Legend of the Great Saint

Chapter 1658 - Changing Trigrams

Chapter 1658 - Changing Trigrams

The Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes continued to tower over the colossal platform it was built on. Its vermillion gates remained firmly shut.

At this moment, the red sun had only just risen, illuminating the land with its glow. It made the gate even more red, becoming like blood.

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A large, tall figure suddenly appeared on the platform, approaching the vermillion gates slowly.

A long shadow extended from under his feet, slowly crawling along the tiles. It seemed particularly broad and mighty, except there were a pair of curved horns at the end.

With each step taken, the pressure on Li Qingshan grew heavier, causing his muscles to bulge further.

He had already arrived in the central region of the All-encompa.s.sing Formation of the Myriad, so its power obviously became mightier.

In the beginning, his footsteps were still somewhat light, no different from a regular person’s, but towards the end, they gradually grew heavier. When he arrived within thirty metres of the gate, each step left behind a deep footprint.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! The heavy footsteps echoed between the walkways.

The shadow on the gate suddenly became rather blurred. Li Qingshan looked back. Thick smoke rose up throughout Myriad city.

Basically all of the structures in the city were built from wood. Countless buildings and pavilions had been set alight by the intense heat released from the exploding Yang Souls. Fierce flames burst forth.

Normally, any inner disciple could extinguish this fire. Even just a thought from the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance was enough.

But now, the disciples had all fled already, and the Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance could no longer spare any effort with anything else.

Watching Myriad city being burned to the ground, Li Qingshan also felt some pity. He said loudly, “Why don’t you submit to me, fellow? I will definitely do everything I can to a.s.sist you in undergoing the seventh heavenly tribulation. With your talents and foundation, you definitely won’t lose out on the t.i.tle of G.o.d! You’ll be able to help the Myriad sect avert a crisis too. If we continue fighting like this, not only will Myriad city go up in flames, but even the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes and the billions of books collected in there won’t be spared!”

“You’re just an ignorant brat who can’t even uphold his word, and you still go on about G.o.dhood!? If you want to destroy my Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes, why don’t you get through my formation first!”

The Spirit Reverend of Ocean Returnance’s voice also contained a rare hint of anger. No matter how calm and rational he was, he was still a living creature with emotions. He could neglect the lives of the direct disciples, but the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes and the books it contained was a collection he spent his life building. How could he not be angry when Li Qingshan used that to threaten him?

Li Qingshan sighed. No matter how forceful and unreasonable he was, he was unable to rebuke the accusation of being unable to uphold his word.

When he arrived before the gate…

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