Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 19

On the 11th day of month of Metal 05:15 hours, a 2.79m tall demonic beast clad in impenetrable armour appeared in the port city of Kama in the Jacquedini nation. With his appearance, the people in Kama developed collective insanity and many lost their reason and attacked all those around them. It was utter chaos in Kamawith a large scale riot and most modes of transportation were inaccessible. It was estimated that about 70,000 people lost their lives in the riot, with tens of thousands more injured.

(TL: Trying to transliterate 杰囚迪尼布鲁汀兰卡 and failing is suffering…)

At the center of the riot was the 2.79m tall demonic beast mentioned before who led about 2,000 people who committed looting, murder, arson and theft along the way, and was the cause of all the casualties. His power was monstrous and he was both ferocious and cruel. Whether it was Jacquedini troops or the International Double-Anti squad that came later, all were helpless before it.

The riot continued for 11 hours.

When it ended, the largest international terror organisation “Demon Lineage Sect” claimed responsibility for the attack, and proclaimed their sovereignty over Kama.

11:07 hours the next day, representatives from the various human nations gathered in Rosa for an emergency meeting.

“William, it’s you representing Txarango again huh, no way you aren’t the next king eh.”

“Please don’t say such things Your Highness Shifa. My father’s health is ailing and my brothers are busy with governance. As the one with the most time to spare, it was a given that I came.”

William closed the 2 large wooden doors of the meeting room, and bowed deeply to the table where the representatives were seated.

“William Txarango Brusti reporting as the representative of Txarango for this meeting. Please forgive me for being late as the journey was exceptionally long.”

“Take a seat, you are the last one.”


William walked to the seat reserved for the Txarango representative.

The king of Rosa sat at the front of the eastern column, and said while stroking his beard, “Now then, let us begin. Per the pleas of help from the king of Jacquedini, I have called on all of you for an emergency meeting with the aim of discussing the resurrection of the demonic beast, the riot that followed and the appropriate actions us humans should take in response.”

“I beg of you, please help me! I have lost the biggest port city of my nation which was also the economic centre!” Jacquedini’s king cried out, “That demonic beast is far too strong, my humble nation’s power alone is insufficient to deal with him! Please help me!”

“Stay calm, Tierson, we will all definitely help.” The king of Rosa comforted him.

“Our nation has already helped though? We had representatives in the Double Anti squad.”

“Prince Shifa, the 340 member Double Anti squad could hardly make a dent!”

(TL: Though they call him prince, I think he is the crown prince, which is why William addresses him with respect)

“The Double Anti organisation has not even been around for 10 days, they are not a force that can be counted on just yet.” A king interrupted.

“So now you’re blaming me? In any case, my nation has already contributed, there shouldn’t be anymore demands, no?”

The Rosa king looked at Shifa, “Shifa, I know you have certain opinions towards Rosa after the last skirmish but this situation is extraodinarily serious and concerns the welfare of all nations. All of you must put aside your differences and meet this problem ahead of us together!”

“Our welfare you say? We are over 9,000 kilometers away from Jacquedini!”

“Your Highness Shifa,” William said, “It took less than a day for the “Demon Lineage Sect” to conquer Kama. At that speed, it would take them at most a month to reach your nation.”

“William is right. The goals of the “Demon Lineage Sect” cannot be just Kama. The amount of human and financial resources they invested into reviving a demonic beast cannot be for the sake of such a small ambition. Jacquedini is an ally of Rosa, I will naturally send out troops to help. I beseech all of you to look ahead and join my efforts in exterminating the “Demon Lineage Sect”.”

“I agree,” William was first to raise his hand, “Txarango will send troops.”

“The son-in-law and father-in-law are of course in agreement… But so am I, I will send 50,000.”

(TL: Remember that William is engaged to the (I think) third princess of Rosa)



Every representative raised their hands in a flurry to agree. Only Shifa was left. His eyes swept through the table and he grudgingly raised his hand as he clicked his tongue.

“Alright alright, we will send troops as well.”

“That’s good. We will sign a formal agreement which will include the code of conduct for our armies.” The Rosa king stroked his beard with a pleased expression, “Our armies are there for the sake of a.s.sistance, please don’t have any wayward designs.”

“If the demonic beast is so powerful, sending a larger army just means sending more people to their deaths right?” Shifa scoffed.

The Rosa king did not seem to mind.

“We have to try nonetheless. And we humans are no longer the same as we were 10,000 years ago.”

“I heard the emissary stood at the frontlines and stopped the riot?”

“Right, 2 minutes after the riot happened, the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’ used announcement magic to issue a notice to the citizens of Kama, saying that thanks to the efforts of the emissary, the riot would be paused for 30 minutes and they were allowed to evacuate. Thanks to that, casualties were minimised.”

“Why was it stopped for only 30 minutes?”

“Maybe the emissary left halfway.”

“No, according to my information, there were no eyewitness reports of the emissary on the frontlines.”

“I too have received no such information.”

“I as well.”

“No eyewitnesses doesn’t mean the emissary wasn’t there, if not, why did the riot pause?”

“Or maybe,” William said slowly, “The emissary was captured by the ‘Demon Lineage Sect before the riot began.”

Everyone stopped their discussions and looked at William.

“Perhaps ther was someone controlling the riot, and the emissary was with him, and that person promised to pause the riot because the emissary pleaded with him to do so.”

“… That, does make sense.”

“How can that be!” Someone yelled, “How could the emissary have been captured!?”

“She is the servant of G.o.d!”

“And the elves have extraordinary magic abilities, with the emissary being the strongest of them!”

Everyone didn’t believe in William’s guess. William didn’t dare to believe it himself, having seen in person Tess’s magic. The st.u.r.dy wall of wind that had stopped both Molan and the green haired elf and how she had decided their fates in mere seconds. To have captured Tess, the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’ would have to be a far more powerful organisation than they had thought.

If it was really like that, then no matter how many bodies the humans sent, they would all die for nothing.

William suddenly thought of Molan.

(TL: William best grill)

If Tess was in the hands of the “Demon Lineage Sect”… Then what happened to Molan?

All of a sudden, someone burst into the meeting room, looking very fl.u.s.tered.

“Report! Emergency! Emergency!”

“What happened?” The Rosa king asked.

The man who came was panting and sweating profusely.

“The ‘Demon Lineage Sect’ has just announced that, in 30 minutes, they will invade another city!”

Maruko turned the magic tool off and rolled his shoulders.

“As you requested,” He said to Tess, “I will halt all operations for 30 minutes and let the citizens evacuate.”


“Now that the troops are all gathering in the new city, Kama’s streets are really quiet and we can take a nice slow walk~”


“Why don’t you come closer, you will be drenched if you stand too far.”

Maruko approached Tess as he held the umbrella but Tess retreated a step for every step he took.

“Aiya, how heartbreaking.”

“When are you letting me go.”

Tess asked. Maruko knows her every move with the collar she was wearing, and thus could not escape.

“What’s the rush, don’t you want someone to pa.s.s the remaining time left with you?”

“Not you.”

“Haha~ Then who do you want?”

Tess didn’t answer, and Maruko broke into smiles seeing her.

“The one called Molan right? Killing 1,000 people at the Oracle, un, not bad but still a long way to go before reaching my level.”

“Molan is more handsome than you.”

“Really? Don’t think so.”

“And taller.”

“Wu… Because I hate milk.”

“You are the one who is far behind Molan.”

“You really like him huh.”


Though all Tess did was nod honestly in reply, it only made her look ridiculously cute.

“What do you like about him?” Maruko asked in a light tone.

“… Everything.”

“Uwa~ So mushy!”

Where did it begin? Tess thought.

The first time she saw Molan was about half a year ago. In the dream, he was curled up in a street corner with nothing but pieces of rags and his thin clothes, covered in snow. His face had frostbite and his eyes had lost focus as he had already given up on living.

Tess was curious about G.o.d’s intention, could it be that this boy was someone important?

And thereafter, she would dream of him every night. As Tess saw his daytime activities, it felt as though she lived them with him.

