Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1626 - Li Fengyuan

Chapter 1626 - Li Fengyuan

In the Hundred Herbs garden, beneath the bodhi tree.

A spirited, handsome young man laid on his side. He propped up his head with his right hand, while his left hand was placed flat before him. The light, soft silken kasaya of ochre yellow glowed down from his body like water. He seemed extremely relaxed and at ease.

His rosy cheeks gave off an aura of gentleness and peace as if he was sleeping soundly, yet he also seemed as if he was deep in thought, filled with a buddhist aura.

Suddenly, a breeze filled his face.

With a rustle, the shadow of the tree danced about, casting golden light everywhere. The entire tree full of golden leaves clashed together, producing a slight, metallic thrum.

A gentle voice said, “You need to leave here immediately.”

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After almost two or three seconds, Li Fengyuan finally opened his eyes as if he had just woken up from an extremely deep dream. He saw Ruan Yaozhu, except his expression was still rather misty, like it was hidden behind some fog.

“You can’t!”

Before he could respond, a streak of colourful light shot over, landing on the hill gently and turning into a white deer. The deer’s antlers glistened like coral, while her fur shone with mottled colour. She was Ruan Yaozhu’s mount, the nine-coloured deer.

“Jiu’er, don’t b.u.t.t in this.” Ruan Yaozhu waved her hand and rebuked her gently.

The nine-coloured deer took a step forward and stood in front of Li Fengyuang. “You piece of wood, you’re the one who shouldn’t so something so foolish! I’ve already heard it. Li Qingshan has already defected to the Demon domain. You’re too deeply involved with him. If you let this kid go now, then you’ll really be in too deep. Even expelling you from the sect would be a light punishment. Your life might even be in danger!”

She turned to Li Fengyuan and said, “Kid, I quite like you, but your father has always acted with absurdity. Given the situation, we can’t help you either.”

Li Fengyuan nodded with a smile. “My father has always been a great b.a.s.t.a.r.d. There’s nothing strange about him defecting to the Demon domain.”

Ruan Yaozhu said, “No, there must be some kind of misunderstanding! He might not be a good person, but he’ll never take the side of demonfolk. He must have been captured by a Demon G.o.d. We need to find a way to save him…” However, her voice gradually fell off. She understood very well that she was incapable of barging into the Demon domain and saving anybody. However, if she did nothing, how could she find peace?

The nine-coloured deer widened her eyes as if she was looking at a fool. “I think you’re the one who needs saving. The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s judgment can’t be wrong. How can there be any misunderstanding? The Heavenly Tome of Liberty he practises has always been a demonic art. Even back then outside Black Cloud city, he was exchanging secret glances with Demon G.o.d Taowu. Now, he’s probably gotten sick of all the ru…

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