Leading an Explosive Revolution in Another World!

Chapter 32

Molan isn’t yours

Lucille, in grat.i.tude of helping to found the nation; Blancoise, in commemoration of undying loyalty to the royal family; Janedeline, a reward for countless military victories; Drewcille, in recognition of sound and just governance. These 4 royal names were bestowed upon the Faburando family by several kings throughout the history of Txarango and enshrined the Faburando family as the most glorious n.o.ble family in Txarango. And as its only heir, Tina has inherited this honour. As there are no princesses nor a queen in Txarango, and Deca, the only other n.o.ble family that can hold a candle to Faburando, keeps a low profile, it can be said that Tina is the most exquisite and n.o.ble female in all of Txarango.

She sat on the seat opposite, her long blue hair hanging behind her, clean and clear as always.

Alisha felt as though she was taken down a peg.

Ever since Tina came, Molan had become extremely nervous and served her tea and water and basically gave her all his attention while leaving Alisha at the side, as if she never existed.

Are you kidding me? I am clearly the lawful wife here alright? Why do I seem like the third party who has been caught with the husband by the lawful wife? By now I should be pa.s.sing judgement on Molan’s philandering, but how dare you just barge right in and sit beside Molan as if it was your place!

I know your family has a very celebrated history but I’m the princess of Rosa alright? My status is not below yours! No no, clearly I’m better by a bit right? Where did you get the guts to be so brazen!

Alisha felt like there was a live volcano in her heart, yet she could not spew out her lava. She stared at Tina with hatred, and considered whether or not to flip the table.

But the more she stared at Tina, the more diminished she felt. To think that someone could be so perfect, with pure clean looks, smooth white skin, and long curly eyelashes that made her winks ever so moving. She didn’t like talking and her expression hardly wavered but that made one all the more curious as to how beautiful her smile might be; perhaps her smile would be like the spring winds which blew away the winter chills and brought flower buds out of the ground.

No wonder Molan is such a philanderer. If I was a man, I would be entranced by Tina as well. When she thought up to here, Alisha felt like a deflated ball that collapsed from a deep-seated feeling of defeat. Beautiful looks were a woman’s greatest weapon. She might have an M2HB but Tina had a box of atomic bombs.

When she was kidnapped by the terror organisation, she had also keenly felt this sense of defeat and inferiority when the elven girl’s brilliance shone beyond everything and Molan had taken her hand without even looking at Alisha.

“Miss Tina,” Alisha clenched her teeth to steel herself, “Why are you here?”

Tina looked at her.

“I escaped, from school.”

“According to the school rules, students are not allowed to go outside achool grounds without permission no?”

“Seems like it.”

“Not seems, the restriction is clearly written in black and white, and there are repercussions for infringing this rule.”

Tina sipped her cold drink.

“Are you going to tell?”

“Don’t do it, it’s not good to tell on others.”

Molan had the audacity to chip in. If he didn’t say anything, that would still be fine but now Alisha was fuming mad.

Is it your business? Is it your business huh!? You cheating b.a.s.t.a.r.d, who gave you the right to speak? Just last night you held me tightly as you confessed so pa.s.sionately but today you are backing her up against me!? Why don’t you go and die huh!

“Shut up!!” Alisha got angrier the more she thought about it and roared loudly, “I am not such a petty woman!!”

Molan was shocked at the sudden increase in volume and obediently shut his mouth.

“Miss Tina… I am not such a petty woman.”

Realising that she had acted up, Alisha calmed her emotions down and smiled as she replied Tina in a graceful and polite voice.

Stay steady, Alisha told herself.

In this sort of situation, whoever lost control first was the one who lost. This was because it made you look pitiful, and was akin to telling all onlookers that you had lost and you did not have the ability to keep your man. So the best approach is to keep calm, control your emotions, and exhibit as far as possible your charm and beauty as well as your rights over your man, whilst controlling your temper.

“Our Molan, was previously in your care.”

Brilliant move! Alisha cheered herself on. This was the most common, and most powerful move. By emphasising ‘our’, one can immediately seize the advantage by declaring ownership of Molan, and also imply that he was just playing around with you, perhaps he just wanted something new for a bit, but he is still mine in the end.

Her brain was working in overdrive, as Alisha closely observed Tina’s every move to see how she would respond.

If she went with ‘nothing much’ or ‘I was the on in his care’ or any such replies, it was equivalent to recognition of Alisha’s status as Molan’s main wife while she would be the mistress. That way, she would be psychologically inferior and then Alisha could ride on the initiative and build a case where Tina was actually the third party and take the moral high ground. With this, Alisha could easily send Tina away crying.

Tina was silent for a while.

“Molan is not yours… I have not recognised this.”

She took the attack head on with an attack of her own!

What an amazing cross counter! To firmly deny the very base of the allegation, and indicate that she herself has the right to decide where Molan should go, implying that Molan is her’s!

Alisha had long expected that Tina would say something like that.

“Haha, Miss Tina, Molan is without a doubt mine.” Alisha laughed relaxedly, “The international court, widely regarded as the highest legal authority with the power to enforce judgements across all nations, has most definitely given Molan to me, no?”

What are you trying to pull here? I have the law behind me after all!

Tina was unmoved.

“Is that so.”

“That is so! It’s written very clearly in black and white on the judgement scroll, ‘Molan Faburado is hereby stripped of all civilian rights for 30 years, and in this period, he shall be Alisha Rosa Czedtofany’s personal slave. All his actions will be restricted in accordance with the , and this shall come into effect immediately upon ratification by the various representatives.’ My nation has signed off on this judgement.”

“I didn’t sign.”

“You’re not a representative.”

“So it doesn’t apply to me.”

“How can that be. The royal family of Txarango has ratified the judgement, and as a n.o.ble of Txarango, you must oblige with the decision of the Txarango royal family.”

Tina took a tiny sip of her cold drink and didn’t respond to this.

Alisha took Tina’s silence as her admission of her loss.

Victory came easy, and was outside of Alisha’s expectations. She’d thought that she would have to go against Tina for at least 300 rounds and so she had considered Tina’s possible responses under various circ.u.mstances, and prepared counterattacks for each one. But in the end, Tina had fallen in the first round. What was thought to be a boss like existence was only a small fry.

Alisha shifted her gaze.


She took a scoop of ice cream and stretched her hand out toward Molan with a smile.


Molan was clearly on distress, and his eyes flitted toward Tina and did not dare to make a move.

“You, you eat it, I don’t want any.”

“Look at you, you’re sweating so much. Have some ice cream to cool down.”

“I don’t need it.”

“Quick, my hand is getting tired.”

Tina did not look over, instead she turned her head and looked at the window with no expression. Though she was always expressionless to begin with, Alisha could feel that her mood was terrible now, and the proof of that was her continuous tapping with her right index finger on the table.

Molan was still shaking his head,

“I’m fine, I’m fine, and actually I don’t like ice cream very much.”

“Quite jabbering and eat now.”

Alisha pulled down her smile and revealed a ferocious look which frightened Molan, who looked between Tina and Alisha one last time before taking a deep breath and approach the metal spoon with an open mouth.


Before Molan could eat it, Tina swallowed the ice cream in one mouth.

She then took out a handkerchief to wipe her mouth.


“… You’re welcome.” Alisha forced down her emotions, and took another scoop, “Come, Molan, ah~”


“Miss Tina.”


“… You’re welcome. Molan, again–”


“Miss Tina!”

Alisha slammed the table and stood up.

“Can’t you just eat your own!”

“Mine, isn’t good.”

“Then fine, we’ll switch!”

Alisha swapped her bowl with Tina’s and violently took a big scoop out.

“Molan! Open up!”

Molan stared at the spoon with a strange gleam in hos eyes.

“Tina’s saliva…” He muttered as he made to eat the ice cream.

“Get lost! No eating!”

Alisha slapped Molan away and threw the spoon back into the gla.s.s bowl.

Tina kept eating the ice cream, and seemed pleased with herself.

A strange awkward atmosphere enveloped the place as Alisha glared at Tina who was eating ice cream, while Molan would look back and forth between Alisha and Tina, all the while looking distressed and nervous. Finally, there were the onlookers who were watching closely, awaiting the next developments.

After a long while, Molan finally broke the silence.

“Umm, the last carriage… Has it already left?”