Legend of the Asura

Chapter 51-52: Emperor’s wisdom

Chapter 51-52: Emperor’s wisdom

“Ding, welcome to the «Rebirth» world, have a fun time playing.”

After eating breakfast, the two siblings entered the game together, working hard for the goal their adopted father set for them.

The Heavenly Dragon square was packed with people.  Feng Xiao pushed through the crowd and rushed for his Feng House.

“Wa, is that person an a.s.sa.s.sin?  How does he run that fast?” A pa.s.serby saw Feng Xiao’s shocking speed and spoke out.

“Che~how could there be such a fast a.s.sa.s.sin?  It should be an NPC…..” Another pa.s.serby looked like he was looking at an idiot.

“Oh, that should be right.”  The first pa.s.serby agreed.

“Young master, you’re finally back.”  Seeing Feng Xiao come back, Rou Rou quickly came to greet him with an anxious look in her eyes.

“Un, Rou Rou, what matter is this urgent?”

“Young master, the emperor sent someone to find you half an hour ago, it seemed to be important.”  Rou Rou secretly looked at Feng Xiao as she spoke.

“The emperor is looking for me?  Alright, I’ll go in a bit.” It wouldn’t be another hidden quest, right?  It seems like good luck can’t be stopped, Feng Xiao secretly praised himself.

Feng Xiao looked at Rou Rou with evil eyes and said in a strange voice, “Do you fear me?”

“Ah?  I, I…..Why would I fear the young master.”  Rou Rou’s fingers grabbed the hem of her clothes and spoke in a bit of an incoherent voice.  Was she afraid? It seems like she wasn’t. Was she not afraid? But she was always bullied by him.

“It’s good you’re not afraid!”  Seeing the ripples in Rou Rou’s eyes, Feng Xiao gave a laugh as he walked through the main hall.  Rou Rou unconsciously hugged her chest and only when Feng Xiao walked past her did she put her hand down and let out a sigh of relief.

Feng Xiao that walked ahead suddenly turned back and held out his arms, accurately grabbing Rou Rou’s two soft bundles.  He pulled on the erect tip before walking into the inner room with a villainous smile, leaving behind a panicked Rou Rou.

“The NPC beauties are truly incredible.  The shape of their b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it’s simply perfect!”  Feng Xiao felt that he was very much like a beast. Rou Rou’s shy appearance was just too stimulating, it always turned him into a beast.

Feng Xiao opened his communication device and called “Yao Dreams of Loving Winds”.

“Yao’er, are you doing your quest?  That emperor wants to see me and I’m a bit suspicious that he wants me as his son-in-law.”  Feng Xiao had a proud expression.

“Un, good luck big brother.  I can’t talk anymore, I need to solve the problem of this sleeping black bear.”

Pa, the call ended.

Sleeping black bear?  Feng Xiao almost fell down, could monsters sleep?  His Yao’er always seemed to meet all kinds of strange things.

Feng Xiao opened his inventory and looked at the things the Golden Spirit Knight dropped yesterday.

Spirit Protection Shield: Level 30 Immortal Equipment

Unappraised, cannot be used.

Cursed Earrings: Level 30 Spiritual Equipment

Unappraised, cannot be used.

Golden Spirit Spear: Level 30 Golden Equipment

Unappraised, cannot be used.

Golden Spirit Armour: Level 30 Golden Equipment

Unappraised, cannot be used.

Actually being able to obtain Immortal and Spiritual Items made Feng Xiao a bit excited.  The remaining Silver Items that normal players would fight to the death for were only looked over by Feng Xiao before they were thrown away.

He who had a pile of Divine Items, Immortal Items, Spiritual Items, and Gold Items, these Silver Items were not interesting to him at all.

Two black wooden tokens caught Feng Xiao’s attention.

Black Wooden Token:

Unappraised, cannot be used.

It needed to be appraised?

Feng Xiao maliciously cursed the Ascend Group.  The jade needed to be appraised and now even this wooden token needed to be appraised!  Even people stealing money weren’t this ruthless.

