Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 17 - Plotting to Destroy Profound Origin

Book 1: Winds Begin to Blow in Tai Yuan

Chapter 17 - Plotting to Destroy Profound Origin


A woman"s piercing scream broke through the stillness of thedark night. The scream was filled with madness and misery, cutting the sombersky apart into fragments like a bloodstained knife.

With a loud banging and clattering sound, inside a heavilycurtained, incense-scented chamber full of splendor, an exquisite mirror carvedwith eight lotus flowers was heavily thrown onto the floor, the surfacesplitting into several cracks.

On the fragmented mirror surface was reflected acrescent-browed, straight-nosed countenance of attractive fairness;unfortunately, it had two bone-deep wounds in it, savagely intersecting andcarved into her glossy skin.

The beauty of her face and the hideousness of her injuriesshockingly clashed, causing one to sigh at the imperfect nature of the world.

A crowd of respectfully waiting maids surged up like thetide. Under the ferociously vicious gaze of the person in the mirror, they wereforced to bow even lower, and then retreated again like the tide.

Pei Yuan swayed like she was about to fall. Supportingherself in front of the dressing table, her one hand shook while braced on thetable surface. Even after desperately biting her lips, she still could notrepress the shivering throughout her whole body.

Over ... it was all over ...

The appearance she was so proud of, the extreme beauty sheused to distinguish herself in the Tai Yuan royal family, was completelydestroyed by a random blade light in one night.

From now on, she would descend to become Tai Yuan royalfamily"s laughingstock. From now on, all those imperial sisters whoseappearances were unable to be compared to hers and were held in disdain by her,would use the most pitying looks and the warmest phrases to unceasingly comforther.

Just thinking of those seemingly warm, but in reality bitterand cold commiserations, she would feel like she was falling into an ice pit,and want to go insane!

"Get out! All of you scram!"

The chamber was quickly cleared of people. The curtainslifted by the flow of exiting people, lightly floated back down.

Glimmering light pa.s.sed through the green jade lamps, shoneon the drapes, and illuminated the sobbing, face-hiding figure that had bonelesslycollapsed onto the ground near the dressing table.

The figure"s thin shoulders unceasingly shook. Faintwhimpers came and went, the miserable crying like a never-awakening nightmare.

The half-open window blew in midnight"s chilling breeze,which leisurely swirled inside the chamber. Inside the wind"s sounds, therefaintly traveled an extremely low whispering.

Quiet, yet sharp, like the grinding of steel wool, or likeicicles on the summits of thousand-year-old glaciers, the whispers held icyharshness as well as never-ending killing intent and hatred.

"If I ever find out who you are ... need to kill ...will not rest until you die ..." ---------------

 That sharp screampierced through the quiet of the Profound Origin sect village like a drill.Everyone heard it, and everyone had different reactions to it.

Qi Xunyi"s eyes were deep and mysterious. He turned hisplans and calculations over and over again, all kinds of conjectures runningthrough his mind. The only thing missing, was any sort of pity towards hiscousin"s tragic situation.

Zong Yue clasped his hands while standing in front of thewindow, facing the boundless darkness. The eyes he used to stare into the voidwere not empty, but instead seemed rooted in reality. It was as if he could seebeyond the murky fog of midnight, and see some kind of bone-chilling destiny ofhuman life.

After hearing that piercing scream, he slowly raised hishand, then made a fog sweeping gesture.

Strangely, in his eyes, there also was no pity to be found.

Far away, on a remote mountain peak, a wide sleeve robed manleisurely leaned against a boulder. Playing with a mysterious and eccentricmirror, he overlooked the Profound Origin sect underneath.

On his knee crouched Master Yuanbao, whose white fur gentlyswayed in the wind while it also looked in the same direction as his master,into the darkness in front.

Its gaze was heavy, and its mood was very solemn. It hadalready accompanied its master in staring for almost an hour.

But it actually couldn"t see much of anything.

Yuan Zhaoxu tilted his head and looked with annoyance at hispet who liked to pretend. Suddenly, he stood up.

