Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 1

I am a man like the wind

“Wake up Molan!”

Awoken by the roar of Mr Hvaler and the hardcover book he smashed on my head, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at my surroundings.

Looking at my cla.s.smates smartly decked in their uniforms turning around to look at me, it seems like cla.s.s is in session. Mr Hvaler is currently standing in front of me and is staring at me with murderous eyes and raised eyebrows.

“Mr Hvaler… If you could wake me up later, I will be grateful.”

“You dare blame me! How dare you! You either sleep or daydream during all my lessons, am I such a failure of a teacher, are my lessons that boring!?”

“Sorry… Mr Hvaler, you are a splendid teacher, it’s just that I have no interest in history whatsoever.”

“I teach alchemy you moron!” The cla.s.s erupted in laughter and Mr Hvaler finally went mad, clawing painfully at what little hair he had left. “Go stand outside the cla.s.s!”

Did I remember it wrongly? It felt like Mr Hvaler taught history. Without a choice, I stood up and walked out of cla.s.s. When I pa.s.sed the third row, Tina gave me a glance before returning to her textbooks. As usual, nothing seemed to catch her interest.

Because cla.s.ses were still ongoing, the hallway was empty. As I leaned against the windowsill yawning, I recalled the dream I just had.

In the dream, I returned to my world and met my long lost parents and friends. However, they had all aged by decades while I still remained a 16 year old youth. Just as I was about to lose it, Mr Hvaler smashed my sleep and dream into dust. It appears I am still in this country called Txarango (TL: I am very bad at transliteration, the original is 特克斯兰, appears to be the Chinese transliteration of some Spanish band). Specifically, I am in Cavani, the capital city and the heart of economic activity, where I am simply spending my days idly and aimlessly as I soak in the glorious summer sunshine as I am unable to find my way back to my world.

It has already been half a year since I have come to this world and I have more or less adapted to life here. It is a fantastical world, with science taking a backseat to swords and magic. Transportation happens through horse carriages and sailing ships with some small scale flying magic constructs. Every country is a monarchy, with different G.o.ds, and constantly wage wars with each other. Humans are not the only sentient beings in this world, there are elves who isolate themselves from the outside world and live in their forests. And just like in popular fantasy novels these days, I slipped into this world?

The last memory I have of earth are my revisions for the end of term examination the next day. Before I realized it, I was in an unfamiliar street and weirdly dressed pa.s.sersby with hair and eyes in every possible colour were staring at me and whispering to each other in unknown tongues. Without head or tail of what happened, my best guess is that I was drugged and sold.

The times when I just arrived were really arduous, until I met Tina.

Just as I thought of this, the music that signaled the end of cla.s.s wafted from the cla.s.sroom. The object emitting music is the magic totem that resides in the ceiling of every cla.s.sroom. The spell for this, which covers the entire school, was created by the princ.i.p.al for the purpose of telling time. The music that is playing now signals that it is lunchtime and all the gentlemen and ladies should fill their stomachs.

As my cla.s.smates hurried to the canteen, I waited at the door as Tina took her time to exit. Without even looking at me, she immediately proceeded to the staircase, as I hurried to her to have lunch together. Today’s Tina really doesn’t like to talk huh. As we walked, I caught whiffs of her shampoo and stole some side views of her beautiful chiseled looks.

Tina’s full name is Tina Faburando Lucille Brownstower Janedeline Drewcille. I cannot guarantee that I can write it the same way every time (TL: neither can I), this is the best I can transliterate it. In the words here, it is only a short line. I don’t even know if I remember the p.r.o.nunciation correctly, but I am very confident about Faburando as this is Tina’s original family name while the last 4 names were granted to her family by the emperor. Names granted by royalty symbolize the greatest of honors and it is said in this country that families with more than 3 names are just 2: Faburando and Deca. Thus, Tina, as Faburando’s sole heir, has untold status and n.o.bility.

As for me, I have been adopted by this unparalleled young mistress as her personal attendant and attend school with her at the St Txarango Academy for Aristocrats administered directly by the royal family.

