Legend of the Asura

Chapter 15: Yang Xiruo

Legend of the Asura Chapter 15: Yang Xiruo

The numbers of Attributes being it low or high does not determine victory or defeat. Aura, consciousness and strategy are also necessary elements to defeat your opponent, except of course if the Attributes really differ in a big way, with that case, it will be the same as: "In front of absolute strength, all countermeasures will turn into a joke."

The young girl’s eyes tightly follow Feng Xiao’s form every time he moves, starting from the moment he reappeared in front of her to protect her, she just stood there absent-minded, staring at him.

Heroically outstanding body, extremely perfect appearance, he seems to be a pet of heaven. In his eyes contained an evil aura, hiding in it is loathing for this world full of insolence. Arrogance, gentleness, coldness, despising the world, numerous demeanor actually appearing on a single person and still seemed compatible.[TL: pet of heaven, same as teacher’s pet, means favorite.]

Perfect appearance, perfect demeanor, kind and brave heart. This is a man with a fatal attraction to women, the girl silently thought.


Demon Wolf’s Fifth is getting fl.u.s.tered and exasperated, his opponent seemed to always accurately predict where he wanted to attack, evading his attacks again and again. He continuously attacked seven times and with great difficulty out of those attacks, only once was he able to hit, not to mention the fact that the opponent is also forced to avoid the Element b.a.l.l.s from his companion, on the other hand, their opponents’ attacks were always accurate, each of the opponent’s attacks were dead ends making him impossible to avoid.

Feng Xiao immediately tossed down a bottle of Small Red Potion then seized the chance to send out another Spinning Slash right after its cooldown time.

-22, -23, -35, -72

The other Demon Wolf brother who just happen to stand in the same straight line as the other was also hit. This time they do not dare to look down upon the opposite party anymore then quickly drank Small Red Potions.

At that moment, when they are on the verge of drinking their Potion, Feng Xiao quickly went pa.s.s Demon Wolf’s Fifth then sent out Cleaving Smash to Demon Wolf’s Sixth. The Mage’s Attacks inflict more damage, long range and has forced Accuracy, making it a bigger threat than Demon Wolf’s Fifth, however, their HP being low is their fatal weakness.

Devil Wolf’s Sixth is extremely shocked, he quickly stepped back while tossing an Element Ball. Feng Xiao moved sideways to evade quickly following up with another Cleaving Smash. Demon Wolf Fifth also quickly responded at this time and quickly run over. Feng Xiao smiled full of coldness, did not care about Demon Wolf’s Fifth, only crazily pursued Demon Wolf Sixth while continuously evading and sending out Attacks.

Demon Wolf’s Sixth got extremely scared, all he can do is go all out running while sending out Element b.a.l.l.s, however his own Element Ball seemed to be d.a.m.ned, was always easily evaded by the opposite party like it was nothing and yet the opposite party’s distance is so close, slicing him with that golden dark enormous sword from time to time and worse is that the cooldown of Potion cannot keep up, so helplessly, all he can do is look at his HP while it is slowly going down.

Demon Wolf’s Fifth at heart is shouting “motherf.u.c.ker!” He wished he could chop Demon Wolf’s Sixth, this Demon Wolf clearly knows that he cannot hide, yet he still continues to go all out running. The speed of the three is almost the same, so all he can do is chase in frustration to create an opportunity for them to once again collaborate.

“Bang!” After 6 seconds, finally, with unwilling eyes, Demon Wolf’s Sixth fell to the ground, blowing out a few bottles of potions and his weapon, Green Branch. Feng Xiao’s running stopped. Magic Wolf Fifth also stopped, surprised and suspicious, he look at the appearance of the man who is making him extremely envious.

Pitiful weak Attack, frail Defense, this one who is seemingly at most be at Level 4, turned them into a joke of cat catching the mouse while toying with them.

“You …. You cheat!” After Demon Wolf’s Fifth blurted out his words, he immediately realized that his own brain must have an issue, not to mention the fact that this game is impossible to have an external and even if there is, the opposite party completely depended on his consciousness to do those evasions, even with externals, it would be an impossible feat to achieve.

As expected, the opposite party coldly looked at him in disdain and said: “Fool!”

Demon Wolf’s Fifth was feeling guilty, his sixth brother was buried with this opponent’s hands, yet those ghost like evasions made him want to no longer continue this fight. He felt like he was a child given an extremely strong magic weapon to face a martial arts master which is just holding a twig.

“Good! Feng Hun, you have guts, the Demon Wolf Gang will surely remember you.” He was able to get Feng Xiao’s name from the PK alert. Demon Wolf Fifth did not forget to leave vicious words before turning around planning to walk. [TL: Feng Hun is his character name.]

“Bang! Bang!”

-21, -176

Demon Wolf’s Fifth had an unbelievable expression before turning into white light and returning to Novice Village to reactivate.

