Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 14

We, the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’, are the true G.o.ds

I’ve been kidnapped!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did I get into this sort of situation!!!!????

All I did was sleep for a bit after getting drunk!!!! This nation is way too dangerous!!!!

I, I want to go home…

“What are you crying for!”

A masked fatty walked in front of me, and waves a dagger in front of me.

“Continue crying and I’ll stab you!”

“Wu, wu…”

Looking at the sinister light reflecting off the blade, I swallowed back my tears.

“You, you know, do you even know who I, I am, huh?

“A poor beggar? Hmph, what sort of big shot can you be huh?”

“I, I, wu….”

“No crying! Wuwuwu so noisy! Keep crying and I’ll slice an ear off!”

He pressed the dagger against my face, and I bit down on my lips and held my breath, not daring to make any sound.

“Hmph, that’s the way.”

The fatty looked at me from head to toe with a vulgar look in his eyes.

“You look like a little fairy huh… Little girl~ Ever had fun with a man before?”

He reached out his fatty hands to my leg as he said so.


“Don’t you dare make a sound,” He said as he slapped the dagger on my face, “behave yourself!”

I didn’t dare to make a move as he moved his oily hands across my thigh, pinching here and there.

So disgusting!!!

This d.a.m.ned fatty!!

Save me! Save me please!

Somebody please save me!

“f.u.c.k you!!”

The fatty suddenly howled like a pig being murdered. I opened my eyes timidly, and saw a boy, who had rushed over with his hands tied behind his back, biting down on the fatty’s ear.

“Don’t bring shame to fat people!” He yelled something inexplicable.

It’s the royal boy who paid for my bill!

Was he also kidnapped?

The fatty gasped as he grabbed the boy’s neck, forcing him to loosen his mouth, and slammed him to the ground with a bang. The fatty then held his b.l.o.o.d.y ear and proceeded to beat up the boy with all unoccupied limbs.

“f.u.c.k you! Son of a b.i.t.c.h! Die!”

The boy’s face got bruised and swollen all over and lay on the floor like a broken rag doll. The fatty spit at him, turned around and smiled as he reached out to me.

The boy who seemed like he was on his last breath suddenly leapt up like a frog and bit at the fatty.


The boy took a second round of beatings. After throwing him away, the fatty cautiously approached me.

“Sorry to keep you waiting little girl~ Uncle is com–Owwwwwww!”

The moment the fatty dropped his guard, the boy rushed over and bit him again. They repeated this back and forth, like a game, for almost 10 times.

“Are you f.u.c.king finished already!?”

“You’re stubborn yourself, d.a.m.ned fatty!”

The fatty finally gave up on me, and hauled the boy to a corner and concentrated on beating him.

“Don’t just beat my face! Are you jealous that I’m handsome!?”

“That’s right you gigolo! Pretty good at standing up for girls huh? Even when you’re kidnapped you still want to woo girls! I’ll let you show off, I’ll let you show off,” He yelled as he continued hitting, “Oi! Pete! Can I kill this f.u.c.ker?”

A skinny man was sitting by the window from the moment I had awoke, and was sitting there watching all this while. After being called by the fatty, he stood up, dusted himself and walked over and kicked the fatty away.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d are you mad!”

“Satisfied yet? If you’re satisfied, stop it already.” Skinny said blandly.

“We have so many hostages, just killed 1 should be fine right!?”

“Anyone else, yes, but not him,” Skinny took out a stack of papers from his pocket and waved them about, “This one is a member of Txarango royalty, he has 10 gold certificates on him. He’s a cash cow, we can get a lot for him. You want to best someone up, find someone else. You want to f.u.c.k, find a wh.o.r.e. Don’t stay here and cause trouble.”

“f.u.c.k!” The fatty spat at the boy again, before getting up, “I’m thirsty, I’m going to get some water.” After he said that, he walked to the door, and when he walked past me, he stared at me ferociously.

I curled into a ball, and trembled uncontrollably.

Skinny looked at the boy and returned to his seat at the window without saying anything.

After thinking for a while, I swallowed and got up slowly. Skinny looked at me but did not stop me. I steeled myself and ran over the boy who was groaning.

“Are, are you okay…”

“No,” The boy twitched about on the ground like an earthworm, “It hurts, it hurts like h.e.l.l.”

“Eh, thank you, for saving me.”
So polite now, the boy muttered softly.

“That, that is how I usually speak… To have confidence in myself.”

(TL: Originally, she addresses herself usually with 本宫 which is a very pompous way of addressing oneself, and is usually reserved for female members of royalty. Kind of like the female version of 朕, if you know what that is. Here, she slips into using the normal 我. Unfortunately, this is untranslatable and using j.a.panese romaji here wouldn’t be appropriate either.)

“Is that so.”

The boy struggled for a while before sitting upright, and leaned against the wall and me for support.

“You don’t mind right.” He asked.
I could feel the temperature rising on my face, “No, no, I don’t mind, un.”

“He really didn’t hold back.”

“Your face… Looks terrible.”

“No worries, it will heal up eventually.” The boy then raised his voice, “Oi, how much do you all want?”

Skinny looked at us silently, and was surprised at being called by the boy, thought for a while before answering:

“As much as possible. We will keep asking for more from the army, and when it seems like they can’t meet our demands anymore, we will take the money and set you all free. So don’t worry, we won’t kill you all.”

“What is your organisation?”

“‘Demon Lineage Sect’, our religious doctrine states that the demon race is the founder of civilisation and they are the ones we should be devoting ourselves to and worshipping, not the G.o.ds who sit by and watch us without doing anything.”

“Demon race? Demonic beasts?”

“They are a sentient race, an ancient and great race. Calling them demonic beasts is far too rude.”

“What nonsense.” The boy said, tickling my ears with every word as his face was especially close, “Instead of kneel and pray to long extinct beings from 10,000 years ago, why not choose the G.o.ds? Though it’s silly nonetheless, at least they are still alive.”

“The demon race is dead, but they are not a race which is so easily eradicated.”

“You think they can be resurrected.”

“Of course, and what’s more…”

Skinny started laughing.

“In fact, their resurrection is imminent, and soon, they will be the strength of the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’.”

Silence descended on the room.

Whether it was me, or the other hostages, they all held their breath.

Skinny did not seem to be lying and seemed like he was talking about a plan that was about to be completed. But was such a thing possible? The strongest, cruelest, most mysterious race which once ruled the world and was wiped off the face of the world by the G.o.ds would… Return to life?

Skinny was very pleased at our expressions.

“Let me tell you a piece of unrecorded history.”

As the light from the lamp shook, skinny’s lips moved in the shadows as though darkness was spewing from his lips.

Long before the humans’ era, the demon race had conquered the entire continent for 3 thousand years. Their civilisation was prosperous and warlike, and expanded to all corners of the continent. There were many sentient and civilised races back then, but all were eradicated by the demon race. Only humans, who deigned to serve the demon race as slaves, and the ever elusive elves, survived.

(TL: Kind of feels like pre-Kuhaku NGNL world… Except that the Sora incarnation never existed. And those G.o.ds really do love sitting there watching huh…)

The demon race taught humans many things; like laws, governance and the most important of all, magic.

The demon race had a deep understanding of the world as they never stopped seeking to know more, and with more knowledge, they would find ways to use it and further technological advancement and research. This, however, also made them get closer and closer to being the administrators of the world – And becoming a threat to the existence of the G.o.ds.

The day the demon race first tried to, and succeeded in, changing the climate was the day that the demon race’s demise was sealed. Though it was just a slight change in the pathway of a cold wave, it was an undeniable signal. A signal that meant the demon race had moved from accepting, to adjusting and controlling the weather, climate and also preventing natural disasters. And so, on this day, the G.o.ds issued an order that the demon race was to be exterminated completely.

Back then, 10,000 years ago, every G.o.d, not just the G.o.d of fate, had their own emissary and they followed the oracle sent and began to form armies to wage a crusade against the demon race.

(TL: Presumably from elves, humans and whatever leftovers.)

Though they were the demon race’s slaves, humanity swiftly switched sides.

The crusade lasted for 200 years. The flames of war consumed everything and left the continent barren. The demon race struggled ceaselessly and fought to the bitter end, but in the end, they fell to the G.o.dlike destructive powers of the emissaries and thus the continent was handed over to the new master race chosen by the G.o.ds.


The demon race was intelligent and cunning beyond comparison, and could not be allowed to live even if they surrendered. The humans understood this deeply, and immediately began operations to scour the continent and completely eradicate every last member of the demon race. This process too took another 200 years until the last member of the demon race died and humanity was finally and truly relieved of the overhang of its former masters.

And from then on, humanity rules the world.

But humanity had committed 2 mistakes.

First, humanity had not actually killed all members of the demon race. One survived, as he was already dying before humans could find him. He was sealed in a coffin filled with mercury and sealed from the outside with thick layers of chains, and thrown into the sea. He was the 13th prince of the demon race.

Second, humanity had not yet learnt of many things from the demon race. Of these, one was a method to prevent the extinction of the demon race. Those of the demon royalty lineage could use this method to preserve their souls indefinitely and eventually seek a suitable host and revive themselves by taking over the host and finally… Seek vengeance.

Humanity knew naught of these.

Until 10,000 years later, a certain organisation called the Pentacle found a dusty sealed coffin that had its entire surface engraved with words from the ancient language. And from there, the curtains raised as the prologue of what was to come began.

My heart thumped in my chest, and cold sweat ran down my back as I realised I had just learnt about a terrible, ancient secret that had been protected for tens of thousands of years. For Skinny to share all of this, it means that everything was in motion and was unstoppable. I don’t even know where I am now but a carefully crafted nefarious plot was about to come to fruition and the world would change forever.