“Ding, Master Zhang Tian is here to visit.  Do you want to let him in?”

“Master Zhang Tian?”  This seemingly resourceful old daoist was clearly imprinted in Feng Xiao’s memory because he was too thin.  There was only a beard left on his thin body, perhaps even a sneeze would be enough to knock him over.


Master Zhang Tian came in and saw Feng Xiao in the hall.  He quickly came over to greet him, “Brave warrior Wind Spirit, I’ve finally found you.  Come, quickly come with me to see the emperor.”

“How did you know I was back?  Do you have the Thousand Miles Eyes?”  This old man knew when he logged on, it couldn’t be that coincidental, right?

“He, he.”  Master Zhang Tian came forward to grab Feng Xiao as he said with a smile, “Although I don’t have it, it’s close enough.  Come!”

Without waiting for Feng Xiao to ask anything, Master Zhang Tian took out a talisman and quickly crumpled it.

“Heavenly Stars Vague s.p.a.ce Talisman!”

“Sou…..”  With a white light, Feng Xiao found that his surroundings had already disappeared.  After two minutes, he and Master Zhang Tian were in the back palace of the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

“It’s actually a teleport that can bring others along, this old man Zhang does have some skills!  I wonder if his talisman art is hard to study.” Feng Xiao looked at Master Zhang Tian beside him as thoughts began to fill his mind.

“Ke, ke, Master Zhang Tian is really skillful, this lowly one is filled with admiration.”  Master Zhang Tian led the way as Feng Xiao walked beside him with a face filled with admiration.

“He, he, insignificant skills, it’s not worth mentioning.”  A person of cultivation had a firm disposition. He was as calm as dead water and Feng Xiao’s flattery could not create even the slightest ripples.

“How is the emperor today?”  Feng Xiao watched his mood. He felt that this old man was not as easy to fool as the appraiser old man, so his tone quickly changed.

Master Zhang Tian’s eyes lit up as he stroked his beard and said with a smile, “Everything is brave warrior Wind Spirit’s contribution.  The emperor is glowing after ingesting the sacred medicine, the qilin blood yesterday and is filled with energy. It was like he wasn’t sick at all and he suddenly became several decades younger.  The Heavenly Dragon Dynasty led by such a bright ruler will surely achieve world peace.”

“From his expression, it seems he’s quite loyal to the royal family.”  Feng Xiao thought.

“Does Master Zhang Tian know why the emperor is looking for me?”

Master Zhang Tian said, “According to what this poor daoist knows, it seems to concern Princess Shui Yue.”

“Princess Shui Yue?”  Feng Xiao was surprised, “As far as I know, Princess Shui Yue is very ill, so why are you looking for me?”

“He, he.”  Master Zhang Tian said with a smile, “It’s all because of my bright emperor.  He used the royal medicine left by a previous emperor to save Princess Shui Yue.  Brave warrior Wind Spirit, we’re already here. The imperial study room is ahead, please come in with me.”

Putting away the Asura’s Illusion, Feng Xiao followed Master Zhang Tian into the room.

Feng Xiao would only put away his Asura’s Illusion to see the emperor.  First, there would be no players that came here and second, he had to show a bit of respect.

This was a cla.s.sically decorated room without anything special to it.  The only thing that caught Feng Xiao’s eyes was the golden plaque that hung above the door saying, Imperial Study.

“So this is the imperial study, not bad, not bad.  It’s almost as big as my family’s bathroom.” Feng Xiao mindlessly thought.

Feng Xiao naturally did not know the customs of the palace.  The imperial study was the core of the back palace, normally only the emperor’s personal maids, eunuchs, high ranking generals and ministers, and his family could enter, everyone else was forbidden from coming here.  However, his Heavenly Dragon Secret Token allowed him to enter any part of the royal palace.

“Your majesty, brave warrior Wind Spirit is here.”  Master Zhang Tian bowed to the person behind the screen.

“Brave warrior Wind Spirit, please come in.  Master Zhang Tian, you can leave first.” A serious voice came from behind the screen.  Feng Xiao’s ears came to attention and felt that the emperor’s voice was more spirited compared to yesterday.

What quest will it be this time?  Princess Shui Yue’s injuries were fine now, could it be I’ll really become the emperor’s son-in-law?  Un, I wonder what the Princess Shui Yue looks like.

The screen was moved aside and the Heavenly Dragon Emperor looked at him with a faint smile.  Feng Xiao’s originally listless eyes suddenly lit up and they become much more spirited.

Feng Xiao’s eyes made the Heavenly Dragon Emperor happy: This brat has emotions and righteousness, he really seems to care about me.  It seems like it was a wise move to give him the Heavenly Dragon Secret Token to him. Yi? That’s wrong, his eyes seem strange like….A wolf watching a little rabbit.

“f.u.c.k!”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor almost exploded.  This brat was looking at…..

“A beauty, a beauty like water…..”  Feng Xiao was staring at the girl who had lifted the screen behind the emperor to look at him with curiosity.

Her skin was like water and very bouncy, like congealed snow.  Her face was as soft as water and white as jade, just like heavenly snow.  Her eyes like water were enough to make people lost in them…..

This nation collapsing beauty, that soft and n.o.ble aura, a truly dangerous beauty!  This was a true femme fatale!

“These system beauties, they are more and more perfect…..”  Feng Xiao praised in his heart.

“Ke, ke!”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor gave two strong coughs to vent his displeasure.  He never thought that his daughter wouldn’t be able to resist her curiosity and open the curtains.

Feng Xiao who came back to his senses quickly cupped his hands in an ancient manner to the emperor, “I wonder why the great emperor has called me here for.”

“Humph!  It’s like this.”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor let out a breath and said, “This one’s daughter’s illness has been cured, but her vitality had been damage, so she needs a precious herb to restore her vitality, but this kind of herb was accidentally used up by this one.  Ke, ke. This one did not do it on purpose, so this one wants to ask brave warrior Wind Spirit to find this herb for me.”

After the Heavenly Dragon Emperor finished speaking, he looked at the girl behind him with a pity filled and guilty expression.

“So she was Princess Shui Yue.  She really is like a moon made of water.”  Feng Xiao immediately guess the girl’s ident.i.ty.

Collect herbs?  If it was a simple herb, why would you do all this to call me over?  Are all the experts in the palace useless?

Feng Xiao was vigilant as he said, “Great emperor, it’s not that I’m criticizing you, but why are you having me go when your palace is filled with experts?  Also, can’t Master Zhang Tian teleport there? It’s fine to just let him go and pick some.”

The emperor had a bitter smile, “How could the precious herb be that easy to collect.  This herb is called the Ice Spirit Herb and it can quickly help a person recover their vitality.  In only grows in a cave to the west of the Heavenly Dragon Continent, but…..there is a powerful Immortal Beast guarding this Ice Spirit Herb.  If I send people, it would be sending them to their deaths. I thought about it and can only think of you?”

“What!  Immortal Beast!?  Great emperor, don’t you think you’re also sending me to die?  Not to mention an Immortal Beast, even a level 100 guard of your palace could instant kill me.”  Feng Xiao was helpless, as if he was about to receive another quest that was impossible to do.

“No!  Wind Spirit, this one believes you can.  You can even subdue the qilin, there’s no need to mention a trivial Immortal Beast.”  The emperor’s eyes glowed as he looked at Feng Xiao, with a look that was saying that he would not end this unless he agreed.

“How about this Wind Spirit?  If you can finish this quest, I can make an exception and grant you some land.”

When he said this, two people were stunned.  One was Feng Xiao and the other was Princess Shui Yue.

Granting him land!  Feng Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva.  Compared to this reward, the reward before for obtaining the qilin blood simply was not considered a reward.

Obtaining land that belonged to him, this was a very significant reward.  Feng Xiao simply did not dare imagine it.

Princess Shui Yue looked at her royal father in shock, as if she wanted to say something.  The emperor shook his head with a faint smile and Princess Shui Yue could only give up. She began to scope up this man that was a bit excessively handsome.

“Royal father wants to grant him land?  Why? Isn’t this kind of reward something only princes and people of great accomplishment can receive?  Has royal father gone a bit senile? No! No, then why would he give him this kind of reward for this kind of quest.”

Princess Shui Yue couldn’t understand this as her eyes were filled with curiosity as she gazed at Feng Xiao.  She never thought that Feng Xiao would feel her gaze and give her an evil smile. Princess Shui Yue quickly looked away and her heart beat as fast as a deer running.

“Emperor, is this true?  You’ll grant me land if I can complete this quest?”  Feng Xiao’s face was filled with excitement, confirming this in a voice of disbelief.

“This ruler never lies!”

“Alright, I’ll accept this quest and I’ll definitely complete it!”  An opportunity encountered in a thousand years, Feng Xiao would give it a try no matter how hard it was.

“Ding, you have accepted the hidden quest ‘Searching for the Ice Spirit Herb.

Time Limit: 20 days

Quest Reward: Obtaining land

Failure Punishment: Taking back the Heavenly Dragon Secret Token.”

“Emperor, you are too ruthless.  You actually want to take back the Heavenly Dragon Secret Token!”

Twenty days.  His strength would only reach around level 30 and using this strength to challenge an Immortal Beast would mean he would be slapped down with a single claw.

“He, he, Wind Spirit, this is considered a test of your strength.  If you can’t complete this quest, you don’t have the rights to keep this token that can influence the world.”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor had a smile on his face, but the serious tone in his voice could not be hidden.

“Alright, I’ll see if this is a place of life or death!”  Feng Xiao said with gritted teeth, “But emperor, can you tell me how the Ice Spirit Herb was obtained before?”

The emperor pondered this slightly before replying, “The Immortal Beast guarding the Ice Spirit Herb leaves for three days every thirty years to foster a child, we collected it during this period before.  However, calculating it, it has just given birth recently, so we can’t use this method.”

“Alright, I understand.  I’ll be leaving first if there’s nothing else…..Oh, that’s right.  Emperor, does anyone in the palace know the whereabouts of the Radiant Sacred Dragon?”  Feng Xiao suddenly asked.

“Radiant Sacred Dragon?”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor looked at Feng Xiao in surprise, “You have plans for it?”

“He, he, it can be counted as so.”  He didn’t know if wanting its tears was having plans for it.

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor was speechless.  After looking at Feng Xiao for several seconds, he finally said through the gap in his teeth, “You’re truly fierce.  Killing an Immortal Beast is not worthy of you, it seems like this one should have you kill a Divine Beast next time.”

Feng Xiao: “......”

I didn’t really say anything, Feng Xiao thought in indignation.

“This one only the location of the Giant Golden Dragon that shares the same prestige as it.  The Radiant Sacred Dragon and the Demonic Dark Dragon hasn’t been seen in thousands of years.  The whereabouts of a powerful Divine Beast as it is not something we humans can ponder. This one thinks that there shouldn’t be anyone in Heavenly Dragon City that knows where it is, but this one will ask for you.”

Feng Xiao was a bit disappointed, he never thought that the Heavenly Dragon Royal Palace with informers all over the world wouldn’t know where the Radiant Sacred Dragon was.  He could only cup his hands and say, “Then I’ll thank the emperor. I’ll be leaving first if there’s nothing else.”

“You can go.”

Feng Xiao looked back at Princess Shui Yue again before turning to leave the imperial study.

When Feng Xiao walked out, Princess Shui Yue came out of the curtains and anxiously asked, “Royal father, why did you give him such a shocking reward?  It was raise chaos within the royal court. Although Shui Yue thinks that obtaining the Ice Spirit Herb is very hard, it doesn’t qualify for this kind of reward.  Could it be because he saved royal father’s life?”

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor revealed a faint smile and didn’t reply.  Instead he asked, “Good daughter, what do you think of him?”