Ohhhh! With such a wonderful development, the next step is to conquer Tina, marry a beautiful heiress and enjoy life at its peak!

Sometimes I can be really obscene.

Being an unparalleled beauty with distinguished lineage, Tina is often surrounded with many suitors who seek any opportunity they can to get close to her, like lunchtime now. As I eat with Tina in a table in the corner, a horde of princelings with glittering eyes came to seat with their plates.

“May I take a seat here?”

“No, it’s too much of a squeeze for 3 people, go over there.”

“How do you do, Ms Faburando, I am Pete from the House of Towa.”

“Our House’s young miss doesn’t talk during meals, don’t come and bother her.”

“Ms Faburando, do you like sweets? I have 2 m.u.f.fins here…”

“No no, she doesn’t. But I do, *awu* thanks there.”

I s.n.a.t.c.hed the m.u.f.fin and ate it in one mouthful before pushing away all the boys. Who is this rude plebeian? They muttered while staring at me with hostility. I returned those feelings with a stare of my own whilst Tina nonchalantly cuts her pork chops, without even batting an eye to my rudeness. Eventually, the crowd lost interest and broke up.

Hmph, just a bunch of perverted heirs, do you all like flat chested girls that much? If you want to pursue Tina, you have to get past me first! But I will never acknowledge you all, so stand aside because I am The One for Tina!

Tina uses her fork to pierce a small piece of pork chops and bring it to her slightly opened mouth. The glaze from the pork chops makes her lips look delicious and brings to mind untoward thoughts.

On my 4th night in this world, I was shivering outside a fruit stall, dressed in nothing but light summer clothes and rags I found from the trash as the cold wind blew and snow fell from the skies. I had been enduring hunger all this while but it seemed like I had reached my limit and I would probably die soon as tears and mucus streamed down my face. Just as I was on my last breath, a white carriage gilded with gold stopped before me and the door opened. What stepped out was a thin pair of legs covered in white socks wearing high heeled silver shoes. Looking up, I saw a girl clad in snow white western clothing holding a lace parasol, who looked like she had walked out of a fairy tale. She had long blue hair that was clear and transparent like water in a tranquil lake which reflected the faint streetlights.

“What is your name?”

Her voice was music to my ears. I stared blankly at her long lashes, lost for a moment.

That was how Tina and I met.

I fell in love with Tina at first sight; she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, there was probably no man who could not be attracted to her and when I think of the mountain of stinkbugs (TL: referring to potential suitors) to get rid of, I feel very pressured.

Tina wordlessly finished her pork chops, before washing it down with coffee. As the coffee was a little too hot, she blew away the steam *huhu* before carefully taking a sip. (TL: In case you are wondering, the author describes her actions from MC POV in intricate detail)

As Tina’s attendant, though we spend every waking hour together, on average she only speaks 5 sentences to me and it’s always because I’m asking her something. When I think about it like this, I really am pathetic. Such a despairing distance. Though Tina appears to be naturally cold and introverted, she would sometimes speak a lot. The biggest impression was this one time while on a trip back to Tina’s family home during school holidays. I had forgotten the snacks for the trip back and Tina unusually threw a tantrum, constantly muttering in a small voice “hungryhungryhungryhungry…” so much that it seemed like she used a whole week worth of words.


Tina’s sudden words surprised me momentarily.

“Un, *cough*, what is it?”

“There is a ceremony for His Highness William’s triumphant return tomorrow.”

Every time Tina says there is a ceremony or new shop opening tomorrow, she means for us to skip school and go out to play.

“Alright got it,” I nod, “I will wake you up tomorrow morning.”

Tina did not reply and continued to sip her coffee with small mouthfuls while watching the rich green lawns outside in a daze.


Though I promised as much yesterday, I still overslept today. In the end, it was Tina who had to come to my room to wake me up. Come to think of it, my negligence of duties is not just this once but Tina never gets angry. Opening the door, the glorious sight of Tina with her makeup done and hair braided in pigtails to one side in a cool one piece dress with a translucent pink blouse on top dazzled me for a second. Even though she is expressionless, I can feel her excitement.

