Legend Of The Demon King Wong Ye-Qui

Chapter 13

In the nest the king of goldenback ape kings shivered a little.

Together the little party of a human with infinite bloodlines, a tsundere dragon and a group of demonised apes went to sleep in Shizen"s nest. Unknowingly, as he slept, Wong"s 4 meter tall dormant form {???} grew at a speed visible to the human eye. Little did he know that his form had become even more demonic than it was angelic. And little did he know that it was his desire for revenge for his brother Shizen that caused these changes to his body.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNN." Keki was the first to wake up as she felt something next to her pulsating very quickly. Remembering that Wong was next to her she twisted her body in a way so that she would "accidentally" crush the 4 meter form of Wong under her weight. Although she was only 3.91 meters tall she still 18 tonnes heavy from her dragon form. This meant that her huge figure had been condensed but remained the same weight so if she "accidentally" fell on Wong then then he would be at most bruised due to his strong body but but would wake up.

Imagine Keki"s surprise When she fell onto Wong"s colossal bulky left hand. Currently Wong was a giant of 44 meters height. That was more the twice Keki"s height as a dragon!

Suddenly Wong woke up. Looking at the suddenly somewhat cramped nest he was sleeping in Wong felt a headache. Next to him Keki reverted back to her dragon form and screamed at Wong.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" She pouted. "If you are going to suddenly get a growth spurt then grow somewhere else because it hurts my pride as a teenage dragon."

Wong stared at the tsundere dragon seriously and grinned. So he had a growth spurt eh? 40 meters of growth from a growth spurt wasn"t too shabby.

"Oh wait how did you get smaller?" Wong questioned Keki.

"You have to send signals to every single cell in your body and tell them to shrink." Keki lectured. "You will be unable to become a human because you are already in a humanoid form, kind of." Keki stared at Wong"s demonic horns for a while but continued her lecture. "When your body shrinks your muscles become more compressed and will release the same amount of force as in your normal umm… 44 meter tall form but it is concentrated over a much smaller area and will probably be able to obliterate anything judging from your strength."

Wong followed Keki"s instructions and shrank to 5 meters tall but could shrink no more.

"And there"s a limit to how small one can shrink." Keki finished.

"Oh well I"m going to get stronger now see you." Wong grinned whole heartily and ran through the portal and back into the cave.

Poor Keki was left in Shizen"s nest.

Touchy touchy.

Touchy touchy.

Touchy grab.

Rare ore indigo crystal stone has been discovered.

Rare ore indigo crystal energy has been converted into exp.

Level up!


This was how Wong planned on getting stronger.

Open status window.


Name: Wong Ye-Qui

Age: ???

Mental age: ???

Bloodlines: {Demonic Dragon King 20%} {Angelic Scorpion King 20%} {??? 60%{Active}}

Soul age: ???

Soul power: G.o.d tier

Talent: Infinite



Strength: 100105000/100105000 {+}

Stamina: 100105000/100105000 {+}

Mana: 100105000/100105000 {+}

Health: 100105000/100105000 {+}

Charisma: Infinite {Full}

Available points for distribution: 0


Close status window.

Somehow Wong"s form {???} Had become active.

Wong thought for a moment a completely disregarded that fact.

"Woohoo I"m getting closer to finishing that stupid system"s Quest." Wong laughed. "King of goldenback ape kings I"m coming for you mwuahahahahaha kekekekekekekeke!"