Master Yuanbao immediately tumbled down onto the ground,with its four limbs and pink stomach facing the sky.

Its master slightly chuckled. "How foolish."

Master Yuanbao used its two claws to grasp the earth, readyto cry.

Unexpectedly, his master lightly said, "I was talkingabout Qi Xunyi."

Master Yuanbao"s shattered gla.s.s heart instantly repaireditself.

From behind came the sound of fast footsteps, sweeping overlike a gust of wind. Amidst the rustling of leaves, a girl"s crisp voice washeard.

"Aha, that piercing noise just now was at a highdecibel level, very suitable for soprano singing."

A dai coloredshadow flashed. Meng Fuyao climbed up and pushed aside Yuan Zhaoxu, sittingdown with a plop. Grimacing while rubbing her knee, she resentfully said,"That guy was pretty strong, I had to use my best efforts to only barelymanage to escape. When my leg hit the tree I didn"t even feel anything, yi ya,only now when I"m resting do I feel the pain."

After a pause she then said, "This person"s origins,and Pei family"s status, seem to be pretty powerful huh."

Yuan Zhaoxu leaned on the boulder while feeding Yuanbao somefruits. Yuanbao had already forgotten the bitterness of being bullied a whileago, and opened its mouth contentedly to receive the incoming food. HearingMeng Fuyao"s question, Yuan Zhaoxu smiled and replied with another question."You"ve been complaining for half a day, is it because you want me topersonally ma.s.sage your knees?" While replying, the hand that was loweringthe food slowed. Yuanbao immediately glared at Meng Fuyao.

Fuyao stared back with disdain, then glanced at Yuan Zhaoxuwith a mocking laugh. "How about you go ma.s.sage that little guy"s belly,looks like it can"t digest all of the food. It would be unfortunate if it diedof overeating."

Yuanbao immediately bared its teeth at Fuyao. This time MengFuyao didn"t even bother with it. Yuan Zhaoxu smiled, then while taking out apiece of cloth to wipe his hands he said, "Royalty."

Fuyao"s eyes focused, and her tone became more serious."Royalty?"

Lights swirled brilliantly in Yuan Zhaoxu"s eyes. Laughinglyhe replied, "Regretful?"

Meng Fuyao"s long eyebrows jumped up, and the side of hermouth slightly rose. "The only thing I regret is not piercing straightthrough her that day."

Yuan Zhaoxu looked at the Fuyao who was in high spirits. Hiseyes flashed, and after a time he chuckled. "Do you know who it is youjust tried to a.s.sa.s.sinate?"


"Tai Yuan"s Third Prince, Qi Xunyi," Zhaoxu"ssmile became even more mysterious, "also known as one of the Five RegionContinent"s "Seven Princes", Prince Yi."

"Prince Yi? "An apricot flower askew slick with mistyrain, three thousand scarlet colors dancing in starry twilight", the one knownas the number one in literary talent, number one in n.o.ble aura, number one inabsurd ridiculousness under the heavens - Prince Yi?"

Meng Fuyao was stunned, recalling that ambush that was likea venomous snake, and that sword light that was like a storm cyclone.

Yuan Zhaoxu glanced at her. "Looks like it wasfortunate that I didn"t reveal his true status to you before, otherwise I"mafraid you would have been unable to run when you were at the Wind ListeningSmall Pavilion."

"Nonsense." Fuyao gave him an angry look. "AmI the type of person to get weak in the legs when seeing attractiveness?"

Yuan Zhaoxu pretended to be earnest, leaning over andpatting Yuanbao on his head. "Master Yuanbao, what do you say?"

"Zhi zhi!"

Yuanbao"s tone sounded like complete agreement.

Meng Fuyao was infuriated, and hatefully said, "If Ireally was a loose woman, I"d throw myself on you first..." After gettinghalfway through she realized her slip of the tongue, and with an "uh"sound she hurriedly shut her mouth.