“Let’s go.” Tina urged.

“Oh oh.”

As I hurriedly got ready, my mind started to wander.

Had she ever dressed up so elaborately before when we skipped school? This is the first time I have seen Tina with such a complex hairstyle and with her makeup all done outside of a party.

His Highness William? I am starting to be filled with a sense of foreboding.

Who is His Highness William? Txarango’s First Prince, he showed extraordinary talent in magic far beyond his peers since a tender age and was one of St Txarango’s most outstanding graduates. He started a military career since 13 and went to his first battlefield at 16 and is 22 this year. He has just ended a conflict in the Southwest border with numerous victories to his name. Prince William is also distinguished in his affairs and has great favor with the king, and is engaged with the Third Princess of the northern country Rosa, and is thus the leading successor to the throne. All of this information was told to me by Harry from across the street, who is also another young mistress’ personal attendant, and with whom I have a good relationship with.

The streets were a sea of people, all wanting to catch a glimpse of the Prince’s heroic figure. With a pet.i.te frame, Tina was able to slip through the crowd seamlessly while I had to fight tooth and nail against the human wall to follow her.

Prince William was supposedly an upright person with good conduct, and had the hearts of thousands of young girls in Txarango. Tina was only 16 and could be cheated by that fellow. Looking at Tina running ahead, with her braid bouncing up and down, as though it reflected the excitement in its master, I felt very depressed.

“d.a.m.n it!”

I hit someone head on and we both fell to ground. I pinched my nose as I sized the guy up. He was wearing a thick cloak and had his hat pulled low so I cannot see the face but from the swearing voice, I can deduce that he is a middle aged man. Wearing such a thing in such hot weather, aren’t you hot? Or are you some religious person?

I hurried apologized but the cloaked man did not pay me any attention. Instead, he frantically picked up the box that fell to the ground and stuffed it into his cloak. The box was jet black all over, medium sized, and seemed like it may have fragile contents. Luckily the man did not pursue the matter further and quickly disappeared into the crowd. I was stunned for a moment before I remembered Tina and hastily got up before she rushed off.

It’s over. I lost her.

Suddenly, someone yelled: “His Highness the Prince has arrived!”

There was a moment of silence before the crowd erupted in cheers, with the screams of young girls being especially prominent. I squeezed my way to the road to see what kind of fellow he was like but I was pushed back by the guards at the road who told me not to block the way, so I could only poke my head out.

A line of palace maids walked at the front, with a basket of flower petals in one hand while throwing the petals with the other, with an honor guard contingent marching proudly behind while playing musical instruments. Following behind the honor guard were the mighty returning army, with mages in long robes and soldiers wielding steel swords and bows, each of them with a face that exuded exhaustion and pride. Leading this group was a youth on a white horse. The youth wore gold ta.s.sels on his left shoulder and a red cloak clipped to his right, and had a head of hair as dazzling as the spring sun. The youth waved to the people on both sides while wearing a calm infectious smile.

This… This is Prince William right?

He, he is just a liiiiitle bit more handsome than me, what’s the big deal?

“His Highness the Prince welcome homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

“I missed you so much Prince Williammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“Prince I love you! Sign this for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”


The scene was completely chaotic, there were people who cried, people who screamed, even people who fainted, needing the guards to give emergency aid. This was almost like some superstar idol, women were screaming as if competing to see who could scream higher and men were cheering till their voices were hoa.r.s.e. Is that Prince really that loved by the people? Or is his occupation actually an idol?

I got more depressed as time pa.s.sed as I stared holes into the suave William on his white horse. This really was a genuine “Prince on a white horse”. n.o.body else was riding on a horse but him, and he stood head and shoulders above his troops in enjoying the cheers of the people. What a powerful rival… Wait, no, he has an engagement already?

Ah~ That was scary. He isn’t a rival in love after all. That’s alright then, Tina is in the midst of adolescence, having 1 or 2 eye candies is also normal. When time pa.s.ses and the grown up Tina thinks back to this bittersweet time while holding my hand, she will laugh as she says that she cannot believe she ever liked William that blonde brat, you are so much more handsome!