Feng Xiao was slightly stunned, he just could not let go of that fool threatening himself a moment ago, so he threw the Xuanyuan Sword as a warning, he did not expect that it would actually trigger the 1% Instant Death.

If the Heaven wants you to die, then you’ll die. Feng Xiao’s face showed no care about the matter while curling his lips.

“I asked you to leave or at least go offline a moment ago, why didn’t you listen?” Returning in front of the girl, Feng Xiao helplessly said. The girl just kept staring at his eyes, seeing her gaze, it makes him somewhat be at a loss, he had experienced this same scenario a lot of times, but the ray in her eyes are really just too pure making him unexpectedly unable to endure the desire to touch her.

“Can you tell me your name?” The little girl gently smiled, not answering Feng Xiao’s question and with her eyes rippling with sparks of brilliant rays she asked.


“Get away from my younger sister!” Feng Xiao is just about to reply, when an angry overbearing sound suddenly rang out from the back.

A man with a giant sword stood there, like a beast, he stared coldly at Feng Xiao. totally opposite to his younger sister, his eyes are that of someone that can completely repel anyone even from afar.

“Elder Brother, you finally came back.” The girl blinked his eyes to Feng Xiao then quickly ran to the man. The man, full of affection, patted the girl’s shoulder, the moment he looked at the girl, his completely cold look melted.

Yang Aotian, Level 8. Eye of the Soul accurately relayed the information of the man, as for the young girl, 0 Level, she is called Yang Xiruo, ‘Zhenxi” for her to be cherished, and “Rouruo” for her delicateness. [“TL: So this is a bit confusing as the author seemed to explain the name: Zhexi – precious treasure, Rouruo – delicate or weak, so implied meaning is to be cherished/treasured for her delicateness.”]

Must be their names in the real world.

“Don’t tell me that you’re bullying my younger sister or else I will never stop chasing you down! Remember! Forever!” Yang Aotian once more looked to Feng Xiao, but this time, the look is a lot colder from before, even the sound gets colder and colder as he finishes his sentence, the firmness in his tone makes people unable to doubt his words.

“Elder Brother, he absolutely did not bully me, he even saved me at that time when some people are bullying me….” the young girl anxiously explained while giving an apologetic glance to Feng Xiao.

“Some people bullied you? Right? Who is it? What are their names?”  Yang Aotian’s heart felt like it was pierced by needles, he could not tolerate any person to blaspheme her fragile as gla.s.s younger sister with pureness such as an angel descended to the earth. her sufferings are already too much, really too much.

“I don’t know their names, but it’s alright now, I don’t like to see my brother fighting to kill people, so do not ask, ok..ok?” Both of them are ‘relying on each other to live’, so the young girl knows how his elder brother pampers her, otherwise if she tells the name of those villains, it will only lead to consequences she does not want to see.”[TL: The real term here is mutually dependent for life, which is an idiom and I can’t find a way to fit it in there so I changed it.]

Feng Xiao without saying a word, turned around to leave. Everyone has their own destiny gear, he is an outsider, does not have the right to meddle in their affairs and have no plans on meddling. Tell him he is heartless then yeah, being cold blood, that is his principle all this time.

“You didn’t tell me your name!” The young girl’s anxious voice sounded behind him.

“I am called Feng” Replied Feng Xiao without even looking back.

“Elder Brother Feng, thank you! I’m called Xiruo, like the characters Xī and Yáng from Sunset and Ruò from Serenity. [TL: Yeah another confusing part. Xiyang = sunset, and Youruo = Serenity/Quietly/Peacefulness. so she’s explaining the chinese characters of her name and giving examples where it can be used.]

After half an hour, Feng Xiao was finally done mining enough ores, he once again pa.s.sed through the Rabbit Territory, this time however, he wasn’t able to see the young girl.

It is also good that he did not b.u.mp into any of the Demon Wolf Gang members, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

“It seems like it’s better if I should just rarely use Monarch Faces the World in the future.” Having Feng Xiao’s attributes dropped by 70% is worse than being at level 0, otherwise, if he is in his normal Status, he can just instantly murder those two guys without the need to waste so much energy.

-Chapter End-

*My third release since I came back so I’ll count it for this week. So I now have 3 out of my target of 6 this week. Well if I really was able to finish 6 by the next two days. It means that it’s possible for me to go for 8-10 chapters per week. I’m getting faster as I get used to it. Well don’t forget to send me comments if there are suggestions

Editing suggestions as well if there’s any, take note however that in editing, the author’s intent behind the words should be prioritized as it is his work. changing tenses or changing the words used in a way that deviates from the author’s real message is wrong. which is why sometimes it will be easy for some people to point out mistakes from the translator cause it’s really hard to create sentences base on Chinese to English as their grammar structure is really different causing you to inevitably add or remove some words while minding if the original message is conveyed properly, no more, no less.

Thank you for reading my rants and hope you enjoy the awesome OP journey of Feng Xiao.