But that would be a change not for the better, it would be an unprecedented disaster.

The black haired boy did not seem to understand the seriousness of the situation.

“Oh, and then,” he asked, as if he had just heard a casual story, “after getting hold of this demon king’s fresh body, how do you intend on resurrecting him?”

Keke, he suddenly gave a silly laugh on thinking about something.

“Don’t tell me you are going to stick a talisman on his forehead?”

(TL: In Chinese myths, and Taoism, corpses could be raised as zombies and vampires (jiangshi) and controlled by use of special talismans that are pasted to the foreheads. Please do not go to the local Chinese temple and get talismans and stick them on corpses.)

“For this, you do not need to know.”

“Alright then, let’s say you successfully revive the demon king. As I recall, the demons aren’t so hot with humans and the first thing he will do when he wakes up is destroy you lot.”

“Impossible,” Skinny said with utmost confidence, “We have a way to control the demon king.”

“Weren’t you all going to put him on a table and worship him?”

“No, our goal is not to worship the demon race.”

Skinny stood up, and looked down upon us with a look of utter contempt.

“But to make all of humanity worship us.”


“We will fulfill the wishes of our believers and punish all non-believers. Be it ending all wars or to overthrow tyrants, with the power of the demon king, we can do anything and everything! Instead of the G.o.ds who have done nothing for humanity, aren’t we more worthy of worship?”

He opened his arms wide.

“We, the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’, are the true G.o.ds.”

“… You’re right, I have been touched by your words.”

“Is that so.”

“But,” the boy continued, “Before becoming G.o.ds, you need ro first preserve your lives.”

“Huh?” Skinny could not comprehend the boy’s words.

“Didn’t you hear it? Since just now, there’s been a commotion below.”

Now that the boy said it, I noticed that there were indeed faint noises of a fight, and the floor was even shaking.

“No good Pete!” The fatty who left came rushing through the door, “There’s an elf—Uwaaaaaaaaaa!!”

Before he could finish, he was slammed to the ceiling, and fell down, blood streaming from his mouth.

A girl walked in from the door. She wore pink pajamas and her golden hair floated behind her, revealing her pointy ears and a sakura pink mark between her eyebrows.

Even in such a situation, I couldn’t help but to sigh.

What a beautiful girl…

“Return Molan to me.” She spoke in a voice that was freezing cold, as though a howling blizzard was contained in it.

“You, you,” Skinny opened his eyes wide, forced back by the girl’s pressure, “There are 32 people downstairs, how did you get up here!?”

“I defeated all of them.”

“Tess!” The boy shouted joyfully.


The girl’s expression changed in an instant, as though the devil from before was another person, and she shyly smiled with such brightness and warmth it felt like spring had arrived.

“You came to save me!”


Skinny knew he was no match for the girl and quickly ran and grabbed the boy on my shoulder and used the boy to shield himself and placed a shortsword at the boy’s neck.

“Don’t come over!”

Skinny suddenly keeled over and let go of the bot. He clutched at his chest, opened his mouth wide open and turned about, clawing at everything nearby as his eyeb.a.l.l.s bulged and his body convulsed before finally fainted and collapsed.

The girl walked to the boy and untied the ropes.

“I sealed his lungs with wind.”

“You can even do this sort of thing? Tess is really awesome.”

“Hn hn~”

On seeing the beaten up state of the boy’s face, the girl’s eyes turned murderous once more.

“Did they hit you.”

“Just a few times.”


“It’s okay it’s okay, just a small injury, it will heal when we get back.”

The boy patted the girl’s head, and the girl soon relaxed completely and seemed like a meek kitten.

“You forgot the ear m.u.f.fs.”

“Ah… I forgot.”

“It’s not exposed yet, there shouldn’t have been anyone hara.s.sing you in the streets right?”

“No one at all.”

“That’s good, how did you know I’m here?”

“Saw it in a dream.”

“As I expected. Heihei, I just knew Tess would come to save me.”

“Un un.”

After a while, the boy searched Skinny for the stack of gold certificates and came to untie the ropes off the completely sh.e.l.l-shocked me.

“I’ll leave the other hostages to you.”

He tore off several gold certificates and pa.s.sed them to me.

“I don’t know if this is enough for you to get home. No matter how or what you fought, don’t ever leave your parents again.”

The boy smiled kindly, with a hint of loneliness behind it.

“I’ll be going now.”


I called to stop the boy and elven girl.

“What’s your name! Can I still-”

-meet you again?

Seeing the boy hold the elven girl’s hand, I swallowed back the second half of what I wanted to say.

“… Send servants to deliver solid gold to your household!”

“Haha, I have no household for you to send solid gold to. But I can tell you my name,” The boy said, “I’m Molan Faburando.”

“Molan Faburando…”

The boy left, but I repeated his name to myself so as to engrave it in my memory.

“Molan Faburando… Molan Faburando…”

“Molan Faburando… Isn’t that the name of the wanted criminal?”