“…Go and die!”

I got a shock, and looked around, thinking that someone had heard my delusions. Who was it who spoke just now? The voice sounded a little familiar, but I could only hear the cheers and screams from crazed fans trying to get William’s attention.

I turned my head to William and saw that he was still smiling kindly.

His smile suddenly froze and he clutched the reins at his waist tightly as the horse reared up, showing a belly covered in fresh blood. It jumped and ran about in a frenzy, knocking down troops and trampling the honor guard. William used all of his strength to pull the horse back but was thrown to the ground before the horse charged straight into the crowd, turning cheers of excitement into screams of horror.

“What happened!?”

“The horse went mad!”

“Don’t get trampled!”

“Don’t step on me!”

“It hurts!”

“Get out of the way!”

The crowd was a mess and people were trampled by both the horse and mostly by each other. I stood where I was and looked frantically for Tina, praying she did not get hurt. The troops quickly restored order and slew the horse with a longsword to the neck, which finally made it quiet. As its huge body fell to the ground, its blood flowed down the street and children nearby began crying.

William sat on the ground panting heavily, his hands which clutched his waist were soaked in blood. He looked over to where I was.

“Is it you? You usurper!”

Ha? Me? I did nothing!

As I was preparing to protest, someone laughed coldly behind me.

“Hmmhmm, to have discovered me so quickly, as expected of Prince William.”

I turned my head, and saw the thick cloak man with one hand carrying a small wooden crossbow looking at William.

Isn’t this the guy who b.u.mped into me just now? I finally see his looks now, if he were in my world, he would look like any ordinary salaryman who might be embroiled in some family crisis. (TL: Dude wtf?) No special facial features were present but there was an exceptionally large pentacle earring on it.

As I quickly ran away, the man continued to stand there laughing coldly even as swordsmen were approaching him with their weapons drawn, and mages and archers ready to fire. William’s reaction was vaguely understandable by all that the horse’s frenzy was due to this suspicious man’s hidden crossbow which hit both the Prince and the horse. Even though the situation seemed bad for the man, he seemed calm.

“Who directed you?”

William’s voice was stable but it sounded weak as he commanded the troops not to act rashly.

“You will never know.”

“A foreign a.s.sa.s.sin?”

The man did not answer, making William frown in frustration.

“Never mind, when I bring you back, I’ll make you say everything!”

“You are welcome to try if you can!”

As the troops charged forth, the man took out a box from his cloak, the box he dropped when he b.u.mped into me. He opened the chains and a thick black smoke escaped the box and instantly engulfed the entire street.

In a blanket of darkness, I could see nothing but hear the sounds of weapons crashing into something, shout sounds….

And a horrible roar of a beast.

As the black smoke dispersed, a scene of horror greeted me.

At the side of the cloaked man, a monster as tall as 2 persons stood upright, with a head that seemed like both lizard and wolf (TL: I am kidding, he really says it looks like a lizard and a wolf), gorging on the lower half of a human with mutilated bodies and broken weapons strewn about as a pool of blood spread out before it.

The monster swallowed a human leg whole, gave a belch and stuck out a tongue like a snake to lick its eyes.

What the heck is this!?

Terror reached its climax, with people running in all directions away from the monster. The troops were unable to maintain order, as they were barely able to hang on to their weapons with their trembling hands as they watched the monster eat their fallen comrades one by one.

“That, that is, a demonic beast right…”

“Why would it appear here…”

William was dumbstruck.

“What have you done!? Aren’t demonic beasts long extinct!?”

“Yes they are~” The man sneered as he lovingly caressed the demonic beast’s scales as if he were stroking a beloved pet. “This kid was a half-baked creation we made by mimicking the demonic beast creations of ancient times. It was originally supposed to be my insurance because the poison shot into you and your beloved horse should be strong enough to kill you. But since you found me immediately, I have no choice but to use it.”

The man laughed coldly.

