Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 24

At the courtyard that was some distance away from the battle, there was a lake. A stunted tree with golden-yellow leaves grew nearby, and seemed like an undying sun as it shook in the rain. This was a udumbara tree (fig tree), a special mutation in this world. When its leaves were in full bloom, fragrance would fill the air and the sight was astoundingly besutiful. St Txarango Academy had many of such trees in its grounds and the view from the cla.s.srooms was that of a breathtaking golden sea.

Tess danced under the tree, with no umbrella; her rain-drenched clothes revealing a beautiful full figure.

Maruko hadn’t been enjoying the rain on the veranda, he was admiring the sight of Tess.

She danced the ballroom style I taught her, and walked and turned clumsily. I hid behind the tree and felt an urge to cry as I watch.

Just then she fell, and broke her high heels. She did not try getting up, and looked at the lake in a daze instead as she sat by the lake hugging her knees.

I took off my raincoat and inspected the uniform underneath. No stains, alright.

I crept quietly behind her.

“Tess.” I called out loudly.

Tess turned her head around happily and I hugged her tightly.

“Molan! You came!”


I pushed her wet hair back and rubbed her soft white cheeks as an irresistible urge to kiss her floated to my head.

And I did, as my lips left Tess’s forehead, she turned red and was at a loss for words.

“Eh? Eh?”

“That dance isn’t supposed to be done alone.”

I used the key from Maruko to unlock the collar and tossed it into the lake.

“Come, let’s dance together.”

I pulled Tess up while she was in my arms as she leaned against my chest.

“My shoes are spoilt.”

“Take them off, I’ll take mine off too.”

Our dance was a little awkward and we swayed slowly to the beat of the raindrops as they hit the surface of the lake.

“I don’t like this kind of shoes.” Tess whispered.

“I see, sorry for only buying high heels.”

“It’s okay.”

“Did Maruko hurt you when he captured you?”


“Did he do anything strange to you?”


“That is, geh… Touched you?”

“I didn’t let him touch me.”

“He really was a gentleman like he said huh.” I nodded, “I defeated him.”

“Molan is so awesome.”

“Hehe~ Un, of course.”

I was a little bashful.



“Dragging you out of the forest just like that, did I trouble you?”

Tess shook her head.

“No, I’ve always wanted to play with Molan.”

“It’s a date,” I corrected her, “We are having a date.”

Tess did not seem to understand what that phrase meant and I laughed resignedly.

“I’ve known Tess for 13 days, but Tess has known me for half a year huh.”

“Un un.”

“Do you like the clothes I bought for you? Though it was a shame I didn’t get Isona.”

“I like them, they are very light and comfortable.”

“Shaved ice?”

“I like that.”

“The sugar doll?”

“Un un, it’s very pretty.”

“Then what about,” I steeled my skin, “Me?”

Comrade Tess has killed in action.

She clung onto my clothes, and buried her red-hot face deeply into my chest.

“I li, li-li-li-li-like you the most!”

“Hehe~ That’s good.”

“I really like Tess too.” I stopped walking and hugged her tightly, “… Sorry.”


“I’m so sorry…”

I put a lot of strength into it, and didn’t know if it hurt Tess but I didn’t dare to loosen my hug as she was already semi-transparent.

“I’m sorry… I came too late…”

Gleaming lights that looked like twinkling stars departed from her, like fireflies, before fading away gradually.

I had taken too long, far too long. We were supposed to have 3 days. There were so many more things I wanted to do with her in the back of the diary and so many more things Tess doesn’t know. The Demonic Lineage Sect just had to appear then and destroy all my plans.

I really want to blame someone.

Why does she have to receive such treatment? She doesn’t know how to dance, nor does she know how to sing. She still had some picture books left to read and a few boxes of cake she was leaving. I hadn’t brought her on a boat to see the lakes and the sea, nor have I yet to bring her to see the sunrise and sunset at the top of a high mountain. Of the 3,000 painting scrolls, I only brought her to see a few and yet she was so happy, as if she had seen the whole wide world. Why does she have to disappear?

“Don’t cry.”

Tess reached up and wiped my tears away. She smiled warmly and as the lights enveloped her, it looked like she was an angel that had descended to the mortal realm, and was now returning to the heavens. Even the night sky seemed to be sorrowful at Tess’s departure as the horrible unending rain diminished and a light breeze blew.

The rain stopped and the clouds parted, and moonlight flooded the landscape.

The world seemed kind all of a sudden.

“For Molan to be able to find me, I’m very happy.”


“When Miss Tina wakes up, Molan must be happy with her.”

“… Tina… Can live again?”


Tess nodded.

“When I disappear, she can live again.”


… What did she say?

“What do you mean?”


Tess hugged my waist, and by now she was so transparent I could see my feet through her.

