Legend of Fu Yao

Chapter 12 - Ambush in the Back Mountains

Book 1: Winds Begin to Blow in Tai Yuan

Chapter 12 - Ambush in the Back Mountains

In the deep night, all the fresh blood was sunk into thedarkness, and all the cries were drowned out amidst the howling rain.

When the "十" word was being etched into PeiYuan"s face, on the far away eaves of a building, a man"s clothes danced in thewind and amidst the rain, yet was still dry. He clasped his hands behind hisback as he slightly smiled while watching the movements below.

Behind him, a black-clothed man stood three steps away withhis head bowed.

"Later, you go over there to Pei Yuan and do sometampering." Yuan Zhaoxu ordered the black-clothed person, "The Peifamily is from Yanjing, and have a family feud with the Chancellor"s house ofYun, in addition to being political opponents ... you should know what to doright?"

The black-clothed man only lowered his head, his figureflashing and disappearing into thin air.

Yuan Zhaoxu laughed a little, then looked downwards again,his tone of voice lasting and remote in the torrential downpour, "Drawingan X with such straightforwardness, this woman ..." ---------------

Hiding in some secluded wall corner and hastily wiping theblood traces off of her body, Meng Fuyao patted the Master Yuanbao sitting onher shoulder, smiling, "Thanks!"

Master Yuanbao gave her the cold-shoulder, his dark liquideyes full of disdain, most likely thinking along the lines of "your clawsare so dirty don"t pollute my snow white fur".

"What a smelly fart of a meatball!" Meng Fuyaosilently cursed while walking out with large steps.

She didn"t know that after she left, a flash of lightning,like a celestial battleaxe cutting through the black haze from above the nineheavens, directly pierced across the Five Regions Continent.

Under that electric flash, the dazedly slumped Pei Yuan"sinner courtyard was lit up; in the bright whiteness there seemed to be a traceof even brighter coldness, and then, fresh blood sprayed in the air.-------------------

It was destined to be a night of turbulent storms.

Lin Xuanyuan had just slept for not very long, before he wasfrantically shouted awake again. When he rushed over and saw Pei Yuan"ssituation, his facial expression was so ugly that it was hard to describe inwords.

The comatose Pei Yuan"s face had wounds that only in a shortperiod of time, had already rotted to the point of seeing bone. The fresh bloodand pale bone combined to form a dreadfully saddening sight - the unrivaledbeauty of the past, was now never to be seen again.

Lin Xuanyuan stood shocked, already unable to think of whatto do. Those disciples might not be clear about Pei Yuan"s background, but henaturally knew - Pei Yuan"s origins, he definitely could not afford to provoke.Now that a situation had occurred, how was he to explain to the power behindPei Yuan?

He had already interrogated all of her servants and maids,yet most of these people all maintained that they only saw a black shadow leapout from their master"s pavilion door, the remainder not seeing anything atall.

This sudden large rainstorm, had washed away too manytraces.

Lin Xuanyuan"s face wrinkles had deepened considerably inone night. He tilted his head upward to face the sky, his heart sighing.

"Could it be, that the heavens want to destroy myProfound Origin sect?"

His eyesight pa.s.sed over the dark stillness of the guestbuildings, and suddenly a thought flashed through his head, "Just whenInfinite Empire"s Grand Tutor came to visit, such a situation appeared, is itpossible ..."

After rolling his eyes a little he discarded this notion.The esteemed Grand Tutor very rarely traveled outside, and had always been ongood terms with the Profound Origin sword sect. There was basically nomotivation for murder, not to mention that the doctor who had already examinedPei Yuan had discovered that Pei Yuan"s right little finger had been halfsliced off. This type of slanted cut, going from below to above in a risingdiagonal slice, exactly matched the wound patterns caused by the "StirringWind Sword Technique" of the Yun family, the Pei family"s mortal enemies.It looked like it should have been the Yun family who ordered someone to comeup the mountain and a.s.sa.s.sinate Pei Yuan.

Only, Pei Yuan studied techniques at the Profound Originsect while she was hiding her true background ... Lin Xuanyuan furrowed hisbrows. The Yun family was truly ruthless when acting, he had to explain thissituation clearly to the Pei family.

"n.o.body is sleeping tonight, all of you go and searchfor the intruder! I have already activated every mountain pa.s.s" trap arrays,with so much rain, the culprit definitely couldn"t have already escaped downthe mountain! You guys have to trap the person on the mountain!"

The disciples all sounded in agreement. Lin Xuanyuan staredat the still unceasing rain, and deeply emphasized, "Remember, thissituation will determine the life and death of our Profound Origin sect! Thatperson must be caught, if alive I want to see him, if dead I want to see hiscorpse!"

"Yes!" ------------------

A flitting dark shadow, like an arrow flying out of itsstring, pierced through the vast rain curtains. Because its speed was too fast,it left faint after-blurs wherever it pa.s.sed by.

The human figure directly sprinted for the back mountains;the Profound Origin sect was built into the side of the mountain, and so thearea behind the sect village would be where the security would be comparativelythe weakest.

The back mountains were still and silent like usual. Thefigure didn"t even stop, swiftly climbing up the mountain with her body like abrushstroke. She had already walked everywhere on the mountain in the past, andshe knew that after this mountain peak would be a valley, after pa.s.sing throughthe valley she would come across a tunnel, which she could use to pa.s.s out ofthe Profound Origin sect"s encirclement of mountains.

The rhythm of her steps were extremely rapid. Whilesprinting, from underneath the fingertips that were pressed on the swordscabbard by her side, there could be seen a slight jade glow of sword qi.

The jade colored sword qi was the unique color of the fourthlayer of the "Breaking Nine Heavens" technique, and signified thebreakthrough of all yin and softnatured inner qi.

The borrowed foreign inner power from Yuan Zhaoxu not onlyhelped Meng Fuyao recover to her original cultivation level, but even helpedher to break through the third layer bottleneck that had always been stagnatedwithout progress, letting her enter the fourth layer of the technique.

This let the speed of her attacks just then almost double,and it was only because of this that she could use her own power to slice abeautiful "X" on Pei Yuan"s face, even when Pei Yuan was on alert.

It was a pity though that Pei Yuan turned into a berserktiger that wanted to fight her to the death. Meng Fuyao didn"t want to perishtogether with her, so she could only leave her mark then quickly escape. Eventhough she knew that leaving Pei Yuan alive might bring her future troubles,she didn"t have the ability to care right now.

In front, the gray peak was in view. The thickly grownbrushes and trees in the area were all soaked with rainwater, drooping andslanted heavily, showing the signs that n.o.body had pa.s.sed through here beforeher.

Meng Fuyao lightly blew out a breath of air, revealing arelieved grin.

She strode forward to continue on.


A sudden strange feeling underfoot, like the feeling ofstepping onto a small rock.

However Meng Fuyao didn"t think it was really some piece ofstone, and immediately shot backwards in withdrawal!

Those low concealed brushes and leaves instantly rose uplike snakes - upon careful inspection, it was actually a huge web that flewupwards from behind the plants, carrying the trees and bushes along with themud to lift up together! A rustling sounded from everywhere in front, and thedeadly green light streaks hidden underneath the messy undergrowth, now burstedthrough the gaps in the mesh, covering the whole sky and shooting towards MengFuyao!

"s.h.i.t, this place has a trap array too!" MengFuyao darkly cursed that old fox Lin"s fast movements, and was surprised atherself for not discovering that this place wasn"t actually a gap in thedefenses.

The ma.s.sive web flipped backwards towards her, enveloping anarea of almost ten zhang. MengFuyao"s borrowed inner qi was already starting to vanish, and with her currentstrength, even if she was the Buddha she would still be unable to escape in theremaining time! Seeing the looming dark net that fell like thick fog, filledwith barbed hooks that glittered ominously, Meng Fuyao hopelessly closed hereyes.