“But, this kid doesn’t seem like he wants to leave huh. I too want to see its true power. Go Experiment Subject #1…Split that blonde haired man in 2 and eat the rest!”

The demonic beast curled in its legs and leapt out like a rabbit right for William. The myriad spells and sharp blades that stood before it were all deflected by its hard, st.u.r.dy scales and roared as if it were laughing and swept aside the troops at William’s side, revealing a weakened William lying on the ground motionlessly.

Suddenly, a ball of light flew in from far off and exploded on the demonic beast’s left eye, making the demonic beast scream in pain as green liquid seeped out from its eye sockets, the first attack to make it feel pain.


William looked into the distance in surprise. On hearing the name he called out, I too turned in that direction.

Though the intricate braid was already loose, a familiar figure could be seen standing there as she held a short staff with both hands and continued her incantations.

Tina! Thank goodness you are alright!

“Such strong magic…” Cloaked man whispers, “Where did this mage come from?”

As the demonic beast caught sight of the girl who destroyed its left eye, it immediately switched targets and furiously charged at Tina with gaping maw, eager to sink its bloodstained teeth into Tina.

Oioioi! Your target is the blonde haired guy there, not my house’s young miss!

Tina seemed to have no intention of running as she created numerous b.a.l.l.s of light and sent them with great precision to attack the demonic beast’s right eye. Eyes are its weak spot! But the demonic beast had realized this and used its claws to cover its right eye, deflecting the b.a.l.l.s of light with its claws, resulting in explosions in the surroundings which luckily left no human casualties.

Tina continued her incantations at even greater speed, creating a large number of b.a.l.l.s of light within seconds at the pace of a machine gun and concentrated fire on a single spot on the claws but could not make it past the thick, hard scales. Gasping for breath, her face was pale white.

That was a powerful magic attack, with continuous casting and high frequency, leading to tremendous physical and mental burden on the user. Tina finally gave out and sank limply to the ground, so weak she could not even hold on to her staff. Nauseating green liquid flew about in the air as the demonic beast moved its hands, the claws were already pierced through but because Tina had fainted from exhaustion, she could no longer attack it.

The demonic beast laughed mockingly, a sound much like a crow’s cawing. It moved towards Tina patiently and slowly, contemplating whether to use its teeth or claws to tear her apart.

I’ll tear you apart before that! I suppressed my trembling, gave myself a slap to wake myself from the terror I was drenched in and grabbed an intact sword from the corpses of troops before running for the monster.


The cloaked man was stunned upon seeing the boy who came out of nowhere between the blue haired girl and the demonic beast. Is this some cliché play of a hero saving a beauty? But no matter how you look, the brat did not look like a hero; he couldn’t even hold a sword properly. The demonic beast was similarly disinterested in the boy that suddenly appeared and swiped him away with his claws.

The cloaked man’s eyes widened, he was unable to see the boy’s movements at all. The demonic beast only swiped air as the boy disappeared and reappeared instantly on the demonic beast’s neck! It tried to reach for the boy only to find its claws had separated from its arms and fell to the ground.

Slicing 2 hands off a demonic beast in an instant! How did he do it!?

He wielded only an ordinary longsword, which the swordsmen before him used and were easily broken by the demonic beast.

Did he attack the weak spots by the blue haired girl? If not, he could not have sliced through the demonic beast’s armor. During the experimental process, the cloaked man and his comrades had tried many types of magic and weapons to attack the demonic beasts but nothing could hurt them except the eyes.

The boy latched his legs onto the demonic beast’s neck, held the sword with both hands in a reverse grip before plunging it into the demonic beast’s rotten left eye cavity with all his strength. The demonic beast howled in pain and desperately tried to shake the boy off but the boy stubbornly held on and stabbed even deeper into its skull inch by inch. The demonic beast leapt about in a frenzy, from ground to wall to ground. The boy was able to skillfully adjust his posture to avoid any attacks and refused to let go until the blade pierced through the skull. The demonic beast took a few more steps shakily before crashing down as its green blood spewed out like a fountain and dyed the boy completely in its color.


The boy loosened his grip on the hilt and staggered backwards before falling right on his backside. He held on to a streetlight for support as he vomited.