“This is the only way.”



Secret of the emissaries?

Only fate can reverse death?

But why must you do this?

“Why must you sacrifice yourself!!!”

“Because… Because…”

Tess was stammering and I pushed her away and stepped back.

“I’m not agreeing to this!!”


I really want Tina to live again, and my heart is torn by my longing for her, but how can I sacrifice Tess! She died with pride! Though she broke off contact with her parents, until the very end, she was the n.o.ble Miss Faburando! She died for her name, how can she be revived using this sort of method?!
“What ‘transition’ spell.”

I drew my sword and my right heart which had lay to rest began beating once more. Black blood flowed through my veins and gathered at my right eye, corrupting my vision.

Close the left eye, and see the world with the new right eye.

Clouds. Tree. Lake. Tess.

Every meter… Every centimeter… Every decimeter… Everything is revealed before me!

(TL: Trace on!)

I can see it!

About 10m above Tess, there was an inverted funnel about the size of a man that was sucking away the lights from Tess’s body. There was a large stopwatch behind it and as the needle moved closer to a red line on the face, Tess became more transparent. Magic formations large and small were spinning around the funnel, creating a multi-coloured spectacle.

Is this that spell?

I swung my sword up! A force seemed to surround the funnel and I hit a wall of air which repelled me.

I just knew it wouldn’t be easy! I quickened my right heart and black blood flooded my veins, and my skin tore as scales sprouted forth.

I jumped up again and swung my sword at the wall of wind which made electrical sparks splash forth. The sparks surrounded me and burnt my skin and clothes, as flames burst forth on me.


Tess’s voice disappeared in the middle. Her silhouette was almost gone entirely, she seemed to be crying and shouting something but I didn’t have the time to care about that.

I’ll definitely save you!

I am no longer the me from before! You and Tina, I don’t want to lose anyone!

Incineration! Heal! Incineration!

It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts!

The speed at which I was being destroyed by incineration was greater than my healing. My limbs were fast giving way but the needle was almost at the red line! Have to go harder and faster! If only I can break through this wall of wind, I can destroy the funnel and stop the spell! If I lose my limbs, so be it! Incinerate me all you want, I won’t atop until I get past this wall of wind!

For what did I agree to the contract! It wasn’t for the sake of cowardly hugging my head as I trembled in fear, it was for the sake of protecting the girls important to me no matter what! ‘Transition’ magic? Are you kidding me? I’ll let it taste death! I’m breaking through no matter what! I’m breaking through no matter what!!



Why is this d.a.m.n thing so f.u.c.king hard!!!! f.u.c.k you f.u.c.k you f.u.c.k you f.u.c.k you, come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!



A crack appeared on the wall of wind! The flame rose again! b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, have I become the sun now!!!?? f.u.c.king open up already!!! Open quickly d.a.m.n it!!!!!!!



It’s open it’s open! It f.u.c.king opened finally! Come on open bigger!! Please I beg you just open a little bigger d.a.m.n itttttttttttttttt!!!!



Just a little more just a little more just a little more just a little more!!!!!!

Just a little bit more to the funnel!! Just a little more and Tess can be–


Shuoxue cried out.

The sword was deflected away.

I fell towards the ground.

The funnel was still functioning.

Just a little more and I could cut the “transition” spell, but I didn’t have any arms that could swing a sword as the flames had consumed them.

Just when I was one step away from success, I failed.

I could no longer recognise Tess as she was now just a ball of light. And as the needle moved bit by bit, the light was fast diminishing.

In the end, I couldn’t save her and could do nothing but watch as she crumbled away.

This time I really am going to lose her.

In truth, people must always learn to accept loss. No matter how wonderful a person is, they simply cannot escape death, and will eventually wilt and wither away just like flowers, before finally disappearing in the autumn wind. It is said that on earth, 1.8 people die every second. Just in one breath alone, 3 more people have died. They could be someone’s kin, someone’s good friend, or perhaps someone’s lover. In that second when someone precious to you dies, the world continues to rotate. People grieve and cry at the altars and funerals as they endure the burden of sorrow that comes so suddenly, and then get up and leave and continue living.

Because there is no resisting death, only acceptance.

What do you think you can change?

Everything has been destined. Someone somewhere arranged everything and you, an ordinary person, are just there to obey it.


Full moon.


Ball of light.

The world seemed to slow dramatically.

Only 1% left.

“I give up being humannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Blackie!!!” I roared out the name I came up with on the fly, “About time you lent a f.u.c.king hand!!!”

*Pi Pa* (TL: Shattering sound)

A clear sound of gla.s.s shattering rang out across the night sky like a wind chime. 2 black arms that did not belong to me tore out of where my shoulders were and smashed the funnel. The needle stopped just before the red line, at 0.5%.

“Transition” had been stopped.