Unfortunately, the sensitive eared Yuan Zhaoxu had alreadyheard. With a lift of his eyebrows, he chuckled while looking over."En?"

Fuyao sprang up in a flash, loudly yelling, "I"mleaving!"

With a couple leaps she had sprinted down the boulder, justlike a fleeing rabbit. Faintly she could hear the man behind her softly laugh,the sound close to the side of her ear.

"This was my original hope, I just didn"t dareask."  [1] ------------------

Keeping in line with Yuan Zhaoxu and Meng Fuyao"sexpectations, the situation changed the next day.

Normally, with Qi Xunyi being targeted by an a.s.sa.s.sinationattempt at the Profound Origin sect, he should have immediately alerted LinXuanyuan and work with him to come up with countermeasures. However, Qi Xunyidid not do this, but instead was silent for the whole day. During the day heordered many people to investigate affairs, interrogating several disciples ofthe sect. Once evening arrived, he went to visit Lin Xuanyuan.

What the two discussed, no one knew. Only a faint sound ofsect master Lin erupting in anger was heard, while Qi Xunyi only chuckled andsent out a command: The sect master of the Profound Origin sect is suspected ofcollusion with the Yun family, and seriously wounding Princess Pei Yuan. Hewill be brought back to Yanjing for interrogation, while Profound Origin swordsect will be completely guarded by heavy troops. Without clearing of allsuspicion, none of the disciples would be allowed to exit even one step.

The Profound Origin sword sect was a high ranking martialsect in the Tai Yuan Empire, and many of its disciples were from wealthy andpowerful clans. According to typical procedure, without going through aninvestigation and permission by the local authorities, Qi Xunyi completelydetaining a whole sect by himself was a little too reckless. Unfortunately,this prince has always done things this way - everyone knew that he wasuninhibited by rules, the number one under the heavens in being exaggeratedly ungovernable.It would only be strange if he didn"t do things outrageously.

Qi Xunyi locked down and secured the Profound Origin sect,then went to visit the Infinite Empire"s Grand Tutor who was currently a guestat the sect. Representing the Tai Yuan Imperial Court, he delivered someapologetic niceties, then ordered that the Grand Tutor be immediately releasedand allowed to go on his way.

Today, Meng Fuyao leisurely followed among the Grand Tutor"scontingent, walking out of the grounds of the Profound Origin sword sect.

"I"ve always thought it strange." Fuyao hadthoughtfully pondered for a long time, before finally whispering beside YuanZhaoxu"s ear. "Even though I wanted to create a frame-up, I only expectedto muddle to waters of the case, and use the subsequent opportunity to escape.Because, Qi Xunyi should have realized that this situation has something oddabout it, and wouldn"t be so easily tricked. Yet from what I see now, he seemsto be determined to act against Lin Xuanyuan. Also, please don"t tell me thatthis is because of his famous willfulness. That night when I exchanged blowswith him, I could tell that his supposed absurdity is most likely a ruse."

"Woman shouldn"t be too dumb, but being too smart isalso not good." Yuan Zhaoxu smiled as he looked at her. "Isn"t itfine that you"ve escaped, why care so much about it?"

"Just tell me!" Meng Fuyao, anxious to know, grabbedthe reins he was holding and made a movement as if she was going to release thehorse.

"Every states" martial powers will partic.i.p.ate inpolitical struggles, this you know. Profound Origin sword sect was always neutralin the past, but recently it had shown signs of moving closer to Tai Yuan"sCrown Prince. While Qi Xunyi, the Third Prince, has always been in disagreementboth publically and privately with the Crown Prince." With a pull of hisfingers, Yuan Zhaoxu s.n.a.t.c.hed back control over the horse reins.

Meng Fuyao was enlightened all of a sudden. "So it"slike that. Qi Xunyi only needs an excuse, even if the excuse is riddled withholes, he can still borrow it to take action. No wonder you advised me when Iwas going to attack him, to be sure to only use Profound Origin sect"s martialtechniques. And when Lin Xuanyuan was facing Qi Xunyi"s interrogation, even ifhe suspected the a.s.sa.s.sin to be me, he would still have no way of expressingthe whereabouts of this "already dead disciple", let alone explaininghow I died. Naturally, he would be unable to dispute anything."