Cloaked man looked on with shock as he thought that Experiment Subject #1 could slaughter the entire street and leave a sea of blood but a powerful mage and swordsman showed up and had exterminated a mighty demonic beast in a matter of minutes. He looked towards the fainted girl and vomiting boy and burned their appearances into his memory. Even though he had lost a precious sample, the initial goal was met and the poison in William would kill him within 5 days. All he had to do was to leave the place and wait for the country to mourn the loss of the Prince.

He laughed coldly, pulled down his hat and disappeared into the chaos from the fight.

I can use knives and swords skillfully. When wielding such weapons, my body becomes light. If this is a game, I would think that my stat points in swordsman and blademaster cla.s.ses should be very high. After 1 month in this world, I found out about my talent just as I was despairing over having no talent in magic despite travelling to a world of magic. During a time when I skipped cla.s.ses with Tina because she wanted to try out a newly opened sweets shop. We were sitting near the window face-to-face. Tina was concentrating on destroying her dessert while I felt an extremely empowering feeling as I held on to the knife.

At that moment, someone yelled “Thief!” outside the window, and someone carrying a parcel ran off in a panic, leaving the patrolling guards far behind. I tightly held the knife, and with the feeling like I can do anything, I rushed out of the shop and chased down the thief with ease. I used the knife to slice his belt, whereupon his pants fell and he tripped breaking his 2 front teeth. By the time the soldiers caught up, I had already returned to my seat in the shop with no one catching a glimpse of my movements which were like the wind. I was a man like the wind and Tina was still facing her dessert licking the silver fork with her face covered with cream.

That felt awesome as h.e.l.l! Just like how those main characters have their unique skills! Whether I can or cannot use magic doesn’t matter to me anymore, swords are cooler anyway.

This was the first time I ever used it to fight though, and I had no confidence as I picked up the blade, believing that I would be ripped to shreds by the demonic beast. But upon holding the sword, it felt like a pile of flesh to me. In the end, I slaughtered it unscathed but the horrible stink and losing my balance made me so nauseated, I saw 10 Tinas lying on the floor and couldn’t bear it anymore and let it all out.

Shouldering Tina as I left the chaotic streets, William shouted.

“Young man! Wuu…” He endured the pain as the troops around him tended to him, “Please, tell me what your name is?”

“Molan Faburando.”

I blurted out. That was the name Tina gave me that winter night. She asked me what my name was and I answered Qin Molan whereupon she asked me what my surname was. When I told her it was Qin, she told me that my surname was Faburando from now on and that I was her’s.

I turned to leave. William seemed to say more but I didn’t listen on. He seemed to call Tina affectionately just now, and with Tina’s actions throughout today, it’s obvious they knew each other before.

This well-dressed blonde b.a.s.t.a.r.d must have cheated Tina! As you stand there dying, watch and be jealous as I take Tina! She is now my girl!

On the way back to school, Tina awoke from my back.

“So smelly.”

“Eh, that lizard thing is very smelly and its blood is all over me…Bear with it for a while, we are reaching the school in a bit.”

She did not have any intention to push me away, rather she grabbed on tightly.

“Molan saved me?”



“It’s nothing.”

At this point, one must answer coolly to project an image of nonchalance and give the impression that “oneself is willing to go to any lengths for one’s love” to look appealing and cool. I think my affection points are going up so much, I can hear the sound of a counter exploding. Oh my oh my, happiness might come too suddenly, I am not prepared yet.

“What about Prince William?”

My heart fell into a bottomless pit. That d.a.m.ned blondie again.

“…There’s a bunch of mages healing him, should be alright.”


Tina remained silent but I could sense her worries. As she touched my demonic beast blood soaked hair, neither of us spoke again.

The school is in the forest and there is a gravel road that one can follow safely back to school. The cry of innumerable insects followed us on our way as I keenly felt the heat waves of summer, and sky was high and far and blue like Tina’s hair. As I appreciated the otherworld and its magnificent scenery, I thought of how to sneak back into the dormitory.