Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 31

“You’re right.”

Thinking about it, I felt there was nothing to hide and so I answered Alisha clearly.

As soon as I answered I regretted it as tree roots broke through the soil and the floor and nailed me to my chair. The roots didn’t stop there and continued to grow until I was firmly in place and all my joints were locked.

Alisha stopped casting.

“Molan, I hate unfaithful men.”

So looks can kill! Her gaze pierced through my heart and I felt like a helpless little rabbit waiting for its hunter to slaughter it, and could only look on in terror as Alisha drew closer.

“Big sister said that unfaithful men should be stripped naked and paraded in the streets before being drowned in a pig basket.”

(TL: A pig basket is a kind of weave basket. In ancient China (like really ancient, pre-Qin Dynasty), men who cheated were beheaded while women were subjected to drowning while being in a pig basket. It apparently became a form of torture used by the j.a.panese in WWII.)

“I, I haven’t been unfaithful!”

I protested with all my might but Alisha didn’t seem like she was joking. Every syllable and word was laced with a bone chilling killing intent, she didn’t just want to drown me, she wanted to dismember me!

“If you aren’t unfaithful, then why do you have to buy a gift for Tina Faburando?”

“Why can’t I buy one?”

“Why do you have to buy one!” Alisha covered her mouth and squeezed out an unclear muttering, “You haven’t even… Bought something for me yet…”

“If you wanted something you should have told me, if I knew I would have swiped more gold off Harry.”

“I don’t want anything!”

“If you don’t, then let me go!”

“No! You’re going to receive punishment!”

Alisha seemed to have gone into a frenzy and started muttering her incantations and waving her short staff in the air.

I really have no idea why she is angry, is it because I bought a present for Tina before my master her? If it’s just a desire to monopolise, then I just have to prepare your share as well.

As the incantation progressed, vines began crawling across my body like snakes and some went into my shirt while others went into my pants.

“Oi oi oi oi! What are you doing!? This isn’t a scene that kids can see– Ya! Th, that place is!!”

Alisha completely ignored my pleas and continued staring at me coldly as she toyed with me using the vines. Oh my G.o.d! I can’t be married anymore! I can’t be married anymore!

I was being abused under broad daylight but not a single person in the coffee shop stood up to stop Alisha as they continued sitting at their seats and enjoyed the progress of the skit in front of them.

(TL: Or maybe because its a rare tentacle raep scene. With a guy no less!)

Ding dong, the door bell rang out as a new customer entered the coffee shop. The server who answered the door put on his best business smile and bowed as he welcomed the customer. However, the customer did not pay him any attention and limped over to me and Alisha before stopping at the table and downing the contents of my cup in one go.

To the actions of this unexpected guest, Alisha was shocked.

“You… What are you doing?”

“I’m thirsty.”

Tina said blandly.

William swung off the horse and walked up the valet and pa.s.sed the reins to him for him to bring the white horse away.

“I’m not late, am I?”

William asked another attendant.

“No, your Highness is as punctual as ever.”

“For father to summon me so urgently, is there something wrong?”

“Your humble servant does not know anything, and the king’s thoughts are difficult to fathom so your Highness will only know later. Please follow me.”

“Thank you for leading the way.”

William followed the attendant on the red carpet and surveyed the surrounding constructs. Why have they changed again, he silently complained.

(TL: William has his own castle.)

The royal palace would undergo new construction works and look significantly different every now and then which was why William needed a guide. Such wanton waste was detrimental to national wealth and the people were very unhappy with this but the king continued doing as he pleased.

Though William did not say much on the surface, he too felt unhappy with this.

After pa.s.sing through a long corridor, William came before the inner palace and the attendant opened the heavy double doors.

“Your humble servant shall excuse himself now.”


On entering, the smell of azalea flowers filled his nose. This was the king’s favourite flowers and he would grow them where ever he could in the inner palace. Everything in the palace changed, only the continued blooming of azaleas everywhere remained. This was also the favourite flower of the deceased queen.

Just as he put one foot past the door, the king’s joyous shouts could be heard.

“w.i.l.l.y! w.i.l.l.y! Why did you only come just now?”

“Apologies for making you wait.”

William followed the voice and found the king lying on a large wide bed swinging all 4 limbs about with a red face.

“Quick! Bring the fruits!”

At the king’s order, maids came in through the door with a plate of fruit and courteously offered it to William.

“Try it,” The king said loudly, “Some lychees just got delivered, they’re really sweet!”


The lychees were already peeled, and the juice filled his mouth as William picked up one and bit into it.

“How is it?”

“Very delicious.”

On hearing William say so, the king relaxed as though he had been relieved of a heavy burden.

“I knew it! w.i.l.l.y would definitely love it! Have some more, there’s more where it came from! Aiya, there’s still pastries, I nearly forgot, bring in my treasured box of meat floss pastries!”

“Father,” William stopped the king, “The snacks can be eaten later, what is the matter for which you summoned me so urgently?”

The king tapped his head.

“Oh, right right right, w.i.l.l.y, have you seen my new design for the palace? Impressive right?”

“… Un.”

“Inspiration struck me! If we cut the long hall into several portions and build a garden there, we can see fake mountains and ponds, listen to the song of birds and smell the scent of flowers, isn’t that great?”

“Indeed, that would be great.”

William was used to the king’s flights of fancy. The last time he was summoned was because the king wanted to sing a song he composed to him. Another time, he had just finished an arduous battle only to receive a message by the king via the communication spell. He rushed back as quickly as he could only to be thrown a stack of cards by the king who happily told him it was a game that the king had come up with and invited him to try it out!

He wasn’t always like this. Ever since he contracted a weird disease, the king grew weaker day by day both physically and mentally.

“Haha~ It’s good that you like it!”

The king lay against the headboard of the bed with a satisfied look.

“The next time I get a new inspiration, I’ll get you to come see it!”

“… Yes.”

“I wonder if Ru would like it.”

William frowned deeply on hearing a hated name.

“Second brother, he should like it.”

“Is that so.”

The king looked out of the window and his eyes suddenly became focused.

“You’re all so busy that you can only come visit a few times in a year. And Ru, he hasn’t come to see me in a few years now. Do you know where he is?”

“Probably thriving in some place.”

William could hardly be bothered about his little brother who did nothing but fool around. His little brother was the most favoured amongst all the princes and would have been made the crown prince if it weren’t for his sudden disappearance 5 years ago.

A breeze floated in through the window and the king’s snow white hair floated as he remained silent for a long while.

“It will be good,” The king said slowly, “When we can gather again as one whole family.”

It was a very simple wish, and though he was the ruler of a nation, he seemed to be pleading for it like a beggar.

In truth he was old, very old, old to the point where it wouldn’t be strange for him to die any time now. From the time he lost his beloved wife, his life was a trainwreck as he contracted an incurable disease, lost his mind and enacted weird policies that made him lose the trust of his people. Everyone called him the dumbest king in the history of Txarango, and he knew that. Which is why he eventually left all official matters to the princes and officials while he remained in his palace. His sons rarely visit him and he has to entertain himself by inventing new games, writing interesting songs, renovating the palace as he spends his last years alone, with just his favourite azaleas for company.

William felt saddened on seeing the creases on the king’s forehead.

“One more thing.” The king suddenly said.

“What is it?”

“I have heard news that the king of Rosa, Ford, is coming to Txarango in a few days.”

William nodded.

“That’s right, I have been making the arrangements and preparations since yesterday.”

“Did he mention what was the agenda for his visit this time?”

“Supposedly he just wants to Princess Alisha and learn about her status.”

“What a doting father.”


The king took a lychee out of the basket and chewed on it.

“It’s probably not just a show of fatherly love.”

William did not get the meaning behind his words.

“You think he has some other motive?”

“Yes.” The king said, “The boy who snuck into the base of the ‘Demon Lineage Sect’ and killed said organisation’s leader, what was his name again?”

“Molan Faburando.”

“His family name is still Faburando? I heard he has become Princess Alisha’s slave, was his name not changed?”

“Because Molan had insisted on it, Princess Alisha did not change his name.”

“Is that so, whatever the name, he belongs to Rosa.” The king paused, “It would be a pity to hand over such an exceptional swordsman to Rosa.”

William was stunned.

“The primary purpose for this visit by the king of Rosa himself, is probably to bring this young man back for himself right?”

The king patted William’s shoulders.

“Though you are engaged to the third princess of Risa, a promise is just that and can be easily broken anytime. Moreover, the ambitions of Rosa are not small. Though we may be allies for now, we cannot lower our guard.”

“… You mean to say that?”

“Maybe you can think of a way,” The king continued, “To let that young man… Stay in Txarango.”

The king was right. Molan had did as he declared in the army encampment, and singlehandedly defeated the demonic beast that Maruko controlled, reversing the flow of battle and had become the hero of all humanity. If it weren’t for him, not even the 13 nation coalition army numbering tens of thousands could have defeated the “Demon Lineage Sect”. William had wanted him for his personal guard but after this incident, his desire for Molan intensified and he wanted Molan to be his direct subordinate. But the international court had rules that he was to be Princess Alisha’s slave and this ruling was ratified by all nations. Even if Alisha were to insist on bringing him back to Rosa, William could not do anything.

(TL: I’m not even trying to make this sound BL.)


But if Molan could lose his status as a slave…

William bowed to the king.

“I understand, I will make the preparations immediately.”

He was about to leave after finishing when the king stopped him.



The king sat on the bed with a lonely smile.

“Don’t forget to being the meat floss pastries with you.”

“… I got it.”

William quickly walked out of the inner palace.