Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1643 - Inner Demons

Chapter 1643 - Inner Demons

The Hundred Herbs garden was so bright that it seemed like daytime. There were no longer any gaps between the flashes of lightning. It weaved into a gorgeous, dancing net around Ruan Yaozhu, dyeing everything white.


The surroundings shook endlessly as the rumbles of thunder merged into one single, unending roar. It was like the wheel of a tremendous carriage was rolling through the sky.

Li Qingshan looked up with his head raised. No matter how many times he saw it, he still felt shocked by the might of the world.

Ruan Yaozhu’s situation was not good. Not only did she have to face the regular tribulation lightning, but she also had to constantly guard against the sudden attacks from the tiny sword, requiring her full attention.

Her expression constantly changed, sometimes with her eyebrows locked, like she was in great pain, sometimes with a smile on her face, like she had forgotten about her current predicament and was in great joy.

With a lapse in her focus, the tiny sword shot past her ribs on her right side with a flash, leading to a splash of blood that was immediately vapourised.

If she had not twisted her body at that critical moment, she basically would have been split into two by that flash. She did not focus on forging her body like Chao Tianjiao, nor did she possess Li Qingshan’s body of the demonic and divine. It would be basically impossible for her to recover if her body was destroyed. Even the best outcome by then was just becoming a Corpse Liberating Immortal.

Li Qingshan was aware that she currently faced the attacks of the skandha-māra.

The five skandha were form, sensations, perceptions, actions, and consciousness.

Form referred to the body of form, which was the source of all inner demons, as well as the source of all humanity.

“I have great trouble because of my body. If I have no body, what troubles would I have?”

All of the worries and troubles that a person faced originated from the body. It was also through the body that they could experience everything that life could offer, which led to various emotions, which finally resulted in actions.

And every action made by a person would influence the world around them, leading to certain responses from the world too. This exchange shaped their understanding of everything in the world.

When the Yang Soul morphed into an Origin Soul, it was like a yolk turning into an embryo. Their body of form would undergo intrinsic changes, which would definitely lead to changes in sensations, perceptions, actions, and consciousness. Together, that was known as the skandha-māra.

This was her inner demon. No one could help her with it, just like how no one could help her live her life for her.

Originally, before she faced the tribulation, she definitely would have bathed and lit some incense, calming her mind so that her body and heart became one, adjusting herself into a perfect state devoid of any extreme emotions.

However, life always came with the unexpected. Ruan Yaozhu just happe…

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