The boy possessed a never before seen power, and could move as fast as the wind when he held a sword or knife. In the beginning he used this power to play various pranks, which made Tess laugh so much she awoke from her sleep and would immediately close her eyes, anxious to get back into the dream. The young mistress who took him in found out by coincidence, and punished him. The way he looked as he knelt on the washboard and held his head was way too cute.

The boy hated sweets, and every time he played truant to visit sweet shops, he would always get gooseb.u.mps as he looked at his plate. He also hated c.o.c.kroaches, and would scream like a stuck pig when he saw one in his room. He liked red wine, writing diaries, and also singing in the shower… Tess was very shy at first during these but she later got used to it.

Before she knew it, she fell in love with the boy.

She loved the him who would do anything for his young mistress.

Tess would see the boy every night, and when she saw him giving a silly smile as he stole looks at the young mistress, Tess’s mouth would also curl into a smile.

Although, it did also made her feel very lonely.

On a certain night when thick clouds covered the skies, the boy transformed into a frightening monster as thick black smoke filled the skies and the earth trembled, Tess sprang up and finally understood G.o.d’s intentions.

Fate can only change the route it takes, but not its destination.

Try as she might, Tess was unable to change the fate of the boy from being fully possessed. Just when she thought that every possibility was covered, a new one would always appear. The same ending always happened, and having to see the same dream of how she would impale the boy on the throne as people rushed in and cheered seemed as though fate was laughing at her futile efforts.

If the boy’s fate was to be killed, at least… She didn’t want to be the one to do it.

So Tess brought the dying Tina back to the sacred lake and linked with her, to transfer the wretched, cruel fate to her.

Tess felt that she was very selfish.

Maruko stopped walking.

“Let’s look at clothes.”

He opened the gla.s.s door of the shop and pushed Tess in.

The shop’s cupboards were broken but the goods did not seem to be too damaged. Near the display rack, there was someone devouring a corpse on the ground and raised his head in alarm on hearing a sound, his eyes red and malicious. On seeing Maruko, he threw the piece of meat in his hands and hurriedly walked out of the shop, all the while showing respect to Maruko.

“Are they being controlled by you.”

“Nope,” Maruko shook his head, “I’m only controlling the demon king.”

“Then why did they lose their reason and attack other humans in a frenzy?”

Towards Tess’s question, Maruko spread his arms wide open.

“Because when there is a monarch, there must be subjects.”

After folding in the umbrella and placing it by the door, Maruko walked up to the display racks and looked through the womens’ clothing.

“Your clothes were picked by Molan right? No taste~ Clothes are not necessarily better because they are expensive, just knowing this makes me better than him.”

“Come come come.” He picked out a set of clothes and showed it to Tess while smiling widely, “Try this set! It’s so much better than what you’re wearing now.”

“No, what Molan picked is much better.”

“My G.o.d! You are totally blinded by love!”

Cannot be reasoned with, Maruko muttered softly.

“Just put it on, you will understand when you look in the mirror.”

“No.” Tess said resolutely.


“Because I don’t want to.”

“Just try them on.”






“Molan’s clothes are so ugly yet you won’t try.”

“Not ugly.”


“Not ugly.”

“Ugly as h.e.l.l!”

“Not ugly at all!”

“His taste is so much worse than mine!”

“You are so much worse than Molan.”

Maruko broke down.

“Why! Why! I was once the human closest to the realm of the G.o.ds, why can I not match up to an idiot!! Because I am incomplete!? Because I am only a thousandth of what I was!?!?”

He knelt on the ground and reached out to the heavens.

“d.a.m.n ittttttttttttttttt!!!”

Suddenly, someone flew past the cupboards and smashed into the display racks, making such a loud sound that scared Maruko so much he stopped shouting. It was the man from before, but he had only half his head left and was buried in the clothes, and did not move. Maruko was stunned and looked outside the shop.

“… Speak of the devil.”

Tess was surprised and turned around happily.

A familiar figure walked over from the streets. He held a long sword and his body was shaking as he walked unsteadily in tattered clothes soaked in rainwater and blood. He was covered in countless wounds that were healing rapidly.

Tears streamed down her eyes as she yelled with all her might.


“Tess, I’ve finally found you…” Molan licked his torn lips, “That fellow behind you, is he singing to the chandeliers?”