The corner of her eyes drifted sideways, her vision fallingon the hand Yuan Zhaoxu had used to take back the reins of the horse. There, inthe center of his palm, a lotus blossom was pale white in color and extremelylife-like. She couldn"t refrain from raising her eyebrows and smilingly ask,"What is that in your palm? A birthmark?"

Yuan Zhaoxu"s fingers paused. With a shake, the robe sleevesfell down once more, covering his palm. Faintly laughing he said,"Something like that."

His expression was normal, but Fuyao thought that he seemeda little low-spirited. Knowing that she probably touched some taboo of his, shechuckled, then didn"t say anymore.

Master Yuanbao stuck its head out from Zhaoxu"s chest,greedily peeking at that lotus blossom. It nibbled its teeth, most likelywanting to want bite off that mark.

At this time, the procession had arrived at a stream flowingat the base of the Profound Origin mountains, and the group stopped to rest andquench their thirst. Qi Xunyi"s escorting troop was behind them by a step, andnot long after they also catched up. Qi Xunyi"s carriage was glamorous andbrightly decorated, while a colorful trail of maids and servants followed. Atthe four corners of the carriage golden bells sounded with "dingling" noises; the carriage"s scattered fragrance could be smelled from faraway along the road.

From the horse carriage traveled low, calm music, beautifuland serene, intermixed with a woman"s delicate laughs. The tune seemed a bitfamiliar. Meng Fuyao was bitterly racking her brains, when she saw a couple ofthe Grand Tutor"s subordinates look at each other, their expressions abnormaland awkward.

Only after thinking for a while did she finally recall, thattune seemed to be one of the ten most common red-light songs, "Playingwith Purple Bamboo". Furthermore, only the cheapest courtesans among lowlyprost.i.tutes would sing it to entertain their ign.o.ble guests; any brothel girlwho had some amount of business would disdain to sing it.

From the royal horse carriage, that typically should havedignified, magnificent imperial music playing, instead came a type of decadentsong most people would be ashamed of listening to in public. It truly made foran incompatible pairing.

The subordinates of the Grand Tutor all showed "suchabsurdity" expressions, while Meng Fuyao coldly looked on from the side.Recalling the panther-like alertness and dragon-like sword arts of thatmalevolent man last night, an iciness flashed through her eyes.

It would be best to avoid people like Qi Xunyi. Fuyaoescaped far away, going upstream to find a place to find water. Just when shewas about to drink, unexpectedly a person marched over from behind, piercinglyshouting, "Make way make way!"

Meng Fuyao turned back only to see several servants, eachcarrying jade basins, wash towels, scented soap, and on a golden tray one ofthem was holding, was even a shiny piece of aluminite stone. It looked likethey were preparing to procure water for Qi Xunyi to wash his face. [2]

Those subordinates of the Grand Tutor all revealedexpressions of "such extravagance" again.

Meng Fuyao glanced over at the transparent and clean springwater. This world was still the unpolluted era of ancient history, and springwater could be directly used from the source. This Qi Xunyi, he needed to usealum precipitate even when washing his face, isn"t he going a little toooverboard?

Seeing her just stand there unmoving, in between theservant"s brows pa.s.sed a flicker of anger, and he stretched his hand to pushMeng Fuyao. "What are you doing stupidly standing there? You"re going topollute the upstream water! Run downstream to drink!"

Fuyao was engrossed in deep thought until, with thatunexpected push, the slick moss on the rocks underneath slipped her, and sheimmediately slid sideways down towards the water.

1. A famous Confucian philosopher Mencius (Meng Zi) oncesaid this to a king. Mencius was getting ready to return to his home town whenthe king said he hoped to see him again. Mencius replied with this phrase,meaning that that was his hope as well.

2. Aluminium Sulfate can purify water: