Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 13

I will send servants to deliver solid gold to your household one day

Month of Metal, Third Day, Clear

Today I brought Tess to cut her hair, do her make up and buy clothes.

She looks good in literally everything, is she a clothes hanger. She looks best in blue.
Lingerie was selected by the shop a.s.sistant.

I considered at length and finally picked 10 sets of clothing so Tess can wear one each day.

I really wanted to have a tailor-made Isona brand set but it takes 20 days to be delivered, what poor productivity.

Whilst changing, Tess actually fell asleep in the changing room and after waiting for an hour, the shop a.s.sistant brought me there.

She said your girlfriend is really cute and I said that I think so too.

Month of Metal, Fourth Day, Clear

Tess has a sweet tooth, just like Tina.

She really ate her fill throughout the day.

Tess’s favourite was shaved ice. She would eat one mouthful, speak a little, eat, then speak some more.

So cooling, so good, she would say with a satisfied look.

Her second favourite would be ice cream, and third cakes.

When she eat cakes, she would always get cream all over her face without knowing it.

Just like Tina…

Month of Metal, Fifth Day, Clear

When it comes to tourist spots, they are always crowded, no matter the world.

Want to look at scenery? Nope, only a sea of people to look at.

Tess was afraid of getting lost and held me very tightly, whilst looking very nervous.
But she still got lost anyway.

When I found her, she was standing at the roadside staring at a figure made out of sugar displayed at a stall, her expression all silly and ditzy.

I bought it for her and she was elated, twirling it around and not bearing to eat it.

So I bought 2, 1 to eat, 1 to play with.

Month of Metal, Sixth Day, Cloudy

Tess lost the ear m.u.f.fs.

It ignited a commotion on the streets as commoners had never seen the reclusive elves before and everyone and their mothers crowded around to have a look.

But I carried Tess and successfully escaped. I also bought a new pair and put them on for her.

On the way back, Tess was silent and kept her head low, stealing glances at me from time to time, and seemed like she was afraid of being scolded by me.

I rubbed her head and said that she had to wake up early the next day as punishment.
She grudgingly agreed.

Month of Metal, Seventh Day, Rainy

Tess actually woke up earlier than me today!

She said it was because it was a punishment and I remembered there was such a thing. She took it seriously.

Because it was raining, we couldn’t roam outside so I took Tess to a drama. It was a love comedy, and it was long and long-winded. I initially thought it was a waste of time but Tess seemed really into it. This was her first time watching a drama and she was watching it with great relish.

When the kiss scene came on, she gasped softly and turned so red even her neck was red. She covered her face with her hands, but continued to peek through cracks between her fingers.

As we came out of the theatre, Tess refused to hold my hand and maintained a minute distance from me. I poked her when she wasn’t noticing it and she jumped up immediately and hid far away.

… After watching that s.h.i.tty drama, Tess seems to have learnt quite a bit and I can’t take advantage of her anymore.

If I knew this, I wouldn’t have followed this plan.

I closed the diary and stored it in our luggage.

Looking at the clock inside the inn room, the time was just past midnight. Our trip’s sixth day was here, and Tess was fast asleep on the bed, wearing her new pajamas, looking like an ordinary girl and not a divine emissary.

Did she have fun these few days? If she did then everything would be worth it. All that effort to sneak into various nations while risking discovery and arrest. There were several times when I was almost caught and when I think back to those times, it still scares me.
I had an itinerary in the back of the diary, with stuff like famous foods to eat etc, in places all over the southeast part of the continent. Because our mode of transport was limited to a carriage, I can only make plans which cover that far. Up till now, we’ve only covered half the itinerary so we’ll have to quicken the pace if we are to finish everything else before time is up.

Not sleepy in the least, I put on my shoes and left our room with light steps.

“Master, where are you going?”

“Why are you following me.”

As I was about to close the door, I found Shuoxue in human form since who knows when, trying to sneak out of the room with me.

“I think master is going to some fun place to play.”

“You think wrong, go back go back.”

“Ei! Why aren’t you bringing me!”

“Shh! Don’t wake Tess up.”

“Why aren’t you bringing me.”

“Because you stand out too much, the moment people see me with a rare white sword, they will know I’m the internationally wanted criminal.”

“Then I’ll just follow you in the form I’m in now.”

“Follow your head, go protect Tess. Let me be alone for a bit.”

Without saying more, I stuffed Shuoxue back into the room and shut her and her protests up by closing the door.

I only realised that I forgot the sungla.s.ses after I left the inn but oh well, shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

I scratched my head, and walked into the bar opposite the inn.

There weren’t as many people as I thought, and the nightlife feel seemed spa.r.s.e. When we first arrived here, we heard that terrorist activities were rampant here and this probably affected the business of bars and other night entertainment places badly.

I sat at the bar counter and ordered a bottle of red wine which I slowly drank with a gla.s.s. Since I came into this world, I’ve fallen in love with the red wine here. Maybe it’s the grapes, maybe it’s the brewery, but the red wine they make is delicious and I don’t get drunk from it easily. Even after downing 3 bottles, I’m still fairly sober.

But today, I learnt that not being able to get drunk is a horrible thing.

“… Another bottle.”

“Alright.” The server opened a bottle and pa.s.sed me a stack of tissues, “Dear guest, will you need this?”

“… Thanks.”

I took the tissues.

“What’s the ruckus there about.”

“You mean that girl with twin tails? She does mot have any money, and nothing of value can be found on her so when our server refused to let her leave, she started yelling saying things like “insolent fellows” “do you even know who I am” and other such rude things. It really p.i.s.ses us off. If she really were as impressive as she talks, why is she wearing such tattered clothes and doesn’t even have the money for some drinks?”

I tore a gold certificate out and pa.s.sed it to the server.

“Tell her I’ll pay for her portion and make her leave quickly, it’s too noisy.”

“This, this is…”

“There’s a stamp there, it’s not fake.”

“So, so you are royalty from abroad! Where are my manners… I will make that guest leave at once.”

The server accepted the gold certificate fearfully and ran over to the noisy girl, spoke a fair bit, and pointed over to me halfway. The girl looked over and walked right over to me after listening to the server.

“Thanks there.”

“Leave, why come and bother me.”

“How can I leave just like that? The favour of a single drop should be returned with a fountain. Which royal family are you from? Tell me your the name of your house. I will return this favour one day in solid gold many times over sent directly to your household.”
The girl flicked one tail back and stuck out her chest proudly, and completely did not look like she was in grat.i.tude.

(TL: Imagine her speaking in a Kugimiya Rie tsundere voice)

“No need, just leaving me alone is good.”

“Preposterous! I never owe favours to others, as a fellow royal yourself, you understand no?”

I got depressed as things seemed to get troublesome and decided to continue drinking alone and ignored the girl. When she got no reply from me after talking on and on, she got irritated and ordered 2 bottles of red wine from the server.

“Oi, why are you ordering when you are penniless.”

“Finally paying me attention? I may not have money but you do.”

The girl said matter-of-factly.

“Why do I have to buy liquor for you.”

“Because the server drove me away before I could drink my fill.”

“What I meant was, why do you think I will pay for you.”

“1 gold certificate is worth 100 gold pieces! My bill was 7 pieces, you still have 93, so pay for my bill again. I will return it in future with solid gold many times over.”

I was speechless at the sheer thick-skinnedness of this fellow. Forget it, I’ll just treat her. I have a lot of money anyway, I still can’t believe William actually took me seriously and gave me what I wanted when I said I wanted 10,000 pieces.

*Guru guru* After downing several gla.s.ses, the girl sat there in a daze and came up close to me that I could get a whiff of the smell of alcohol from her.

“Let me tell you something,” She belched, “Don’t tell anyone as this is a national secret.”


“I am the princess of Rosa Kingdom, a very important person.”


“You don’t believe me?”

“I believe you.” I answered patronisingly.

“Hehe~ You are a good person to believe me when no one else has! Saying with such dirty clothes, there’s no way I’m a princess… But I’m such a beauty! How can such a beautiful girl not be a princess!”

Now I get it, she’s a chuunibyou case.

