welcome the headmaster who had been on an overseas study trip for several years, and the stage was actually a podium for the headmaster to give his speech about his study trip.

What an audacious person, to have the whole school work tirelessly for the sake of his ending speech. Come to think of it, the big clean up the head instructor got the whole school to do the other day was probably for this. Everything for the one at the top, that guy is probably something, or they wouldn’t have bothered to issue me a notice that the cleanliness of my room was not up to par.

“Why do you seem so wilted today? You’ve been lying on the table unmoving for the entire afternoon,” Harry asked, curious at my state of malaise.

What nonsense, I haven’t had anything to eat for 3 days except for those terrible cookies of yours, and the free water in the canteen, how could I still be lively?

Never mind, I should ignore him and save as much energy as possible.

I crawled back to my room once lessons ended and saw Shuoxue happily jumping on and off my bed.

“You’re back master! Look at me look at me, I’m flying!”

“Buzz off, I’m going to sleep, don’t disturb me.”

“Sleep, it’s only midday.”

“And what do you know, sleeping is the best way to conserve energy. Just don’t disturb me.”

I can’t be bothered to continue talking and fell onto my bed.

Just as I hit my pillow, *dong dong dong* sounded on my door. Which b.a.s.t.a.r.d is that, is it Harry, I don’t even have the energy to rise from my bed now, go knock yourself out.

*Dong dong dong*

*Dong dong dong*


I got up, b.u.t.toned my shirt, flattened my bed hair, sprayed some perfume, stuck my chest out, raised my head and put on a radiant smile; all at light speed, before opening the door.

“Is there anything Tina?”


Tina stood outside the door and raised her head to look at me.

She didn’t say a word and I didn’t dare to do anything, and we just stared at each other like 2 wooden dummies. I couldn’t take it anymore and my forced expression began to crack.

“Come with me.”

Tina grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

I didn’t understand what she was doing, where was she taking me? Whatever, I would go to the ends of the world and beyond for her. I just hope that Shuoxue, who had turned back into her sword form, closes the door before she starts playing again. Things would get really troublesome if someone were to walk past and see a little girl jumping on my bed.

Tina pulled me to the lawn behind the school building and found a spot which was shaded by trees before sitting down. This was the perfect spot to relax and frolic about and would always have people sitting about chatting while having tea or sunbathing whenever there were free afternoons. There were also couples flirting about, evoking the flames of anger within me.



“Have you eaten lunch?”

“I ate already, just now, so I’m really full now.”

“Molan,” Tina commands as she tightens the grip on my wrist, “Don’t lie to me.”

…As expected of Tina, she is too smart for me to be able to hide anything from her.

“No,” I replied honestly.


“… Nothing also.”

“The day before?”


Tina’s gaze sharpened and I didn’t dare to look into her eyes and looked every which way but into them.

“No money?”


Tina was angry, not just because I used up my money but also because I lied to her. But having her hold my hand-made me very happy and what can I say~ Having Tina notice that something was off about me and worry about me~

“There is no more allowance for you this month.” Tina coldly said.

“Oh.” I had already expected no leniency from her.

“Eat this.”

A lunch box was pushed into my grasp. Only now did I notice that Tina had been holding on to this. I looked at Tina but she had turned her back to me. Opening the lunch box, I saw something that was probably some sort of noodles.

“Eh, did… Tina make this?”

“…Un. I made this. Just now.”

Oh my! I had never seen Tina cook before. It was always the servants at the dorm or the canteen at school, and I never knew that Tina could master the kitchen as well. I had always thought that she was a pampered young mistress who couldn’t even differentiate between salt and sugar.

I was so grateful that tears streamed down my face and I eagerly took a big mouthful.


… She really doesn’t know how to differentiate salt and sugar… And the portion of what she put in was too much… What a strange flavour… And that blackened piece of thing is a piece of meat right… If I eat such a burnt thing, I’ll get cancer won’t I…

“How is it?”

“Delicious, simply the best.”

“… Hmhm~”

I demolished the noodles with big mouthfuls as I held the lunch box. A man that knows how to endure is a good man. As the students around frolicked about, a gentle breeze blew as time slowly pa.s.sed.

Tina grew tired, and dozed off while leaning against my shoulder. It was cool and comfortable under the tree and sunlight seeped through the gaps in the leaves, leaving dots of light about.

How nice is it to have the girl you love right beside you, so close that you can even count the strands of her curly eyelashes. She even made you lunch, and you can even see the slight burn marks on her fingers. Sitting with each other under in the cool shade, pa.s.sing a summer afternoon as the crickets cried and the wild gra.s.s grew long.


That scared the s.h.i.t out of me! Before I realised it, some little boy was squatting beside me, with his hands on his knees, staring at me motionlessly.

“h.e.l.lo.” He repeated his greeting.

The little boy wore simple exquisite clothes and had a perfect back comb. His eyes were big and round, and reflected my image perfectly. He squatted there quietly, and seemed to be very well behaved, like a little boy from the neighbourhood who always comes over to play.

“h.e.l.lo.” I said, returning his greeting, “You’re pretty well-dressed. Going on a date later?”

His hairstyle was even a mature one, and the leather rounded toe shoes he wore were flawlessly glossy.

“No, I have a speech tonight.”

“What are you squatting here for?”

“I’m observing you.”

“Why are you observing me?”

“Because someone said you are very handsome”

“That person has good taste huh.”

“Is this person your girlfriend?”

“No… She is the young mistress of my house.”

“Do you like her?”


I hurriedly checked Tina’s status. She was still fast asleep and had not stirred.

I answered in a low voice: “You, how did you see that?”

“That person told me.”

“Who is that person?”

“The one who said that you are very handsome.”

Who else besides me knows that I like Tina? Did William see through me? Was this little boy close to William? Or was it Harry who told him? No, Harry is too dumb to find out that I like Tina…

Just as I was prepared to interrogate him, the little boy dusted his bottom as he got up.

“I’m going off now. I snuck out so they will find out soon.”

The little bow went around the tree trunk and by the time I stretched my body to find him, he had already run off far away.

But I saw him again later at night. All staff and students were gathered before the school building and the little boy was standing on the 1-meter tall podium, with an ahoge sticking out. He read out from his script and we, the audience, gave him a round of applause. The crowd seemed to listen from start to end with great relish, and the head instructor was very pleased with this.

I didn’t listen to most of what the little boy said. At the end of his script, he cleared his throat.

“There is one more thing that I have returned for. In a few days, it will be the Oracle Plenary that everyone knows about. In the past, I have gone alone and it was boring doing so. But this year will be different, our school has 3 slots,” he said, pausing for a moment, “Is there anyone who wants to go and play with me there~”

The audience was struck dumb, as though the little boy had said something very incredible. It was deathly silent… Rather, there was a pressure and cheers suddenly erupted as all h.e.l.l broke loose.



“Oh Great Headmaster, I beg you please bring me to see the elf sister!!”

Everyone was frantically waving their hands and shouting to get the little boy’s attention. There were even people fighting and shouting at each other to not s.n.a.t.c.h the spot from them. It was like a riot. Even Mr Hvaler and the head instructor who were already up there in years were bouncing up and down like bunnies with their arms raised up high with excited expressions.

What was the Oracle Plenary? Who was the elf sister? I couldn’t get a grasp of what everything was about and was perplexed as to why everyone was in a frenzy to get a slot. Harry was especially enthusiastic, and had defeated all the strong rivals about him with clear ferocity and frenzy in his eyes, “Oh Great Headmaster, I prostrate myself befofe you! Please I beg of you, please bring meeeeeeee!”

“I’ve decided!” The little boy seemed to have made his choice, “Molan Faburando, Tina Faburando Lucille Brancoise Janedeline Drewcille.”

All eyes were on me and they looked like they were out for blood as the little boy smiled radiantly on the podium.

“You all are coming with me to the Oracle Plenary!”