Princess Shui Yue raised his beautiful eyebrows and said, “Shui Yue thinks…..He acts very foolish, his words are sloppy, and his expression…...is not proper.  Other than being good looking, there is nothing special about him.”

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor broke out in laughter.  He tenderly stroked his daughter’s hair as he said, “Good daughter, you’re still too young.  This one cannot compare to you in the arts, but you can’t compare to this one’s ancient knowledge in recognizing people.”

“A person that is foolish actually hides how deep he is.  An inhibited outer appearance will hide how wise and meticulous he is deep down.  This person has not cried out yet, but a cry will shake the world.”

“Royal father, you’re saying that Wind Spirit is that kind of person?”

“He, he, good daughter, this one definitely did not misread this person.  Every time this one sees him, his eyes would always look over every corner before seeing this one, so it can be seen that he is a very meticulous person normally.  His expression seem improper, but the light in his eyes is incredibly sharp. Every time he speaks, he would always observe the other side’s reaction to understand their habits and find their weaknesses.  Although he has hidden it well, this one is a skilled emperor and will not misread a person. This is because before each emperor of the Heavenly Dragon Dynasty ascends the throne, we would undergo this kind of training.  The way he acts is even better than this one who has been an emperor for forty years.”

“Even when this one said this one would reward him with land, his surprise only appeared for a second.  The excitement on his face was purely for show. Ai, the depth of his heart and his firmness, it really makes one excited.”

The emperor’s praise and shock were beyond words.

Thinking of when her royal father promised him land, Feng Xiao even had time to send her a provocative look.  Princess Shui Yue seemed to understand something in her mind.

If he was truly that excited as his expression displayed, would he have the thought to send out this teasing expression.

“Royal father, then…..What kind of experiences would create this kind of person.”

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor lowered his head and said nothing.  After a while, he said with a sigh, “Harm and missions.”

Princess Shui Yue nodded somewhat vacantly.

If Feng Xiao was still here, he would definitely be incomparably shocked by the Heavenly Dragon Emperor’s wisdom, even taking him as a confidant.

“Royal father, what is the reason for you giving him land for completing the quest?”

“He, he, daughter, do you still remember the final prediction the Heavenly Dragon G.o.ddess left tens of thousands of years ago before disappearing?”  The Heavenly Dragon Emperor said in a somewhat mysterious manner.

“Of course I do.  It was: Human and demons fight, the earth will fall to chaos, a white haired asura will appear.  It refers to the fact that when the future Heavenly Dragon Continent faces a disaster, there will be a white tiger and a white haired asura that will appear to kill and subdue this disaster.”

“That’s right.”  The emperor said with a sigh, “The time the Heavenly Dragon G.o.ddess’ prediction was referring to is in the next few years.”

“What?  It’s like this?”  Shui Yue was shocked, “White haired asura…...Asura…..Asura…..Ah, royal father, could you be saying that Wind Spirit is…...But his hair isn’t white…..”

The Heavenly Dragon Emperor shook his head and said, “It’s not him, his hair is pure black and he does not have the predicted Sacred Beast, the White Tiger.  However, my intuition tells me that he is certainly related to this because he is the only Asura for the next millennium and his qilin is the head of the Sacred Beasts…..”

“But royal father, for just a guess like this, you’re willing to try and win him over like this?  Not to mention that he is weak, only being level 21. Even the other level 100 masters couldn’t complete this task, how can he complete it?”  Shui Yue was still confused.

“This one believes he can.  Being able to subdue the qilin, just having luck isn’t enough, one also needs destiny!  As for why this one is trying to win him over…..” The Heavenly Dragon Emperor did not continue speaking, only looking at his daughter with blurry eyes.

Good daughter, when you inherit the throne, he will be a sharp weapon in your hands.

Worldly matters were always difficult, the Heavenly Dragon Emperor was using all his thoughts to find left and right hands for his daughter.  Just what kind fo role would he play in Princess Shui Yue’s life….Will he be her sharp weapon, or…..

Will she become his sharp weapon!