Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 15 - Take Responsibility

Book 1: Winds Begin to Blow in Tai Yuan

Chapter 15 - Take Responsibility

Accept her?

Could this person"s dictionary also include types of phraseslike "If it"s good then take it", and "Modestly gentleman"?

Meng Fuyao clenched her fists, on full alert. She wasdetermined to reject that warm, fragrantly entrancing chest, determined to notlook at those laughing eyes above her head. This person"s eyes were made ofspring water, distilled from spring sunlight, and melded with the spring wind.His charming aura was just as strong as his martial arts - any and all thoughtsof resistance would be flicked into flying motes of dust between his fingers.

Unfortunately, even if she used her toes to count she wouldknow, that this man was definitely very dangerous. He was like Devil"s Snareswaying in the golden breeze [1] - it looked beautiful and harmless, but couldactually wound without a trace. All the cells of Meng Fuyao"s body were warningher to not cling and be unwilling to leave his warmth. After living for so manyyears, if she still fell prey to the trivial nature of physical attractiveness,then wouldn"t she have wasted all these years of her life?

Meng Fuyao"s willowy eyebrows rose in anger, and with a pushof her fists, she tried to push him a safe distance away. However, she didn"texpect Yuan Zhaoxu to suddenly tighten his hand! The hand that was originallygently resting on her back suddenly exerted force, hugging her while twirlingher in a spin. Whereas Meng Fuyao was previously trying to stand up from thebedside, now with this revolution she immediately fell backwards onto the bed.

The next moment, light-colored robes loosely drifted down,and Yuan Zhaoxu had also flipped onto the bed. With a stretch of his hand, thecurtains began to fall downwards, the pearl draperies. .h.i.tting the ground withfine, scattered sounds. The swaying of the curtains as they fell created anotherworldly, bewitching scene.

After seeing that he had actually come onto the bed too, theappalled Meng Fuyao wanted to spring up out of the bed. Yet Yuan Zhaoxu onlyturned his head on the pillow and grinned at her, softly whispering, "Shh~"

He moved his eyes to look outside the window. There, a dimshadow faintly flashed.

After Meng Fuyao glanced for a second, she then silentlymade a motion, with her straight palm slicing downward.

Yuan Zhaoxu gave a light smile, turned so that his back wastowards the window, then leaned his head forward and softly whispered by herear, "A girl shouldn"t have such a thickly murderous aura. It"ll affectyour graceful charm ..." When speaking his breath was intoxicating andslightly warm, gently tickling the side of her ear like a vibrating silkstring. His voice was so low it was blurred, with every word enthralling.

Without reason, Fuyao"s face became red.

That red blush spread, then retreated. Before she couldfully recover to her normal color, that guy who had just told her to not be somurderous, suddenly unconcernedly flicked his fingers.

With a "pa" sound, on the pale white window paperwhere a scattered, slanted shadow was reflected, several red plum blossomsinstantly burst forth. They slowly soaked and spread out, mixing in with theboth weak and bold flower designs on the paper surface.

An extremely m.u.f.fled grunt came from the foot of the wall,the sound moving far away in a split second.

After hearing the sound, Fuyao couldn"t help but shake herhead. "You tell others to have charm, yet you go on to mercilessly piercethat guy"s ears and deafen him."

"If he didn"t stick so close to the window paper, howcould that ice needle have wounded him?" Yuan Zhaoxu"s flowing eyes seemedlike a blurry dream full of flickering mist. "All things have their causeand effect, evil will reap what evil sows."

Meng Fuyao shifted her body preparing to get up, whileknitting her brows and chuckling, "I guess this is the moral outlook ofyour Infinite Empire"s people?"

Yuan Zhaoxu chuckled but didn"t answer. Fuyao shifted herbody, but suddenly found that she couldn"t move. Turning back her head inshock, she saw that the Yuan Zhaoxu on top of the pillow had actually shiftedcloser by a few degrees, currently grinning and teasingly playing with a strandof her hair that had fallen onto the pillow. Seeing her look over, his smilebecame even more radiant, and he raised that strand of hair close to his nose,closing his eyes in a deep sniff.

Then, he faintly laughed. "Smells good."

Fuyao immediately pulled her hair back, using murderous eyesto glare back at him.

Yuan Zhaoxu pretended not to see her glare. Using his handto prop up his cheek, he scooped up yet another strand of long hair andcontinued to play with it, conveniently placing some of her scattered hairunderneath his body. Meng Fuyao was unable to free herself, and so could onlybare her fangs at him in a toothy half-snarl, half-smile. "Tonight Irolled around in the gra.s.s and mud, rolled down a cliff, and even soaked in anight of rain."

"Its pa.s.sable, not too smelly."

"I have louses."

"Even better, I"ll help you catch them."

Meng Fuyao was silent for a short while, until suddenly shelaughed. Yuan Zhaoxu lifted his head to look at her; from this angle, herappearance was truly enchanting. Fuyao only grabbed the blankets and shovedthem over his face, then used her strength to squeakily rock the bed.

The bed began to dangerously tip from side to side, causingthe hanging pearl curtains to swing and sparkle, looking very gorgeous but alsovery suspicious.

Yuan Zhaoxu twisted up the corners of his eyes and liftedhis eyebrows, then realized what she was doing, and couldn"t help but laugh.

Pitter-patter pitter-patter.

In the instant that the creaking bed sounds began to sound,a fat white shadow shot out from the wall corner, crawled up the bed, and inmid-air executed another "forward flip somersault 360 degree bodytwist". Four limbs flung out, preparing to cleave apart the two who lookedlike they were exercising on the bed.

With the sound of blankets rustling, the two people of onemind flipped over at the same time. The Master Yuanbao who had a "MasterFetish" [2] plopped onto the bed in a "gu dong" sound, right inthe middle of the two people. The bed coverings were very soft, and MasterYuanbao fell deep into the swirl with his feet over his head. Only afterstruggling and trying a couple back-flips, did he forcibly free himself in theend.

Unfortunately, after going through all the trouble ofunsteadily staggering to his feet, the unscrupulous master used a finger toflick him down again, and Master Yuanbao was planted into the blankets yetagain.

Master Yuanbao hugged the sheets, crying with a zhi zhisound.

Fuyao bit the sheets, laughing so hard she was almostconvulsing.

Yet at this time, outside the window suddenly came lightknocking sounds, three in a row. Following that, a streak of black shadowfloated in like mist.

Yuan Zhaoxu went up to meet him. With his back blocking viewof the black-clothed man"s face, the two people softly conversed a few phrases,and then the black-clothed man retreated outside again.

After Zhaoxu turned back around, Meng Fuyao had already satup from the bed. From between the hanging drapes only a pair of black eyescould be seen, shining with light as they stared at him.

"Your master has asked the Grand Tutor to stay here fora couple more days. The reason he offered was because he wanted to reminisceabout the past with an old friend he has not seen for years." YuanZhaoxu"s smile had some deep meaning to it. "The Grand Tutor wasoriginally planning on saying goodbye today, but now he naturally cannotleave."

"Lin Xuanyuan has always been an old fox." MengFuyao shrugged her shoulders.

"I had planned to bring you with the Grand Tutor downthe mountain. Looks like now we need a change of plans." Yuan Zhaoxu"sfinger lightly raised, supporting his chin in an elegant posture. "LinXuanyuan has already contacted Pei Yuan"s relatives, and they will hurry heresoon. Him staying the Grand Tutor, is actually because he already suspects theGrand Tutor might have some involvement in tonight"s events. By delaying theGrand Tutor until the people from the Pei family arrive, if there is anyconflict, it will only be the Pei family offending the Grand Tutor. Looks likehe has calculated well."

"Say, does the Grand Tutor actually have any involvementin tonight"s business?" Meng Fuyao grinned at him. "For example, youhelping me, does that old guy know about it?"

"It would be better to worry about how you are going toescape yourself." Yuan Zhaoxu didn"t fall for her trap.

Meng Fuyao didn"t respond, only standing up to tidy herclothes and put up her hair.

Zhaoxu sat without moving while watching her movements. Abit of humor pa.s.sed through his eyes. "En?" [3]

"It"s better for me to not continue to stay here."Fuyao quickly tied her cuffs, and inspected her weapons. "You have alreadyhelped me twice, that"s already very righteous of you. If I continue to rely onyou, I"ll bring trouble to both you and the Grand Tutor. I can"t be soirresponsible."

She waved her hand in a very fashionable, sophisticatedfarewell gesture. "Catch you later."

After which she didn"t even turn her head and walked towardsthe exit. Before she reached the door, with a "ka-cha" sound, thedoor latch locked of its own accord. Meng Fuyao stopped in her steps, turnedaround, and looked at Yuan Zhaoxu with her head tilted. [4]

The day had already broken. Dawn light faintly spilledthrough the window"s gaps, outlining her door frame-leaning figure vividly andclearly, which was like a willow tree that was both gentle and strong.

In the morning"s light Yuan Zhaoxu"s pupils flickered. Themeaning in his eyes was unable to be articulated in words.

After a while he gently set down the tea in his hands. The clearsound of the porcelain bottom hitting the boxwood table [5] seemed to hold someveiled implication, like some kind of hard to express emotion.

"Woman shouldn"t be so stubborn and unyielding."Zhaoxu"s smile, inside the rosy pink of the breaking dawn"s light, made eventhe morning glow retreat a little. "That will make a man feel like a herowho has nowhere to display his martial skills." [6]

"Oh? Then hero, " Meng Fuyao leaned against thedoor, crossing her arms and smiling at him. "How do you plan to displayyour martial skills?"

"Lin Xuanyuan has set nets above and snares below, justwaiting for you to fall into his traps. If you go charging in like this, then Iwould have saved you for nothing." Yuan Zhaoxu came forward with largesteps, and his finger lightly stroked the smooth, glistening skin of her cheek."I saved you, so half of your life can be considered mine. Since I have ashare, then shouldn"t you, take responsibility?"


1. Devil"s Snare: 

2. Literal meaning is he is obsessed with his master, buthere the author uses the term "fetish" to poke fun at the fact thatMaster Yuanbao seems to always jump out to interrupt the two when they are ins.e.xually charged situations. Implies that Yuanbao might have voyeurism.

3. "En" is usually used as a question i.e. whatare you doing?

4. That SHAFT head tilt

5. Link: 

6. Feel useless