“Do you know why I am penniless and wearing tattered clothes?”


“This is a secret of secrets of my nation, so don’t tell anyone.”


She hugged my neck and whispered softly into my ear.

“Because, I ran away from home.”

“… Oh.”

“I used up all the money I had, sold my clothes and even my staff, and as I wandered about, somehow I ended up in this nation…” She lamented, her voice weaker with every word until finally bursting into tears, “I’m so hungry! Wuwuwuwuwu…”

(TL: Crying sounds)

I resignedly raised my hand, “Excuse me, get me something to eat.”

Food was served immediately, and the girl’s eyes lit up as she flew out and s.n.a.t.c.hed the plate, and immediately wolfed down all its contents.

“Hn, you’re a smart one, I like you! This dish is not bad, but it’s a little salty, and it’s not as tasty as food in the castle…”

She started crying again. “I want to go home! Wuwuwuwu…”As she cried, her hands did not stop as she continually sent the spoon into her mouth and within no time at all, the whole plate of food was demolished.

“Is there anymore…”

“No more.”


“Excuse me! One more serving of food!”

In total, the girl ate 4 servings before she was finally full. She rubbed her teary eyes and smiled shyly at me.

“Thanks.” She thanked me sincerely.

“No need for thanks.”

“Hn, kind person, I will send servants to deliver solid gold to your household one day.” And there she goes, back to her flaunting tone again.

This was really too much.

I don’t care if you are a chuunibyou or a runaway princess. Just please leave me alone. All I want is some quiet time alone to get drunk.

But the girl still refused to leave, and stared at me as she lay her head on the table.

“What now.”

“In return for feeding and watering me, I can be a listening ear,” She said softly, “to whatever sorrows you are having.”


The girl’s voice was kind, so kind that it seemed to float over like a soft feather. She looked straight at me and I found that she had very pretty eyes, with deep black irises that made me think of earth and invoked a strange sense of familiarity.

You are lost and have nothing to your name now and you still have the mood to listen to me. Are you the self-sacrificial Lei Feng now, how about I give you a small red flower as a reward.

(TL: Lei Feng is a propaganda figure used by the CCP, used to promote self-sacrificial behaviour and devotion to CCP and China etc. Supposedly he actually existed but whether what the CCP claims he did is disputed.)

Though I wanted to reject her offer, my lips still succ.u.mbed and opened.

“… I have someone who is important to me. She is no longer by my side and I miss her very much.”

As those words left my mouth, my emotions ran wild and my nose felt like it was burning mad as the tears started falling.

Try not to think about it, and live through each day with a smile plastered on your face. That is something that absolutely had to be done. You were bringing Tess about, here there and everywhere, for the sake of letting her wear all the different kinds of clothing she had never worn before, see the various sights she had never seen before, eat the various foods she had never eaten before, and experience the various pleasures she had never experienced before. If all you did was sigh and complain and cry, then who would be the one to show Tess a good time? You have to create enough happy memories for her, enough at least for her not to have regrets.

Is what I thought, and how I acted.

But I couldn’t escape my sadness. From one city to another, from one nation to another, running about a corner of the continent for 5 days and 5 nights; it still caught up in the end. And when it did, it came crashing down and washed away all resistance.
As the rain continued and humidity permeated the air, I came to hide in a bar as I nursed my intense longing for Tina.

After hearing me out, the girl cried noisily as she told me about how she had a beloved older sister who was married out to a far off nation and could never see her again. We both poured liquor for each other and spoke about our sorrows without comforting each other as the lamps dimmed and the raindrops fell down to the ground outside the bar. We argued and yelled at each other until we got tired and fell asleep. The girl lay down on the counter and breathed peacefully and slowly, while I too eventually lost myself to sleep as I hugged my head and shut my heavy eyelids and my consciousness sank into darkness.

Someone forced me awake and I opened my eyes to see myself in a place that wasn’t a bar.
My hands were tied behind my back and I was sitting on a cold floor. A mask wearing man was slapping me with a shortsword and said in a low and malicious voice:

“Tch, finally awake you drunkard? Better behave, you are now kidnapped by the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’.”